It opened its mouth, this time it was no longer supersonic light, the captured light energy and its own energy were combined into a strengthening hotline, too powerful to be restrained, and expanded forward.

The wave of fire rising to a hundred meters swallowed everything in front of it, including Empat.

In the uninhabited wilderness, the battle is on.

On this earth, two strands of light constitute an existence that cannot be ignored.


A strange long tongue protruded from the mouth, and Bogaru was delighted, because 'that existence' started to move.

At this moment, under the ice sheet of Antarctica, a certain existence that had already woken up finally opened its eyes completely.

'two. '

Not enough, still worse.

The plan is progressing steadily, only the last step is missing.

'Gomorrah, go. '

Chapter 48 Bloody Battle

The flame traveled more than a hundred meters and spread to the left and right sides. Unlike other monsters who woke up after sleeping for thousands of years, this Gorzan did not lack any energy in his body.

The second rebirth bestowed by the synthetic beast of Sfia, the light energy of Spathum's light, and the enhanced heat released by the combination of the two show terrifying power.

The night was dyed orange, and the exuberant flames burned blazingly, distorting the air, and the overflowing sparks formed dense light spots, like fireflies dancing.

In just two seconds, this area completely turned into the so-called 'calling hell'

That is the torture that sinners will suffer in Buddhism. They will be pushed into a fierce fire chamber to experience the burning of the flames.

It's just that there is no end to this 'Fire Room' now, and it is even spreading out continuously, as if it wants to turn the whole world into a sea of ​​flames.

At this temperature, nothing should survive, no matter what kind of substance it is, it will be melted and evaporated.

But the one who reversed common sense is the Giant of Light.

The originally expanding flame was blocked in the center, that was because the surrounding heat flow was all pulled by the irreversible suction.

The red body, and the hands that gather strength from bottom to top.

The overly similar posture makes people think of the giant named 'Tiga' at the first time, and it is indeed the case, the light technology inherited from Tiga played an extremely suitable role.

Zapelio's light beam, Dillahume's light flow, and Lampal's light bomb, each of the light skills has similar starting moves and similar performances. It is the use of the surrounding environment and absorbs all the energy that can be absorbed. Inhaled into the timer.

What Empat did at this time was exactly such a thing. The flames covering his whole body had gathered at his oblique upper corner at some point, and the chaotic scorching heat had now turned into a huge ball of fire.

Along with his movements, the ball of fire was compressed into a flaming sphere with sparks dancing inside.

Even after the sea of ​​flames disappeared, his figure remained blurry.

The ultra-high temperature on Empat's body blurred the air, and a few seconds ago, Gorzan used energy absorption to capture the light of Spatium and transformed it into his own power.

Today, it encounters the same thing.

The enhanced heat ray is forcibly absorbed after being released, and now becomes a ball of fire in the enemy's hands.

Taking a step forward, Empat's right hand held the light flow of Dilla Hume and pulled it back, as if he was about to throw it out.

The unexpected situation made Gorzan a little dazed, but he immediately adjusted his state and activated the absorption site on his chest.

Half a second later, one step turned into dozens of steps, and from stepping forward to running, Empat changed from a long-range light attack to a close-range light ball bombardment.

Gorzan couldn't react to the unexpected action, and the ball of light beating sparks inside drew an arc and fell down, hitting hard on the slightly upward position of its chest.

Contact, explosion, Gorzan's figure was engulfed, and the fireball that instantly expanded to a diameter of hundreds of meters dug up the soil below.

The ball of fire pushed forward, pulling out a huge gully.

The interior can no longer see the earthy scenery, only the darkness left by the high temperature.

The more it moves forward, the more it expands. Are the monsters inside still alive?

There is no need to think, you will know immediately, because the explosion has already set off.

As an island isolated from the sea, earthquakes in Japan are not uncommon.

What is rare is a huge earthquake in an instant.

At this moment, expanding outward from this place, like the sun rising from the night, and like the strongest weapon that humans mastered in the previous era, the entire island is shaking, and the strong light can be witnessed tens of kilometers away from the source. , like daytime.

The scattered sparks are accompanied by strong winds, and the dancing light spots constitute a unique scene.

Empat withdrew his right hand, and when the flame storm dissipated in front of him, Gorzan, who was heavily scarred, appeared inside.

Its chest was completely ripped open, and the overloaded absorbency and resistance to fire barely kept it alive.

But the hard skin has completely disappeared, and it is slowly peeling off from the body like a broken eggshell, and finally merged with the scorched earth.

"It's still..."

Uniq didn't know what to say anymore, Ultraman's power showed a corner in no man's land.

It is a moving natural disaster in itself, so what about the monsters that can compete with him?

So is nature.

Gorzan felt the pain, felt the pain, so he became even more angry, his fierceness was activated due to serious injuries, and the already berserk monster roared due to the power of Sfia and the order issued.

The roaring sound waves instantly shattered the scorched black on its body surface, revealing a flesh entwined with red blood.

Maintaining a miserable posture, it rushed forward.

Just like its hands, its legs, which have become closer to the human form, have superior running ability.

Blood dripped during the movement of the muscles, Gorzan opened his mouth, and flame-colored streamers gushed out.

In this regard, Empat's hands first met in front of the timer, and then immediately stretched forward. The orange light wheel quickly rotated as a round shield, blocking the enemy's ultrasonic rays.

