Bogaru showed his true body. At this time, it didn't have a tongue, and it hadn't eaten for a while. Although it didn't feel hungry, its appetite aroused its ferocity.

The long wait has paid off. It cannot manipulate monsters, but it can emit pheromones, summon and wake up monsters.

The targeting of monsters made Bogaru already know that there is a superior monster on this planet, and the other party can order the existence of subordinates.

It was going to devour the monster, but was attacked by 'Ultraman'.

This forced it to start thinking about what to do, and finally came up with the current plan.

Discovered by humans, eat a monster to obtain energy, and then use the energy to shed its skin and feign death, waiting for the action of the superior monster on the earth.

When the Ultraman on this planet had to be distracted to deal with the superior monsters, its chance came.

Same as Japan, China is also at night today, and lightning illuminates the darkness, above the lightning is Bogaru jumping up.

It's afraid of electricity, just nowadays words...

Suddenly, the mouths on both sides of Bogaru's body spread open, turning into huge red mouths.

Aiming at it like this, the Guhuo Bird released lightning, turning the energy into a plasma ball and throwing it.

Electric arcs, explosions, sparks, and Bogaru, who left scorched black marks on his body, rushed out as if he couldn't feel the pain.

Before the other party could react, the giant mouth that expanded to the limit wrapped forward.

Guhuo Bird only had time to make a short sound before its entire body was completely swallowed into that mouth.

Bogaru felt that its mouth was about to be torn open, but even so, it still did not give up.

It wants to eat, must eat, this exaggerated energy arouses not only appetite, but also the desire to evolve.

Evolution and eating are the instincts of the Bogaru family. For them, there is nothing they cannot eat. They are not so much the natural enemies of monsters as they are the natural enemies of all living things.

Left, right, Bogaru's mouth lights up, which is the proof of Guhuo Bird's struggle.

From the gap, the arc will leak out from time to time.

However, the frequency of the arc is decreasing, and Bogaru, who has one mouth and stomach, is rapidly digesting the prey.

This taste is not as fresh and delicious as a monster, but a fluid feeling like drinking water, just like the Ultraman I ate back then.

Speaking of Ultraman...

'Then it's your turn. '

Tasting the taste, eating after a long absence, Bogaru, who was already intolerable, had a new goal.

The spores in the sky are still floating down, but not as exaggerated as before.

In addition, Bogaru, who sensed the energy, looked into the distance, and a bright blue light went straight to the sky.

The fog is still hazy, but the activity is gone.

There is weather on this planet other than fog, and in a certain frigid region it hardly ever snows.

On the continent made of ice, only the icy cold wind like a knife blew on his face.

Inside the huge iceberg, that existence opened its eyes.

Outside the observatory, the TPC staff stared wide-eyed.

'Why would the monster——'

There was no brain wave fluctuation, but they could feel their vision, a pair of black eyes looking at them in the blur inside the iceberg.

"Wonderful, is it that you directed everything behind the scenes?"

Nothing to do with the TPC staff, someone clapped their hands on this frosty soil.

The temperature seemed meaningless to him, and the thin clothing did not affect his actions.

In his right hand, the black-blue flame disappeared, and finally turned into a mask covering his face.

The moment he put it on, a blue giant appeared in the mist, and the timer on his chest was blocked by a dark yellow restraint.

To have a dialogue, one must first have the corresponding strength and status. Tregear appeared on this continent.

"The blue...giant?"

Everyone in the observatory stared blankly at the figure that was completely different from what it had been so far, with masks, red eyes, and raised toes. That posture was not righteous.

The moment Tregear showed its body, violent fluctuations were transmitted from the inside of the iceberg.


He felt anger, but also resentment.

That is a huge negative energy absorbed from all directions, what does the other party want to do?

'It seems that what I have investigated is not wrong. '

The negative energy turned into clusters of purple will-o'-the-wisps, falling like a meteor shower.

Without even intending to communicate, the existence in the iceberg reacted aggressively.

'Ah. '

Tregia couldn't help laughing in his heart, because he noticed that many fireballs were not heading towards him, but toward the observation station not far away.

This monster seems to want to 'murder humans in front of him'

Super ancient civilization, monsters controlling monsters, slaughtering humans, giants of light, Tregear has roughly completed the puzzle.


It was Thunder that met the flames, and dancing blue lightning shot out of his hands and shot towards the sky.

All the will-o'-the-wisps that were trying to attack the observation station were neutralized, and at this moment, the light energy also approached.

Falling from the sky, its heavy body stepped on the Antarctic continent.

Dyna, with red light flashing on his chest, rushed to the place where negative energy gathered, and the first thing he saw were icebergs and giants.

"You are......"

Blue Ultraman?

Asuka was puzzled by this, who was the other party?

"I'll leave it to you here, and I'll take these people to refuge."

Without waiting for the other party to react, Tregia stepped back and blocked the front of the observation station.

His body has not fully recovered, and what is more important is the current situation, it is meaningless to fight without Dyna.

