That was the access to TPC that I met by chance three days ago.

I'm afraid that the viruses I encountered before were just waiting for the opportunity to enter the TPC network for stealing, monitoring, or other things.

So Empat, who turned into data, actually went into TPC's network and searched carefully, but he didn't find any viruses, but he didn't care... well, just out of curiosity.

Now the hawks of TPC are on the rise, and they are planning to massively strengthen their armed forces.

In addition, there are also stone statues smashed by Gorzan and Merba in the study of the time machine sent by the super ancient civilization and the interior of the Pyramid of Light.

Tiga is a giant who woke up from the pyramid, so why didn't the other two wake up?

What's the difference?

If you can understand it, you may be able to solve the riddle of the giant.

In this extension, Nangong also discovered various measurement data. In the four battles, the data exposed by Tiga and Empat during the battle were recorded and used to conduct different tests.

For example... how to penetrate the tough skin and hurt the inside, how to restrain them and take them captive, how to... kill them.

Thinking of this, the young man looked away and sighed.

People will be wary of unknown existence, and Ultraman is that unknown existence.

'Maybe one day, humans will abandon Ultraman. '

Nangong thought in his heart, he thought about why the giants left the earth 3000 million years ago, allowing the super ancient civilization to be destroyed.

I can't find a reason, because what he inherited is only the light and the memory of the battle, and there is nothing else, and Gedi told him a lot of knowledge.

So I can't find the answer. What happened 3000 million years ago?

"what happened?"

Suddenly, someone asked.

Turning his head, he was startled, and a face that was [-]% similar to Kyoko came into his eyes.

The second sister Ryoko, who had been staying on the second floor before, came down at some point, with a little concern in her eyes.

Because there was a lot of darkness in Nangong's expression just now.

"I was wondering why there are so many customers in the cafe."

You can't say that I'm thinking about something that happened 3000 million years ago.

"The answer is simple."

Ryoko raised a finger, as if preaching.

Then she said this:

"Because Kyoko is beautiful."

This is the most basic.

"...please say it again?"

Nangong was thinking about whether he heard it wrong just now.

"Men like beautiful women, and women like handsome men. People always pursue beautiful things, regardless of gender. Therefore, no one will refuse a beautiful store manager in his prime. This is a good gimmick. After that, as long as The merchandise is also worth the money, and customers stay.”

It's as simple as that.

"By the way, when we first opened the store, we used the coffee from the vending machine to mix with our own brewed coffee to fool customers. This lasted for about a month."

Ryoko said so without shyness at all.

Because this matter has already spread among the guests, it is better to speak out than to be exposed.

'No, it's all about deceiving consumers. '

Nangong complained in his heart, as if he had seen his thoughts, Liangzi smiled.

"You have to admit that many people come here not so much to drink coffee, but to see the store manager. It's the same reason that pet cafes actually go to play with pets. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer."

Internet cafes are actually for surfing the Internet, not for enjoying snacks or drinks.

"Like now, you're also part of the gimmick."

When the woman said this, the young man froze.


What does it mean that I also became part of the gimmick?

"You'll know right away."

Ryoko smiled and said, then ask a question.

Does romance and fantasy still exist for young girls who are still in school?

As the sky gradually dimmed, the students chattered and walked home with their friends.

"I didn't expect Kyoko to say such a thing..."

It's a handsome guy, oh my god, it's like the sun is coming out of the west, doesn't she hate being around boys?

As a result, the curiosity of my friends was aroused.

'That's enough...'

The girl had to express in her heart that her sister was such a scourge that even her sister's classmates planned to use it.

Gradually approaching his own coffee shop, and then, he saw that poor young man standing at the door, not knowing what he was doing.

"Eh? Is it him?"

Suddenly, friends were excited about the presentation.

'Let me go......'

Kyoko had to be thankful that it was dusk, otherwise the young man's sickly paleness would have been exposed.