"Do you want to continue fighting?"

Suddenly, Nangong heard such words.

That was Uniform's idea. As an ordinary person, I have never seen such a scene.

Why are the monsters still fighting when they are already injured to such an extent?

It's as if they deeply hate Ultraman.

What Nangong recalled was the 'past', not his past, but Empat, the super ancient past.

Sometimes, from time to time, he would dream of the fragments of memory remaining in the light.

"It's a chain of the past."

In the super ancient period, the battle between giants and giant beasts, and the final result.

Empat didn't hesitate, he pushed the light wheel with his thoughts, and the light wheel that canceled out the ultrasonic light rushed straight to Gorzan.

The little power left by it no longer poses a danger, and was easily smashed into pieces by the enemy.

Gorzan continued to charge, and when his arms folded together, the ground began to shake.


Left, right, the arm passing through Empat's armpit destroys, oppresses, and restrains his movements. This is not the monster's instinctive way of fighting.

Turning back instinctively, what I saw was a brown-skinned monster.

Gomora firmly restrained Empat, and then Gorzan swung down his claws.

The sparks exploded and roared, it was pain, and both sides felt the pain.

The overwhelmed claws shattered, and the blood gushing from Gorzan's fingertips clung to Empat's chest.

It gave up continuing to claw, and swung its clenched left fist forward with all its strength.

In the dull collision, the injured Empat inevitably leaked out his voice, and Gorzan's fist also spattered blood, leaving traces on the giant's skin.

At this moment, something rose up in the ground, because humans lived above the ground.

"this is---"

Resentment, negative energy, undisguised, they are sucked in the same direction.

Suppressing the pain, Empat let the Gomora in the back support his body weight, kicked Goerzan away from the chasing Goerzan.

He landed on both feet, using his back to directly support the other monster restraining him.

With force, a deep roar erupted, and the thought force cooperated with the movement, and Gomora was thrown forward.

Empat, who broke free from the shackles, rushed forward immediately, twisted his waist, and kicked with all his strength to tear through the air, and the flames that exploded knocked Gomora, who raised his hand in defense, off balance.

In order to cover it, Gorzan, who was rushing forward again, was followed by a backspin kick, and the three became entangled, and the battle became fierce in one breath.

At this moment, on the European continent, Hilton Long, who was absorbing the power plant, raised his head, and it heard the commander's order.

With his departure, the power plant, which was still throbbing with electricity, returned to silence. There were scorched black marks on the ground, and a human figure could barely be seen.

On the ground, there were still burning wreckage, and the sudden loss of control allowed the monster to seize the opportunity.

No matter how hard it was, it couldn't withstand the monster's blow. The fragments of the Victory Condor were scattered all over the place, and there was no human being who could survive in the very center of the violent explosion.

---------------------------------------------Dividing line

When Empat fought Gorzan, Dyna also fought fiercely with the enemy.

The air is separated from the ground, just like the identity of a bird pilot, relying on himself alone is enough to make maneuvers that fighter jets cannot do.

He stopped suddenly, turned, and couldn't feel the pressure of G force. Even so, it was still difficult for him to get close to the mushroom in front of him.

During the battle, the red dots below increased more and more.

Unknowingly, only a bunch of red light remained in the entire city that was plunged into darkness due to destruction. Forgas did not have any long-range light skills that could exert a threat.

Even so, it was still difficult for Dyna to break through its defenses.

That's purely based on quantity. If one tentacle is unable to defend, I will stack hundreds of them.

Dyna couldn't stay in one position for continuous output, and the stalking body below kept stretching out its tentacles trying to tear him off.

One, two, three, spreading from the center to the periphery, unconsciously, the roads in Koizumi City have become riddled with holes.

The spores scattered by Fergas continued to proliferate, absorbing all the nutrients in the land and expanding their own group.

Ordinary light skills can't pose a threat, and the power of Solgate's light is only a little bit worse. If it continues to drag on, Dyna will only face failure in energy consumption.

'What to do, Asuka! '

How to defeat that monster!

Thinking continues, but the next moment, the situation changes.


The originally blurry sky was completely invisible, but the spores ejected from the inside of the huge mushroom changed direction, and it rushed directly towards Dyna like a strong wind.

'This is? ! '

Without any pickiness, the spores just stuck to his skin, trying to take root inward.

When the line of sight is blocked, when you encounter a situation, you are caught at the moment of distraction.

Dyna's legs were wrapped, and the next moment, his body was no longer under control.

The road was crushed, amidst the loud noises and raised earth and rocks, he was tightly attached to the ground, and his body, which was originally evenly distributed in color, turned white, which was a sign that the spores were trying to parasitize it.

To make matters worse, he came to the ground.

Ground, how many fergas?

There are countless, and the only thing that can be known is that his neck, arms, and legs are all tightly entangled by an unknown number of tentacles.

'Damn! '

At this time, Dyna was forcibly pulled into a large font, and there was no way to add force, and there was no way to move.

"One last time, Dyna, will you obey us, or die?"

A human figure of Forgas appeared before him, stepping on Dyna's face and looking down at him.

"Don't you think you've won if you do this!"

Clenching his fists tightly, Asuka controlled his body and wanted to struggle, but with his own strength, how could he defeat the countless tentacles.

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