So, is there anything else we can talk about?

Speaking of which, this kind of situation seems to have happened before, when I remember it was...

"Ultraman, you're back."


How should I put it, I actually feel quite strange when I hear this sentence.

"They are really strong."

Xingzi walked out while talking, Nangong and Gedi looked at each other, and then moved forward together, while the little King Aire in the hood poked his head out quietly, looking at the brand new world for it.

"Obviously I have encountered so many rumors and slanders, but I still stand up and fight for human beings. I didn't believe in the existence of saints before. No, it should be said that all saints must have died in the past."

And it wasn't the same as it is now, there was no monster called 'Network'.

"Because I don't have to bear the responsibility, so I speak recklessly. In reality, I may not be able to understand others. How can I know how much harm my words will bring to others on the Internet?"

If the sage back then only had to face the doubts of ten, a hundred, or a thousand people, the current era is ten or a hundred times that of the original.

"Occasionally, I think, the body is injured when fighting monsters, and the evaluation I get is where is the injury? Is the injury in the heart?"

As before, Kyoko does not regard Ultraman as an omnipotent god, but as a powerful saint.

People can be hurt, and the heart is by no means steel.

Unlike the indifference on the outside, under the disguise of a girl is a warm heart.

"I don't think they care."

Nangong spoke.

"Altman will not give up just because of some slanderous words."

In his mind, the answer is actually very simple.

People always have different views. Some people support Ultraman, while others oppose Ultraman. It’s just a little bit of slander, so what?

It is always superficial to generalize, not to mention, there are people who believe in them. If this is the case, then there is a reason to continue fighting.

"They may have known the two sides of human beings from the beginning, and it is impossible to fight without understanding the ugly side of human beings."

Speaking her own thoughts from the perspective of a third party, Kyoko didn't know why after hearing these words, she actually felt that the truth might be exactly what the other party said.

Because Altman has indeed fought so far under such circumstances.

"Perhaps as you said, just...even if you accept this fact, it doesn't mean that this fact is correct."

What's wrong is wrong, that's a matter of course.

"In that case, cheer them on."


"I believe that heartfelt words and sincere feelings can be passed on to them and turned into their strength."

Nangong pressed his right hand to the position of the heart and said, as long as there are people who need protection, they can fight to the end.

Only one life is so beautiful, and it must not be lost because of someone's selfish desires.

The conversation between the two ended, and it became silent again.


A few seconds later, Kyoko sized up the young man beside her, and suddenly made a sound.

"It's surprising that I can say that."

From the outside, it is completely impossible to see that he is such a talkative person.

"Be with each other."

Nangong shrugged, and the other party didn't give way to what he wanted to say.

"However, it is indeed much better now than before. Since the end of the Kirielod incident, doubts have also decreased."

He also went online to understand people's thoughts. Why can he define Kirielod people as evil?

In addition to the video data and evidence presented by TPC, there are also citizens of Osaka.

They are bewitched and controlled, and they will naturally feel awakened after they wake up.

"Without Ultraman fighting desperately, there would be no result today."

Kyoko said so, if Tiga and Empat lose, what will happen to the current human beings.

"The existence that can speak, the existence that can't speak, we always say that action is better than everything, but we are bewitched by words. It's really sad."

"But the accumulation of actions will not be in vain. It is precisely because of such efforts that the current results can be achieved."

Speaking of this, Nangong paused again, with a helpless expression on his face.

"You're too pessimistic about things."

What happened from just now?There has been a lot of negative energy being passed on.

"Know this first, so you won't feel hurt later."

Kyoko answered casually, so what if she knew about it?

The world would go on as usual, and life would go on, and she wasn't disappointed about it all.

"Everyone is no longer a child."

"You're still in school."


The girl glared at the young man who didn't even look at the atmosphere.

"Feel sorry."

Nangong said so, but there was no apology on his face.

Chatting casually while wandering around the park.


Unknowingly, Kyoko, who came down in a circle, took a breath.

Actions like walking just look effortless, but in fact, if you keep walking, no one can bear it.

"I send you."