To be honest, when I saw him for the first time, I thought he was a seriously ill patient who escaped from the hospital.

Gradually approaching, at the same moment, Nangong also noticed the crowd coming together.

He basically understood what was going on, and when the store manager took a picture and said that he would send it to the female customers, he completely understood it.

That's really despicable, manager.

Then the store manager said, "Isn't my coffee not good?" 'This sentence came back.

A coffee shop that has been in business for two years will not be bad as long as it is a little self-motivated.

Thinking of the girl manga that Kyoko slapped on her body in her mind, and thinking of the lines in it, Nangong's lips moved.


Even so, there is still the most basic sense of shame.

Can't say it at all.

Looking at him like this, Kyoko's eyes showed a little sympathy, everyone is a poor person who was played by that sister.

After tossing and tossing for almost an hour, the chattering girls finally went back, not only Nangong, but even Gedi showed an expression of exhaustion.

How could there be such a person in the world!

After playing with others, they still don't give them delicious food!

It's just too much!

The aggrieved husky whimpered, and then, Ryoko shook the ham sausage in his hand.

The excited husky jumped up, which is quite understandable in various senses.

"No way, Nangong, why can't you even read a line, you must have never participated in acting or other activities when you were in school."

With his arms around his shoulders, the store manager held a lollipop in his mouth, with an arrogant expression on his face.

"Have you ever participated?"

The young man immediately asked back, and then the woman in front of him shook her head as a matter of course.

"of course not!"

Then you say you——


Smiling confidently, Kyoko closed her right eye.

"My lovely prince, do you want to dance with me and go to the world leading to bliss?"

Stepping forward, pulling, grabbing, his right hand was pulled up, his waist was touched, Nangong's expression instantly became weird.

"The ancients once said that women are born actors."

Ryoko pretended to pick up the girl's manga and opened it, as if it was full of 'ancient words'.

"That's the way it is, my sweetheart."

With a snap of her fingers, Kyoko let go of Nangong, pointed a gun at the young man's heart with her right hand, and raised it as if to fire.

"How? Did it break through your heart?"

She acted quite arrogantly.


Squinting eyes already gave the answer.

"Tsk, it seems that next time I have to make you fall back completely with real knives and guns."

"Let me go."

Nangong said from the heart.

"Then I'll let you off today, get off work."

'Only today...'

Walking into the dressing room, he changed back to his original daily clothes. When he returned to the cafe again, he found that the rolling shutter door pulled down from above had been closed outside the glass.

In fact, young people are still quite curious, why this coffee shop is only open during the day, from 7:00 to 6:30 pm, and not open at night.

In this case, in fact, part of the income will be reduced.

"See you tomorrow then."


After bidding farewell to the two sisters, Nangong hung a little fluffy pet on his shoulder.

"It's really skillful. Sure enough, that puppy named Geddy is very smart."

Staring at the back, Kyoko saw such a smart pet dog for the first time.

At this time, Nangong was thinking about one thing.

"You said that after winter, can you become a scarf?"

Just wrap it around your neck, a husky scarf.


"Wait, I didn't tell you to pester me now."

Gross, dog hair got in the mouth and nose!

Under the orange sky, some people have finished their day's work and returned to their homes, and some people have no way to go back.

Wandering in the city, the blond woman dared not release her mimesis, nor did she dare to call the spaceship back to her own planet.

There is no longer the same as in the past. As losers, they can only obey the orders of the winners. If they go back as losers, there is only one ending to meet her.

There will be no next time, and the loser will end up dead.

'Very hungry. '

After the virus Aire King was defeated by Empat, she didn't dare to use the equipment on her body, for fear that the existence named Ultraman would follow the data flow and burn her, the evil invader, to ashes.

He stopped and moved his nose slightly. After the mimicry, even the sense of smell was restored.

In the eyes of women, it is a little boy eating biscuits.

His gaze was concentrated, and he couldn't walk.

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