He began to consider whether to give up the constructed body and forcibly possess the woman in front of him who seemed to be very annoying in the future.

"By the way, do you want to eat this?"

The woman grabs the chocolate on the table and refreshes her mind!

Having said that, in fact, she is absolutely as useless as instant coffee.

"what is this?"

Kirisaki narrowed his eyes, is this brown food food?

In the dark room is a desk lamp, and the moonlight and stars shine through the window.

It was very late, in a corner of the city, inside Asakawa's house.

The corners of the eyes of the woman lying on the bed in the bedroom moved, and a voice sounded in her ears and in her mind:

"Asakawa Yui, open your eyes, I am Nangong Lan."

Chapter Seven The Pain of Ten Years Ago

From noon to midnight, Yui, who got enough rest, moved the corners of his eyes under the call.

One second, two seconds, her breathing became even.


She went back to sleep.

Seeing this, Nangong could only shake his head helplessly.

At this moment, he still can't separate from the other party's physical existence. Once he leaves, the girl will die.

'No, I can no longer be called a girl. '

Ten years have transformed Uniq, who was just a student in the impression, into what it is today, so what about the others?

Nangong, who was only a phantom, leaned back and sat on the air seat.

The outside of the window is the night sky. Compared with ten years ago, is it because of environmental protection?

I always feel that there are more stars tonight than ever before.

Of course, it’s still not as good as the Star Alliance. The different levels of technology lead to different scenery.

Planetary environment modification, there is indeed such a technology with certain limitations.

'ten years. '

What Nangong was thinking in his heart finally came back to this matter.

He really wanted to know where and what the people he knew back then were doing now, but even without Uniform, he couldn't go back right away.

What Hitler did at the beginning completely exposed his face. Don't underestimate the power of the masses, and don't underestimate the power of the government. It is very simple for them to find the trace of a person through a face.

Frankly speaking, if he wants to meet up with other people again and doesn't want to reveal his whereabouts, he probably has to change his face.

No communication at all, just look at it from a distance and say something else.

Nangong closed his eyes and opened them again, putting aside his personal thoughts.

What he needs to focus on now are two enemies hidden on the earth.

Tregear, and mechanical weapons.

The latter has an exaggerated combat power. To be honest, the hardness surpasses the hardest Golden Ancient Bridge he has ever known. Simply using light skills can't do much good, and the cutting skills may cause terrible aftermath like before.

Unless the battlefield is in an unoccupied place, the surrounding situation must also be taken into consideration.

'In this case......'

It was also a phantom, but what Nangong held in his hand was a strange ring with a monster named Herberos engraved on it.

This is an item he got when he and Tregear first met. It can be used to summon monsters and use special powers at the same time.

The other recovered light rings like Jayton and Golden Bridge were handed over to the Star Alliance.

It's just that they couldn't analyze any special results there, and the only thing they knew was the special nature of this light ring.

Its summoning essentially opened a portal, using almost exactly the same energy as Tregear's fog gate.

As for what this energy is, probably only Tregchia himself knows.

Then there are two problems at present, one is to completely defeat the semi-disabled mechanical weapon, and the other is to defeat Tregia, Nangong has many things to ask.

However, there is a prerequisite to accomplish these two things.

"The first thing to do is wait for you to wake up."

Nangong stared at Uniform, who was in an extremely strange sleeping position, not lying obediently, but with the quilt wrapped around his body, like a bug bound by a spider's silk.

'Is it comfortable to roll up like this? '

Speaking of which, in the past ten years...

Nangong tried to recall something about the quilt, and then remembered that he and Zamxia were resting and squatting on a certain desert planet, but they were swallowed by nocturnal underground worms.


How can there be any quilt? Zam Xia bluntly said that he is a tireless workaholic.

If you think about it carefully, you really haven't had a serious rest.

After all, if you are not tired or tired, there is no reason to rest, right?

'I suddenly knew why Zamsha called me a workaholic. '

After thinking about it carefully like now, I grasped the point, so it turned out to be the case.

