Liang's expression was quite happy, watching him like this, Nangong's heart also inexplicably warmed up.

It was only then that he realized that if he really didn't want to come back, there was no need to come here at all.

'What a weakness. '

Such thoughts arose in my heart.

At the beginning, I kept everything in my heart alone, and didn't tell anyone about it, so I pushed myself to extremes.

Not to mention being an Ultraman, even as a person, there are various immaturities.

"Sorry, I'm back."

Saying this sentence was like giving up the unsteady persistence, Nangong walked into the room.

Very familiar, the sound of the TV came from the living room.

Following Liang into the living room, as expected, the old man was watching TV with great interest.

"Nangong, long time no see."

He smiled and greeted naturally, but he could only nod honestly.

"Master, long time no see."

Sitting at the other end of the sofa, at this time, Ye who entered the kitchen first also came out.

"Come, let me serve you a cup of tea."

Tea, when you hear this word, you look subconsciously, there is no tea in it, it is a drink named "green tea".

With a relaxed expression, the old man could clearly see him like this.


I couldn't help laughing out loud, the young man was indeed a young man, and he still couldn't understand the taste of tea.

"Tonight's dinner, please look forward to it."

After serving the tea, Ye left such a sentence.

"I'm here to help—"

"Do you know?"

The other party's words directly made Nangong hold back, and discovered one thing.

Why does it seem that Ye, who is usually very quiet, has also become lively towards him.

Something is wrong, even if there is an idol effect, it won't be like this, so it should be more distant?

'No, I'm too shameless. '

A few catties and a few ounces, I feel that I am someone else's idol, so don't look down on yourself too much, Nangong Lan.

I complained about myself in my heart, and the intense psychological activities completely surfaced on my face.

No doubt his poker face disappeared somewhere.

The old man who watched him the whole time said:

"If you're tired, it's okay to take a rest for a while."

Now he connected things together, the battle between Empat and Tiga, the disappearance afterwards, and the haze and confusion that would appear on the young man's face from time to time.

Although it is said that Ultraman is also a human being, cognition is just cognition.

It wasn't until later that I understood exactly what it meant.

Enemies are despicable, but Ultraman also has their consciousness.

What can you do as a human being?

"No, I'm not tired."

New enemies have appeared on the earth, and they have to fight even if they are tired.

Nangong thought about the unique fluctuations he felt before arriving on the earth. The enemies of Christmas had also released such fluctuations. The enemies from another dimension were like monsters, but they made people feel that there was something wrong with them.

It's a pity that there is no clue. When it appears next time, it may be able to catch the enemy's tell.

"If it's really not tired, that's fine."

The old man said so, and stretched out his right hand with the scars of time.

"But it's best to remember."

The right hand is clenched so that direct contact with the palm can be seen.

"Clenching a fist too tightly will bleed, too much."

It is such a truth, and this truth is deeply engraved in Nangong's heart, extreme emotions will only lead to tragedy.

"I will remember."

His body and mentality are the same, maintaining balance, light reflects shadow, and shadow complements light. This is the answer he found.

Nangong leaned on the sofa, and heard the sound of kitchen knives touching the cutting board from time to time. On the left was the big sofa and the old man, and in front were the coffee table and the empty small sofa.

On the right you can hear the news coverage of today's events.

Outside the closed window is a small courtyard, and the wind chimes hanging above are silent because there is no wind.

Before I knew it, I remembered the time when I lived here.

His right hand reached into the inner pocket of his jacket, and what he took out was a silver harmonica.

I have always carried it with me, but I haven't played it for a long time, since I left this home until now.

'Try it. '

Touching the lips, the wind that blows activates the keys, and a high-pitched sound sounds.


Wu leaned back and poked her head out of the kitchen.

Soon, the music sounded. The harmonica alone was naturally not as good as playing in unison, but it carried a different atmosphere.

Meeting, getting along, and getting to know each other not peacefully, what can you do for this person?

I don't know exactly what it can do, but the superpower who came to the door, Kirino said, don't let Ultraman fight alone.

The future that will never meet again is broken, and the man who changed it is walking on the street.

"Whether it's you or me, there are still many things we don't know."

Kirino no longer avoided the crowd, he recalled that it was not Kirielod people, but the future he saw himself.

Nangong, or Empat faced a dilemma that night, which side should he save?

However, the mocking invader never intended to let him choose from the very beginning, the flames burned the human beings, and the falling elevator was horrific.

Hate and rage spawned a dark titan of destruction, and it wasn't just the initiators who were crushed.

So Kirino acted. Since the enemy doesn't intend to let this side make a choice, there is no need to choose here.

Transformation with different mentality results in different results. Just like human beings, Ultraman will also exert different powers due to different mentality.

