What's more, this time is different from the last time. Last time, his energy was almost exhausted. This time, the remaining energy is still enough for him to fight back.

On the outside, Bogaru with his mouth tightly shut was waiting for the moment when the tonic in his mouth was digested.

After a few seconds, it realized something was wrong.

Hot, very hot.

cold, very cold.

Before it could react, black... flames poured out of its eyes like holes, instantly destroying its vision.

It was another half second, and the entire head was set on fire.

The brain used to control the body was completely burned, and it lost its strength and could no longer restrain the prey in its mouth.

Jumping, somersaulting, and landing, Empat slowly got up.

Behind him, black icy flames gradually ignited Bogaru's entire body.

The tactic of killing one thousand enemies and harming oneself by [-] is really different. More importantly, this tactic does not need to consume energy and can be used as long as one is alive.

Of course, whether it can survive after being used thoroughly is another matter.


What exactly is in another dimension?

The abnormality in this space just now is also very concerning. Generally speaking, shouldn't such a violent energy explosion have sounded the TPC's alarm long ago?

The Shenying has not been seen for such a long time, which means that the TPC has not detected what happened here.

Why is this happening?

It all started with the monster that got away.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"and many more!"

In the air, rising and falling.

Walking through the clouds and through the space, Dyna shouted telepathically, but Sai Gang in front of him didn't have the slightest intention to stop.

The blue and white light beam penetrated the space, and Sai Gang got into it and disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, Dyna, who had already switched to Miracle Type at some point, moved forward with his right hand, and a crack seemed to be cut in the center of the blue sky, and he rushed directly into it.

His silver-based body was dyed red, and he avoided it immediately, and red lightning flashed past his original position.

The crystal on Sai Gang's chest flickered again, striking out together with Hong Lei.

Dyna moved to the right, and at that moment, the sigon's light tore apart the space, and red thunder poured into it.


Dyna, who realized something was wrong, had just turned his head when the crack that appeared on the left side was shattered by the red lightning, and this attack hit him instantly.

After being blasted for more than ten meters, he hit something again.

All around is flitting, fragments of space.

From the corner of Dyna's eyes, Sai Gang's posture was reflected, and the right scissors of the other party firmly protected the spaceship.

This is enough.


Such a voice flashed in his brain instantly, because Dyna felt the pressure and dullness at this time, which was the effect of the sea pressure of the deep sea.

Escaped, but not escaped.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

In this era, in order to meet the needs of housing and because of the advancement of technology, real estate developers will always build higher when constructing residential buildings.

Today, forty and fifty floors are basically scenes that can be seen everywhere.

Of course, in order to allow residents to live better, elevators are taken for granted.

'It's all crazy. '

Mr. Yingshan stood in the elevator, his eyes were focused on the reminder of the number of floors, but he was thinking about other things in his heart.

For him, today is really incredible.

First, he obtained the legacy of his grandfather's generation, the Xade Star, Sai Gang, the God of Time and Space Destroyer.

At first he thought 'that's an exaggerated name'

It was later discovered that it was not an exaggeration.

If there is no mistake, he should have seen the North Pole, the Statue of Liberty, and the Great Wall when he was being chased by Dai Na.

Do you move instantly?

No matter how you think about it, it's an instant move.

Then, I saw Empat's battle at close range.

It was simply a moving natural disaster, and the aftermath of the battle completely destroyed the forest within a ten-kilometer radius.

It's terrible, should this force really exist on Earth?


But I also have power, as long as I have this Sai Gang...


At this moment, Mr. Kageyama reacted to the beeping sound of the elevator. After he got out of the elevator, everyone else in the elevator was relieved.

Objectively speaking, it is only natural for him to break out in cold sweat after going through so many things, so of course he doesn't smell very good.

Mr. Kageyama walked through the corridor, and when he saw the door of his own house, someone caught his attention.

The young man just stood in front of his house, as if waiting for someone.

Chapter 110 Three Simple Requirements

When I first saw it, I had already shown the power to tear apart the space.

