Suddenly heard Youyou's words.

"I, I didn't say anything."

Asuka's tone suddenly became funny, she didn't look back at all, and she didn't make any eye contact with the person who spoke.

Liang gave him a white look, and turned his attention to Captain Xibi.

"Why don't our super victorious team act together?"

That monster could have gone from a puppet to the size of a man if you had prepared for the worst.

"Because the Daisians from the Russian branch want to act with us."

Captain Xibi gave the answer, which made everyone lose their minds at the same time.

Acting with spacemen?

This is really...

"About Gabixiu, he is much clearer than us. On the contrary, we should cooperate with him well."

Captain Xibi touched his chin.

"But at critical moments, let me take command."

He emphasized that it is necessary to avoid laymen commanding experts.

While the Super Victory Team was waiting quietly, the search troops who had arrived at the landing point in the forest had already seen that location.

"There is indeed something falling here..."

There are traces of high temperature in the small potholes. The little monster named Gabixiu should not be able to go far in its initial form, and it doesn't have much mobility.

Everyone in the team put on special detectors, and instantly reflected a different scene in the same field of vision as usual.

One, two, small steps spread to the distance.

With their guns in hand, the search troops checked each other's armed forces and positions, and headed towards the direction of the forest's footsteps.

Pushing aside the plants and searching carefully, it was only half an hour before the fall. Just like the information given by the Daisies, Gabixiu did not go far.

There was a rustling sound, and something appeared from the inside of the fallen leaves.

White and blue, furry, puppet-like creatures came out unsteadily.

A whimper sounded from its mouth, and at the same time, the gun was aimed at Gabixiu.

In the next instant, light gushed out from the inside of the muzzle, but hit the hard skin.

"Keep your distance!"

The captain immediately issued an order, and Gabixiu's cute appearance disappeared without a trace, and his appearance of nearly two meters high was displayed in front of the search team.

Hidden under the fur is a ferocious appearance. Communications come in, reporting the situation and asking for support.

The emerald green light cut through the air and hit Gabixiu hard.

It roared, and the little energy left in its body was recovering at a not slow speed.

Unfortunately, it is still a bit late.

The search force continued to shoot, and the pain echoed in its mind.

Drop in the forest and find the target.

So, where is the beach?

"Can't see anything, can you see it?"

On the side of the beach, Unii asked Nangong who was only visible to her.

"No, it sucks."

Nangong shook his head, it was a step late, or this Gabixiu was really lucky.

No matter what kind of traces they were, they were all swept away by the waves that hit the shore, and there was nothing left.

"Anyway, it won't go very far."

He said this, after all, Gabixiu's physical condition is there, and it is daytime now, if it becomes bigger, it will immediately cause riots, and there is no movement at present, which means that it is still maintaining its original posture.

Chapter 39 Search Operations

On the beach, everyone in the Super Victory Team glanced around. No matter what was there in the past, those things had been taken away by the waves that washed ashore.

"How do I find this..."

Asuka complained, and then turned his gaze to the man who came here with him, a real spaceman, a Daisian.

I saw the other party raised his hand, clicked on the watch-like device for a while, and then took a step.

"This way."

Everyone looked at each other and followed the Dayisians.

Half a minute later, before the current wave receded and the next wave surged in, he squatted down to push away the wet heavy sand, and the sea water washed over his hands and trouser legs.

The Daisians didn't care about this, what they took out from the sand was a glass-like shard.

"The cage was destroyed, and Gabixiu was free."

As a container for storing monsters, the cage is of course quite rigid.

The problem is, high-temperature friction plus falling, it is not hard enough to say that.

Hearing his words, Asuka's eyes widened.

"Isn't that dangerous?"

"Well, it's dangerous."

The Daisy star nodded, and then manipulated the equipment on his wrist again.

Half a second later, his expression became unsightly.

"The environment of the earth is too good."

The spaceship parked at the Russian branch is naturally in operation. It has only one mission, which is to survey the surrounding environment. The environment of the planet Earth is too good.

"A suitable environment will make Gabixiu's energy accumulation rate very exaggerated. According to past records... within two hours of earth time, Gabixiu will be able to accumulate energy to restore his original posture." energy."

