Is it because I have talent?

Or just plain luck?

In my second year of service, TPC, the Earth Peace Coalition, sent me an invitation to test.

go?Yes, the thought of not going never arises at all.

The American branch, the Blue Hurricane, is the most cutting-edge fighter that completely surpasses normal fighters, and can even shoot beams like the high-tech in the movie!

If you don't go, you are still human!

Ashamed to say, I didn't get a good night's sleep the night before the test, but even so, I passed the test with flying colors.

It's probably because I haven't changed my mind since I was a child. The enthusiasm for working hard for one thing will always burst out with unimaginable power.

After that, I served in the American branch of the TPC, and as time went by, in my third year in the army, that happened.

Gorzan, Melba, their appearance symbolizes the beginning of the turbulent period.

Monsters, invaders, and crises are overwhelming. In that battle, the human world was almost destroyed. Huge warships covering the sky and the sun, and fleets stalking from outside the atmosphere.

There are also those weird discs that don't consider aerodynamics at all.

The battle continued, and my comrades disappeared one by one.

From New York to London, the battlefield is not limited to a certain city, but set off on a global scale.

Landing in the European branch, I didn't even have time to rest. After abandoning the scarred Blue Hurricane, I boarded the European branch's Fire Dragon and continued to fight.

Also, I'm terrified of dying.

Only then did I realize that I was really afraid of death.

The thought of never being able to hold a joystick again, laughing with friends in front of the TV, or touching a cocktail on the bar counter scares me.

Even before he died, what he remembered was insignificant things.

But it is these insignificant things that make up the whole of life.

I am locked on by the enemy, and I will be torn to pieces in the next second.

At least that's what I thought at the time.

When the next second came, it wasn't me who was shattered, but the enemy chasing me.

Flying beside me, and quickly overtaking me, was a giant named Empat.

Altman, I still remember when I was very young, I saw that special film, and it left a deep impression on me.

I don't know why, but this movie that caused a big storm didn't shoot any sequels.

Sorry, I got off topic a bit.

After that, I didn't react, and of course I didn't count the time, I just saw him being wrapped in black flames, crashing into the huge steel battleship in one breath.

There is also a scene that seems to be a ray of light, or a blow that looks like a particle line, spinning around and burning all the remaining debris.

Flying in the sky with my own power, with great strength, that figure is so beautiful, maybe I may fall in love.

That's why I joined this project, and I also want to fly in the sky.


This is the whole content of the video, and at the same time, it is also a question-and-answer and video recording deliberately conducted to keep Carl himself. Carl does not want to die, and the American branch is not ruthless enough to say that it is to 'deal with' the hidden threat.

So, today, for the first time, they saw the negative energy monster constructed by each other... no, it should be said to be Ultraman with negative energy.

At the same moment, the clouds were pierced, and the gray skin with black lines was first exposed, and the red eyes revealed a terrifying atmosphere.

However, unlike the terrifying appearance, what's inside is just pure thoughts.


Karl's gloomy mood was nothing before his ecstasy, and he was surrounded by the accompanying Blue Hurricane. Looking at it this way, it looked like a flying team led by Ultraman.

'Soar through the sky on my own power'

For humans without wings, this is impossible.

Now, however, Karl has gained new powers that allow him to transform into a new giant, flipping through the air at will.

"Good guy..."

The accompanying comrades watched the existence that flew at will without using tools and without wings.

To be honest, it's enviable.

The next moment, the distance between the two suddenly widened.

"Hey! Karl!"

"Can you keep up with my speed!"

The playful mind of a child controls the movements of the body, crashing into the sea of ​​clouds, crashing out of the sea of ​​clouds, climbing, descending, and the disturbed pure white is brought out one after another faint lines.

'Flying, I'm flying! '

Rotate your body and fall upside down.

"Hey, hello!"

The comrades did not have time to stop, and Karl, who was descending rapidly, passed through the clouds, and below him was a huge city.

His eyes can span this distance, and the high-rise buildings merge with the surrounding buildings after shrinking, and the combination is like a messy jigsaw puzzle.

On the street, people come and go, and there is a lot of traffic.

"Look, people are like ants... Ha! Just kidding!"

