But last night, I really felt unbearable pain. The only thing comparable to it is the pain of breaking a bone when I fell from a tree when I was a child.

How does it feel to have a three-centimeter-long, one-centimeter-deep wound dug out of a person's upper arm?

Probably so.

'Fight with me. '

This is what the alien who claimed to be Empat said, what will the battle go through?

The first thing to bear is pain, and beyond that, there is a deeper fear.

When you find that there is an unknown creature in your body that can even take away your body at any time, will you believe him?Why do you trust him?

"Hello, Kazama."

At this moment, the voice of calling came into my ears.

Following the voice, I raised my head, my friend for many years was standing there, with my name written on the badge on my chest - 'Suyuan Xia'

He held two coffee cups in his hand and handed one of them over.

"What happened to you today? Could it be that you had a fight with your wife?"

"You are missing the crow's mouth."

After Kazama complained, he took the coffee and put it on the table, and then pulled down his sleeves.

And Suwon raised his eyebrows, because the other party's reaction really didn't look like a lie.

If it's not arguing with your family, what is?

"Not enough money to spend?"

As adults, most of the troubles are because of money.

"It's okay, it's just a little trouble."

Kazama waved his hand to show that he didn't need to care, but Suwon gave him a strange look.

'It's okay, it's just something tangled up, what are you talking about? '

Could it be that he plans to receive the Contradictory Literature Award in the near future?

He didn't understand the situation, but he couldn't force the other party to talk like this.

After thinking for a while, Suwon finally decided to divert his friend's attention:

"By the way, have you checked today's SNS?"

"no, what happened?"

It can be said that Kazama slept in a mess last night, and he felt extremely uncomfortable when he woke up in the morning. Not to mention watching the news, he was almost deducted from his salary for being late.

Rino was even more worried about this, because he did not share the bed with his wife last night.

The reason for this is simple, you would never want to share the bed with your wife if you have another man inside you.

Just thinking about it makes me want to throw up.

During this short chat, Su Yuan had also turned on his cell phone.

While retrieving the picture, he said the unknowable thing:

"The news has not been broadcast yet, because the impact is too bad. At about 6:23 this morning, something happened in Saitama County... Can it be regarded as a broken body? Anyway, it probably feels like this."

What appeared in front of Kazama was a picture full of mosaics.

But just looking at it like this, he already felt a certain nauseating urge.

Mostly blood, but also mixed with other colors such as yellow, white and black, these things stuck to the floor and the walls.

"Take it away!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Suyuan took the phone away contentedly. After all, he kept the picture with a mentality of 'I can't be the only one disgusting'.

"In short, this is the case. I don't know whether this picture is real or fake. The news is not broadcast, and I don't have any friends in Saitama Prefecture. If it is real, what do you think? It is the one who said recently Alien life that landed on Earth?"

For Suwon, or for ordinary people, these untrue things are just rumors, which are good for talking.

But it was different for Kazama, before he could react, he heard that voice:

"It's Zaki, he started to spread alien beasts, people are afraid of death, and death is the greatest fear."

At this time, Suwon felt very puzzled, because right in front of his eyes, his friend suddenly turned around as if frightened by something, and there was nothing there, nothing at all.

Even so, the other party still looked at it with a... I don't know how to describe it, it didn't look like a show at all.

"Kazama, are you really okay? Do you want to take a leave of absence?"

"Huh? Oh...it's okay, I'm just a little tired, I'm going to the toilet."

Facing his friend's concern, Kazama forced a smile, then got up and left the office.

His back slowly moved away, and Suwon, who was left behind, frowned tightly. He stared at the coffee cup on the table, which was still full of coffee.

"What is that!"

Suddenly, this call attracted Suwon's attention.

The tone of the colleague by the window was full of fear, following his curiosity, he walked towards the window, wanting to see what happened.

A few seconds later, the scene on the street made him lose his voice.

At the same moment, when he left the office, he could of course see Nangong beside him in the wind room in the toilet.

"Is that what you said Zaki did?"

Someone has died, and in a very miserable way.

"Are you asking me to fight the ghost who did this?"

Kazama's tone contained seven parts anger and three parts fear. Just as Nangong said, death is a fear that humans have been unable to get rid of since ancient times.