Hearing this, Captain Xibi looked serious.

"That means we can't waste even a little bit of time. Although it is not our TPC's original intention to disturb the residents, the current situation can only avoid the worst situation by conducting a thorough carpet search."

He took out his WIT and dialed the TPC office in this seaside town.

At the same time, Vice Captain Koda, who knew what to do next, was also operating something on the WIT.

Irises, fingerprints, voiceprints, and appearance, soon, the verification is complete.

"Everyone, the TPC has approved the authorization. We can legally search for the residents of every household. Except for Asuka and Liang, everyone will act separately."


Asuka couldn't help but make a suspicious sound.

'Why am I the only one treated differently? '

This question is very clear, Vice Captain Koda is very serious this time.

"It's probably the first time you've performed this kind of mission. In order to prevent you from going too far, it's better to let Liang look at you. Don't object, and start to act immediately."

He gave the order as quickly as he explained.



Asuka, who could only accept the response, scratched his hair, and knowing what to do next, everyone in the Super Victory Team began to split up.

In the end, the Daisi star decided to keep up with the combination of Asuka and Liang, and act blindly with himself, it is better to keep up.

The information was passed on, and the calm seaside town became different.

The police officers who were walking on the street had serious faces. They used their mobile phones to show the picture and asked others if they had seen this blue and white, puppet-like creature.

Except for them, the TPC personnel, who were wearing TPC work clothes and could hardly be seen at ordinary times, knocked on the door of every household and asked about the situation, because Gabixiu's appearance was too deceptive and it was a harmless disguise.

People don't have any complaints about this, but the uneasy atmosphere is indeed passing.

While the investigation was being carried out on this side of the town, under the rhythmic sea surface was a world that was somewhat distant to humans.

Life was born here, and the last part continued to grow, multiply and evolve here, and the other part walked on land and underwent different evolutions.

The red figure in the water was only 185 centimeters taller than usual, and his blue eyes did not blend in with the surroundings, but radiated a faint light.

Compared with the small town, Nangong puts the focus of the search on the sea, because TPC will definitely carry out the search in the small town, which is a matter of course.

"By the way, what if it's really in the small town?"

Floating in front of Uniform's eyes was Yuyu, whose body was shaking slightly. It was just one of them, a member of a huge group.

The fishes whose names could not be named at all moved leisurely, not afraid of Empat who existed here at all.

"Just go back as soon as possible."

'What's more, Dyna is here. '

Nangong thought this way in his heart, he didn't tell Uniform about Asuka being Dyna, because he couldn't find a good opportunity.

You can't say that your acquaintance is actually Ultraman.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the position of the sun was slowly changing.

This small town, which is not considered a large area, is more lively than ever before, and an overly exaggerated battle will indeed usher in trouble.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Captain Xibi knew that his Super Victory uniform was really conspicuous, but the problem was that he didn't have much time to go back and change it.

He left from the crowd of reporters, and there were people who were more difficult to leave.

The running birds and Liang quickly turned and ran into an open grass field, their rapid breathing slowed down.

"So why can't they wait until later?"

Asuka couldn't help complaining, enthusiastic reporters always want to get first-hand information.

"Because you can't call it first-hand information if you wait until later, dumbass."

Of course, Liang didn't feel indifferent to this, but she could understand why the reporters acted.

"At least they don't dare to make up things now."

Those news organizations in the past are called exaggeration. If there is no news, they rely on themselves to add oil and vinegar.


Suddenly, Asuka's eyes widened.

"What about the alien?"

The Daisians who should have been following them all this time disappeared without a trace.


Liang was stunned on the way of scanning. Compared with the Dayisi people, there is another more important thing now.

"Flying bird."

"What... eh?!"

On the left, on the right, in front, behind, children who don't know when they appeared formed a circle.

Why are there so many children here?

"Sister, are you a member of the Super Victory Team?"

Someone asked curiously, and the volleyball that was fun before was put aside.

"Let's make way, let's make way, you all make way first, okay?"

She hurriedly opened her mouth, trying to open a way to leave from here.

And Asuka beside him is looking at the house not far from them, which is much larger than the average house, looking in through the window, the wide space is neatly arranged inside, divided into two layers of bunk beds bed.

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