At that time, what to say?

"Really, it's really irresponsible to suddenly disappear alone. It's because of you and me that we work hard in the direction of pilots and TPC."

Asuka sat down on the cold grass, staring at the starry sky.

And Yima's face also showed bitterness, he sat down and said a thousand words, but finally he could only come to one sentence:


I have not been with you these years, I have left you alone all these years, I am sorry that I am an irresponsible father.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, those things are in the past."

Lying back, Asuka stared at the starry sky that had never been seen on Earth.

White, light gold, purple, all kinds of light spots are connected together, and finally form an incomparably bright galaxy.

Reach out like this, as if you can touch it.

It's so beautiful and exciting.

What could this red star be?

What is that blue star?

Curiosity is constantly increasing, what are these?Why is it so bright?

When he reacted, his right hand had already been stretched out, but he couldn't hold anything.

It fell off with a snap, and then rested on the back of the head.

"Ah... I lost."

Anyway, this is just a dream, and it's no big deal.

"I thought I must be the savior of mankind, but I was beaten all over the floor. Didn't Ultraman say that they are all undefeated braves? Why was I beaten like this?"

I also worked hard and fought with all my strength to the end, but this is the case, if Empat does not arrive, it will be dangerous.

So I'm actually an unqualified Ultraman?

Looking at his appearance, he opened his mouth immediately:

"It's not like you, why did you become so lost all of a sudden?"

As the Asuka letter that my father knew, or 'saw'...

"The letter I know is a person who never gives up at any time, and once he decides on a goal, he will continue to sprint forward. He has a willpower that will never admit defeat, and at the same time, he will also activate that person who always likes to Play some smart brains."

"What's called cleverness?"

Asuka laughed uncontrollably, the evaluation from his father made him laugh out loud.

"My brain is clearly the brilliant Einstein."

Have you ever met someone as smart as your son?

"Yes, yes, yes, there is also an inexplicable self-confidence that comes out of nowhere."

One horse clapped his hands and said happily.


Enough is enough for me!

"Stop criticizing your dear son!"

Suddenly got up from the grass, Asuka complained dissatisfied.

Then, his expression slowly became confused.


I don't feel like 'me' anymore

Or now I realize the real 'me'

Asuka closed his eyes, recalling what he had experienced twice in less than half a month.

"Dad, death is a very scary thing."

At that time, I was thrown into space, feeling suffocated, feeling cold, the kind of fear that I could only watch my life go by gradually.

Fighting that mechanical monster back then, I felt the pain of being cut in two, and the powerlessness of being unable to defeat the opponent no matter how hard I tried.

"Combat is also a very scary thing."

It is precisely because of fighting that we will face death.

Tiga, Empat, Ultraman.

There are many things that will not resonate just by looking at them. The so-called resonance is only qualified to be said by those who have experienced it.

The front of the hero is glory, but the back of the hero is pain.

"Now I know what Ultraman is going to face."

In order to protect human beings, we must fight.

And because you have to fight, you will face death.

Maybe a warrior who seeks strength will immerse himself in battle, but Asuka is not that kind of warrior.

He realized what the price of fighting was.

"I'm scared."

What Asuka took out was a copper-colored prop.

It looks a bit like an old flip phone, with a face-like structure at the bottom protruding, and a sheathed 'sword blade' in the center

When it's time to transform, this 'flashing sword' will be unsheathed, and Dyna will show its shape.

"In that case, do you want to give up?"

Kazuma asked Asuka seriously. Facing this question, the young man who was defeated after three battles remained silent.

He hasn't figured out the answer yet, and hasn't found it yet.

"Dad, do you think I should give up?"

So, he asked the most trustworthy person for him.

And the answer is:

"There's nothing wrong with giving up, right?"

Kazuma said in a relaxed tone.

"After all, you have no obligation to fight, right? No one forced you to do anything, and no one said that this power must be used to protect human beings, so fighting is not your responsibility."

No parent would happily send their child down the road of thorns.

Ultraman has no responsibility, no obligation to protect human beings and the earth.

"but I......"

Getting stuck halfway through, Asuka hesitated.

Isn't giving up a way?

Why do you have to fight as Dyna?

Anyway, Empat has come back from the universe, stronger than Dyna, wouldn't it be good to hand over the earth to him?


Is it really good?

Suddenly, this piece of grassland with no end in sight, which was in a line with the sky, began to shrink.


The sky remains, but the earth collapses.

"What, what's going on?!"

"It seems that this time it can only stop here."

Kazuma stared at the other's flustered face, compared to when he was a child, he really grew up a lot.

Childhood, adolescence, youth... such a long absence...


Before Asuka could understand this sentence, he fell with the shattered earth.

"Are you cheating——"

Yima is still above, completely integrated with the higher starry sky.

With a shake of his body, Asuka suddenly sat up from the bed.


Look left, look right, the hospital bed, white, and the nurse who hurried over.

"This, here is..."

"You can't move around, do you know who you are? How much is this?"

With her slender white hands on her shoulders, Asuka, whose mind was a little confused, was pushed back on the bed by the nurse.

In front of his eyes were three raised fingers.


"Well, don't worry, you're still alive."

"Yes, is it..."

It's a strange feeling to be declared 'you're alive'.


"That's right! Where's the captain? Where's the good senior!"

"There is nothing serious about them. You are the first one to wake up. Remember to thank Dyna in your heart. He saved you."

The nurse was a little relieved, no serious problems were found in the physical examination, there was no problem in thinking, and the spirit looked good.

And when Asuka heard this, he felt relieved and at the same time felt even more amazing.

'It's really strange. '

Am I Dyna?


But, can I continue to be Dyna?

Lying back on the bed again, Asuka stared at the ceiling, which she had never paid attention to carefully, and then slowly closed her eyes.

Thinking continues, of course there are people in this world who regard death as home, but he is not like that.

He doesn't want to die yet, the vast majority of people in this world don't want to die.

Asuka is also one of them, so he feels confused.

Along with great power comes great crisis.

'Can I still fight? '

Suddenly, he slammed his hands on his chest.

From the shoulders to the waist, the pain of being cut was recalled again, going deep into the bone marrow.


"Ah! So I said you can't get up yet!"

"If I don't move, I won't be able to think properly, Miss Nurse, please accommodate me this time, and I'm worried about the captain and the others, so just treat it as me visiting them."

"Your captain is on the bed to your left!"

"...Ah, really."

Falling asleep sweetly.

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