Liang felt slightly relaxed.

But in the next instant, the pure white circle appeared again.


The Galatron MK-II completely disappeared without waiting for Captain Xibi's order.

As if responding to it, Empat's body also disappeared without a trace in the transparency.

All that remains of their battles are a few destroyed streets.


Still lost?

The answer is both losers.

"It's really you, Empat."

Inside the deserted alley, the young man clutched his stomach and walked forward while leaning on the wall.

He was wearing a wonderful black and white two-color clothes. If he had allowed that kick to explode before, it is estimated that the "self" in this world would really be finished.

However, the current situation does not seem to be much better.

"Really, it's unlucky enough."

From 'Ultraman' to 'Human'

Tregchia had to lament that luck is so helpless that he can only act in such a posture.

Consciousness became blurred, and when Empat disappeared due to serious injuries, his relaxation suddenly caused suppressed pain and exhaustion to surge up.

As soon as his body went limp, Tregear collapsed in the alley.

Goodbye in five chapters

Falling asleep...wait a minute, are you falling asleep?

Is this a ghost press?

Why can't you even move?

"Are you still conscious? Can you hear me?"

who are you?

No, I seem to... I seem to have heard your voice.

"The memory is really good, but this kind of thing can be said later. Do you remember what happened before?"

Before?Wasn't... running away?

After running away it's... ah.

That's what happened during Empat's battle with the Galatron MK-II.

How will people react when monsters appear in the city?

You don't even need to think, you must stay away and escape at the first moment.

The two behemoths produced various aftermaths during the battle, earthquakes, strong winds, everything is affecting people's actions.

Not really an earthquake, but it's definitely making it difficult to move.

In the early morning of this day's plan, let alone other occupations, the students must have a wonderful feeling in their hearts.

Of course, the end of the holidays is a less than happy event.

But if I can see my friends again at school, that is enough to make me happy.

Unfortunately, these feelings are now covered by another feeling.

Ten years ago, high school students were just children who didn't know the world. Even if they encounter monsters, they have adults like parents to protect them.

Now, they need to use their own legs to escape.

are you afraid?

Needless to say?

Not daring to look back, people ran in the streets.

The left and right are sidewalks, and the center is the road for vehicles.

The flow of traffic was in exactly the same direction as the flow of people, and they all wanted to go away from the fighting.


Converging with the flow of people, it can even be said to be moving forward mixed with the flow of people.

Under such circumstances, people can either say that they are running away, or they can be said to be running away with the flow of people.

There are people on the front, back, left, and right, and Uniq can't help but turn around, and what he sees is the scene of the giant being attacked.

The force released by the cross-cutting of the ax blade directly hit Empat into the air. This is not a very beautiful scene.

What exactly is the enemy?

Soon, Empat, who had not landed in the air, pulled back with his right hand, and then threw it forward suddenly.

The steel-severing purple light wheel was thrown towards the white mechanical weapon, and the height even surpassed the Galatron MK-II's 'Circular Saw' without actually touching the enemy's body.

The heavy ax pulled out from behind was directly used as a shield to block. At this moment, at the moment of contact, the ear-piercing sound wave detonated instantly.


The speed of sound transmission must exceed the speed of people's escape, beyond the limit that the eardrum can bear, and the terrifying noise crazily destroys consciousness in the brain.

People stopped their activities uncontrollably, and half a second later, before there was a worse impact, Empat, who fell from the sky, pressed the Galatron MK-II into the ground with its weight, and the light wheel was also recovered as energy.

However, avoiding worse impacts does not mean avoiding impacts.

Driving is something that requires concentration. The sudden noise makes the driver's movements disordered, from the road to the sidewalk.

By the time you realize this, it's too late.

The driver frantically turned the steering wheel, and then...


After the instinctive action, there was the sound of brakes, screams, impacts, and the world was spinning. I felt very warm inside my body, because blood was constantly oozing out of it.

"Doctor! Call the doctor quickly! Call an ambulance!"

"Don't, don't be joking! How can you stay here! Don't die!"

It seemed that someone was arguing about something, but the voice had gradually faded away.

It's really ironic. I made such a choice at the time, but now it's still...

The door of memory was completely opened, and the previous memories kept reverberating in my mind.

The revolving door before death must be a lie.

How could there be so much time to think, and soon the consciousness turned into darkness.

Yui smiled self-deprecatingly, but still couldn't move.

He obviously felt that he was talking, but he couldn't feel his mouth moving at all.

Is it because he is dead?

"No, you won't die. It's my wrong judgment that led to the current result. Moreover, you can't die yet. Someone is waiting for you."

Said the familiar voice.

"I will share my life with you. The earth is in a new crisis. I am chasing that dangerous enemy back to this planet. Although it is a bit self-indulgent to say so, maybe this is fate .”

destiny?Back to Earth?

Sure enough, you are...

In the darkness, there appeared a soft light that was not bright, it was a faint blue-white, and a huge body appeared in front of his eyes.

The silver body, the blue eyes, the only strange thing is the constantly flashing timer.

Suddenly, countless pictures appeared in Uniform's mind.

There are all kinds of strange monsters, and spaceships sailing in the star sea. The most important thing is the giant in the center.

Limbs, head, use your own body as a weapon, the energy in your body is running, and what you release is a destructive light, high-speed flight, teleportation, ultra-psychic power, and red-bladed lightsaber.

That seems to be the way of fighting, and then, the size of the giant keeps shrinking, and finally it is consistent with humans.

Empat stood on the stretcher and fell forward.

It seems to be real, but it doesn't seem to really exist, one phantom after another overlaps with Uniq.

"Sorry, I have to take a break first, and see you later."

There was such an apologetic word in his ear, and then, breathing started again.


As if trying to burst your lungs, you inhale intensely until you feel like you can't breathe.


The nurse in white was instantly frightened. She pulled back with a terrified look, then hit the wall with a 'bang' and slid down against the wall.

Three minutes ago, the girl's heart stopped completely, just like the judgment in the ambulance, it was too late no matter what.

The hospital is trying every means to contact her family, and... what the hell... wait, it can't really be a ghost!

The frantic mental activities are not known to others, and it seems that Unii's hands are constantly touching himself.

Arms, legs, abdomen, head, the feeling of feeling nothing before is gone.

The self exists.


I'm all right?

She glanced left and right, and on the left side of the hospital bed stretcher was a white cloth, which had covered her whole body just now.

Looking at the palm of his hand, he soon discovered the color and sticky texture.


Blood, and blood that flows from the body.

Uniq couldn't help but look up, and exchanged glances with the nurse over there.

Both of them focused their attention on the blood on their palms.

Yes, this is her blood.

"You, are you alright?"

The nurse managed to calm down, at least the other party's puzzled expression did not seem to be fake.

"Big, maybe?"

Unii's chaotic mind also calmed down, and she recalled what seemed to be a dream.

'Nangong?Hey?Are you there? '

I called that person's name in my heart, but I couldn't get any response.

"First, let's do a full body check."

Hearing the nurse's suggestion, Unii nodded quickly. She is not the kind of person who has no love in life, and she still cherishes her life.

Put your hands on the bed and get down from there.

Then, a hard object was felt where the left hand was pressing.


Pick it up, and what is presented in front of you is a strange combination of white and gold props.

If you really want to say, is it closer to the handle without the blade?

what?There was absolutely no such thing before.

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