I don't have too many thoughts, it's just that it's not good for a girl I know to walk at night, and as an adult, I have an obligation to give it a ride.


Xingzi raised her eyebrows, and looked up and down at the young man beside her.

It's clean and fresh, and it's also trustworthy.

If there was really something wrong with him, it wouldn't be long before Kyoko kicked him out.

The trust in the eldest sister turned into trust in Nangong, and after that, the two walked together for a while.

"How many monsters are there on this earth?"

"who knows."

"After the monster disaster is completely over, Ultraman will leave the earth."

"It should be so."

There is a heated discussion on the existence of 'Ultraman', there is no moon tonight, but the stars are twinkling.

After returning to Xigong's house, Nangong stared at the house number and suddenly had a strange idea in his heart.

Will we meet people like 'North Palace', 'East Palace', 'Northeast Palace' and 'Dragon Palace' in the future?

"Stop, my brain."

Stop thinking about that mess.

After gradually getting dark, I said good night to my friends and locked my hands firmly.

Nangong knew that tonight must be a difficult night, because the left and right hands were Gedi and Little King Aire.

What's happening here?

Hug left and right?

He can be sure that this is definitely not a comfortable thing, but instead makes him instinctively fixed in a position, unable to even turn over.

Can this also be called enjoyment?

Those who can say that must have brain problems. How do those so-called 'harem beauties' sleep?

It is absolutely impossible to be comfortable.

Nangong once again ran the train and the sports car in his brain, and fell asleep while the train whistled.

The earth is a place with four seasons and day and night, and the universe has a barrier that separates different worlds.

In a different space, there is a corresponding ecology in the strange world that is always red, and the family born from the darkness is laughing wildly.

"Got you."

Let you become our most effective offensive tool, the strongest monster in another dimension.

Chapter 130 There Was a War

In February, winter is not off, and spring is here. It is not so comfortable in such days.

It was sunny yesterday, but today it is cloudy. After the clouds reach a certain level, the accumulated rain begins to fall.

New shoots have just sprouted on the dry branches, and the cold water drops begin to moisten the soil and trunks.

For Kumamoto, winter does not bring too bad weather. The occasional light snow melts without accumulating. Compared with it, the falling water drops at this time are more kind.

"After February, there will be more rain after March."

Inside the coffee shop, Kyoko, as a local, evaluated the local weather. Unknowingly, in the passage of time that made people feel at ease day after day, the middle of February had already arrived.

"By the way, Nangong, leave work early today."

"in advance?"

The young man squatting there teasing the Shiba Inu raised his head. He is very busy every day now.

In the spare time at work, I want to tease Gaddy, and in the spare time at home, I have to tease Little King Alley.

It doesn't matter which side is less, a little monster, with a small body, but a big temper.

It's like the noble experience of ancient emperors being vying for favor with concubines in the harem is really... Bah, who are you kidding?

I just find them noisy.

Thinking about the far-fetched words in my heart, but the movements in my hands are not slow at all.

"Speaking of which, Bai Chuan didn't bring an umbrella today, right?"

Nangong finally touched Geddy's head, and changed from squatting to standing up.

Moreover, he also remembered that the three people in the family did not seem to have umbrellas.

If it wasn't for the old man's reminder, he probably wouldn't have brought it himself.

"That's the thing. It's time for me to pick her up from get out of class."

Kyoko spoke openly, she said that her younger sister was independent, but in fact she ran into some things faster than anyone else.

"Being an older sister is also very hard."

Nangong couldn't help sighing, especially in this family, he suspected that the other party actually existed as a trinity of father, mother, and elder sister.

No wonder the action of lighting lollipops is so proficient. Presumably, the cigarettes were not smoked less due to stress.

As the wall clocks adorning the storefront ticked, so did he, holding a watering can in his right hand.

After all, a store that is neither too big nor too small can rely on a clock alone. Potted plants are poured with fresh water to keep the green in the store where the heating is turned on every day.

At this moment, the wind chimes jingled, and someone quickly pushed the door open and entered.

"Yo, boss lady."

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