After that, they made a connection.

If you want to seek resources, you can go to the stars. It is not a crisis of extinction, and there is no conflict, so there is no problem.

There are still monsters appearing from time to time. I don't know which universe it is here, and there is no guardian named 'Ultraman'.

Civilization can only take up arms to defend itself, to fight.

The scale gradually expanded, building space stations in the sea of ​​vacuum, transforming satellites into weapons, and even the core of stars became the source of power.

A race is gradually expanding, and everything seems to be moving in a good direction.

But one day, scientists observed a strange phenomenon.

The stars that hung thousands of light-years away went out, and not just one or two.

Such a phenomenon is confusing, and this situation is gradually continuing, which is disturbing.

They left home because of the destruction of the stars, and they were disturbed by this, so they kept wanting to know the answer.

However, what lies ahead is the final destruction.

"The life of the universe has come to an end. The original expansion stopped, but began to shrink. Planets, stars, everything is compressed and mixed together. If even the longest-lived life is ushered in death, where can the remaining people escape? Where are you going?"

Tregear sighed, he is not an emotionless machine, after experiencing the initial destruction, he has been acting in different universes, looking for a way to overcome the destruction.

Without waiting for Empat to answer, he continued to tell:

"Go to another universe that will usher in the same destruction one day? If one can't survive, go to the next one?"

Would this be the best ending?

"The civilizations that have survived and can travel across the universe are slowly increasing, and the number keeps increasing until they gather in the few remaining universes. They may have different ideas in their arms, and this different thinking leads to disputes. Eventually war broke out."

"What if instead of a war, we work together to find a solution?"

Empat interrupted Tregia's narration, he was already vaguely aware of the source of the other's emptiness.

"Can you find it?"

Tregchia sneered, but Empat was not angry.

He just suddenly remembered a sentence on Earth and said it:

"He who has given up persuades others to give up, even in the hope that others will not succeed."

This sentence was completely heard by Tregear, he shrugged and said:

"Maybe this is the case, or it may not be the case, but life is passed down from generation to generation, and the inheritance of ideas has not been cut off. In another sense, civilization has not been destroyed, but more civilizations can't even do interstellar travel. Arrived, only destruction is ushered in."

For Tregear, this is a very meaningless thing.

"Life is always being destroyed in the world. No matter how hard you try, there are things you can't touch. Even if you get to the end by luck, you will usher in death on a scale of the universe. If nothing is passed down, then what's the point of everything? Woolen cloth?"

Even if one person dies, more people will inherit the idea and continue to exist, then there will be no destruction, and civilization will develop from generation to generation in this way.

But what if there is no inheritor?

"In the destruction where everything ceases to exist, there is no past and no future, everything has lost its meaning, and there is not even an existence that defines meaning. What lies ahead of the death of the universe?"

There is nothing left, is there?


In this illusion, everything before has disappeared, only the bottomless darkness.

Not from the heart, but from death.

Empat thought about these words. It doesn't matter where Tregia came from, what matters is what he has experienced.

Having experienced the death of the universe, when one has feelings for something and then loses them, that feeling is painful.

For an existence like 'Ultraman', this pain is so deeply rooted that it may not be eliminated until death.

"after that."

Hearing these words, Tregear shifted his gaze to hear what was behind.

"Maybe a new life will be born again."


Unfortunately, Empat's words are not satisfactory.

"It sounds to me like you're saying that life is dead now, and new ones will be born anyway."

Tregear's tone was mocking, and he hated such an answer.

And Empat shook his head, and he also heard something, such as:

"It sounds to me like you're saying that life is irreplaceable now and you don't want them to be destroyed."

Otherwise, it would not have such a strong attachment.

"You deny the idea that life is passed down from generation to generation. You feel that life in the present is meaningless if it doesn't last. You keep your eyes on the past and you don't want to accept the future."

"Ha! That sounds nice!"

Tregchia felt a strong sense of disgust, because the person in front of him had a similar point of view with a friend from the past, and his hometown in the past-the past cannot be changed, but the future can be changed.

"What about you? Just looking at the future you——"

"No, I didn't just look at the future, do you know what's different between us?"

The words were interrupted, Empat's previous observation was over, and he clenched his fists, ready to fight.

"I am different from you who have given up. You think that there is no cure in the end anyway, so you give up now, but I will not give up now, and I don't plan to forget the past. If the destruction you said will definitely come, then I will Just fight until that day."

This is the answer Empat got, which is too much like a 'human' answer, will he die in the future and do nothing now?

