An extinct volcano, in a nutshell, is a volcano that has erupted in prehistoric times but has never been active in history.

If it is not a volcano that is so special that it cannot be more special, this type of volcano will not be revived again.

Of course, there have been extinct volcanoes revived in human history, and the closest one was the Wumenyue volcano ten years ago.

"Everyone, please see, this is the current situation of the Big Bear Volcano!"

The camera lens began to move, and the scene below the helicopter was filmed.

A pitch-black thick fog poured out from the hole, and an orange-red liquid spread around the black area.

The magma flowed down to the outside, and the plants growing on the mountain turned into a burning flame due to the high temperature.

Located outside the lens, the eyes above the reporter's mask showed an uncomfortable expression.

Even if they were some distance away from Big Bear Volcano, the polluted air was still uncomfortable.

The reporter quickly took a sip of water for the uncomfortable throat.

"Big Bear Volcano, which was supposed to be an extinct volcano, has started to move again. I wonder if you still remember what happened ten years ago?"

If you want to talk about what happened ten years ago, you have to mention that monster.

"The monster named Gorzan triggered the eruption of Mount Wumen in the first place. This is the latest example of the revival of an extinct volcano in human history. So what about this time?"

Journalists link two things that don't exactly equate.

Because there are no residential areas near Big Bear Volcano, no evacuation is required.

There is a long distance from the helicopter of the TV station, and the plane flies by.

"That's TPC's scout plane."

As a public organization, TPC's equipment is publicized, at least its appearance, so the reporter recognized the multi-purpose airship at first sight.

"In the end what happened?"

The poor field of view made it difficult for the camera to take a clear picture, and the multi-purpose airship gradually melted into the thick fog.

Although it is first-hand news, it is not so clear. It is just to let the world know about the eruption of Big Bear Volcano.

About 10 minutes have passed since its eruption, and the flowing magma spread to the mountain forest, igniting the green trees, and the exuberant mountain fire began to ignite.

Suddenly, in an unfelt tremor in the sky, Big Bear Volcano began to erupt again.

The dense fog was mixed with raging fire, and the raging fire fell like a shooting star along with gravity.

The camera was filming, and this incident had nothing to do with the driver in front. He maintained the control of the helicopter and stayed at a safe enough distance.

I don't know if the black mist in front is an illusion, but it has become thicker.

It was difficult to see clearly at night, and now it was even worse.

The driver's right hand loosened slightly, and then tightened again.

At this moment, his eyes could only see a fleeting shadow.

In the next moment, the glass in front of the helicopter was full of cracks, and the fierce figure could be heard even by the reporters behind.

In front of this piece of cracked glass, the driver couldn't help holding his breath.

The transparent liquid was dyed green, and in the center was a mass of rotten flesh, completely occupying the field of vision.

'What the hell is this? ! '

Can't comprehend, and don't know what exactly, what appears to be the remains of a creature.

But why is there such a creature?

Where did it come from?

Before the driver could think further, the cracked glass exploded instantly.

He immediately clenched the joystick tightly, not knowing what happened in his brain, but his instinct controlled his body, he lowered his flying altitude, intending to land here, and he had to land, something was thrown out along the eruption of the volcano, and he continued to hold Heights are dangerous.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--------------------"

It was the scream of seeing something terrifying, and it came from the rear, where the reporter was.

what happened?

Without time to pay attention, just controlling the helicopter has already done its best.

What was shown on the TV was no longer a stable picture, and it was difficult for the audience to see clearly during the shaking.

At the same moment, something appeared inside the erupting Big Bear Volcano.

There was an invisible shadow in the dark fog, and then, the shadow fell out of the mountain.

The body is in contact with the magma flowing on the mountain, the heat is nothing to it.

Different from the blackness of the volcano, yellow mist spewed out from its body, covering itself.

Then, the wind blew.


Inside the helicopter, the driver was directly pressed against the seat by this force.

It would be fine if it was just that, but the problem was that the wind didn't just affect him.

The helicopter that was about to land lost control, and the tail of the plane came into contact with the mud, causing a wave of mud.

The entire fuselage was out of balance, and the rotors spinning above also scraped against the ground, making harsh noises.

The world was spinning, and only the seat belt bound the driver tightly to the seat.

The dizziness caused by the shaking, the vomiting caused by the oppression, the tinnitus continued, and finally, everything became calm.


The driver wanted to just faint like this.


If the bird's song is amplified ten times, it will be an extremely terrifying magic sound.

The pilot who woke up in an instant pulled off his seat belt and struggled to escape from the inside of the helicopter.

It seems that the goddess of luck favored them, and the tilted helicopter did not completely overturn.

