"Just, just now..."

fine?what's the situation?

In the fifth step, the loud noise and vibration caused Asuka to raise his head immediately. From this position, he could clearly see the back of the monster. The blue fur is not cute at all now.

The previous situation is completely unimportant, what matters is the current situation.

"Don't try to destroy it any more!"

Asuka took out the glowing sword that had become warm, and the moment he lifted it up, the blade popped out.

At the same time, Gabixiu locked on to the target, and its red eyes shone with purple light, and the one that was faster by this speed was the falling giant.

Touching, pulling, and before the monster could react, its head was facing the sky.

"That is!"

Completely different from the existence of the 'monster', this 'giant' didn't even send any vibrations when it fell.

Instinctively use the anti-gravity ability to remove its own weight.

"It's Dyna!"

The fleeing crowd noticed the presence, and immediately after, Dyna's left hand kept pulling on Gabixiu's neck, while his right hand pressed the opponent's back with his lowered body.

Pull, push, and lift.


Gabixiu roared and wanted to struggle, its limbs kept swinging, and before its tail swept the ground, Dyna threw it out with strength.

The giant beast tens of meters high was thrown into the air, and the shadow continued to move on the ground, which blocked the sunlight for a moment.

Aiming at Gabixiu, who has no ability to fly, Dyna directly connected his wrists to form a cross.

The surge of light energy in the body is mobilized, and the palm is used as a launch port.

The dark blue radiance was blindingly gorgeous but deadly, and the Solget's rays made contact with the purple radiance before hitting it.


The decisive blow did not achieve results, and the formed light energy was inhaled into Gabixiu's body as an energy source instead.

It wanted to fight back, but the imbalance in the air was irrepressible.

The sea water washed up on the beach splashed with the silver sand before it faded away, and Gabixiu, who was injured by gravity, supported his body and stood up.

It will fight back, attacking the enemy that caused it damage.

But after getting up, he found that the enemy who attacked it before seemed to have disappeared and turned into another existence.

Only silver and red were the only colors that were evenly distributed before. Dyna's height has not increased, but his body is more robust than before.

'Since the enemy can absorb light, don't use light. '

The simple and straightforward idea was put into action, transformed into a strong form, Dyna rushed straight towards the enemy on the beach.

Gabixiu immediately opened his mouth and raised his tail.

Up and down, the golden light is like an electric current, the red light is like a needle, and the energy captured from the Solgate light turns into a counterattack force.

In an instant, the two collided.

Red and gold are mixed together without distinguishing each other, and this unique hue only lasts for less than two seconds.

A light golden corrugated circular barrier was formed, relying on this barrier, Dyna pushed the unexploded energy directly to the enemy's face.

Gabixiu howled because of the pain, and the voice was forcibly suppressed immediately.

Dyna's uppercut exploded on his chin, and this extremely heavy blow almost shattered his consciousness in an instant.

Almost all the special abilities were given up in exchange for extremely powerful physical abilities, which is the advantage of the strong type.

One blow was like a small light attack, but it didn't need to consume any additional light energy. Dai Na's sweeping right fist hit the enemy's face with the back of his hand.

He didn't aim at other positions, and after gaining the advantage, he took advantage of the victory and pursued it. He clasped his hands tightly and smashed it down with a heavy hammer.

With a loud bang, Gabixiu completely lost consciousness this time, his brain was completely destroyed in three heavy blows, and the energy that maintained the gigantic state also dissipated due to no one controlling it.

The body kept shrinking, and finally turned into a puppet with the same posture as the original.

Only this time, it can no longer use the energy of the earth to do any damage.

Dyna stood up straight and turned to look at the town.

This action made the residents react, and they raised their hands high and cheered for Ultraman's victory.

Dyna nodded slowly.

The only way he could respond was to express his emotions with body movements like this.

Looking up, kneeling and leaping, the existence named Ultraman left towards the sky and disappeared at the end of the cloud.

"he is?"

The Daisian who watched the whole process couldn't help but ask, this is not the Ultraman he knew.

Tiga, who disappeared ten years ago, has been left in the active Empat, who is this one?

