Headache, what the hell is the earth?

The three of them were moving in the aisle, and Lu Yu's researchers all nodded to Diana.

"So you're not going to tell her about people from different dimensions and time chaos?"

Zamxia asked in a low voice. After seeing other people's headaches like this, he, as a witness, suddenly realized how much nonsense he had experienced during this period of time.

'It's a shame I survived'

Can't help but have such an idea.

"Hmm...I can't think of it."

Nangong felt that he probably couldn't explain it clearly, and he didn't want anyone to discover another dimension.

Shirbagon, Goldrath, don't let others bother those two monsters used by the Abo people.

"Okay, here we are."

Although she didn't sort out her mood, Diana still knew what she was going to do now.

The three of them walked into this room, but unlike what they had imagined, the things placed here seemed to be not quite right.

"Aren't we talking about regeneration of severed limbs?"

Zamxia looked at the pile of mechanical prosthetic hands suspiciously.

"What? What you want is the regeneration of severed limbs?"

Diana opened her eyes wide.

"Why do you put all these prosthetic hands to regenerate flesh and blood instead? Look at this!"

She walked to the nearest glass case.

"ASWR-0701, using the phenomenon of electromagnetism to switch between electric shock and magnetic control!"

After introducing one, move on to the next.

"0569872, made of memory metal, directly connected to brain waves, you can turn it into any cold weapon you want!"

Next is the black prosthetic hand.

"Heavily armed, you can use it to launch small black holes... What? Too dangerous? Okay..."

Putting away her disappointed expression, Diana opened her hands.

"So every prosthetic hand has the same feel and feedback as a real hand, why bother with that boring regeneration?"

"Because...I like real flesh? Hands wielding swords and stuff...you know?"

"...Okay, fighters."

Those who stick to the flesh are better than those who don't understand mechanics.

"By the way, Empat, in fact, we Baltan are not very clear about the form of the current universe. After all, as long as we appear now, we will definitely be treated as enemies."

Diana could only express her helplessness. In fact, she had a hunch that this person would go to the universe a long time ago.

After all, the other party is a person who likes to meddle in other people's business. She has never felt that the other party can sit down with peace of mind after the earth is at peace.


"this is for you."

She walked to one side and took out a piece of equipment that was in a small glass cabinet.

Unlike all kinds of prosthetic limbs around, there is only a silver metal short stick inside, at least it looks like a short stick.

"What is it?"

Nangong took it and held it in his hand, it was actually quite light for him.

"Pour your strength into it and try."

Hearing this sentence, obeying what the other party said, he instilled the light energy in his body.

The next moment, two streaks of red light extended from both sides of the short stick.

Nangong blinked, isn't this a weapon that often appears in various games?


"To be precise, it is an energy sword."

The reason why Diana can create such a primitive weapon is because she can't make a weapon that can match the light output of Ultraman, but there is a one-off.

But change your thinking and use it as an aid?

"If you inject your energy into it, your energy will be concentrated into such a weapon. Of course, you can also change the way of energy input into a one-handed sword."

As soon as the words fell, the red double-ended blade in Nangong's hand turned into a one-handed sword.

He used energy to create a similar weapon when he was fighting Hirbagon and Goldrath.

Not only does it consume a lot of energy, it's not even as long as this lightsaber.

"Thanks, Diana."

As he spoke, he waved down to a place where no one was around.


"That's not how swords are used."

Zamxia said seriously, the action just now was not chopping, but smashing.

Interval Red Blade

The desert planet Vacanar is a terrible planet covered by wind and sand with only the most basic air. Although this environment is harsh, it is suitable for hiding.

However, today their base ushered in an unexpected visitor.

"What the hell!"

There is no way to hit it, the strange existence moving fast in the dust is so fast that only a blurry figure remains, and the automatic locking of the gun is always half a step slower.

In the lasing of the energy beam, that strange cloak left scorched black marks from time to time.

The members of the organization attacked together with the automatic turret protruding from the sand, and the distance between the two sides began to shrink.

But getting closer means that it is more difficult to avoid. Gradually, the streamer gets closer and closer, almost hitting.

On the path of that weird and mysterious man, several bright blue streaks prevented his movement.

The sand and dust raised by the sudden stop had just left the ground, and the remaining attacks were already approaching.

It doesn't matter who that guy is, how can flesh and blood ever win a gun.

Everyone is waiting for the scene where the body is burned and evaporated by the high-temperature energy beam, ready to see which race of idiots dare to come here alone to seek death.

