Had it not been for the emperor's seal, the evil Bogaru could have escaped from the black hole by relying on the power of space.

The last time he was locked in a different space, one was because the emperor's seal had not been broken, and the other was because there were no coordinates of this universe.

This time it was different, even if it was thrown into a different space, there would be no problem.

What's more, why was he thrown into a different dimension?

Impact, overflow, absorption, in an instant, at the front of the ray released by Saigon, the translucent particles spread to the surrounding continuously in a wave shape, and the internal space-time particles also turned into pure energy and were absorbed by the evil Bogaru.

It is not an illusion, the size of the evil Bogaru becomes more and more inflated with the absorption of energy, and the words that can swallow the planet are not lies.

The saigon's attacks continued to provide energy to the enemy.

"Sure enough."

Tregchia, who was paying attention to the situation, began to think about whether Empat had any backup, and at this moment, something strange happened.

Chapter 120 Three Rough Practices

Sai Gang, the god of destruction of time and space, has the exaggerated title but also has the ability to affect time and space.

The time-space rays released by it have interference space, shatter the space, and create the effect of different space.

So it's perfectly normal to have the idea of ​​banishing an unbeatable enemy.

But exile is just exile after all, the enemy may not know when they will return, or they may arrive in other universes, causing more tragedies.

For Empat, the former will cause more crises in the future, and the latter will harm places he cannot reach. Therefore, the first thing to think about is naturally how to kill this enemy.

In the previous battles, he had been observing and thinking about how to defeat this enemy.

The most powerful light is ineffective, so it is natural to think about other methods.

Just relying on fists, the lethality is also very effective.

So, did the previous plan work?

The answer is, it works.

That was a rough approach. First, he cut the evil Bogaru's body with two full-force light blade slashes.


In this dilapidated area, the wavy blue mist spread continuously, and various objects that had been continuously absorbed by the evil Bogaru floated and oscillated in the invisible 'force field'.

That is the resonance of the time-space factor contained in the saigon's rays.

Evil Bogaru's immunity to light is not essentially the so-called 'neutralization'

It's the 'ineffectiveness' of hard skin and phagocytosis

The light had already started to collapse before it hit, the energy inside was absorbed, and the remaining part was no longer enough to cause him any damage.

Therefore, Saigon's time-space ray actually hit the evil Bogaru.

What it attacked was the cut on the evil Bogaru's body, the scar left by Empat's slash.

This scar remains scorched black with high temperature, in addition to that, there is also a blue space-time factor.

Now, under the manipulation of its master, this space-time factor begins to form a 'crack'


In an instant, the insignificant wound of the evil Bogaru was torn open by an irresistible force, and the space-time factors floating around were pulled and gathered in the created space-time crack.

And where did this crack in time and space come from?

There is only one answer, this gap in time and space is formed by the time and space factors inside the wound of the evil Bogaru.

The space at that location is completely shattered, and everything that exists in the space disappears.

The huge mouth on the evil Bogaru's back was broken into two pieces.

The center of his upper body and lower body is pitch black, and the cracks that keep spreading are sucking in the surrounding things.

If the body is divided into three parts, then the central third of the body of the evil Bogaru is dug away, and nothing remains, disappearing together with the shattered space.

Not fists, not rays, not even hard power to beat him.

What is used is only one characteristic, the characteristic of Saigang.

In his line of sight, the silver and blue giant released flashes of light from his forehead, his chest had an extra golden breastplate, and the stripes on his body changed to more red.

Dyna's arms were symmetrically opened to the upper right corner and the lower left corner, and the S-shaped charging action summoned pure white light energy.

This light energy is sucked into the timer and transported into the arm.

He leaned forward with his upper body, and Solgate's rays shot out.

Blue-white, dark blue, two kinds of light collide, and the time-space factor that escapes spreads like a stain, and it can't disappear like a black spot stained with white paper.

With the point as the center, the crack continues to spread.

Where the evil Bogaru is located, it no longer has a three-dimensional sense, but instead looks like a mirror hanging on the wall.

Now, the mirror is beginning to shatter.

The head, arms, and legs of the evil Bogaru also began to shatter.

In the end, in fragment after fragment, different parts of him were imprinted.

These fragments of time and space were either shattered more severely, or disappeared completely.

This world seems to have been dug out a hole, this hole greedily wants to swallow everything in the world.

Siegon's ray stopped, and Solget's ray, which made the ray spread faster through conflict, also stopped.

Even so, the crack is still spreading, even exceeding a kilometer.

