'sound?live streaming? '

Have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


Without blushing and heart beating, Nangong lied, waiting for the other party's next speech.

"Ultraman, why do you think they appeared on Earth to protect us?"

There have been a lot of messy discussions on the Internet, such as the secret weapon of the army, the light of the earth, the space guard from the outer universe, the evolution of human beings and so on.

Of course, these must be wild guesses. After all, it is impossible for an Ultraman to come out and tell you, in fact, where and where we came from, and why.

'Why are there on earth to protect human beings'

This question made Nangong look away.

"Probably because he doesn't want to see anyone die inexplicably."

Because of the cosmic monsters that fell from the sky, and because of the ruthless invaders, human life is not cheap.

"If that's the case, he's a really good man."

Shaking the phone, Kyoko didn't take this sentence seriously, after all, no one knows what kind of heart is inside that huge body.

Maybe it's just Gaia and Alaya?

"But I have to say that the current Ultraman really set off an unprecedented upsurge."

What will happen when a real hero who saves the earth appears in real life and doesn't ask for anything and can't speak?

"Tsk tsk, look at these, Dijia pillows, Empat dolls, if I have money, I will mass-produce a batch and sell them. Anyway, Ultraman will not come to me for copyright, right?"

These people's business sense is really strong. In fact, they want to do this too, but they really can't do it at this critical moment.

After this period, the market will be seized.

"What a pity, what a pity."

Looking at Kyoko who was muttering, Nangong began to think about how much money he could make if he exposed his identity and used the infringement of portrait rights as an excuse.

'No, what was I thinking. '

I don't know if it's because I have communicated with someone, but the gloom that was originally revealed due to the haze has gradually dissipated, so that the way of thinking has also become strange.

'If you really reveal your identity, you will enter the laboratory immediately. '

No matter what, it's definitely not going to be easy.

One person swipes their mobile phone, and the other sits on the seat and thinks about things.

'Speaking of which, I didn't see the other two. '

The student's Kyoko should be studying on the second floor, so what is Ryoko doing?

I'm a little curious about this, but compared to this incident, it still hurts physically.

So he leaned back and began to think about yesterday's events.

'Kiriarods and alien invaders, will they come back again? '

I have already understood the fighting style of the Kiriarods. Don't worry, the huge metal robot is the same. After separation, there will be weaknesses. If it is not separated, it will be a very hard iron block.

'Ok?What block? '

God knows what metal it was made of.

'After all, why is Earth being targeted? '

Nangong frowned. Considering the monsters and Empat's figure so far, wouldn't this planet seem too small?

'When you have a chance, you must ask about it. '

There is still a cosmic man hidden on this planet, find him out.

Squinting his eyes, his originally peaceful expression became fierce.

If you want to find clues, you first need to go to the police station and find the information you need in the database.

'In this case, that trick is needed. '

Thinking of this, Nangong suddenly noticed something.

'How many tricks do I know? '

Everything seems to be engraved in the body and in the soul, and it can be found every time it is needed.

The most basic Spicyum ray, the further enhanced Zapelio ray, the psychic power to assist the battle, the psychic cutting method of using psychic power to drive the crescent moon, and the fast-attacking Emelim shooting.

What I heard at the time, One Heart and One Body was not just talking.

Subconsciously opened his hand, he could feel the temperature, and the phantom of the spark prism gradually gathered.

With a flick, the faint light particles are fleeting.

"Really? Are Ultraman remote control dolls already in production? Did these people start preparing for such a thing just out of danger?"

Kyoko's exclamation drew Nangong's attention back.

'I suddenly felt that the road to becoming a rich man was in front of me. '

human beings!Worship me!

'What an idiot. '

I tried to imagine myself sitting there in the posture of Buddha, with people worshiping below me, and my goosebumps came up, and even now I feel uncomfortable sitting.

"Nangong, dolls, remote control toys, pillows, what do you think will come out next?"

Just crazy, no, not necessarily crazy.

"I don't know, Ultraman game?"

As a boy who used to love playing games, he speculated like this.

