Can fantasy come true?

"If you can really make your wish come true!"

I want to see, I want to see that scene!

"Come out!"

The red ball is radiant and frightening, it only absorbs desire and materializes it.

'The world... I...'


Nangong heard that voice that looked like an old man and also looked like a girl again. At the same moment, just as he was about to change back into a human form to hide himself, a vague shadow appeared in front of his eyes.

The next moment, he was wearing blue armor all over his body, and behind the dark golden shoulder armor was a cloak that was draped casually. The claws of his hands moved slightly, and the six red eyes seemed to move.

"You are---"

Something absolutely impossible happened, and Empat clenched his fists subconsciously.

"The Evil Cosmic Man Empire Starman! He is 54 meters tall and weighs 39000 tons. He is one of the strongest enemies Empat has ever encountered. The emperor of the empire is a war ghost who disrupts the entire universe by himself!"

There was already a tremor in the boy's voice, what a wonderful scene.

Even in the later stages of the plot, there are still few people who can replace him. He didn't use any conspiracy and tricks, but just relied on his own strength to push Ultraman into a desperate situation.

The mess left behind also haunts Tiga and Empat, true shadow villains.

"Don't you think... he knows all too well?"

Xiaoyou couldn't help complaining to Lisa in a low voice, he really couldn't help it, because didn't the other party say something like 'Ultraman is for children' before?

However, Risa didn't respond to these words.

A weapon needs a user, a weapon itself cannot be a user of a weapon, and will always be a weapon.

What kind of effect it can play depends entirely on the user's ideas.

Now words...


The voice came from the mouth of the star of the empire, and he seemed to be sighing something.

Empat immediately put on a vigilant action, and the timer on his chest was echoing fiercely.

"I didn't expect that there would be a second round after death. Did you come down to accompany me, or did I come back to life?"

For the Imperial star, his memory still stays in that period of 'unreconciled'.

Unwilling to continue fighting.

Unwilling to continue fighting.

Born to fight, nothing else.


Empat remained silent. Even now, he didn't have the confidence to win against the Imperial Stars, not to mention the lack of energy at this time, and the timer kept ringing.

'Is it only possible to go up? '

Let's fight in the air, lead the opponent to the universe, so that energy should be restored.


Noticing this warning, the Imperial Stars made a sound.

He waved his hand casually, and the cloak unfolded left and right and turned into thin wings.

"The current you are not in a perfect state, and there is no point in defeating such a you. I am waiting for you in the universe. You should know the consequences of not fighting?"

Leaving a word, under the circumstances that no one expected, the imperial star climbed rapidly, and after just two seconds, it turned into an almost invisible black spot.

" annoying guy."

Still the same, nothing but a hearty battle.

With the will, Empat's tall body became transparent and finally disappeared.

"why is it like this!"

Things were completely different from what was expected, the irritable boy subconsciously smashed the red ball in his hand hard.

A crisp sound sounded, and the red ball flew out without the slightest crack.

Seizing this opportunity, Xiao Mian rushed up to catch it, and then escaped in the sight of everyone.

And Xiaoyou and Risa also quickly followed, leaving only the others to look at each other.

Can that ball really fulfill wishes?

The three of Xiao Mian ran towards the 'secret base' again, and when they did so, Nan Gong who came to this world also carefully hid himself.

The streets have not been damaged too much, but people's minds are still undecided.

He walked with his head bowed while listening to other people's discussions.

Altman, Empat, Nangong Lan, and Fantasia.

The first two nouns are understandable, the third noun surprised him, and the fourth name feels familiar.

The abnormal shape of the sky has disappeared, is this an illusion?

Could there be a situation where an entire city sees hallucinations?

Their discussions continued and it was an unusual day for a different country, especially for the military.

Things that are not space rockets rise directly from the earth, break through the atmosphere at an exaggerated speed, and directly reach the universe.

The horrifying and unprepared situation made them suspect that there were alien creatures hiding on the earth.

The sky is no longer blue, but black.

The comparison before and after also made the Imperial Stars have to admit that the earth is a good planet, and it is a good place to rest. It was a pity to say that it was going to be destroyed.

He flew in the direction of the moon because he had something he cared about very much.

That is, the defense is too weak. Not only that, but even those small machines projected into orbit should be called artificial satellites, right?

Even these artificial satellites are pitifully few.

Is this really the earth?

For the Imperial Stars, it won't take long to fly from the earth to the moon.

Soon, the barren moon says it all.


"I came to a different world."

In the store on the earth, Nangong eyes hidden behind the shelves are a shelf of spark prisms, lined up in full rows.

"real or fake."

There are even things like posters over there, and the TV is not an LCD, but an old-fashioned color TV with a structure similar to a microwave oven.

What era is this?

Pick up a golden spark prism with a button on the back of the handle, which seems to be able to be opened with a single press.

Before Nangong tried it, the world changed instantly.


The container in front of me was replaced by another shelf, and a large number of toys were placed on it.

Remote control cars, robots, yo-yos, children's treasures are stored here.


Hearing someone yelling like this, when he turned around, it was a child he had never seen before, but he knew his name.

"Amazing... Absolutely true! Even the crack here is the same!"


The boy pointed to a small hole inside Nangong's clothes and said.

"It's too rude, Xiao Mian."

Xiaoyou hurriedly stopped Xiao Mian, no one would rot by grabbing other people's clothes.


The boy who realized his impoliteness scratched his hair in embarrassment.

At this moment, Nangong also squatted down.

"What's your name? Did you call me here?"

One second they were still in the store, the next second they are here, no matter how they think about it, they are connected with them.

Hearing this question, Xiao Mian nodded vigorously.

"Well! This ball is very powerful. I said I wanted to see you, and then you came."


Nangong looked at the sphere that was held out, no matter how you looked at it, it didn't look like a ball, it was uneven.

"Eh? How did it become like this?"

Xiao Mian, who was too excited to notice the abnormality, also felt weird at this time.

"Not just the shape, but even the size has changed."

Bigger, why?

"Can you lend me a look?"


Xiao Mian nodded obediently, and then handed the different red ball to the other party.

Nangong took it over, just holding it in his hands like this, it was just a cold sphere, and it was ugly.

But as the child says, these are the words of the object that summoned him to this world...


In front of Xiao Mian's eyes, Nangong pressed the red ball left and right with both hands, and then began to exert force.

The strength is gradually exerted, [-]%, [-]%, [-]%, and slowly increase his strength, even so, it still has no effect on the red ball.

This alone has been able to prove the abnormality.

[-]% of the power, suddenly, purple-blue thunder and scattered particles intertwined, Xiao Mian and Xiao You both opened their eyes wide, staring at this supernatural scene intently.

At this moment, the sudden vibration made it difficult to stand still, and before the children fell, they bumped into someone's arms.

"Nangong, thank you!"

Xiao Mian is happy to have actual contact with the fantasy character, but the other party's expression is not very good.

"Somewhat something is wrong."

Nangong's bad premonition came true half a second later, and a deafening roar sounded.

"Stay here and greet yourself."

He left this sentence and put the red ball back into Xiao Mian's hand.

"and many more!"

The figure from the back quickly disappeared, except for Xiao Mian, there were still people watching.

Risa's eyes were full of precipitation that didn't look like age.

Nangong ran out from the secret base, and the first thing he saw was a huge monster.

It has a red body, sharp claws, and the most striking thing is the two heads, which the bird pecks open, but it does not emit the soft song of a bird.


Could it be that the rough approach caused the red ball to resist, so it attracted monsters?

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