"Manager, you..."

Why would you help someone who doesn't even have an identity?

After thinking for a while, I still didn't ask this uninteresting question.

"No, nothing."

'Hmm, I think people are still as usual. '

Kyoko noticed that the young man hesitated to speak, if she were to evaluate Nangong...

It's very heavy, just like the other party's name, Nangong Lan, pressing the mountain above the breeze.

At this moment, the young man looked to the left and blinked.

In its perception, the power of light is condensing, expanding, and finally, becoming a substance.

After a lapse of a month, Tiga also appeared on this blue planet again.

His only purpose is to respond.

The three crew members inside the Jupiter [-] still had feelings, and even tried to give a warning even in a state of being eroded.

Their spirits still exist, appearing before the eyes of their families, hoping to be reunited.

I don't know if it can be done, but I have to try to do it.

'If you can......'

Tiga took a fighting pose and fought fiercely with the monster named Ligadron.

The fists that were punched, the kicks that were thrown, and the flying light skills.

At the end, everyone in the victory team couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Amidst the gathered white streamers, the giant docked his hands in front of the timer again, and Zapelio's light mixed with the ability of cell transformation shot out, continuously stripping the metal on Ligadron's body surface.

Eliminate, eliminate, eliminate with all your strength, the light flowing from the monster seems to be dispelled.

Finally, the last remaining...

"Jupiter III!"

Xincheng looked at the exploration ship on the ground in surprise, the picture was enlarged, and the three members were even sleeping inside.

He raised his head suddenly, and his eyes met.

Tiga, with a red light flashing on his chest, nodded slightly, and then disappeared into the sky.

"...Thanks, Tiga."

Simply a merciful warrior.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, the days passed quickly, and half a week had passed. If you want to ask Nangong what he has gained, it is that he finally used his mobile phone again after a month.

Of course, I didn't dare to log in to my original account, but that alone was enough to take a look at the latest news and what people were discussing on the Internet.

"Really, I shouldn't have given you the phone card."

Looking at the young man who was staring at the phone screen without moving his eyes, Kyoko sighed helplessly.

Should it be said that it is a young man?

When I go out to buy a bottle of drink, I can meet nine passers-by who are walking with their heads down and playing with their mobile phones.

"No, I'm not addicted to mobile phones, I just want to know something."

For example, what do people think about Ultraman, the defense measures announced by TPC, the speeches made by high-level officials, and so on.

"If you'd look away when you said that, I'd probably half believe it."

This person said it in a good way, but he didn't do it like that. If you are really not addicted to your mobile phone, just put it in your pocket.

"Why only believe half of it?"

Nangong raised his head, waiting for the webpage to load.

"Because criminals generally say they are innocent and find reasons to justify their actions."

Kyoko grinned.

"Are you at the level of a criminal..."

After complaining, the young man locked his eyes on the phone again, because there was a topic he was very concerned about.

The place is a forum established by Reality, where there is such a post - 'Help, people keep disappearing from our mine'

After entering, it is a map location.

Didn't say anything else, that's all.

mischief?Or is it true?

Not too many people responded, the content is roughly:

'What time is it, who else can be fooled by this kind of prank? '

'Does anyone really think who will be fooled?No, no, no, no? '

'Then you go to the police officer! '

No matter who it is, they don't care much. No matter who it is, they feel that this is just one of the countless lies on the Internet.


In this age where even pictures can be carefully faked, people's suspicions are justified.

So, Nangong turned off the lock screen of the phone.

"Go to the bathroom."

After saying this, he walked towards the men's toilet in the coffee shop, and locked himself in a private room in this environment that was only kept clean by himself.

Holding the bright spark prism in its right hand, the two wings similar to the breastplate suddenly unfolded.

I didn't believe it completely, but I just didn't want to regret my unbelief, so I went to confirm it.

The life-sized Empat crossed his hands in front of his forehead, his figure became transparent, and slowly disappeared here.

Instead of regretting not doing it, it is better to regret it after doing it. He is not alone in thinking like this.

Earlier, someone had already arrived at this open-pit mine near Shicang Mountain.

Inside Feiyan-[-], Xincheng firmly controlled the whereabouts of the fighter jet.

"Dagu, are the things on the forum really credible? Could it be a prank played by a miner who is dissatisfied with the boss?"

The information on the Internet is full of distrust, which is also the status quo today. After all, there are always people who like to gain a sense of superiority from deceiving others.

Like the 'Wolf' story, today's Internet is where people no longer believe that wolves really exist.

"But in the past, didn't there have been real people who asked for help on the Internet but were ignored?"

The cabin opened, and Dagu unbuttoned his seat belt while talking.

"If it's true and we haven't done anything..."

Lies are safe, but if they are true, they must do what the winning team should do.

"It must be very uncomfortable."

Xincheng nodded, and jumped off Feiyan-[-] together with Dagu.

The uniforms and fighters of the victory team, when these two people appeared, the attention of the people present was firmly attracted.

They looked at each other, and they could see the anxiety hidden in their eyes.

The sight of the miners made the two of them feel a little strange.

"Dagu...Although it may be because of our preconceptions, don't you think their reaction is a bit strange?"

Xincheng felt a little weird, it was not uncommon for this kind of situation to be stared at by a large number of people.

The problem is that it's too staring...

"Let's ask."

Dae-gu focuses on the oncoming man.

"Two, it looks like the two are members of... the winning team?"

he asked cautiously.

"I'm Jing Shoucheng, the person in charge of this open-pit mining site. Is there any problem with your visit today?"

Then, the two of the winning team looked at each other.

"Mr. Jingshou, it's better to come early than to come by coincidence. In fact, we have received reports that many miners are missing here. Do you have any clues?"

There is no intention of going round and round, just cut to the point.

Hearing this question, the man in charge shook his head.

"I don't know. If someone is missing, it's impossible for me not to know. Could it be someone's prank?"

Prank, is it a prank?

This point, just try it out.

"Actually, we think so too. After all, our victory team is a team that specializes in dealing with monsters. Wouldn't it be overkill for us to investigate such trivial matters?"

Putting on an arrogant look, Xincheng shook his head.

"So in fact, we also want to go back early to rest."

He casually touched the light gun on the side of his waist, so Dagu on the other side immediately took over the conversation.

If anyone is missing, you only need to do one thing to know.

"Mr. Jingshou, although it will waste 10 minutes of your time, please gather all the staff here. We will roll the name on the list and we can go back directly after confirming that there are no missing people."

The moment he heard this, Jing Shou's expression became a little stiff.

Half a second later, he reacted quickly.

"No problem, no problem, I'm going to print the list now."

"Me too, Dagu, you go and gather the staff together with the others."

Xincheng said with a smile, but his smile has already been attacked seven or eight times.

'have a finger in the pie! '

In his heart, Jing Shou scolded these two members of the Victory Team who came out of nowhere.

Someone is missing?

Of course he knows these little things!

But so what?

Don't you need to eat if there are monsters?

Or let the victorious team search here for an unknown number of days?

Let Ultraman fight monsters here and destroy the mining farm?

Pushing open the tent, the two walked into it.

Dagu also waved his hand.

"Everyone! Please gather here, our victory team will conduct a roll call! Everyone!"

Adjusting the walkie-talkie to the loudspeaker mode, he emphasized his identity. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he still had to admit that reality would become false under strong pressure, or even non-existent.

That's why it must be emphasized that he is the stronger organization of the Victory Team.

If there is anything wrong, you can report it immediately.

The sound spread out, so people gradually gathered, and they felt a little hesitant.

There are some things that have not been determined yet, do you have the courage to abandon the present?

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