But it's true that I can't sit still when I think that there are still people who are deeply affected by the monster disaster.

'So what are you going to do now? '

Nangong, who was basically floating in the air in a sitting position, suddenly found that this seemed to be the most leisurely time in his time.

The monsters, the aliens, the battles that don't feel like a long one actually take quite a while.

Constantly fighting, fighting, fighting, unknowingly, in the process of not wanting to fight, I fell headlong into the battle.

'Then take a break. '

Nangong closed his eyes, and his consciousness that had just woken up fell into chaos.

The second time I fell asleep, I didn't dream.

It's just that his consciousness was broken, and he didn't know how long it had passed. Some kind of unique fluctuation woke him up from sleep.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the Uniform wrapped in a quilt and the weird expression on her face.

Nangong turned his head to look, and there was a pillow on the ground behind him.

It seems that it passed through this phantom during the smashing process and landed on the ground.

"You won't be here watching me all night, will you?"

Uniform's tone was very weird. The first moment she woke up, when she saw someone beside the bed, she restrained herself from calling out immediately.

At least the existence of this guy proves that what happened yesterday was not a dream, but...

"Let me ask you first! What kind of perspective are you looking at now? What does the life you share with me mean?"


It turns out that it is true that possessing a girl will encounter such a problem.

As a person who has been acting with a hot-blooded youth for ten years, Nangong feels that gender is already a very distant thing.

Especially those people in the universe who can't tell the difference between men and women without relying on their voices. They don't mean to offend, but they really blur the so-called gender consciousness.

"Then Uniq, I'll tell you what happened next, don't be too surprised."

First of all, there is absolutely no hormonal desire here to watch someone else sleep watching all night.

Considering Uniqlo's gender issue, Nangong felt that it would be better for him to emphasize this matter first.

"Light, light bald... a monk?"

"You meant to say bald donkey just now, didn't you?"

"How come, ha! ha! ha! ha!"

The stiff four-part smile completely exposed Uniform's thoughts, Nangong could only shake his head helplessly.

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for him to be bald. He is completely bare, without any real hair.

Continue to tell what the other person cares about, that is, share life.

As Diana said back then, life dies twice.

One is the death of the body, and the other is the dissolution of the soul.

When the body is too damaged to carry the soul, the soul will leave the body and be exposed to the environment.

Ashes to ashes, ashes to ashes, fragile souls, at least normally.

As for sharing life, Nangong used Ultraman's exaggerated vitality to repair Uniyi's broken body, and the soul that had been separated from the body was forcibly pulled back.

It's just that in this short period of time, the soul has already suffered a certain amount of damage.

Just repairing the body, if the wounds of the soul are not cured, the weakened soul will also weaken the body, and the result is also death.

That's why Nangong had to stay in Uniform's body, maintain a state of unity, and slowly repair the other's wounded and fragile soul.

After her soul returns to a normal state that can support her body, the two can separate.

It's just that Nangong doesn't know how much time it will take.

"Okay, ask a question."

Yui raised his hand and got a nod.

"why me?"

She asked the question.

"I mean at that time, why did you choose me? Could it be because you know me better?"

"Are you sure you want to listen?"

"Of course!"


Nangong nodded and decided to tell the cruel thing.

"Because only you died."

"......Can you say that again?"

What the hell?

"Are you saying that I was the only one involved in such a serious monster attack?"

Without waiting for Nangong to repeat, Uniyi grasped the point by himself.

"That's probably what happened."

The other party gave an affirmative answer, so I can only say... old and unlucky.

"But if you hadn't pushed that girl away, she would have died."

"Even if you say that, I'm not happy at all."

Uniq said dejectedly, simply speaking, if she hadn't done so at the time, it would mean that Empat would be possessed by another person.

Doesn't it make it look like what she did was stupid?

"You are brave and selfless."

Nangong tried to comfort the other party with compliments, but it didn't work.

"Hate, don't talk to me."

Uniform lay back and stared at the sky that had just lit up outside the window.

She slept for more than ten hours, and it was already the early morning of the next day.

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