In other words... let Nangong communicate with other people more, just like Dagu.

How a person is is not determined only by qualifications and talents, who he meets and how he lives are the key.

Kirino looked at the clear sky, and it was because of the existence of Ultraman on the earth that he became what he is today.

This is also a kind of encounter.

There is more than one future, and it can be changed.

With that in mind, the superpower stepped forward and helped the old man who wanted to cross.

Whoever saw this action in their eyes, it turns out that there are really people who will help others in daily life.

Some people forget it after reading it, but some people remember it and keep it in their hearts, and then they are slowly infected and start to change.

Who did they extend a helping hand to, and they were seen by new people at this time, don't do small things, emotions and good intentions are passed on, and the world begins to gradually change.

Under the same blue sky, the sunlight could not reach the ground, and Masaki was huddled in his laboratory again after passing Kirierod's prophecy.

The mechanical monster needs to be adjusted more accurately, and it was just considering the situation that it had to be played before.

Besides, he has other things to do, such as...

"The material of the stone statue does not exist on the earth, and there is no way to find a substitute. Maybe it can be restored by adjusting the composition. The problem is that the material of the stone statue itself has not been analyzed, and it has gone back to the beginning."

No substitute could be found, and the stone statue of the giant could not be restored.

If the material of the stone statue can be analyzed, and then the light particle conversion device can be shared, then the people on the earth can complete the evolution, and the earth will also become an Ultra Star... It's a good idea, but it can't be done .

In Zhengmu's brain, he remembered what he had heard during the chat with Nangong before. Transformation with the wrong heart will only cause him to run wild because of the power he cannot control.

What about the right heart?

Guard the hearts of others?

This illusory thing can actually become a source of strength?What principle?

He shook his head, put down the coffee he drank, the rest time was over, and it was time to work.

"Here's the word..."

Masaki made an exchange from Diana, he provided information on the light particle conversion device, and the other party provided Baltan's electronic technology.

Regarding Empat's use of human shields and TPC's database as a toilet, he is actually quite worried about it. Looking at it this way, whether other malicious cosmic beings can also use TPC as a toilet casually Enter?

Are you kidding me, if the system is hacked, wouldn't TPC's base be paralyzed?

If electronic warfare cannot guard against the enemy, it has already lost from the beginning.

Of course, Zhengmu didn't intend to copy all the information provided by Diana, and of course he had to guard against Baltan, so he would carry out transformation here day and night.

He intends to hand this over to the TPC as a nomination certificate, so as to obtain an official status, it will be easy for him to do things.

For example, Dr. Tang who handed over part of the stone statue to him, TPC didn't study Ultraman?

Even ordinary people wouldn't believe this kind of nonsense. Maybe someone in TPC has made a breakthrough?

After filtering his plan in his brain, Masaki returned to work.

'At least give that guy a hard time next time he's in the TPC database. '

It's not because he hates Empat, it's simply because he can't accept that human beings can only exist as protected persons.

120 Chapter Three

The day's plan is in the morning, the temperature in winter will inevitably make people shiver, the closed doors and windows lock the room temperature, but after all, we have to leave.

"Let's go, take a good look at the house."

The dancer in front of the porch waved his hand. On Monday and there is no holiday, the only task for the students is to go to class.


Looking at the energetic girl, Nangong couldn't help but sigh that people's thoughts cannot be generalized. He once went to school while complaining at minus 2 degrees Celsius.

Liang and Ye nodded to him, and the cold air poured in after the door opened, but it wasn't too difficult.

As I said before, the reforms brought about by globalization have abolished many meaningless regulations. For example, even in winter, girls have to wear skirts to school, which destroys the body.

This is all thanks to Director Sawai's efforts. Nangong recalled the old man who was not at all stage-frightened even if he had a direct question and answer with the Kiriarods, and had direct contact with the cosmic people. He couldn't help feeling admirable.

Even if you don't have any special power, as long as you want to do it, there are things you can do.

So now Nangong, not as an Ultraman, but as a person, has something he wants to do.

Before falling asleep last night, his mind was very calm, and he suddenly reacted to a big problem.

Living in other people's homes like this, doing nothing, eating and using others and being treated warmly, what is this?

Although I used to joke that it would be nice to have a beautiful big sister to take care of me, but now that I really encounter such a situation, I feel a sense of anxiety.

He hates this kind of unfair one-sided payment, so what can he do?

Back at the dining table, Nangong put away the breakfast plates. The three brothers and sisters need to make their own breakfast when they get up early. They may not get enough sleep. What he has to learn is how to cook.

The dishes were put away, the tap was turned on, and cold water poured from the inside, and he began to wash it.

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