I can feel the smell emanating from it. If I have to say it, it is very close to the 'Cosmic Guard'

That is the so-called light.

Open the mouth, the monster that should have existed inside disappeared without a trace, only the dark yellow fangs and the dark red 'mouth'

"This monster!"

Kariya felt a little shudder, they might be the first people to see monsters eating monsters.

The monster itself is strong enough, so what is the existence of a monster that can devour monsters?

Pulling up, spinning, and diving, the light from the three planes hit Bogaru's head, shoulders, and neck. The explosion caused a certain amount of damage, and at the same time convinced him that it didn't feel wrong.

'Quickly change back to your original posture. '

'? ! '

The trigger that Asuka was about to press stopped, his eyes widened, and the voice from the inside of his brain was so obvious.

'what happened?Could it be that monster talking to me? '

Puzzled by this, he didn't notice the imperceptible warmth from the flashing sword in his arms.

'If you don't hurry up...'

He heard that female-like, male-like voice again.

At the same moment, the movement of the α fighter stopped.


The α fighter that was forcibly stopped creaked, and the metal screamed fiercely because of this. The inertia could not be removed. When it was forcibly stopped, the G force brought by the speed was instantly exerted on the two people inside.

The inside of the body felt extremely uncomfortable, and then, saw those eyes.

"what happened?!"

The β fighters and the γ fighters quickly returned to defense, trying to stop Bogaru's actions.

The raised right hand aimed at the α fighter, and then swung it down forcefully.

Asuka tightly held the flashing sword in his hand, but the warm transforming device didn't respond.

'What's wrong!Why did it suddenly—"

The top is covered in shadow, and the claw hits.

In an instant, the glass shattered and fell.

Chapter 33 Killing

The slashed palm shattered the α fighter, but that was all.

Bogaru could feel the concentrated power. Behind it, the newborn warrior was squatting on the ground, and on the palm of his right hand was Koda who had fallen into a coma.

Put him in the already empty forest, the animals dare not approach this range, the breath of the predator is extremely terrifying to them.

"it is good!"

Captain Xibi let go of his hanging heart. Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, Dyna's action obviously put someone down.

Next, just assist Dyna——


The force is exerted on the body and on the internal organs. The flying β fighters and γ fighters are still in the air, starting from the wings and crushing inward.

The next moment, Dyna rushed forward.

The fierce forward kick hit Bogaru's crossed arms.

Losing the suppression of telekinetic power, the shabby β and γ fighters began to fall.

Dyna immediately stepped forward to catch them, his milky white eyes reflected the driver who was safe inside.

’ And that thing that got in the way disappeared. '

The voice sounded in Asuka's mind again, this time, it was different, he was able to respond.

'Yeah, I'm sending you to hell right now. '

Standing up, he instantly pulled out the blue cutting blade with his arms that were slashed left and right.

The time spent with everyone in the Super Victory Team is not considered long, but for Asuka, who has no friends because of his personality, he already regards them as important friends.

With anger in his arms, his bent legs straightened, and the explosive force he brought instantly overturned the dirt on the ground.

Arm against upper arm, there was a bang.

Bogaru's arm was trembling, and the strange force that overwhelmed Asteron didn't seem to have much effect on Dyna.

The moment it stepped back, the falling palm knife scratched across its chest.

Its body leans back and its tail moves slightly.

Dyna's forward movement stopped, and as he lowered his body to the left, his tail swept past where his head had been.

Both sides can be divided into the range of 'human form', but Bogaru needs to have an extra flexible tail, which is the 'fifth limb'

The advantage brought by it was revealed at this time, the tail, which was not affected by the posture of the body, interrupted Dyna's offensive, not only that, but also showed a gap in the evasive movement caused by the attack.

Bo Jiaru took a step forward, kicking his right leg high and exploding with power.

It was Dyna's defensive arms that stopped the blow.

Amidst the loud noise, his body was spinning rapidly, borrowing the transmitted force, backflipping to open the distance and release the force at the same time.

Dyna fell along with the gravity, Bogaru was still in the original position and did not move.

A strange cry came out, and the pheromone spread out.

A blue crescent moon flitted across the air, and Dyna's blow cut the light through the enemy's movement.

When one moved, the other moved as well.

Bogaru raised his tail while running, and the curved tail kept shaking, as if it would suddenly thrust out at any moment.

After approaching, he kept a distance that could react at any time.

The stalemate broke after half a second, as Dyna could feel the energy falling within him.

The sunlight that fell in the sky was not strong enough, and the light energy was still slowly decreasing while maintaining the body.

He crossed a safe distance, and Bogaro crossed more.