And pain is something that almost everyone hates.

"What a joke! You brought that monster to this earth!"

He accused Nangong unreasonably, because there was no trustworthy element in Nangong at this time.

First entered his body, and then took control of his body.

Kazama deeply understood that if Nangong wanted to harm him, he would not even have the slightest ability to resist.

Nangong also understands this very well.

Even in an emergency, he still did a lot of misleading things.

The other party has no reason to trust him, and he has not been able to win the other party's trust in such a short period of time.

There is not even an hour of communication between the two parties. How can a bridge of trust be established under such circumstances.

However, this is not a personal matter.

"Kazema, only you can fight now, it's not just about you alone, if you don't fight more people will die."

Nangong told of the urgency of the situation.

"So you come to morally kidnap me now?"

Kazama doesn't trust the other party, so no matter what the other party says, it sounds like rhetoric.

"What crisis do you use for all mankind to press me, telling me that if you don't fight, mankind will be destroyed to force me to fight? To force me to bear the risk of pain and death?"

He didn't need any cover-up, he was just scared, after seeing the miserable death of human beings.

'You're next'

That pile of 'things' seemed to be saying so.

A strong sense of fear reverberated in his heart, so Nangong felt this feeling.

"Kazama, even if you don't care about other people, think about your wife and children."

He still tried to persuade the other party, but what he got in return was only stronger confrontation.

"It's all your fault! Why didn't you chase that Zaki guy to Mars and Venus? Why Earth!"

Kazama didn't want to die yet, he had no special training, and he didn't have any noble morals, the pain last night alone was enough for him to drink a pot.

"If you're going to fight that Zaki, get out of me and find him instead of dragging me along!"

"I leave your body, you will die."

"Oh? Really? How do I know if you're actually going to die? Maybe you're just a parasite or something?"


It would be a waste of words to say any more, and Nangong felt helpless about it.

But what can he do?

Just leave the opponent's body and let the opponent die?Orphans and widows?


Before the conversation could continue, the sound of frantic footsteps echoed outside.

Not one or two people, but many, many people.


Kazama's attention was distracted, he hurriedly left the toilet, and collided with his colleagues with a 'bang'.

He immediately grabbed the young female newcomer who fell backwards.

"Sorry, what's going on here? Why is everyone so flustered?"

Hearing this question, the girl took several deep breaths, but couldn't say anything.

Before she could answer, the inconspicuous siren sounded to this floor due to the closer distance.


Kazama realized something instinctively, he let go of the girl, and walked quickly towards the window.

Looking down from the 22nd floor, the commercial street that should have been crowded with people turned out to be sparsely populated.

A lot of figures are running away, and the mess on the ground is the debris thrown by them when they escaped.

In addition, there are also those who failed to escape.

Male and female, they lay motionless on the ground, red liquid was flowing on the ground.

There is one more person standing.

She couldn't even stand up, and the only reason she didn't fall was because something was pulling her.

That 'person' just maintains a human form, and his face, which cannot correspond to any kind of creature, is just like the devil imagined in the work.

"Put that woman down!"

The police were equipped with pistols because they had received reports of madmen killing people in the streets.

Just rushed to the scene to see, it is probably not 'crazy'

It is an inhuman existence.

Facing the pitch-black muzzle, the alien beasts that had long since lost their will showed no fear.

Not to mention being afraid, it is even joyful.

The police are professionally trained, but that's about it.

The alien beasts present did not look like human beings to them, and secondly, the unknown life and death of the people on the ground proved that the existence in their eyes was not a normal person.

Facing madmen, facing murderers, people always have fear.

This fear is strengthening the alien beast. When it starts to attack humans, a large amount of fear will be transmitted continuously, making it stronger and giving birth to new fears and new alien beasts.

At this moment, in the sewers of the city, a strange 'liquid' wriggled in the pipes, splitting into new parts in the process of slowly increasing its volume.

In the commercial street, the eyes of the caught women were full of fear, and the tear glands were out of control, and they kept pouring out tears.

The alien beast opened its mouth, and a large number of sharp teeth protruded.

The gunshot resounded across the sky instantly, and the bullet hit that face precisely, and a scream was caused by pain.

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