Climb again, through the clouds, perfect and the descending flight team brushed.

"This kid is playing with us!"

Is it amazing to be able to fly?

What's the big deal?

Isn't flying a fighter jet also flying?

After being released, Karl flew around the earth freely, and the satellites hanging in orbit were naturally monitoring him.

In the base of the American Branch, Branch Chief Jack watched the artificial Ultraman they created through the screen.

Just judging from the action, you can know how excited the other party is.

This was the order issued by Director Sawai after he knew everything. Of course, Jack knew that no matter how many psychiatrists he prepared, he could not heal the other party's heart.

What good is a therapist when your world is just a small area where you are watched everywhere you go?

In the final analysis, they were afraid that Karl would go berserk, which would lead to the birth of a new negative energy monster and locked him in the base.

But this incident proved one thing.

This young man with a strong passion for flying has the willpower to overcome negative energy.

'A man-made Ultraman...'

Jack thought about it, then quickly abandoned the plan.

The so-called willpower is a quality that cannot be obtained by specific tests. This time it is a negative energy Ultraman, and the next time it may be a negative energy monster. This is just a success that cannot be regarded as a routine.

Besides, there is only one crystal ball, and it belongs to Karl now.

Keep staring at the screen, from America to Asia, the gray and white Ultraman has crossed the middle ocean.

Things are going on here, and on the other side, in the lounge, Director Sawai is accompanying Franke who lost her companion in an instant.

For him, it was simply a nightmare.

"Who did such a cruel thing..."

The companions of the scientific research team, the young and talented students, the sudden tragedy is unacceptable.

Why do they die?

Why do they have to die?

"Director Sawai, please find the murderer!"

There was uncontrollable anger in Franke's tone. He was not an idiot and understood the essence of this incident.

Someone intends to use their death to provoke a war between the Ikars civilization and the earth.

So unforgivable, why them?Why should they die for this?

They should have a better future, but they died on this planet. Except for Yisi, they couldn't even bring their remains back to their hometown.

And Ess, remembering the excitement of the kid's departure, the gush of the journey, the joy of arrival.

The smile that froze on her face as she vanished was more ironic than anything else.

Franke's speech made Director Sawai clenched his fists.


That trust feels heavy.

Absolutely bring out the despicable people hiding in the dark.

Who is that?

It is a female who is no different from human beings in appearance. She controls nine clones with her mastermind and hides her existence in human society.

It's just that what is manipulating her actions at this time is the voice in her head and the soul in her body.

"Great, these grievances are really great."

It is feasible to construct super beasts with negative energy, but the dead monsters on this planet retain resentment.

Just combine them with negative energies, plus the new grievances gained...

"Ikars star, you are still of some use."

Simple monsters lack sufficient thought, as long as the resentment of intelligent creatures is mixed in, everything will be different.

Compared with animals, the hatred of human beings for other things is unimaginable.

"Although there is an inexplicable negative energy Ultraman that is beyond my expectation, but this is not a problem at all."

Empat, Tiga, just wait, when you return to this world, everything will be over.

"It's even a question of whether you can come back, hehe, hahaha!"

Which world and which time were you thrown into the chaotic time and space, I really want to laugh out loud.

Women mixed into the crowd with smiles, and a new conspiracy began to brew.

But the giant soaring across the sky was not noticed by anyone, nor did it cause the slightest wave.

It's just that people don't notice, but dogs do.

In Kumamoto City, Japan, a Shiba Inu in a pet coffee shop jumped onto an empty table and looked at the sky through the transparent glass.

There seems to be something special there.

Like a monster and not a monster.

what is it then?

At this moment, a familiar voice penetrated into the ear:

"The store manager, have a cup of instant coffee!"

The young man walked in carelessly, and sat down in front of the bar skillfully.

"Do you only order instant coffee?"

Kyoko scratched her hair helplessly, and the other party had learned it all. When entering the store, it was instant, instant, instant.

"I just like instant drinks, what's wrong?"

Zamxia responded indifferently, then turned to look inside the store.

"Well... that guy still hasn't come back today."

Sure enough, the volatility at that time was incredible.

'Even I can feel it after all. '

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