"These monsters can... really don't understand!"

Before the driver could ask a question, the monster's movements directly broke the current form in an instant.

The fireball flew, and the Shenying separated into three parts, and evaded in three directions.

He fired back directly, and the red, blue and yellow lights exploded on hit.

The painful Kerubim was furious because of the pain, but faster than its turning speed, he jumped directly behind it and pulled the steering, aimed at the side face exposed by the turning and fired again.

The fleeting beam of light made it difficult to see clearly, but the clearest thing was the sparks that exploded on the monster's face.

Facing the two seemingly bulky monsters, the Condor of the Russian branch took advantage of its speed and continuously attacked the two Kerubim from different directions.

Keep yourself safe while dealing damage to enemies.

From Feiyan, Feiyan EX-J, to today's Condor, what has passed through is the actual application of the Magus power system. The leap in technology has increased the power of weapons.

It is no longer difficult to cause damage to monsters. The siege of the α, β, and γ three machines fixed Kerubim in its original position.


Pulling the joystick, in response to the pilot's actions, the α-fighter quickly swept across an arc, and a fireball flew past below.

The originally clear sky flashed orange from time to time, which was the energy released from the monster's mouth.

"If you can't hit, you will start messing around, right?"

Kerubim's counterattack was haphazard, he just tried his best to find the traces of fighter jets and attack.

Although the fireballs passing by one after another posed a certain threat, they were still within the range of response.

From the side of one of the flames, a blue radiance flashed across, and the 'ears' that opened at both sides of Kerubim's head at some point were easily hit.

"It's easy to fight on its own, and now it makes itself bigger, heh."

Shooting, skimming, climbing, and descending, they were completely unable to hit the three fighters with fireballs, only their bodies were constantly stained with the blackness caused by being shot.

With the help of the Condor, the Russian branch seems to have succeeded in suppressing the monster.

Soon, this balance was easily broken. For Kerubim, the ears on both sides of the head are important organs, and they are used for communication and transmission of information.

Thus, the two monsters whose ideas were coordinated started different actions.

Their long tails on the ground were lifted above their heads so easily, and the hidden power within them exploded along with the movements.

The spiked tail was like a mace, and the mace began to rotate continuously.

If the monster of several meters moves at full strength, it will affect the surrounding environment in an instant, and a chaotic wind begins to blow around the two.

The sudden abnormality affected the three fighters, and at the moment of the impact, the fireball was spit out.


Even through the protective measures, the temperature suddenly became exaggerated. The right wing of the β fighter evaporated and disappeared in an instant. The warning sounded even a step slower, and the unbalanced fighter began to fall out of control.

"Tsk! Emergency escape!"

The β-fighter that served as the command system was no longer able to fight, and the captain, who was the frontline commander, quickly issued an order.

But it's a step slower, because there are two monsters.

The mouth of the second Cherubim was slowly closing, and the fireball it poured out spanned the distance, waiting for the moment to burn the 'moving target'.

Suddenly, everyone in the β fighter felt a momentary shaking.

The fireball walking in a straight line suddenly refracted and bounced away, and after the light-colored soft light dissipated, the scarlet giant hugged the β fighter with his left hand, raised his right hand, and knocked the fireball into the air half a second ago.

"The two are still of the same race."

Empat looked at the two monsters that were suppressed for a while.

That is also natural, for the two Kerubim, suddenly there is an unknown existence taller than them, so vigilance is naturally there.

One side moves one step, and the other side also moves one step accordingly.

Eyes intertwined, staring at each other, maintaining a vigilant movement, one of the Kerubim let out a threatening growl.

This stalemate was directly broken. After Ultraman appeared on this land, TPC had only one task, and that was to assist the other party in defeating the monsters that threatened humans.

Therefore, the α fighter and the γ fighter fired at the same time, aiming at the two huge ears.

Sparks splashed, seizing this opportunity, Empat let go of his left hand, and under the protection of mental power, the β fighter pulled away from the distance and fell to the ground unscathed.

The surrounding scenery was pulled back and blurred, he jumped up quickly, and the knee bump with superimposed speed slammed into the enemy's face fiercely.

More painful than any previous attack, the first Kerubim that was hit fell backwards, and the falling Empat quickly raised his arms.

One left, one right, like two small shields.

The sharp claws that chopped on the two shields were pressed by the claws of the second Kerubim. This was just the initial attack.

I saw the opponent's head tilted back, and the horns growing above stabbed hard.

Empat turned his head away and skimmed sharply.

He leaned forward, retracted his arms that were originally defending against claw strikes, closed them vertically and parallelly in front, and rushed into the arms of the second Kerubim.

In the extremely close distance, the attack can only rely on one's own physical ability.

And in this universe, in terms of physical ability, it can be said that there are very few existences that can be compared with Ultraman and Empat.

Knocking back the second Kerubim in the impact, this is not the end.

