Almost a week later, the appearance of monsters in the city caused people to quickly evacuate. Although no one wanted to get used to such things, they still had to get used to the behavior when monsters appeared.

While walking with a bit of a weird feeling, she released a purple light. The damage she caused was only the aftermath of her appearance.

Even so, it is still unforgivable.

The chaotic flow of people gathered together, they had no time to take care of the surrounding situation, so they didn't notice the two people who were staying abnormally.

"what is that?"

Zamsha stared at the strange guy who always liked to aim at the earth for some reason.

His question made the companions around him stare at him strangely.

"You really don't know anything."

Mephilas felt that it was too difficult to communicate with people. The first sword master in the universe who had contact with her was an idiot who didn't know anything.

But in addition to this, there is another feeling, that is, the pleasure generated during science popularization.

"That's Eineng Mina, the demon god of another dimension, an intelligent creature that came from another world in Heya space."

Here comes another question, when did the existence of different dimensions start to be interested in the earth?

While she was thinking, Zamxia beside her completed his thinking.

Different dimension, subspace, I don't know where it is, but in short, there is such a strange creature staring at the earth.

How many catastrophes are there on this planet?

Was it disgusted by the universe or what?

"never mind."

The sheath was held in the hand, and the blade returned to the sheath. Zamsha's action made Mephilas raise his eyebrows.

"What do you want to do? Fight like Ultraman?"

"Just saw it."

It's not because I want to protect anything, it's just because I happen to see it, and I don't care about the things I can't see.

Just as he was holding the knife in his right hand and was about to become gigantic, Einomi, who had been walking around the city before, raised her head. In her sight, the red fighter jet was a human weapon.

Just as she can see the winning team, the winning team can naturally see her.

"He even messed around in our city, let you taste the power of this EX-J!"

Xincheng's finger touched the trigger to finish aiming.

Since the Yagdis, the new equipment of the Victory Team is the Victory Feiyan EX-J, which uses a new power source and new weapons, and has a leap in firepower compared to the No. [-] and No. [-] units. promote.

Its first target is this flamboyant enemy.

Ai Neng Mina's route was covered with crushed vehicles, and the road was full of wreckage.

With anger, Feiyan EX-J fired at the enemy.

In the next moment, everyone in the winning team saw it.

The human-shaped monster was just like a human being, with the corners of its mouth raised, showing a smile.

Before the light could hit her body, her body disappeared in a burst of yellow light.


Accompanied by Lina's anxious voice, Feiyan EX-J's attack hit the building directly.

In an instant, the glass melted, and everything the light passed turned into coke. After penetrating the three buildings, the exaggerated firepower still existed and flew far away.


Everyone knows they screwed up.

The whole process took less than 5 seconds, and the expression of Mephilas, who was watching the whole process, was very calm.

"Still as despicable as ever."

This is just the beginning.

Zamsha, who heard this, looked at her strangely.

"Why do you seem to know everything?"

From the past, there have been legends about the mystery of the Mephilas star people in the universe, and now it seems that this is indeed the case. Even the demon gods in different spaces know about it, and even used the word "same old".

Does that mean she's seen it before?

"If you live longer, you will of course know more."

Mephilas gave an answer casually. The growth of age means the increase of knowledge. Isn't being old a thing to be proud of?

"What will happen next...?"

The enemy of another dimension, the demon god Eineng Mina, is indeed a difficult enemy. The problem is that there are more than one race living in another dimension.

I remember that when I was in the universe before, I observed fluctuations of different dimensions on the earth. Judging from the frequent appearance and wavelength, it should be Jilanbo, who also exists in different dimensions.

One is a coincidence, and two make people suspicious.

'Dimensional invasion?Ultraman has a new enemy. '

I really don't know if the earth attracted the enemy, or Ultraman attracted the enemy.

The not-so-short thought was over in an instant, and Meferas spoke interrogative sentences, but there was no fluctuation on his face.

"You seem to understand, can you tell me what's going on?"

Zamsha had already noticed one thing, he seemed to be able to read this learned master as an encyclopedia.

"It's not interesting if the story is spoiled first."

Mephilas had no intention of answering, she turned around and planned to leave.

Anyway, there must be nothing to eat, so let's go back.

The dedicated chef in the villa is worth the money.

Watching the back that was getting further and further away, Zamxia suddenly remembered something.

If monster disasters continue to occur frequently, when will he be able to confront the two Ultraman head-on?

The time is January 2008, 1. After the time of the Kirielods ended, new events unfolded.

What mankind is facing is no longer a new cosmic invader, but a malicious enemy released from another dimension.

In the morning, what happened in Tokyo had spread all over the world by noon.

