Just when they had a certain idea relying on past experience, the Super Victory team also made new progress.

"Special brain waves, and there are two strands."

This is the information reported by the technicians in Gudun's observation station. Among the wavelengths that Gudun became intense due to his awakening, there is another fleeting wavelength that was captured.

"Something is deliberately awakening the monsters on the earth one by one, not only that, it may even attract monsters from outside the universe to our earth."

According to the observed data, the monster that came from the universe and was dealt with by Empat in the sky fell to Aoba City as well.

This is the crux of the problem. One is a coincidence, and the other two are worth pondering.

Besides that, there is another thing.

"Look at this image."

While talking, Captain Xibi nodded to Mai.

Soon, the screen in the command room reflected the two figures.

"what is this?"

Asuka directly spoke out what the other team members thought, because they also really wanted to know what that thing on the screen, that dark blue flame, was.

It looked like a man on fire.

In this regard, Captain Xibi explained:

"The footage captured by the city surveillance system in Aoba City yesterday, because all the citizens retreated to shelters at that time, this anomaly was easily captured."

In addition to the flame figure, there is another woman with messy hair.

She kept colliding with the flaming figure, and the two seemed to be fighting fiercely.

"This is the information obtained after processing the obtained image ten times slower. They are undoubtedly not human beings."

What Nakajima said surprised everyone, so everyone reacted quickly.

"There must be some connection between the two existences that are not human beings, and the two monsters heading towards Aoba City."

Liang fell into deep thought, the question is what is the connection.

Seeing that everyone's attitude became serious and serious, Captain Xibi nodded.

"Now we, TPC, have taken over the city surveillance system, and we are searching for this woman's whereabouts through the cameras."

What he said made everyone blink.

"Can you even do this kind of thing?"

Asuka felt a little unbelievable. Doesn't this sound authoritarian and an invasion of privacy?

Is the TPC a freemason? !

"It's better to be treated specially in special times than to let monsters run wild."

Captain Xibi's words are indeed reasonable.

"Also, I'm a little worried about the chain reaction."

There was concern on his face, Kariya didn't quite understand, and looked at Vice Captain Koda.

Facing this question, Vice Captain Koda looked at Nakajima who specialized in monsters.

Obtained by his eyes, Nakajima nodded and explained to the people who still didn't understand:

"As we all know, there are all kinds of life on the earth, land, sea, animals, plants, and they are interconnected to form the so-called ecological chain and nature."

"What's the matter with the opening speech of this natural animal program?"

Asuka was outspoken and couldn't hold back at all.

"Spring is here, everything is recovering, and nature is mating again...Okay, okay, I won't say anything!"

Noticing that Liang raised his clenched fist beside him, he quickly took two steps back to admit cowardice.

'Just kidding. '

Really violent.

"Actually, what Asuka said makes sense."

Nakajima nodded, reproduction is also a part of life.

"Monsters are also creatures that once lived on the earth. They were also part of the natural world 3000 million years ago, so TPC is worried. If a monster wakes up, will it cause more monsters to wake up?" Wake up, move your whole body with one hair."

It's a chain reaction.

"If they wake up again, we'll get rid of them like this time!"

Fist, fist, Asuka said confidently.

"That's right, but it's better not to wake up."

Vice Captain Koda expressed his opinion seriously, which is also TPC's idea.

It doesn't matter if the super victorious team has been idle all the time, it's better than monsters actually popping up in groups.

At this moment, Mai's eyes widened in surprise.

"Asuka, do you like Dyna very much?"


It was hard to react to the sudden words.

"That punching posture is exactly the same as Dyna's!"

"Ah? Yes, hahaha!"

Asuka quickly withdrew his right hand, isn't it normal for him to like himself?

"Then let's talk about Dyna later!"

Mai said happily.

"Huh? Oh!"

I'd like to see how you can compliment me!

"But there's really nothing to talk about..."

Just then, Nakajima interrupted the conversation.

"The information about Dyna currently only has three forms, which are similar to Tiga ten years ago. As for more things, they are all just a puzzle. Is he of the same race as the Ultraman who once appeared? ? Or is there something else?"

This is analyzed from a rational point of view.

"Speaking of this, during the battle between Tiga and Empat ten years ago—"

Nakajima kept talking, Ryo and Mai looked at each other.

'It's not romantic. '

Isn't there something more romantic to talk about?

For example, where did he come from, where did he go, why should he protect human beings and so on.

And listening to Nakajima's question after question, Asuka also became a little tangled.

That's right, what kind of existence is Dyna?

Although it is said that he uses this power, he really does not have any understanding.

'What the hell are you?Dyna? '

Is it pure power?

At least Asuka didn't feel any special consciousness during the battle, but it was really convenient for the tricks to come out of his mind one after another.

"Speaking of which, this kid hasn't finished his training today. You can talk about Dyna later. I'll borrow him temporarily."

"Eh? Ah! Don't pull, don't pull!"

Ryo just pulled Asuka by the shoulders and headed to the training room.

Today, there are no monster disasters.

Today, there are still many monsters sleeping in the interior of the earth.

Today, what monster woke up was not noticed because it was in the sea.

On the earth illuminated by the spring light, Uniform expressed strong opposition.

"No, I don't want to, refuse!"

Half a second later, that expression completely disappeared.

She shrugged her shoulders loosely.

"Although I want to say that, there must be a special reason."

Just 1 minute ago, Nangong made such a suggestion - he wanted to catch a wraith or something else to go back and observe.

"I want to know why they don't gather together and become negative energy monsters."

"What monster?"

Uniq was puzzled, it turned out that there were different types of monsters.

"This matter is more complicated."

Nangong thought about it and decided to explain it in a simpler way:

"To put it simply, it is resentment, hatred, pain, sadness, and depression. If such negative emotions accumulate too much, they will form monsters. Such monsters are generally classified as negative energy monsters."

"Is it really reasonable to form this way of thinking only when you hear it?"

"That's how they're born anyway."

Anyway, that's exactly what happened.

"Okay, okay, at least you grab some... more normal-looking things."

In the end, Uniqlo, which still compromised, could only make trivial demands.

'By the way, are there really more normal-looking ghosts? '

I heard from Kirino that even the triangular head in Silent Hill will appear, and she thinks that normal things should not become that kind of thing.


At this moment, someone's call was heard.

Immediately afterwards, Nangong who was originally sitting there was passed by someone, and the two figures overlapped.



The shapeless Nangong just stood up silently, and naturally got rid of the overlapping state.

'Grass. '

Hmm, the meaning of growing grass.

"Oh, it turns out that we misunderstood what happened yesterday."

Saito scratched his hair, looking embarrassed.

"Actually, Yanshan's family has a piece of land, which was rented out by Mr. Kirino. That's the rent."

"Huh? Mr. Kirino?"

UNIQ felt that this title seemed to be changing a little too quickly.

"Because that land was used to open an orphanage, I think it's a great thing."

There are many children who lost their parents in the incident ten years ago.

"Is that so..."

While the two were chatting, Nangong turned his head to look in the direction of the line of sight.

His eyes quickly caught the girl who retreated behind the tree.

' No wonder. '

After all, according to Kirino, the so-called ghosts had never left a good impression on her, and it was only natural that she was warned.

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