Not so.

"Tregear, you didn't come to see me just to chat with me, come on."

Clinging to the past, giving up the present and the future, that's why it's so empty.

See a lot of things, but never do anything, because there is no point anyway.

Don't care about anything, just let your thoughts run wild and mess around.

To Empat, Tregchia looked like a madman, a drunken drunk.

But this madness seems to stem from the loss of the past.

The paths of the two will not overlap, and it is difficult to overlap.

Because no matter what kind of thoughts or thoughts the other party has, it will not change a thing.

He didn't do it for justice or morality, he just killed people out of interest and involved many people.

So, is the enemy.


Tregear was silent, and he began to recall the past.

People who cling to the past may indeed be like this, and maybe they have been like this from a long time ago.

If I really have to say...

' Taylor. '

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Among the stars, there was such a country in the dark universe.

With power, choose to uphold justice.

that place is...

Nebula M78, the Kingdom of Light universe.

It is also rare in countless universes. Everyone in this civilization has evolved into another form of creature, but each of them has their own ideas, so some choose to fight, and some choose to live an ordinary life. go down.

Among those who choose to fight, there is a man named 'Tayro'.

On the outside of the Plasma Spark Tower, in this place full of memories, he lowered his head and stared at the props in his hand.

It was a gift given to him by a friend in the past, Taiga Spark.


The life of the Ott family is extremely long, which corresponds to their extremely clear memory.

Even today, the past is still vivid.

At that time, if he didn't pay too much attention to the mission, if he listened to his brothers and took a short break, he might be able to notice Tregear's abnormality.

Why did he leave the Kingdom of Light?

The matter is no longer important now, what is important is that he was unable to do anything at that time, and he was not even by the other party's side.

Unlike the situation of being admired by people, there is a little loneliness in Taylor's back at this time.

Looking at the back, the man named Hikari sighed.

"It's my responsibility, if I could—"

"No, it's not anyone's responsibility."

Interrupting this sentence, he was accompanied by the captain of the Space Guard, Sophie.

Everyone feels sorry for what happened to Tregchia, but it is not anyone's responsibility.

Sophie has noticed one thing from before:

"Our Otto family seems to have an innate attachment, just like Torregia to Taylor, Beria to power, and you to Aber Star. Sometimes this attachment will become motivation, but Sometimes it becomes a shackle."

Hearing this sentence, Hikari recalled his past, and also recalled what the king once said:

"The clearer the water surface, the easier it is to be stained and muddy..."

Obsessed with Aber Star, he degenerates into Hunter Knight Sword, only a short distance from making an irreparable mistake.

There is no reason for the people on earth to be sacrificed by him, but at that time he could see nothing but revenge.

As Zoffy said, the Otto family seems to have an innate obsession.


"The battle with yourself is never ending."

From a rookie to a guard, from a guard to the captain, Sophie has experienced many things, and also has the experience of failing in battle and being unable to protect others.

These pains, unwillingness, despair, and sadness fill my heart, and if I take a wrong step, I will fall into darkness.

Fighting is not only with the enemy, but also with yourself.

The two raised their heads, and the brilliance of the plasma spark tower shone on them. Is this a blessing or a curse?

180 eight chapters wide and boundless

Every heavy punch is so unbearable, the vibration is accompanied by loud noise, the loud noise is accompanied by extreme speed, fists and arms, legs and knees, claws and palms, every confrontation goes all out, bursting out with terrifying power.

The aftermath of the conflict alone is enough to tear the earth apart.

However, this is a special space, no matter how you fight, it will not affect other places.

Arms collided, and after a brief stalemate, Tregear flew out backwards, and the lightning ball he threw arced.

"Tregear, what did you gain power for, what did you pursue power for!"

Empat swayed and passed through the gap of the attack.

His ten fingers turned into claws, and blue flames danced from his fingertips.

Throwing out his right hand, the flames at the tip of his fingertips swelled and turned into fireballs. They pulled their short tails and chased towards the enemy from different directions, finally gathering at the same position and passing each other.

The enemies that were originally there disappeared, Empat turned around immediately, and swung his left hand out quickly.

The fierce confrontation erupted with harsh noises of metal rubbing against each other, and the claws swung by Tregchia collided with Empat's counterattacked claws, a mixture of light gold and blue and white.

Once, twice, three times.

Empat pulled forward to close the distance, his thrown head jerked forward, and a head hammer smashed into the enemy's face.

His five fingers closed together turned into a palm knife, and he stabbed forward quickly.

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