Unavoidably, he groaned because of the pain, the blue blade of light pierced directly into his abdomen, and pale golden particles spewed out from inside.

It's not just a stab wound, it's like a bloodletting hole, as important as blood, the light energy that makes up the flesh is drained from the wound.

Empat barely clenched his fist, and before he could fight back, Camila pulled the right hand of the sword, cutting directly into his flesh diagonally, and the abdominal wound stretched to the waist.

This is not the end yet, on top of the semi-crouching Camilla, is Durham who came in this short period of time.

He jumped up, his body parallel to the ground, and kicked hard with both feet.

A bomb-like force exploded in Empat's chest, and he fell backward in embarrassment at this moment, raising sand and dust without even being able to adjust his movements.

It fell, bounced, hit, smashed several buildings, and finally embedded in the hard wall of the temple and fell again.

Empat knelt down on his knees and supported his body with his hands, exhaustion spread all over his body.

"It's over."

Camila's right hand stretched out upwards, the blue energy touched the cloudy black mist, forming a 'mirror'

The scenery of the outside world reflected there, the world is covered by a piece of darkness, the evil god sits firmly on the ruins, and the resistance of all parts of the world is frantically weakened.

The number of soldiers who were taken away by the small Zoga to share the food was reduced and expanded. They held the guns in their hands tightly, and there was an expression on their faces that could not be described with any simple expression.

"Senseless resistance, it won't take long for human beings to be completely finished. I always do such boring things. Wouldn't it be better to give up and accept the destruction?"


Empat supported his body and got up, but before he could stand still, his weak legs lost strength, and he half-kneeled on the ground again.

At this moment, Gatanjeh in the mirror raised his head, and he stared at the phoenix coming from the outside.

The golden light moved towards the darkness, as if to dispel it.

But in the thickest darkness on this planet, not even a shred of light can enter.

The light of the living hit the darkness, and then began to weaken.

Even light cannot escape from the black hole. The place where Gatanjae is at this time is like the center of the black hole, no matter what kind of light it is, it will be swallowed up.

"Heh, this is what you call light. It has no meaning at all. It will disappear completely in a short time. The power of darkness is absolute. Everything will eventually come to an end. How can a limited life win an inevitable death. "

Camilla looked at the blue-eyed giant half kneeling on the ground in the distance.

"So you gave up?"


The unexpected answer made Camilla subconsciously ask back, and Empat clenched his fists. The light is the will of human beings to survive and the power of the will to never give up.

They haven't given up yet, the hands and feet still have feeling, how can I fall down here when I can still move.

"Anyway, everything will eventually usher in death and become a bottomless darkness, so life is meaningless existence. It is better to destroy it from the beginning. You give up and succumb to the so-called darkness and nothingness. That will be very easy. Bar."

But life is eternal, inheriting one's own knowledge from generation to generation.

"Humans, no, all races are like this, not a single life, but all people, all history constitutes a huge life, continuous inheritance, a single end is just a new beginning."

Empat stood up again, and the black on his body gradually faded, turning into bright, bloody, life-like colors.

Turning silver into red and darkness into light with his own will, his clenched fist, the red of the timer and the red of his body complement each other.

"Everything in the world will disappear, and the living will still work hard to live. You who deny all this for the sake of ease are just cowards who choose to escape. I will not lose."

For that light, for that hope, also, for loved ones and everything.

Will turns into power, and power awakens light.

In a world full of darkness, in this darkness accumulated for 3000 million years, it is not only darkness that sleeps together.

The light buried under the yellow sand has not completely disappeared, and the giants have died, but they also have something left behind.


Particles of gold overflowed from under the yellow sand, and the Ultraman who originally guarded mankind left their light and body with hope.

The heirs who inherited them in the first place fought for their own desires, and a lot of hope turned to despair, but even so, there were people who inherited that will.

With such a will, even if they were stopped by others, even if they were scolded by the world, they resolutely burned Qijiela.

Facing the evil god who was ready to swallow the planet and was ready to reach out to the universe, the giants set a seal with their lives.

After 3000 million years, the light they left wakes up again.

With regrets for not being able to protect, and blessings for the future, they gather on those who inherit the will.

Their red bodies were covered with brilliant gold, and their lives were passed on to new generations in the form of light.

Empat clenched his right hand, and then raised it high.

"Light, let's go!"

The intersecting gold continued to gather, the stone statues exposed in the yellow sand completely turned into ordinary rocks, and the beam of light completely shattered the darkness in the ruins.