"I think this is a little too far ahead..."

Leaving aside the number of characters, Ultraman is the real thing, fighting, not kidding.

"From my point of view, today, there will definitely be a bunch of people running to apply for copyright."

The unprecedented Ultraman craze.

"No, is that an exaggeration?"

Nangong didn't understand very well, because he didn't even have a mobile phone, so it was even more impossible to know what was going on on the Internet.

In various countries around the world, all the hot spots are concentrated on the two Ultramans.

The live broadcast continued until the end, so everyone could see that Dijia rescued Feiyan No. [-], and Empat raised his finger.

When God is infected with humanity, he becomes less distant.

"Which era are you from?"

Kyoko raised her eyebrows. Speaking of which, this person just sat there in a daze, considering his speech...

"As long as you look at your phone for 10 minutes, you won't say something like this, ah, damn it, I want to catch this heat too."

She was lying on the bar, her tied ponytail swaying.

'I want to watch it too, but I don't have to. '

Nangong still feels troubled because he doesn't have a mobile phone.

The two chatted from time to time, and the time passed slowly in the interaction.

The sun in the sky slowly floated from the east to directly above, and the echo of the wind chimes was extremely intense.

"It's going to be hot!"

Carrying a laptop computer, Shili was sweating profusely. In this October, when the heat has not yet faded, walking on the street is simply a kind of torture.

"Kyoko, bring me some iced coffee."

The air conditioning in the cafe has brought new life.

"Yes, yes, do you want to order a few more glasses? I can count on you for this month's salary."

Turning around, Kyoko opened the freezer, where the finished coffee was stored after freezing.

"Then have three cups! Yo, newcomer!"

Once the notebook is placed, the power supply is plugged in, and it is turned on for use.

"I'm exhausted, and I didn't sleep last night. Let me see the effect."

Overnight results plus the transforming power of fans!


Nangong walked to the side of the other party and stared at the picture on the screen. It was an Internet forum with a milky white background.

"Ultraman fan gathering area... what is this?"

He felt a little puzzled after reading the above text.

"I exploded the website last night, rented a server early this morning, and opened this forum to attract all my fans on Twitter here."

Shili gave the answer while wagging her finger.

Twitter fans may be unstable, but the forum is different. As long as the popularity does not subside, the traffic of this forum will definitely not decrease.

"After seeing the battle of the Ultramans yesterday, I felt that such a forum must be established. Not only can I gather the same fans, but I can also rely on traffic to make some money."

Refresh, refresh, refresh.

After finishing the server tweeting, I came to the coffee shop to turn on the computer and log in to the website. The number of posts has exceeded 2000.

"Yah ho! Take off!"

Quietly staring at the screen, Nangong's expression was a bit wrong.

"How about it, newcomer, do you want to... What's the matter? Why do you have such an expression?"

Noticing his expression, Shili asked suspiciously.

"Don't you think this frenzy is abnormal?"

To be honest, there is even a feeling of fear.

Whether it is Tiga or Empat, they are not gods, but people who have inherited power by coincidence, and they are just doing what they can do.

It is disturbing to be held so high now.


Nangong's words made Shili fall into deep thought.

"I think people should regard Ultraman as a god."

The young man with glasses said so.

"Compared to praying and not appearing gods, Ultraman is indeed an existence that appears in life, their power, their divinity, in this era, people will be emotionally invested in them. There is no way."

There are many people's spiritual sustenance, but Tiga and Empat just happened to appear.

"Everyone hopes that someone can save them when they are in pain, and Ultraman did save the earth, so it should give people some illusions."

But if you think about it this way...

"You're right. It's a little scary. People who expect and disappoint themselves may do irrational things."

This frenzy is indeed dangerous.

"But the current is like this now, you should also know how people who go against the current will be treated?"

That is, quantitative violence.


Yes, the violence in numbers is terrible.

Nangong fell silent. At this moment, someone's voice came to his ears:


The two of them didn't notice the sound of the door opening due to their serious discussion. Standing on the stairs, the girl spoke mercilessly.

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