After a few tenths of a second, the continuous firing automatic turret suddenly exploded.

No one noticed what happened, but a crimson energy beam suddenly appeared on the opponent's hand... No, it didn't.

In front of the short silver stick is firmly contained energy, which forms a terrifying sword of light.

It rushed forward and disappeared, and the first thing to react was the remaining automatic turret. When those beams of light came lasing, the red light touched the corresponding blue.

The moment the weapon in the opponent's hand was brandished, a wonderful voice came out:


Immediately afterwards, the beam that was supposed to attack him suddenly changed direction. At this moment, everyone knew how the automatic turret was blown up.

The distance between the two sides was shortened rapidly, and only the sound of blowing and humming that could not be blocked by the wind could be heard in the ears.

I don't want to separate when the trigger is pulled, but why can't I hit it?

Before he could think of the answer to this question, his eyes tilted.

The other soldiers immediately wanted to distance themselves from the cut-off comrade, followed by the continuous sound of waving swords.

Each attack produced a corresponding sound, and the flying cloak stretched back, but the hood that concealed the face did not fall at all.

I couldn't see his figure or face clearly, but I just saw the swordsman who had entered the close range pass the soldiers who were close to him one after another.

In less than two seconds, the waists of those soldiers would be broken in two.

There was no blood, only charred sections could be seen.

As the distance gets closer, the field of vision becomes narrower, and the situation that is already difficult to aim becomes even worse.

Not even the yellow sand can hide the madly moving and dancing red light.

The gun pointed at the swordsman, but it still couldn't hit him in the slightest.

"Need support, repeat, need support——"

"I see, and right now—"

There was a flash of red in the real-time shooting screen in the helmet, and the words asking for support stopped abruptly.

Half a second later, the armor that can withstand even the beam gun's shooting showed its current condition, and the head with the helmet shook and fell. Finally, the screen came into close contact with the yellow sand and turned into darkness.

Before the monitoring switch, only the disturbing hum can be heard, which seems to be an electric current, and it seems to be a malfunction.

From the gate of the base, something appeared.

"Okay! Little bug, what are you giving me?!"

The moment the three-meter-high battle armor rushed out, a long string of electric currents suddenly burst out from the originally open door.

The swordsman not far away pulled down with his left hand, and the invisible force directly tore down the heavy defensive door, and stuck the battle armor at the exit.

Immediately afterwards, his right hand holding the sword suddenly turned backwards, and the back of the silver hilt glowed the same crimson, and someone's figure suddenly appeared behind the previously empty back.

Relying on the stealth ability to quickly approach the assassin who is about to make a surprise attack, the movement stops.

From a long sword to a double-headed sword, the swordsman pulled his right hand, and the lightsaber cut half of the waist of the enemy behind him without any hesitation.

Following this movement, he took a step forward and spun around to throw his weapon.

"Quickly open this damn door!"

"I'm trying! But this thing...be careful!"

The gate that was supposed to resist the invasion of foreign enemies became an obstacle instead, and before the pilot understood why he should be careful, his body, together with the pilot's outer armor, was cut in two from the center.

The gate fell completely, crushing the wreckage.

The red double-ended blade that rotated like a disk was caught by the swordsman with his left hand, and the forward stab penetrated another enemy.

"Open other doors!"

"It's too late! Meet him in the base!"

Naturally there is more than one exit, the problem is that the enemy's efficiency is too high.

Everything was settled by the time the friendly forces rushed out from other exits.

"I surrender!"

In front of the exit of the main entrance, the remaining soldiers who had lost their will to fight threw away their weapons and shouted to surrender.

The red light blade was only less than one centimeter away from his right shoulder, following this trajectory it would cut from the shoulder all the way to the waist.

The movement stopped, and the soldier who surrendered was kicked out, and the light beam passed by the two people's original positions.

This situation was not noticed, there was no reinforcement, the number dropped sharply, and they didn't even know what the enemy was.

The shooting just now was the last time. The dozens of surviving soldiers dropped their weapons and mixed them with the weapons that had fallen before. There were obviously hundreds of corpses, but there was no smell of blood at all.

The breeze increased slightly, and the cloak swayed even more.

After the yellow sand brushed past, the figure disappeared without a trace.

'Could it be that guy is still a ghost? '

That's why I can't hit it no matter what.

The soldier couldn't help trembling, he wanted to run away, the question is where to run?

Unlike them, the soldiers and commanders in the base are ready to fight.

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