Ignoring the obstacles of the buildings, the brilliant light penetrated the darkness of Gatanjah from bottom to top.


The evil god sitting on the ruins failed to react immediately. When the darkness was torn open, the phoenix of hope fell into the ocean.

Rays of light entered the stone statue that had lost all light.

In the dark and bottomless world, Dagu opened his eyes.

"here is......"

In the transparent crystal, nothing can be seen, and the surrounding darkness permeates, and just seeing it makes the spine shiver.

Rather than saying it is a seal, it is better to say it is protection, and the memory is awakened in the brain.


Can't win, at this moment, he understands this plain and easy-to-understand reality.

The gap is really too big, power, speed, energy, the difference is huge.


Dagu struck the crystal vigorously, but couldn't escape from it.

'I'm alive! '

Since you are alive, you must do something!

Not as an Ultraman, nor as a savior and patron saint, but simply as a person, fighting to protect everything he loves.

It has nothing to do with identity, it is a person's instinct.

It was at this moment that Dagu heard someone's voice, which was very familiar, very familiar.


Is it an illusion?

Di Jia, who appeared in front of him at some unknown time, seemed to be nodding.

The originally pervasive darkness suddenly disappeared, and the golden road opened.

The previously difficult-to-break crystal was easily broken through, and Dagu stepped on this road.


His hands and feet began to swing, and he ran instinctively.

Left, right, countless scenery is constantly changing.

People who pray, people who act, people who care.

Soldiers fighting, ordinary people looking for supplies, doctors and nurses performing surgery, who escaped with the wounded.

One picture after another flowed by, behind Dagu, someone was watching him.

One giant after another stared at the humans of this era.

At the end of the road is a strong light, Dagu is still alive, he stretched out his right hand, the light of the living combined with the light of hope.

In the next moment, the stone statue shattered, as if it had emerged from its shell.

The surroundings of Gatanjae once again turned back to endless darkness, but this darkness did not last long.

When there was gold floating on the sea, the giant wrapped in hope was already standing there.

Purple, silver, red, gold, except for the latter, the other three have become blurred.

Tiga...is he Tiga?

For some unknown reason, such a strange question arises.

Regrets and sorrows, and prayers from 3000 million years ago.

Hope and trust, and prayers 3000 million years from now.

Ultraman's existence itself is light, and he stands here, facing the opposite darkness.

"This, this is..."

No matter who it is, it will be suspicious.

Where is this place?

Zorga, who jumped at his prey, was bounced away, and the light from the human body was so strong.

The soldiers looked around, here was the ocean, here was the darkness, and here was the light.

The past and the present overlap, instinctively, the doctor's right hand is in front of the palm, and the left fist is clenched behind, which is the standard starting gesture.

Inside the ruins, light and darkness are at the top, life and death are at the top.

Three giants of darkness and one giant of light.

"There is such a thing——"

Are you laughing?

Still angry?

Camilla's tone was not stable.

"Don't you plan to return to the light again and protect hope?"

Nangong asked aloud.


The same is true for Hitler, who still seems to be hiding something in his voice.

There was no other way but to fight, the scarlet giant turned sideways, clenched its fists, and put on a fighting gesture.

final chapter to the brilliant man

Majestic power flows in the body, this posture has also been done once before.

But it is not simply relying on oneself, but combining the two forces into one.

In other words, the power of Tiga is still combined in Empat's body now, and the seeds buried at the beginning have not disappeared, but are reactivated at this moment.

The same as the original posture, but not just the original posture.

When Hitler, relying on speed and light skills, blasted Buster's light forward, Empat's hands were symmetrical, drawing arcs from bottom to top.

With the gathering of energy brought about by this action, a huge orange-red fireball burned in front, colliding with the blue streamer.

The more powerful force swallowed the small force, so he took a step forward, the fireball compressed between the palms was caught by his right hand, and thrown out suddenly.

Inside are leaping flames, and the stream of Dirashum's light is rapidly advancing towards the enemy.

It was another shot of Buster's light, but the highly compressed fireball was not affected at all, and rushed towards the three of them after breaking up the obstacles.

They evaded immediately, and the three of them were facing different directions, and the distance did not seem to be able to rescue each other.

However, Empat already knew before that distance was meaningless in front of the ability to teleport.

So, after pulling his hands left and right, he made a power accumulation movement similar to that of Dilla Hume's light flow. The blue light ball was collected at his waist, and he was thrown forward with the movement of drawing a sword.

Penetrating, high speed, aimed, and naturally the Durham.

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