That is the virtual planet Xia, the wavelength of the Ott family has been registered, and the corresponding observation system can also be produced at any time.

All this is thanks to one person.

Gilbaris stared at Empat in front of him. There was a cyan light in his pupils, and his consciousness had not disappeared. Regarding this, it was not clear whether it was because of willpower or because of the 'setting' it made


Artificial minds that don't need any rest continue to perform a sort of 'vivisection'

It is no longer a simple hand, one after another mechanical tentacles are wrapped around Empat, crawling along the face to around the eyes, and the separated thin lines are drilled into the inside.

'parse, understand, and finally copy'

That's what Gil Barris is aiming for.

160 Eight Chapters of Frontal Breakthrough

"Why this expression?"

Above this strange sky are leaping giants and behemoths.

Dyna and Saigon, they took the light particle converter and booster that successfully completed the test and left outside the atmosphere, with only one goal, which is the location of the virtual planet Xia.

However, compared to these two, the soldiers and researchers at the Mars frontline base can do nothing but watch here.

The physical Condor and Phantom can't even provide support, so they are waiting here, standing here, and can only pin their hopes on Dyna.

Even though ten years have passed, human beings are still like that.

Clearly all kinds of progress have been made, but human beings can still only watch here.

That's why he put on this unwilling expression.

"I'm not reconciled, and I still can't do anything in the end."

The young researcher pursed his lips, and the figures of Dyna and Saigon had disappeared.

Listening to his words, the older researcher can fully understand that feeling.

Ten years ago, when Dijia and Empat were active, he also had this feeling.

No matter how you try to catch up, there is no way to catch up with those two god-like existences that defy all common sense.

In the period when Ultraman just appeared, human beings didn't have the slightest understanding of them, and they were afraid of the unknown.

Fear, so it will be more radical.

TPC once regarded Ultraman as an imaginary enemy, why?

Because Ultraman is an unknown existence, without the slightest communication, it is uncontrollable.

This 'uncontrollable' refers to the fact that human beings have no countermeasures against it.

It is guaranteed that a god who protects mankind will one day become a god of death who destroys mankind. How likely is that?

ten percent? 5.00%?One percent?

No matter what, as long as the possibility is not zero, it must be treated as 100%.

That's why TPC regarded Ultraman as an imaginary enemy at the beginning.

The change of concept afterward was proved by Tiga and Empat fighting monsters and invaders again and again.

Even so, humans still did not give up.

It stopped completely without saying 'Leave everything to Ultraman'.

Human beings have to protect themselves with their own hands. With such a concept, they keep working hard, but the result is nothing more than this.

In the end, it is Ultraman who can rely on it.


At this moment, a voice interrupted the thoughts of the two researchers.

The one who spoke was Yuan Dagu, a former member of the Victory Team.

"I communicated with Tiga, and he said so."

At least Dagu thinks so:

"One day, we will be able to swim in the sea of ​​stars together, and human beings can become light with their own power. Before that, let us become the barrier of your world."

He looked at the people around him and continued:

"Didn't we all turn into light ten years ago? If only Ultraman was fighting, then mankind would have been destroyed long ago. It is precisely because all of us have the same idea that we can defeat the darkness together. This time Definitely can win."

There is no confusion or hesitation in Dagu's expression, until the end... no, even at the end, he will not give up.

"Never give up on the future, one step at a time, we are gradually approaching Ultraman, and the day of traveling in the star sea together will definitely come, not only for ourselves, but also for Ultraman, we must not admit defeat."


The researchers felt the frustration in their hearts disappear, and the man in front of them had a strange convincing power.

In other words, some people showed perseverance in this confused situation, so they are convincing.

"And our battle is not over yet. If the earth is taken out and turned into a battle arena, Dyna and Empat will definitely need support."

Dagu turned his gaze to the sky again, he wanted to fly once again as a human being.

The night passed, and above the blue and red sky, Dyna kept going and followed Saigon beside him.

"You will leave first after the meeting is settled."


A short cry is a response received.

Unaffected by gravity and atmosphere, the two are moving from Mars to the virtual planet Xia at a speed that humans have not yet touched.

Soon, the red planet appeared in front of my eyes.

In the interior of the planet without entities, the Mastermind has naturally sensed the arrival of the uninvited guest.