Empat had room to accelerate this time. He took a step forward with his right leg, and with the burst of strength matched with his sideways body, he hit the enemy's body with a shoulder impact.

Even if it was dull, the sound from the huge existence of tens of meters was still exaggerated.

In his original position, there was a passing fireball.

The first rescue of the first Kerubim, who was knocked back by the knee at first, ended in failure, and there was still a certain distance between the two sides, an excellent distance.

The tail tensed instantly, and it was thrown out as it turned around.

The sound of breaking through the air was transmitted, and the sharp heavy hammers attacked from the side.

At this time, in front of Empat was the second Kerubim that was staggering back. He ignored it for the time being, squatted down and put the fingertips of both hands facing each other in front of the timer.

The sledgehammer flicked over his head, then turned quickly and threw it.

The jagged halo was faster than Kerubim could turn, and a roar echoed in the sky.

A little blood landed with the broken tail, the first Cherubim's tail with a sloping flat cut.

Sparks flickered in its long mouth, and the pain and aroused anger made it act instinctively.

A fireball erupted, and Empat quickly jumped to the right.

I saw this fireball passing by, hitting the second Kerubim without any loss of power.

Before the flames had dissipated, they were carried by the blowing wind.

Empat's straight legs are like spears, and the side kick hits the abdomen, bursting with strength.

On his left and right sides, α and γ fighter jets passed by one after the other, shooting light continuously.

The aftermath of hitting its mate calmed the first cherubim a little, and it stepped forward, then suddenly lost sight.

The impact of the thought power exploded on the ground, and the raised mud waves rose under the guidance.

The blindfold that separated the line of sight was instantly pierced, Empat's arms were crossed in front of him, and needle-like golden rays shot out.

Like gold, and like flames, the destructive energy quickly penetrated Kerubim's skin, penetrated into the body and began to wreak havoc.

Dying out of life, Empat turned around, his clenched right fist was dyed the same color as the Spyium light before.

Grip's light, that is a penetrating light with thrusts as the mainstay, and the spiral drill strike is a variant produced when he uses the power of darkness.

If you use the power of light at this time...

Before the second Kerubim could recover from the combined attack of the α and γ fighters, the straight fist wrapped in flames slammed into its chest.

Like explosives detonated, there was no time to feel the pain, the body surface of the second Kerubim that came to the earth was split, and the moment the flash gushed out from the inside, it turned into scattered fragments.

Empat stood up straight, and swung away some light particles that were still wrapped around his arm with his swinging right hand.

His gaze first focused on the two passing fighter jets, and then turned to the far side.


This undisguised sight instantly made people several kilometers away feel that the man who left the spaceship was surrounded by TPC soldiers.

His raised hands slowly pressed the watch-like device on his left wrist at a speed that everyone could see.

"Everyone on Earth, I am not malicious."

It was very standard Russian, which made the TPC soldiers present feel puzzled.

Because the pronunciation and the movement of the lips do not match at all.

"I come from the distant Daisy galaxy. The reason why I came to Earth is to chase another monster that suddenly changed direction. What happened to this planet?"

What he said was words that shocked everyone's hearts.


After being silent for a while, Empat's body slowly disappeared, and finally disappeared.

'Is it recognized? '

The Daisian thought about Empat's actions in his heart. He never planned to lie or hide from the beginning.

Since there is a special existence of Ultraman on this planet, it should borrow his power.

At this moment, the exchange of sights ended, and the man who was the captain of the TPC action force looked at the Daisians.

"If you don't mind...can you understand our language?"

He was the first to identify the most important things.


Received a reassuring answer.

"Then if you don't mind, can you go to our base and tell us the situation in detail?"


The two sides quickly reached a consensus, and the Daisies went to the Russian branch of TPC together under the guidance.

After many years, the earth once again ushered in a dialogue with aliens.

The team marched towards the base neatly, but they couldn't notice, and they didn't know who was following them.

"Are we turning into ghosts or something?"

The completely transparent particles were not directly transformed into the flesh, so Uniq could be said to be moved by Nangong.

"It's just that I haven't changed back to my original physical body from the state of light particles."

Nangong explained the situation at this time, however, Uniq had only one feeling:

"Is this reasonable? It's not reasonable!"

She used to think that she was like a battery being put inside the giant 'Empat', the so-called 'cockpit view'

Looking at it now...seems like she also became a part of Empat in the process.

Why can flesh and blood transform into light?

What kind of technology is this!

"Super ancient technology."

As if sensing her thoughts, Nangong gave the answer.

All modern humans are descendants of super-ancient people, and super-ancient people are the existence that stretched out their hands to the giant of light.

In a sense, people on Earth are more or less hybrids of humans and giants of light, which is what Masaki said, inheriting the genetic factor of light.

"By the way...can you make it back to school in the afternoon?"

Uniq suddenly noticed something very important.

Chapter 38

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