Monsters are a common crisis for all human beings, and everyone has the right to know about it.

In addition to the official report from the TV station, there is actually a short video circulating on the Internet, that is, the scene of the Feiyan EX-J breaking through the building.

In the TPC Far East Headquarters, in the combat command room, Xincheng, as a pilot, was pacing back and forth restlessly.

"It sucks."

With such a tricky ability, he has been able to meet the next development of the winning team that was criticized.

The only good news is that people evacuated quickly, and no one was injured inside the building.

Even so, it is still very uncomfortable, the enemy still engages in such a trick after the ridicule is over.

Compared with Xincheng, Lina is calmer.

"If you don't block this ability, no matter how many times the enemy can escape."

What she said was exactly what troubled the victory team. They didn't even know where the enemy had moved.

At this moment, Ye Rui came up with a comparative answer.

"This wavelength is similar to the wavelength at Christmas last year. Although it cannot be judged that the enemies he and Empat defeated are of the same race, at least they can definitely come from the same place."

His words caught everyone's attention.

"That is, the unknown new enemy..."

Zong Fang's words immediately silenced everyone. We are all human, and of course people will feel tired.

Noticing everyone's frustration, Dagu couldn't help but say:

"Everyone, isn't our mission to protect ordinary people? We can't hang our heads here."

Compared with frustration, he felt more responsibility on his shoulders.

Perhaps because of his identity as 'Tiga', Dagu's sense of responsibility completely surpassed the frustration caused by the continuous appearance of enemies with no end in sight.

Human, Ultraman.

The two nouns swirled in the captain's mind, and she nodded seriously.

"Dagu is right, if we don't work hard, who will work hard?"

If the task of the students is to study, and the task of the citizens is to go to work, then the task of the Victory Team is to protect the former and defeat the monsters, just like before.

"The key to the problem now is how the monster will appear, why it will appear, and what the abnormal electromagnetic waves it releases represent."

The purple light was a manifestation of abnormal electromagnetic waves. According to the testimonies of the citizens present at the time, those who were illuminated by that light acted as if they were crazy.

"The enemy this time is not a monster, but an existence with intelligence like us. We must treat it with caution."

Under the order of the intermediate captain, the winning team returned to its best condition.

In response to the new threat, they sprang into action.

In the following week, Eineng Mina appeared in different cities in Japan, and each time she existed for a short time and then disappeared. Whenever the winning team rushed over, she left quickly.

The electromagnetic waves it releases make human beings lose their minds, and their ferocity increases dramatically. This is a terrifying ability.

Because the berserk human beings attack regardless of whether they are enemies or friends, if this electromagnetic wave spreads to every corner of the earth, it will be a terrible tragedy.

Just imagine, crazy people attacked what they saw on the street, using their fingers and teeth, as if they were going back to the primitive era, and it was even more exaggerated than that.

At least the primitive humans and tribes struggled to survive, which was completely controlled and killed each other.

Absolutely not to let such a tragedy happen, Dagu silently made up his mind in his heart.

"Why does she show up in different parts of Japan?"

At this moment, Horei's words attracted everyone's attention. Knowing oneself and the enemy is invincible, and no clues can be let go.

In the photos, videos, and captured images, Eineng Mina bowed her head, no matter where she appeared, she would always do this.

"Looks like he's looking for something."

Lina's words were unanimously approved by everyone, so what exactly are they looking for?

"Member Yerui, compare the similarities in these video materials."

The intermediary captain gave an order, and after a second, the system quickly completed the comparison, and a group of people appeared in the released screen.

"Clown... no, circus?"

People in fancy dress hide themselves, as if in hiding.

One seeks, one hides, there must be a connection.

Ye Rui was also aware of this, and quickly entered the database to find the data of this group of people before he could give the order.

Soon, the information was called out, name, birth, as long as all the information that can be thought of is in TPC's huge database.

The only one that was absent was the monster, or the person playing the monster, covered by a leather case, and it was not known who was wearing it inside.

"The location is Sapporo. This circus is very strange. This is the fourth city they have arrived in this week."

Ye Rui's words lifted everyone's spirits, and they finally caught some clues.

"Victory team dispatched!"

Zongfang gave an order, and everyone started to act, and the victory team rushed to Sapporo with the latest equipment.

In Sapporo, the circus, completely unaware that it has been exposed, is taking a break.

At this time, one of them approached the leader.

"Captain, is it better to ask the Victory Team for help?"

It's not that he doesn't want to protect it, it's simply that he has reached the limit.

They kept traveling around the country, and even so, that weird monster who didn't know whether it was a man or a woman was always with him. To be honest, this was no longer a problem they could solve.

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