
Sfia rushed out from the inside of the computer.

The next moment, this piece of white exploded directly.

120 Chapter Eight

What do people see after death, and is there still consciousness?

Things that have troubled people for thousands of years cannot be answered, because no one wants to die, and there is no way to communicate with the dead.

'Am I... dead? '

Consciousness, it seems, still exists.

It is only natural that the sense of fear rises again.

What I felt just now, the scary feeling when I recall it, I really don't want to experience it again.

Knowing that he is abnormal but unable to get rid of it, the sense of peace and comfort that should not exist is the proof of abnormality.

Open your eyes slowly, did you open your eyes?

It seems to be a conscious action, because I can't feel my body.

What appeared in front of Masaki's eyes was a silver-gray figure.

On its chest, the blue timer symbolizes the abundance of energy.

"You are---"

Red patterns are all over the body, and the chest is a V-shaped dark gold breastplate.

Consistent with this color, there are wrist armor and leg armor on the arms and legs.

What kind of posture does the artificial Ultraman Terra Noyd look like after it moves?

Masaki, who had imagined countless times, finally witnessed it with his own eyes.

He was watching the giant, and at the same time the giant was watching him.

Strength is a necessary thing, but it is also the source of chaos.

The Spethium Ore, the remains of the two giants of light, was fused together, but the light within was not awakened.

Until that day, the existence of entering the stone statue and intending to seize the "light" stimulated the incomplete two consciousnesses.

Their minds have long been dilapidated, and even so, they still remember the war that brought countless tragedies.

The nature of power cannot determine the essence of a person. The ultra-ancient giants wielding 'light' just invaded the body, abandoned hope, and pursued the existence of desire.

Therefore, Tyranoid rejected the people in this base.

The unprepared desire to discover, the pursuit of power, and the perennial obsession, this place is full of such people.

But... there is a person who let go of his obsession at the end of his life.

The courage to give up your dreams is the right heart.

If you have such awareness, you will not use this power wrongly.


Masaki saw that Tyranoid's body was gradually disappearing, and he spread out into pure light.

These particles formed a stream of light, and then entered his body.

"This, this is—"

Gradually, I became aware of the existence of the physical body and felt the extension of my senses.

'Self' seems to be everywhere.

To be able to see people who resist, to be able to see people who give up, to be able to see people who are about to be swallowed.

It seems that a single touch can change everything.

With a thought, the situation changed.

In an instant, the exploded Sfia was in front of Staff Gondo, and in the eyes of Dagu and Lina, the colleagues who were thrown to the ground gasped fiercely, and the Sfia who had touched them before was torn to pieces.

Unlike other people, Dagu could see the pale golden particles floating in the air.

The next moment, Jomos, who had left the Mars frontline base, was blown away by the fierce impact, and what appeared there was a giant wrapped in a faint light.

"So that's the case, this is the task you left me."

Completely integrated, Masaki could feel something passing in his body.

So far, the energy injected into Tyranoid's body by the New Magus power system is not useless, and has been stored inside the body.

And these light energies spread out when it shattered, spreading to the entire base, even Sfia couldn't notice it.

So at the moment just now, these light energies turned into terrifying blades under will, instantly tearing up a large number of Sfia.

"One and both..."

Ultraman, the giant of light, seems to be very brain-dead.

The will to protect humanity even after 3000 million years...

"I will do it."

Masaki, or Terra Noyd.

The silver-gray giant connected his arms to his arms. He obviously didn't have any memories, but somehow recalled the release of skills, and his instincts were deeply engraved in this completed body.

Drop, level, sweep.

The same bright blue flowed inside the purple radiance, and the Solgate light completely burned and evaporated it the moment it touched Sfia, leaving nothing left.

The straight light is like a sword blade, piercing the sky with one blow, and the false sky formed by Sfia is so fragile that it can be split in an instant.

Before it could react, the blade of light swept in different directions.

In just two seconds, when Jomos fell to the ground of Mars, there were not many Sfia spheres left that attacked the Mars base.

Terranoid stared at the sky, where there were no stars, only a void of nothingness.

He ignores it, the first thing to deal with now is 'that thing'

When Jomos stood up from the ground, someone was already blocking it.

Staring at the new Sfia synthetic beast, Tyranoid thought.

The energy in the body can still be regarded as abundant, able to fight.