If those small Bogaru appeared from the red channel of another dimension, that monster appeared from the blue channel.

The order cannot be mistaken.

The disorder of the space, the Bogaru group that came from the different dimension, the front and the back are arranged in order, it can be inferred that the first monster made the space disorder, which led to the Bogaru group coming to the earth through the different dimension.

Then, if those small Bogaru are being manipulated, then there is probably a more powerful existence behind them, most likely the superior individual of the creature Bogaru.

After all, the other party has already demonstrated the ability to devour something similar to Bogaru, and has also shown great malice, and has no hesitation in destroying the earth.

There is only one best way, and that is to let the other party wander in a different dimension forever, and never go to the earth again.

The question is, how can this be done?

Is it necessary to do so?

No matter what the cause is, the other party has already set their sights on this earth, or this universe.

It could be ten years, 20 years, 30 years.

It could also be 1000 years, 2000 years, 3000 years.

I remember seeing the information of the Ikarsians in the TPC database. Isn't that family aimed at exploring the dimension?

If the two come into contact...

The Bogaru superior individual that landed on Ikars is likely to run amok. At that time, according to the Bogaru mons that appeared on the earth before, the existence that devoured many lives will become even stronger.

He didn't know when the enemy would appear, and he couldn't react immediately.

If there is a gap in space on the earth, he can perceive it.

However, he is not so strong that even the other corner of the universe can instantly perceive it.

'Leave it alone, it's a potential threat after all. '

Nangong was thinking about today's battle. If he didn't find a way to eliminate the enemy he met today, something would happen one day.

What's more, that kind of malicious creature is a threat to any normal creature, so it can't just ignore it.

"Although I don't really want to remind you of this, do you remember that you are still walking on the street?"

Suddenly, Uniform's voice rang clearly in Nangong's ear.

He's out of thinking, and that's what's so bad about him now.

Once thinking, the body is controlled by him.

"Sorry, I was distracted just now."

And, he wasn't just walking alone.

Beside him was Chancheng, who was walking together after school, and the conversation between the two was interrupted because of the fight at noon.

When Nangong said these words honestly, Uniyi couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.


Her reaction was inevitable, no matter how good the relationship was, she had to say one thing—since she was walking with someone, then don't be half distracted.

However, unlike Uniq, the fellow Chancheng was not in such a bad mood.

At first she noticed that Nangong was a little uncomfortable when his mind was distracted, but what she saw later made her feel strange.

Obviously the person next to him looked dazed, but he naturally avoided all obstacles while walking.

What does it mean?

Mirror stop water?


Of course, before thinking about these things, Chancheng has one more sentence to respond:

"It's okay, since you have something to solve, it doesn't matter if we talk about it next time."

"Gentleness! How gentle! You are not worthy of this tenderness!"


Nangong felt that Uniq just wanted to find an opportunity to tease him like this.

And the fact is just as Chancheng said, he has something to solve.

It's just that in order to solve this matter, we must first find that monster, that spaceship.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

Monsters with the power to manipulate space are dangerous, and Asuka feels the same way.

It's just that he didn't think as much as Nangong, and the main reason was that there was only one monster left to catch up.

The result is lost once.

Well, I lost it once.

Although I lost it the first time, I won't lose it the second time.

What is the spaceship that the monster has been protecting?

Before he was sent flying, his clairvoyant eyes swept towards the spaceship, so he saw someone who was very familiar and had seen him before.

Kageyama Saye's father, Kageyama Akira.

He is actually in the spaceship and has something to do with monsters, what is going on?

As a result, Asuka, who still remembered the information, came here directly, squatting at the door and waiting for the other party's return.

Sunlight seeped into the neither spacious nor narrow aisle, and the eyes of the two facing each other intertwined.

'Who is this guy? '

Unabashedly, Kageyama felt flustered.

This kind of emotion comes from his hidden existence and the things he has just done, and he will naturally feel uneasy when someone comes to his door immediately.

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