"Dyna, his name is Dyna, he just appeared recently, a new warrior."

Liang gave the answer, and was assisted by him more than once, and this feeling accumulated in his heart.

"New fighters..."

New, Ultraman.

The Daisians remembered that three Ultraman came to Earth to protect this special planet.

The event draws the curtain and the matter is over.

Time passed, and in the completely destroyed park, everyone in the Super Victory team bowed their heads.




The speech was interrupted in an instant, and everyone turned their heads suddenly. It was a flying bird happily running from a distance.

what's the situation?what happened?

It's not that Asuka was directly given by that monster...

All eyes turned to Liang, Liang felt overwhelmed and his mind was a little confused.

'I see. '

It was at this moment that the Daisians fully understood the current situation.

The monster appeared, so Ultraman also just appeared, this is because Ultraman is in an environment where he will definitely come into contact with monsters.

Even if Gabixiu is only in the second form, it is far beyond the physical level of human beings, that is to say, Asuka believes that this person is...

"Gabixiu's physical ability in the second form is not outstanding, but he can roughly use some light with little power. His luck is very good, and he should have escaped in time afterwards."

The Daisy star said so.


Liang's eyes were annoyed.

'In that case, why did you run away with me like a hopeless bird? '

"Stinky boy! Since you are still alive, you should send us a message!"

Nakajima rubbed Asuka's head vigorously, messing up his hair.

"In that case, of course I give priority to dealing with monsters!"

'Well, turn into Dyna to deal with monsters. '

Asuka spoke the truth in his heart.

"That's why your kid's team spirit is still so lacking. After I go back, I will train you more and make you miserable!"

Captain Xibi said sharply.


Asuka instantly changed from a smiling face to a bitter one, seeing him like this, Kariya grinned.

"I think he's about to complain about it now."

Look at that look.

The members of the Super Victory Team were interacting. Seeing them like this, the Daisi people seemed to understand something in their hearts.

'That's why I hide my identity...'

He understands this.

So far, the crisis brought by Gabixiu has been lifted, and the matter has come to an end for the time being.

However, the conspiracy hidden on the earth is still going on.

One of its corners has been captured, in this deep sea.

Inside the nearly [-]-meter trench, Empat was advancing with the sense that it was impossible to let go.

After sensing Dyna's appearance in the distance, he concentrated on his own induction.

The ghost stories all over the world have come true. The ghosts raging in the city are essentially small negative energy monsters. Negative energy cannot form a shape, so they borrowed people's fear.

This is not normal. According to Nangong's experience, huge negative energy will form powerful negative energy monsters. If these small negative energy monsters keep appearing, it means that there is a huge negative energy hidden on the earth.

While searching for Gabixiu in the sea, he found something different instead.

The reason why the flow of negative energy cannot be felt on land is because the negative energy flows in the sea and is guided in the same direction.

Something is gathering this power, and when did it begin?

ten years ago?five years ago?three years ago?

What kind of powerful negative energy monster will be created by the negative energy accumulated during this period of time?

'To stop things before they get to the worst. '

With this in mind, Empat moved forward rapidly in the sea.

His existence is so vivid, like the sun on a glacier.


Natural disgust.

Therefore, the existence of controlling the negative energy calls the brain waves, and it has already known the possibility of exposure.

The guard is awakened and swims out from the bottom of the sea.

In Nangong's perception, the flow of negative energy stopped.

'Did you get noticed? '

But I have already caught your tail, and I can keep up with the position of the remaining negative energy————

"Nangong, something red is coming!"

Thinking makes people distracted, and Uniq, who didn't think about it, quickly noticed the fleeting red light.


From moving forward to standing still, Empat fell to the bottom of the sea and stepped on the soft mud.

His body quickly became huge, turning into the original 53-meter posture.

The power of thought diffuses and increases from the crystal between the foreheads, and then spreads out in all directions, 50 meters, 100 meters, nothing.

'Where? '

There is nothing around.

Yes, the surroundings do not exist.

When a red light flashed in the mud, the monster broke through the mud and rushed out.


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