The new radar produced clearly marked the wavelength of the 'Ott family', and the fish that slipped through the net that escaped before came back as expected.

In Gilbaris' cognition, the Ott family would not refuse to save them, even if that 'death' had nothing to do with them.

If all life in the universe is like the Otts, how can peace be a luxury?

It's a pity that there are no such good things.

Sigh... Or maybe the calculation ends here.

Following Gilbaris' order, red characters emerged on the surface of the virtual planet Xia, not counting its surface.

These characters continue to gather, and finally form an entity.

The Legion of Galatrons has arrived in empty space, and the sight of them can't help but be awe-inspiring.

Even though he had already made up his mind, Dyna still couldn't help but have a feeling of 'I am sending myself to death'

Without the hindrance of the atmosphere, the sun shines on his body, and abundant power flows in his body, he is not just a little bit stronger.

It's just that Gilbaris has been to many, many universes, and even though he has been pursued by the Space Guard, the loss is not as much as what he has made up.

Devour different civilizations and planets, treat them as nutrients, and finally form an army that looks down upon them.

Just looking at it like this, nearly ten thousand Galatrons appeared in Dyna's line of sight, and the number was still increasing.

With such an army, even smashing a whole planet is not difficult.

One side, the quantity is two.

On one side, the quantity is based on tens of thousands.

There is no return, and there is no chance of victory at all.

Even so, Dyna was advancing, charging towards Galatron's army.

Floating around him are four rings, and he carries the surviving amplifiers and converters of the Mars base.

Accompanied by the rhythm of energy, the crimson rays of light gathered together, and the color was like a red giant star that was gradually buying death.

The Galatron Legion transformed energy into destructive light, and the energy fluctuations brought about by a salvo made Dyna's body instinctively tremble with fear.

If hit, the chance of death is almost one hundred percent.

So, just don't get hit.

Dyna accelerated further, but no one was faster than him.

Sai Gang waved his arms in front of him, and his movements left traces of light blue.

The space around the earth is not stable, and this is because of too much interference in the space.

It is precisely because of these interferences that the evil Bogaru and Gilbaris completely marked this universe.

But now, cracks appeared in this space again.

Dyna clearly knew that this was a bad thing, but until now, there was no other way.

Go through the catastrophe first, and then think about the future.

In an instant, the already unstable space began to shatter layer by layer, like tofu that shatters at the first touch.

In the opened passage, there is a tunnel that does not know where it will go.

The salvo of the Galatron Legion began to distort, sucking in the huge space crack.

At this moment, Jill Barris' attention was diverted.

It knew that Dyna was taken away by an existence capable of manipulating space, but it didn't know that Saigon's manipulation of space had reached such an astonishing level.

The time and place are favorable, and the edge of the space rift is blue in contrast to the bombardment, emitting a dim light.

The volume of the crack kept expanding, even approaching five thousand kilometers.

If the earth still exists at this time, the terrible suction will sweep it away and take it to an unknown distance.

However, only Galatron and virtual planets exist here.

In front of each body of the legion, the colorful magic circle once again interfered with the space, preventing gravity.

Cygon's actions had only one effect, and that was to avoid the regiment's bombardment.

For Dyna, that's more than enough.

With the power of thought, the equipment surrounding him is arranged in front of him.

Dyna crashed into the original conversion device, and the next moment, a group of condensed light particles appeared from the other side.

This group of light particles moved forward again and crashed into the amplifier arranged in the second position.

From the outside, nothing has changed.

When Dyna, transformed into light, crashed into the second amplifier, he felt intense pain.


The whole body seemed to be torn apart. Before he had time to feel it carefully, he crashed into the third booster. The second booster was full of cracks at this time, and it seemed that it was about to explode.

Even without damage from aftermath, the Amplifier has a cap.

In the dark, someone is watching everything.

His name is Tregchia, and for the current situation, he intends to see the end.


This is his evaluation. The use of this amplifier would be unthinkable if one does not have a special understanding of the characteristics of the Ultra family.

Finally, the third amplifier exploded completely, and the golden comet that was staring at it began to shake wildly.

If it was 'almost tearing Dyna apart'

Now it's really tearing Dyna apart.

The light particles that make up the body scattered and exploded in all directions.

Can't handle the strength?

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