Not using the tail, but directly using the body, the two collided fiercely.

Unexpectedly, Dyna staggered as if he was about to fall, but this time, the real tail got entangled.

The distance that was about to be opened was pulled back again, towards his abdomen, the sharp point on Bogaru's hand stabbed directly.

Seeing that the two were about to touch, the closed palms firmly held the sharp point, preventing it from piercing.

Momentary maneuvers went nowhere, and a string of sparks exploded near Dyna's neck.

It was Bogaru's empty left hand, and Dyna, whose hand was locked, could do nothing about it.

There was another dull crash, and the simultaneous knee bump made it difficult for the entangled two to keep their balance.

Suddenly, the legs separate from the ground.

Dyna directly pulled the opponent to rise towards the sky, and the gravity was exerted between the two.

Before Bogaru could react, the ascent turned into a fall.

The prey it restrained crashed directly into its arms, the earth was thrown into the sky, and the weight of 45000 tons was crushed on it.

When the mud fell, Dyna, who was rolling forward, broke free.

Half squatting on the ground, he turned around and threw out the cutting light again, the hot crescent moon burned the soil, and between the explosion of sparks, Bogaru's right arm sent it a signal of pain.

Both stood up at the same time, and Dyna sprinted for the second time, actively closing the distance between him and the enemy.

'Does not attack directly with its tail. '

The left hand was pulled forward and backward, and the right hand was swung forward and backward. Bogaru's deflected body completed the avoidance. At the same moment, Dyna deflected his body in the same direction.

The originally straight arm was retracted, and the elbow was directly smashed out as a weapon.

The sudden blow shattered Bogaru's face, and it was thrown back.

On the other hand, Dyna fell to the ground, and this was the price he paid for shifting his body to chase.

However, following this falling force, his left leg drew an arc, and lashed Bogaru's shoulder fiercely like a long whip.

At the same time the kick hit, the sharp tail was directly wrapped around his leg as before.

Dyna didn't feel the strength. In other words, he was still falling, not standing on his head, being lifted by the enemy's tail.

'really. '

In the previous confrontation, Asuka noticed this.

All that sharp tail could do was restrain him, and it wasn't good enough to use as a main attack method.

Fast, powerful, but not that powerful.


'It wasn't me who fell. '

It didn't turn upside down due to the pulling of the opponent's tail, it was simply flipped by its own ability.

Using the ability of anti-gravity, the direction of Dyna's head and legs is completely reversed at this time.

So, aiming at the abdomen, both fists blasted out at the same time.

With a dull sound, he could feel that the tail binding his left leg was no longer so tight.

Dyna immediately pulled his right leg back, kicked, spun, and exploded with strength.

The angle created a wonderful way of attack. The kick directly above the head knocked Bogaru to the ground, and Dyna, who completed the second flip, landed with his back facing the enemy.

While squatting halfway, he chased with his sweeping legs, and the second kick that directly hit Bogaru's head hit, and the monster rubbing against the ground shook its head while turning over and standing up.

The slightly dizzy head raised slightly, and what came in front of him was a full-fledged flying kick.

Jumping up, falling down, in an arc, Dyna kicked Bogaru's face fiercely for the third time.

As the two brushed past, the giant's legs bent and fell to the ground, and the monster fell to the ground.

Bogaru stood up again, staring at the prey in front of him.

The sudden fighting style did make it impossible to react for a while, but it was still within the allowable range.

He rushed forward, swung his claws, and the attack pierced the air. This time it was Dyna's turn to dodge.

Waving his hands continuously, he continued to press forward.

But for Dyna, this is not a threat.

That is indeed a very strong strange power, but it is only a very strong strange power.

The fighting style does not contain any kind of skill, wielding an attack that is easy to see through, the only thing worth being vigilant about is the tail that is so sensitive that it can even strike first.

Dyna moved his hands forward, touching the arm and sliding it away.

Accumulated strength in the right elbow, and slammed it out suddenly.

Bogaru, who was hit hard on the head again, fell back on his upper body.

The movement is interrupted midway, when a knee strike on its stomach causes its body to arch.

Legs dropped, body deflected, Dyna slammed his left elbow into the back of the head as he brushed past his foe.

Bogaru, who staggered and fell, supported the ground with his hands, turned around and stood up, and the blue light mixed with sinusoidal curves was reflected in his eyes.

The chest area was hit instantly, and with this as the center, a dark golden ring spread out to the surroundings.

Solget's light ablated Bogaru's body, and a second later, its red-hot body was shattered in a violent explosion.

Dyna stood up straight, the timer flickering with the weariness of the battle making its distinctive sound.

He looked at the sky, and finally left towards the sky.

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