Sato was not cruel, he couldn't let go of an innocent life, let alone his own daughter.

But he is not a saint either. When he sees Aoi, no matter how much he convinces himself that the child is innocent, he still feels uncontrollable disgust.

The disgust of his mother unconsciously spread to the innocent child, and the complicated emotions did not make him have to make a decision until recently.

This was his decision to take the child back and make a clean break with that vampire-like woman.

That's all for the story.

Yui lowered his head.

'You don't think such things can be written off, do you want to touch yourself or what? '

Having said so much eloquently, I hope Chancheng understands the reason. In fact, isn’t it just a sense of indebtedness, do you want to get forgiveness?

But the absence of his father for 17 years, he is almost an adult, and then he suddenly said that he would take it back?

It's so hard to make people want to punch you.

To put it bluntly, isn't it because you were irresponsible and messed up when you were young that this result was caused?

The above thoughts are only reverberating in her heart, she will not say it out loud.

Because no matter what, at least Chancheng can regain her father's love, and no matter how angry she is as an outsider, she can't destroy this matter.

"I... I'll just forget it."


However, unexpectedly, Chancheng refused.

She stood up, bending slightly.

"Thank you for your kindness, Dad... Mr. Sato, I think it's better to keep this situation, and I will become independent as soon as possible."

After leaving these words, Chancheng stood up and turned to leave. Uniform quickly got up and followed.

"Wait, Aoi!"

Sato tried to call the other daughter, but got no response.

After a few seconds, he sat down weakly.


Joan took her father's hand, trying to comfort him.

From five people to three people, but there is still one who is not human standing here.

Nangong watched everything, and finally could only sigh in his heart.

The undisguised gaze allowed him to see everyone's performance clearly. Just a few seconds ago, Sato's wife, Joan's mother, when she refused in Chancheng, her eyes were relieved.

In other words, she actually...

"Chancheng, why did you refuse Sato's invitation?"

Outside the restaurant, Uniform followed Chancheng who took a deep breath, and this decision was not pleasant for her.

"Because... because Mrs. Sato doesn't welcome me, a stranger who is actually just ruining her family."

Chancheng noticed the complexity in the other party's eyes, the happiness of the family, and she was that redundant element.

Can you blame the other party?

No, because although the love between them went through several twists and turns, it got the right result.

As Sato said, people's thoughts are always affected by subjective emotions. Sato was complicated to her at the beginning, and now Mrs. Sato is complicated to her, and the twisted melon is not sweet.

Chancheng bowed his head and walked forward, beside Unii was the returning Nangong.

"I'm suddenly thinking now."

she whispered.

"If only I could manipulate other people's minds."

In this way, no one will harbor prejudice and malice against others.

"Sometimes, I think so too."

Nangong responded, and the two quickly followed the dizzy Chancheng ahead.

Chapter Seventy: The Phantom Star

"It was really abducted by me..."

If it wasn't for someone beside him, Uniform would have wanted to slap him on the forehead.

Before she tried to ask Chancheng where she was going, but the other party said she didn't want to go home, but now, it has become her...

"Ahem, although it's a bit messy, there is still a place to sit."


Chancheng stared blankly at the living room, although it wasn't so messy that clothes were thrown around and bras and panties were hung on the TV, but these scattered books were really not neat and clean.

"Come, come, sit."

Uniq invited his students into his home and took water from the kitchen.

"Wait a minute, dinner will be ready soon."

After leaving such a sentence, the moment she walked into the kitchen, she began to have trouble.

Open the refrigerator, of course there are ingredients.

The firewood, rice, oil and salt are also placed very neatly, and the knives are cleaned and put away.

As for the only problem, it's...

She really didn't have any achievements in cooking, and she didn't have any problems cooking noodles, cakes, cookies, and such small biscuits were also very good at it, but when it came to staple food.

' She'd be terrified if she saw knives flying around in the kitchen. '

Uniq glanced at Chancheng who was turning on the TV in the living room, and it was impossible for him not to be noticed... of course.

'Do you still need to ask? '

On the other side, Nangong thought of a way.

No matter how you say it, you can't treat this student who has just been hit badly.



After a long silence, Uniform took a deep breath and made up his mind.

'Since this is the case, there is only one way. '

It shouldn't matter for such a short time, right?

'please!another me! '

'No, I'm not you, both genders are different. '

Nangong complained, and then began to feel the difference.

In other words, the change in UNIQI's mentality made him feel a lot easier. This ease, of course, refers to 'replacement'

Close your eyes, open them, and then...

'It feels...strange. '

'Actually, I thought so too. '

The inside and the outside are interchanged, and Nangong, who was originally a bystander inside, emerges on the surface, while the original owner of the body, Unii, clearly has sensation and vision, but has no way to control his movements.

This feeling is unimaginably uncomfortable. If you want to make an analogy... a sober ghost press?

But on the other hand, that is, Nangong's feeling is not a sense of liberation, but a sense of heaviness.

He subconsciously looked at the right hand raised by 'myself', the slender palm was not like an ordinary girl, and there were scars left on it except for the calluses.

TPC's military training, those projects are not just a show.

Compared with ordinary women, Yui actually has more scars that cannot be erased.

"It's heavy."

Nangong whispered subconsciously.

"Are you talking about my weight!"

Yui almost couldn't catch his breath.

"No, sorry, I mean this body."

"Isn't that still weight?!"

"It's not that heavy..."

Using a female body to make unfeminine movements, Nangong scratched his hair, what he said was 'the weight and dullness of the body'

Just like this, you can feel the difference. The movement of this body has a sense of delay. If it is said that Bogaru's body made him feel 'hunger'

So Uniform's body made him realize the concept of 'human being'.

At this time, the senses beyond human beings can even hear the sound of heartbeat and blood flowing in blood vessels.

Quite... fantastic.

"Anyway, let's get started."

Nangong opened the refrigerator again and took out the necessary ingredients from it.

Without any muscle memory, he couldn't make the imaginary movement.

But this situation disappeared quickly, because the power he released began to assist.

Since you can't let the knife fly around, you just need to make a knife that appears to be held by the right hand.

'So skilled...'

In fact, UNIQ has always wanted to say what happened to Ultraman's skillful cooking.

'Actually, I'm better at grilling now. '

Nangong recalled the night he and Zamxia spent on a certain desert planet. Of course, there was no kitchen in that kind of place, so they had to start a fire on the spot.

The sound of the collision of kitchen knives and cutting boards echoed in the kitchen, and Chancheng, who was attracted by the sound, turned his head to look at the busy figure in the kitchen.

The woman's face seems to be serious, but also seems to be pure and peaceful.

'It seems a bit...'

how to say?Not the same as usual?

The expressions should be richer.

Fire, oil, spoon, and vegetables, after half an hour, two dishes and one soup will be enough for two people.

"nailed it."

'Great! '

Leek soup is vegetable and soup.

Stir-fried green beans, a combination of vegetables and meat.

Finally, there is the common home-cooked dish of tomato scrambled eggs.

'It seems I still remember. '

While thinking about it, Nangong prepared to return his body to Uniform.

' Don't know what it tastes like. '

Uniq, who was sitting back and enjoying the benefits, began to look forward to the next dinner.

One second, two seconds, at this time, the body of this body began to respond correspondingly to its thinking, that is, the heartbeat accelerated and the heat gushed out of the body.


It seems... there is no way to return it?

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