The driver gasped for a while, turned around again, and reached into the interior of the back seat, trying to tear the reporter and photographer out.

At this moment, a feeling that made his scalp tingle was transmitted to his arm.


It was as if some bug was crawling on the arm, the driver quickly retracted his hand and flicked it, and something was thrown on the ground.

"What, what is this?!"

The green body surface is constantly wriggling, and the nodular body can immediately remind people of reptiles, but this caterpillar-like creature is more than ten times larger than the caterpillar.

It is nearly as wide as a female's forearm and two-thirds as long.

It was this kind of creature that crawled on his arm just now, and it was this kind of creature that smashed the glass.

The driver was terrified, and what made him even more terrified was the presence around him.

From the left, from the right, and from the feet, large reptiles squirmed one after another, fleeing in the same direction.

How many such creatures exist?

How many of these creatures were thrown out by the volcanic eruption just now?


The chirping of birds came again, and the driver turned his head subconsciously, and then noticed the two behemoths belatedly.

With an insect-like pincer mouth, but with human-shaped limbs, the huge monster stood here, and it just stood there.

Its left hand and its right hand are locked by sharp claws, and everything can be clearly seen from the driver's side angle.

The volcano was still erupting, and the resulting light shone on the two monsters.

Insects, birds, insects are eaten by birds, this point, even if it is replaced by monsters, it seems to remain the same.

The leaf-eating monster Kemjira, which survived in the super ancient times, can crush buildings with its body alone, and such an existence is just prey.

In front of its ribcage, the bird's peck pierces and draws it out.

Two huge red sacs hung down, and Barton, the predator, made a strange cry for the third time.

After waking up, the food is also sleeping in the same place, how lucky it is.

It let go of its claws, and Camjilla's body fell backwards, twitching as it landed.

The driver watching all this seems to have lost the ability to speak. Monsters are also creatures, and since they are creatures, there is an ecological chain.

What he saw was a corner of the super ancient times.

In the era before the arrival of the giant of light, the super ancient people lingered on the run, and monsters, as the overlords of the planet, formed an ecological chain on the primitive earth, hunting and being hunted, multiplying and surviving.

Suddenly, those eyes looked over.


The amount of feces in one eye surpassed that of a human being, and the driver felt his legs tremble when he saw that eye that was expressing some emotion.

In Barton's field of vision, apart from those grain reserves, there were other strange existences.

Although it has not been eaten, it does not mind tasting it.

The ground trembled and shook, causing the pilot to fall to the ground. Unlike him, the larvae of Kemjira tried their best to escape.

The distance of only a few hundred meters does not take much time for Barton.

When he approached, light particles flew.

50 meters, [-] meters, still, in the dense fog, under the light of the erupting volcano, two giant shadows flickered.

For Barton, it was too confusing. Why did something suddenly appear and stand in front of him?

For Empat, it was just a last-minute catch.

The left foot rubbed against the soil, and the forward body pressed forward again.


The sound of birdsong echoed in the night sky, and Empat held Barton's throat, pushing him back step by step.

The sound of the wind whistled beside his ears, and the next moment, the two claws touched each other and swung into the air.

Barton staggered back due to the explosive force. In front of it, the red giant who pushed it away leaned its body and hit its chest with a side kick.

Hence the roar and the pain, and thus the hostility.

Empat made a fighting gesture. He has dealt with too many monsters in the past ten years, so he knows how monsters fight.

He moves faster before the enemy moves.

The twisting punch hit the chest directly, and the explosive force caused Barton to be pushed back again.

Empat immediately stepped forward to give chase, and what came oncoming was the sharp claws waving.

He raised his left arm, the skin harder than the so-called energy shield supported the enemy's claws, and swung his right hand from the side, grabbing the opponent's head.

With the slap and the burst of force, and the tugging and flinging, Barton changed from retreating to advancing, staggering and about to fall.

Empat, who turned his body sideways, naturally went around the opponent's back. He leaned forward with his upper body, jumped up while sprinting, and aimed at the enemy's vest with speed and strength, and kicked.

The sound of his footsteps that suddenly disappeared immediately caused alarm. Barton spread his wings and swung them, so the front and rear positions were reversed again.

Barton, who rose into the sky, aimed at Empat, who fell to the ground, his mouth opened, and the flames ignited.

The concentrated flames touched the invisible barrier before they came into contact, and spread to the surroundings, gradually forming the embryonic form of a sea of ​​flames.

Relying on powerful thoughts, Empat constructed a layer of thoughts to stop the flames.

He pushed forward with both hands, and the hot flames were pressed towards the enemy instead.


Barton only had time to utter a short cry before being swallowed by his own flames.

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