On the other side, Empat clenched his fists and pulled them left and right. The dark energy poured into the red timer along with the lines in the form of quicksand.

Cross your arms in front of you, forming an L shape.

If this crack is ignored, the fragmented space will continue to spread, and eventually the earth will be swallowed.

In other words, even if the evil Bogaru can be defeated, the earth may be destroyed by the space-time rift.

It's a dangerous plan, but it's not the first time Empat has seen a space-time rift.

The released Zapelio light hit the edge of the crack, and in an instant, the light blue particles were directly dispersed.

Ten years ago, he, Tiga, and that Ultraman also dealt with the problem of space-time cracks, which was created by the monster living in another dimension, Goldlas.

Everything in the world has rules, and so does space.

As long as the particles that interfere with the space are eliminated, the rules will repair the cracks that spread.

The dark light swept across the edges and finally concentrated in the center.

The spreading fluctuations keep dispelling the space-time factors, energy is injected, and the crack is repaired in coordination with the surrounding space.

After about half a minute, the shooting of the light was stopped, and the space in front of it changed back to its original appearance... Only the structure of the space changed back.

Below the crack, there is an extra flat opening, which spreads for hundreds of meters and is more than ten meters deep.

None of the objects that originally existed there remained, and this was the result of the fragmentation of the space, and the objects that existed in the space were shattered together with the shattered space.

Using this one feature, Empat's plan worked.

Where did the evil Bogaru go?

With his body shattered into dozens or even hundreds of pieces, where he went is no longer important.

This kind of plan...

"Probably only the type of rough thinking can figure it out."

Tregear closed the 'mirror', even he never thought of 'opening the door in someone else's body'.

An analogy is 'planting a seed in someone else's body'

When the seed takes root and sprouts, it will naturally tear that person apart from the inside.

"On the outside... no, it can be seen."

Tregchia recalled his previous face-to-face with Empat. The human posture seemed very quiet, but once the posture of Ultraman was restored...

Those fierce blue eyes and sharp ears are indeed not white, and the black lines are also just right.

Looks and actions are exactly the same.

Facing the earth, Tregear walked into the fog door of the structure, completely indifferent to whether anyone would follow.

This is what he likes to do the most. He doesn't believe that Empat, who consumes a lot of energy, will catch up. Besides, even if he catches up, he may not be able to catch up.

At the same time, Empat, who sensed the breath, looked in the direction where Tregia disappeared, and there was nothing there.

'Can't catch up. '

He was very sure of this, he wasted a lot, just as the evil Bogaru said at the time, thinking about hiding his strength was simply courting death.

"It's finally resolved."

Dyna rubbed his shoulder, although there was no bone in it, there was still a heavy feeling.

The timer on his chest also began to flash red light. In order to completely kill the evil Bogaru, the charged Solged light focused most of his power.

It is also because of this that the collision with the saigon ray will make the space-time crack spread to the extent of a kilometer.

For Dyna's hard work, Empat nodded.

"Well done, thank you."

He expressed his gratitude, the process was very tortuous, but the ending was still normal, and Plan A was implemented smoothly.

This is also thanks to Dyna being able to bring Sai Gang, to be honest, Sai Gang is the center of this plan.

And this plan took shape when he saw Sai Gang filling the space, and it was fully formed when he heard Dyna tell about Sai Gang's interference in the space.

Otherwise, he may have to use 'Plan B'.

As for what Plan B is...he's never really burned himself out yet.

Hearing his words, Daina gave a thumbs up.

"Thank you, aren't we companions who guard the earth together?"

It's better to say thank you here.

That sentence is very true, even if there is only 100 good person in 1 people, fight for it.

Because there is only one life.

'I wanted to fight for my life, even if it cost me other lives. '

Very contradictory ideas, but the world is full of contradictions.

On the back of the broken moon, Empat stretched out his hand.

"That's right."

He raised his arm, seeing this action, Dyna was a little puzzled.

"This is?"

It's a courtesy.

"The etiquette I inherited from Ultraman before, the cross, is a proof of recognition and trust."

"Cross... oh!"

Dyna learned that movement, and when the arms were crossed, the movement was instantly understood.

Cross, isn't that the action of light emission?

One person and one hand form a cross.

"Speaking of which, is Ultraman the same Ultraman?"

Dyna was very curious in his heart. The "Ultraman" on TV is the real Ultraman, which is now known to everyone all over the world.

Is this a true story or a miracle?

The curious don't know all about it, but...

"Sorry to bother you."

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