The space portal wrapped in black mist was opened, quickly swallowing the entire observatory and him.

One person left and the other stayed behind. Asuka couldn't help hesitating, the iceberg cracked, and cracks spread rapidly one after another. Finally, the 3000 million-year-old ice turned into pieces and fell.

What appeared inside was a monster with red feathers on top of its head, and its black body was tattooed with yellow lines like painted paintings.

The most unique thing is its face, the white beard on the chin, and the black eyes are instantly reminiscent of 'human beings'

Chapter Fifty: Master of Monsters

Monsters are different from "people" who develop brains and gain wisdom. They are the existences that choose to evolve physically.

Primitive, wild, but extremely powerful, if compared with the flesh, about hundreds of millions of people combined are no match for a monster.

So 'man' chose crafting, using intelligence to create weapons.

However, among the group of monsters, not all the monsters only retain the original wildness. Ten years ago, there was an existence named 'Manshehet' who attacked the earth, and it was a monster with wisdom.

3000 million years ago, there were also intelligent monsters, which commanded the population, monopolized one side, and thought about evolution and the future.

The monster chief Geronimon, this existence was called so by the super ancient people.

With the ability to manipulate monsters, it deserved its name as the "overlord of the earth" at that time, but everything changed after the existence of the giant of light.

Weak human beings have acquired such power. Because of this power, human beings have gradually developed, and finally formed a brilliant civilization. Relying on their own wisdom, they have created weapons that can protect themselves from the ravages of monsters.

The ancient overlords of the earth, monsters.

The new generation of the earth, human beings.

In this way, it is least at first.

What happened 3000 million years ago has long since disappeared, and 3000 million years later, the frozen soil of Antarctica has become an arena for battle.

"Are you planning to hinder us again! Giants!"


Geronimon's speech made Asuka unable to react for a while, this was the second talking monster he encountered.

The question is... getting in the way?

"I don't know what conspiracy you have, but you don't want to hurt innocent people!"

What he saw before flashed across his mind, what he saw when he was rushing here, how many people did Forgas' spores hurt?

If the other party is behind the scenes...

"I'm going to knock you down! End everything here!"

Dyna clenched his right fist, and the flashing timer on his chest symbolized the lack of energy, but this lack could not affect Asuka's fighting spirit and spirit.

Under the circumstances that he himself could not be aware of, he became more compatible with the existence of 'Dyna'.


Geronimon sneered.

"It is you who will go to the end!"

Its right hand suddenly pushed forward, and in an instant, an invisible force exploded.

Dyna, who instinctively sensed the blow, raised his arms and crossed them in front of him. The force of the bombardment made him fall back irresistibly, and the frost under his feet made it difficult to stand still.

The signal to start the war had already sounded, and before he could stand still, the enemies ahead had already launched a new pursuit.

It's hard to see the process from Dyna's perspective, all you can see is red, yellow, blue, green, white, and five-color feathers floating around the opponent.

These feathers shot out with Geronimon's thought power, and there was no lightness related to the existence of 'feathers' in the pulled shadow, it was like a rain of arrows.

Time seemed to slow down, and Dyna, whose upper body was swinging, quickly avoided the feathers.

When the slide under his feet stopped, he rushed forward.

On the frozen ground covered with ice and snow, the giant clenched its fists and attacked the giant beast ahead.

Facing the attack, Geronimon didn't move half a step.

While its hands were swinging, the thought force completed the manipulation, and the feathers that drew the arc quickly turned back.

The cold wind of the frozen ground, the piercing of the arrow rain, the former was cut off by the latter, and he noticed this abnormality with his keen sense of hearing. Dyna jumped up and turned around at the same time. He used his flying ability and weight to cooperate with the instinct engraved on his body Li's ingenious force fell down.

The ice layer shattered and bounced, turning into a thick shield, which was pierced by the hard feathers.

The blocking worked, and the fallen Dyna followed the previous inertia, advancing rapidly on the ice like skating.

Before Geronimon's left hand was pushed out, he took the lead in throwing his right hand forward.

The glow shines, and the crescent-shaped cutting light hits first.


Geronimon, who instinctively withdrew his left hand due to the pain, was no longer able to stop the enemy's attack, its face was deformed by the impact, and the two passed each other.

Dyna, who slid forward along his strength, once again borrowed the anti-gravity ability to relieve his inertia. The uppercut he swung before was still clenched, but he hit it with the palm of his left hand, and the turned elbow brought out terrifying lethality.

There was only a short interval between the two loud noises, and they were easily connected together.

Attacked on the face and the back of the head, Geronimon staggered and fell forward.


Someone was watching the battle, and Tregear hid himself, floating in the sky overlooking the Antarctic continent.

Geronimon, the chief monster that appeared in the iceberg, seems...not as powerful as expected?

The battle was still going on, fists and palms kept touching each other, turning into shadows that were hard to see.

One moved forward, the other retreated. Suddenly, these shadows were completely penetrated, and Dyna's straight fist hit the enemy's face without hindrance.

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