It's not the time of the Kingdom of Light, but the time of Earth a long time ago.

Remembering these things is not because you want to remember them, but simply because your brain has not forgotten them. It seems that he is still very young now, and the past events are all vivid in his mind.

"Tomorrow is the new year."

The New Year in the Kingdom of Light is different from that on Earth, and the flow of time in each universe is also different. In addition, there are only a few people like him who live directly in the Kingdom of Light alone, so...


Go to sleep.


It's so bright, the sky of the Kingdom of Light is really bright, but it doesn't make people feel dazzling.

After actually staying for a year, I also found some special places.

For example, warmth, there is no other feeling, and there are no four seasons here.

What a special planet.

Closing his eyes, Empat fell asleep.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

"Oh~~~ This is the earth..."

Look left, look right, for this Ikarsian, this is the first time she has arrived on this legendary planet.

Although the planet loved and guarded by Ultraman is small, the environment is really good.

Speaking of which, human beings are really incredible. Before interstellar travel, they have already mastered the basic planetary transformation technology. The environment on Mars is just worse than here.


Memorial Hall, Memorial Hall, Ultraman Memorial Hall~~~

Sure enough, we are going there!

Excited Icarus young man takes a quick step and then...


The unbalanced body fell backwards, and then, I don't know if it was an illusion, it seemed that someone behind him caught him, and his right hand was also held.

"Sorry, I didn't see you before."

"No, I walked too fast, sorry."

The Ikarsian immediately apologized, and then passed by the earthlings he met...Huh?


He turned his head suddenly, and the figure of that person was no longer there.

Isn't it weird that Earthlings were able to knock him down? !

'Could it be mimicked by people from other civilizations? '

Just when he was wondering, someone chatted in his ears.

"Where should we go first? Sure enough, let's go to the mobile doll first!"

"I think it's more interesting to look at the actual impact first."

It was the two Pittites who passed by chatting, so the Ikarsian decided to forget about these little things.

He happily walked towards the memorial not far away, where people of all races gathered.

It has been 150 years since Ultraman disappeared from the earth.

Of course, it was 149 years until yesterday.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!"


Two people who were no different from people on Earth were walking on this busy street, one of them looked a little older, and he wanted to plug his ears very much now, because the boy next to him was constantly making exclamation sounds.

'I shouldn't have brought the kid here. '

His name is Sero, and now he's just a human being.

The person next to him is undoubtedly Zeta.

However, Sai Luo always forgets one thing, that is, he has thought about the matter of Zeta countless times, "I would have known it earlier"

It's a pity that I don't have a long memory every time.

Or... complaints are complaints and have nothing to do with real emotions?

"But what exactly is this? I always feel like I've seen similar scenes somewhere before..."

You should have seen it before, where is it?

As Zero was trying to remember, Zeta's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Master! Empat is there!"


Looking in the pointed direction, the flowers bloom in this cold season. With today's technology, it is very simple to do this.

Different types of flowers and different types of fragrance, leaving Empat with a bouquet in the flower shop only left behind.

Sai Luo and Zeta hurriedly followed, and not long after, the interpersonal relationship gradually became rare.

"This should be..."

Even the Kingdom of Light has similar places.

Empat stopped in front of one of the stone tablets with names engraved on them.

He squatted down and put down the white bouquet in his hand.

150 years is too long, but too short.

In the new year, come back to this planet and recall the stories that seem like yesterday.

Life has an end, but Empat's life is longer.

The New Year's episode may be after everything is over

Back on this bright planet, Zeta left with a puzzled face, but Zero still knew about it.

After experiencing so many things and going to different planets, he naturally knows what the place called 'cemetery' represents, and also understands what is the most difficult gap between the Otts and other races.

He will definitely usher in that day in the future, but...

Once I think that life will come to an end one day, there will inevitably be a void in my heart.

"Sero, you're back."

Walked into the house, and then heard such a call.


Se-ro notices the difference because the person who said those words was not his own father.

That person is [-]% similar to Seven, except that the iconic corners draw arcs from the left and right ends of the head, and finally face upwards.

"Taro, why are you here...wait."

Taking a closer look, besides Taylor, there are several other people in the living room.

The heads of the major branches of the M78 Nebula Kingdom of Light, Zoffy, Ultraman, Ultra Seven, Jack Ultraman, and Ace Ultraman.

In addition, there are Ultraman Eddie, Ultraman Hikari, and Ultraman Mebius.

Even Master Leo and Astra are there.

Gathered here are the members of the Ultra Brothers, but what day is today?

Sai Luo suddenly remembered that not long ago he felt that he had seen a scene similar to "New Year's" somewhere, so that's what happened.

Indeed, every year in the Kingdom of Light, everyone would suddenly get together, not knowing what they were doing.

That's what happened!

"Are you celebrating the New Year?"

Sai Luo tentatively asked a question, and Taro who heard this sentence looked back at the brothers who also heard these words.

At home, they don't wear the mantle that symbolizes majesty.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally Altman nodded.

"There is a certain gap between the time flow of the Kingdom of Light and the earth, and it also has its own New Year, so we gather together by ourselves, and recall what happened this year together like people on Earth."

As for why it does this...

"For us, that time on Earth is an unforgettable memory."

Leo looked out of the window, in the emerald green sky of the Kingdom of Light, there were no stars and moon, nor the sun and the distance.

Even so, he seemed to be able to see the planet 300 million light-years away.

'In that case, why don't you go to Earth? '

Sai Luo reacted before asking this question, because everyone here has their own responsibilities, and they cannot leave their positions casually.

The cosmic garrison, which relies on millions of people to maintain the order of multiple universes, operates almost all year round.


'It's too long. '

Sai Luo knew that he was born after Seven left the earth and returned to the Kingdom of Light.

This period of time can even be compared to the history of human development.

The life forms between the two are too far apart, even if they return to Earth, the people they want to see are no longer there.

"What's the matter? Sai Luo, you don't leave today with a disinterested look like usual."

Seven said while beckoning.

"Since that's the case, why don't you come and listen to our old stories?"

In fact, he didn't take this matter seriously, after all, he knew what kind of person his son was, and to describe it in the words of the earth, he was 'moving like a rabbit'

Although there is no "quiet as a virgin" at all.

But this time, it's different.


Shiro scratched his cheek.

"Then let me listen carefully!"

He gave the answer and walked into the living room with his head held high.

There were more new people in the original party, but everyone didn't think there was anything wrong.

For the Ultra family, the energy of the plasma spark tower is enough to recharge, so compared with the New Year on Earth, there is no wine or food here.

Instead, a portion of the energy they each release forms a red sphere of light, like a lantern.

"Speaking of which, I still remember what Taro said when he was fighting the Imperial Stars."

Sophie smiled and opened her mouth, which immediately brought back everyone's memories.

"Then, that incident has passed."

Anyway, Tai Luo is already a father, so it's a bit embarrassing to be caught out of the black history of the past all of a sudden.

"I still remember when I first came to Earth..."

Mebius recalls the awe he felt when he ate food for the first time on Earth.

"Bogaru... Mebius, I wouldn't be where I am now without you."

Hikari expressed his sincere gratitude to this year-end friend.

You keep talking about the past, because of the story of a planet intertwined.

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