Mansheheit's third eye closed again, and it seemed to him that this ability could be used casually.

Zamsha fell out of the fire in embarrassment, and the battlefield turned to the sky. Once, twice, three times, the sound of the two colliding will spread.

Empat spun his body like a top, and his thoughts burst out with all his strength.

In the blink of an eye, there were dozens of circles, and the superimposed force accompanied this blow to the face of Mansheheit who had stopped moving.

The exploding purple light drives the enemy's body, but after one rotation, the opponent's left hand is covered by red light.

The light bullet thrown by Mansheheit was only a short miss, and Empat rose two meters up, but he could no longer move.

The demon's left hand locked his leg and pulled it down.

The unbalanced body tore through the air, and fell to the ground amidst the flying grass and dirt.

The weak humming was covered by loud noises, and the timer flickered in the smoke and dust.

Facing the dust, Mansheheit in the air lowered his hands, and the red light bullets bombarded crazily downwards.

In the blink of an eye, there were dozens of rounds, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into dozens of rounds.


Before he even had time to get up, Empat rolled on the ground in embarrassment, explosions exploded one after another, and the pressure of the blowing wind pushed him away.

It wasn't that he was avoiding it anymore, it was that Manshin Height was playing with him as if he was hitting a pinball.

What kind of picture is this?


"It's in the way."

The TPC who rushed back was like a joke, and was blown away by the burst of thoughts before they had time to do anything.

Their only function was to distract Manshhet slightly, a purple light wheel flew out of the crimson light, and was smashed into pieces by a random palm.

Menshel Height fell slowly, and when the dust dispersed, someone stood there with a bent body, and the crystal-like timer was shining red.

The giant seemed to fall down at any moment, so the red ball of light was thrown over again.

Cross your arms in defense before hitting.

Empat took two steps back, bracing for the hidden strength in the attack.

Forward, the battle begins again.

Or that it was no longer a fight.

This is what Manshin Height wants humans to see, their Patronus is so embarrassed.

Pushing forward with his left hand, Empat seemed to hit an invisible wall, unable to take a half step forward.

The arms were connected, and the cross-shaped Spatium beam hit Mansheheit for half a second.

The air shook, his posture collapsed, and Empat, who bounced back, lay on the ground in embarrassment.

Half a second later, he supported his upper body again.

Mansheheit waved his hand again, and the exploding red light bomb pressed down the blue-eyed giant again.


A silver light flashed, cutting across the body.

Before the second blow was swung, the light flow hit the blade.

Zamxia kept retreating, unable to stop the offensive.


Mansheheit increased his strength again, and finally, the sword broke.


The crimson light beam hit Zamsha's chest without any hindrance this time.

For a swordsman, a broken sword is death.

But, before that, a heavy punch was punched in the face of Mansheheit.

Empat, who stood up again at some point, threw his punches again, and the continuous punches hit, exploded, and exploded from different angles.

However, even dozens of punches are not as good as one punch from the enemy.

The force of the exploding abdomen caused the body to arch unconsciously, and flew upside down. The giant who smashed the mountain knelt on its knees and supported its body with both hands.

"You just can't be killed, right?"

The chin was hit by the instep, and Empat just looked up when the heavy blow hit his chest.

Mansheheit stepped on the opponent's body and fixed the opponent on the crashed mountain.

This is just the beginning, chest, head, abdomen, or stepping, or kicking, he tortured the enemy who seemed to never fall.

It hasn't fallen yet, why hasn't it fallen?

Empat had hardly had any thinking activities before, but instinctively stood up and fought back, and was knocked down again.

In the tragic battle with the Imperial Stars, people didn't know the situation and didn't understand what happened.

And this time, everyone could see what happened.

"Can't win, absolutely can't win."

Only this time, I will definitely not win.

Isn't the reality already in front of us?

That kind of unbearable, one-sided battle is all displayed in front of your eyes.

There is no future anymore.

But in the endless darkness, there are people singing.

"Then everyone, please sing with me, with thoughts and cheers for Ultraman and Empat."

On the open-air stage, the audience is even less than half of what it used to be.

In the distance, Gulare can even be seen on standby. Even so, Maya is still singing, and the audience is also singing.

In the picture, the leg that stepped on the chest was hit by the raised arm, and Empat tried his best to resist Manshheit.

"Everyone, I am TPC Far East Headquarters, the captain of the Victory Team, Ju Jianhui."

What appears on the screen is the scene reflected by the same signal.

"I know it may be difficult for someone to do this, but please believe in Altman and Empat. We have relied on him to overcome difficulties so far."

There is no element of speech, just simply say what you want to say.

"He stood up again and again, fighting to protect us humans, can't everyone see it? The timer that keeps ringing is telling us that Ultraman is also fighting desperately, desperately fighting to protect us humans fighting."

They are not gods, they are just special people who fight to protect something.

"So please give him strength, respond to him, and tell him that the human beings he guards trust him and love him."

Love, what a heavy word that is.

That is not something that can be determined casually.

Empat, who got up, was kicked to the ground again before he had time to stand still, and the overwhelmed mountain was finally completely crushed.

He's still fighting, are we about to give up?

"I believe! Empat will definitely win!"

Hasn't it always been like this?

Protecting the earth again and again, why can't I say "come on"?

Is it because he is afraid that he will not hear?

"Please, you must win!"

I want to live!

I want you to live!

I want my beloved to live!

"Nangong, please, I must win!"

Hearing these words, the little Thunder Beast climbed up to the window, raised its head, and stared at the black night sky.

not 'eye'

but 'sense'

Something different is flowing.


Suddenly, Menshel Height raised his head. In a world full of darkness, why is there light?

A momentary distraction, the transmitted force lifted him away.

Lightly falling, where did the green-eyed giant standing up from the countless gravels get its strength?

From 'light' there?

"Gulare, move."

At this moment, the gulalei around the world became active, and countless buildings were reduced to fragments in one snap.


Nangong Chaos' consciousness gradually became sober, the timer on his chest was still flashing red, but he didn't know where he got the energy from.

Where did the light come from?

'Win it, Empat! '

'Please, win! '

'Please win! '

That's not such a selfless thought, praying for victory for the ones you love.

I won't give up anymore, because there are still people who haven't given up.

Ultraman is fighting for mankind, even if he is covered with bruises, he stands up time and time again.

What did they get?

Why fight like this?

However, if they are working hard, how can we give up?

Someone is working hard for you, how can you not work hard?

If you work hard, then I will work hard together.

Empat saw the hard-working man, so he stood up.

Humans saw Empat working hard, so they also stood up.

As the sun and the moon reflect each other.

"What light is this?"

Mansheheit couldn't help asking, he could feel the power completely opposite to his existence.

"No, it doesn't matter what it is!"

The surging black mist descended rapidly, trying to completely swallow up those lights.

At this moment, Empat's right hand was tucked around his waist, as if he was drawing a knife.

The moment he swung it, the pure white blade sliced ​​through Manshheit's body.


The absolutely impenetrable shield was cut open, and the black mist that engulfed the entire earth was directly broken by the blade.

The blade of light extending infinitely beyond the atmosphere absorbs that unique energy and continuously strengthens it.

Its existence itself is enough to dispel the darkness, and the blade with completely opposite nature becomes more and more solid.

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