Moreover, the expanded senses have a completely different feeling, the most important thing is the familiar feeling from the enemy.

Tyranoid's body has the light injected by the new Magus power system, so it feels that unique wave.

' That's why it's such a gesture. '

He completely understood why the monster in front of him looked like an 'egg with arms and legs'.

Being assimilated, the engine that is still running today continuously provides this monster with energy, energy for fighting, energy for becoming stronger, in other words, to defeat the opponent as soon as possible.

Thinking was temporarily interrupted here, and Tyranoid stepped forward.

The distance of at least 300 meters between the two parties was quickly crossed. At this moment, Zheng Mu couldn't help feeling a certain feeling in his heart:

'This is the power of Ultraman...'

How powerful.

The distance was shortening, facing the enemy rushing towards him, Jomos moved.

Instead of using the sharp and powerful claws, it released bright brilliance from the sides of its head.


Noticing the bright moment, Tyranoid immediately rolled forward.

From the top of his head, trembling lightning flashed by.

Following the instinct of his body, he threw his right hand forward, and the purple crescent directly hit the enemy.

The distance between the two sides was not far away, and this blow directly hit that strangely positioned face.

The sparks that exploded stopped the lightning, and Tyranoid, who was half kneeling on the ground, tensed his legs, causing his entire body to spring forward.

Not with fists, but with shoulders.

The weight of the entire body is applied together with the speed, and it slams into the enemy's body fiercely.

In the violent shock, Jomos couldn't stop backing away.

It released the lightning again, but Tyranoid had already noticed this first.

Because Jomos's energy is extracted from its internal engine, Terra Noyd, who can feel the engine's fluctuations, was the first to notice the energy surge.

He jumped forward immediately, the lightning chasing him was slower after all.

Tyranoid didn't even land, just stopped in the air for a moment when he was sure to get rid of the lightning, and then slammed down, kicking the enemy's back with a blow.

The impact made the enemy stagger forward, and the moment he landed, he quickly connected his arms in front of him.

Light, this is Ultraman's strongest attack method.

When the purple streamer is lasing, the distortion of space appears.


The back of Jomos became extremely weird, like a spiral.

And the light that hit it just disappeared.

Even if no one told Tyranoid, he still knew what it was.

'A subspace barrier? '

Turning around and sweeping, the lightning thrown by Jomos directly hit Terra Noyd.

In the explosion and beating of the electric current, with his arms crossed in front of him for defense, he swung his arms downward, and the guided electric current hit the red ground, dyeing it black.

'Can it be used like this? '

Tyranoid rushed forward, and raised his right arm in front of the lightning that shot in front of him.

The incoming attack suddenly changed its trajectory and hit his wrist directly, to be precise, it hit the dark gold wrist armor on his wrist.

Whether it's Diga or Empat that appeared ten years ago, or Dyna that just appeared this year, their breastplates are not just decorations, they have the characteristics of weakening energy attacks and attracting energy attacks from the enemy.

And Tyranoid's extra wrist armor and leg armor have the same characteristics as his breastplate.

As the distance drew closer, his right arm wrapped around Lightning fiercely swept from the side.

The loud noise reverberated, and Jomos's face danced with electric arcs.

Aiming at this face, Tyranoid clenched his left fist and hit it hard.

In exchange for two attacks, it was a counterattack.

The thick arms are as powerful as you can see, the fierce sparks keep beating from time to time, and the sound of sharp friction is extremely ear-piercing.

It was still the wrist armor on the arm that blocked the sharp claws.

In the blink of an eye, there were several more collisions.

Instead of using the flesh, the wrist armor and sharp claws kept colliding and colliding at different positions, and before the sparks that splashed out had time to dissipate, new sparks burst out.

The most intense vibration so far was transmitted to Tyranoid's arms, and the claw strikes from the left and right sides pressed his arms.

But he has one advantage over the enemy.

The sound of metal rubbing against metal reverberated, and Tyranoid's body was turned upside down, borrowing the anti-gravity flight ability to make a 360° flip kick to kick Jomos into the sky.

Quickly jumped up to pursue, the raised right leg slashed down like a battle axe.

A heavy blow knocks the rising enemy to the ground.

Gravel and smoke rose up at the same time, and it was Jomos' lightning that tore through the 'fog'.

It used this trick again, making the lowered Terranoid clenched its fists.

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