At this moment, Danis said so.

"Of course, it may also be because the times have changed, but at least when our parent star was still there, the cosmic monsters were not so active."

Regarding the current form of the universe, the Baltans are not very clear about it.

In fact, after escaping from the home planet, people from other civilizations have already come to make their plans.

After barely repelling the enemies, they carefully hid their tracks and didn't contact anyone, just looking for a livable planet wholeheartedly.

It's just that those planets near the center of the galaxy have either been plundered or become colonies, and they can only escape outwards.

So, they once again realized the importance of the Star Alliance, order is necessary.

'Not only the earth, but also the universe has ushered in a period of frequent monsters? '

Nangong was thinking in his heart while leading the spaceship forward.

Are the two related?

Or is it simply the same phenomenon caused by different reasons?

Thinking but couldn't find the answer, he continued to move forward with the spaceship, from one galaxy to another.

What Baltan is after is a habitable planet far away from other civilizations. What they need now is to recuperate.

The golden light sphere that no one can observe travels through the universe without attracting any attention.

--------------------------------------------Dividing line

Five days had passed since the general and several scientists left, and five days was enough time for a lot of things to happen.

For example...

"Change, change back!"

People look at each other, and their eyes are the faces they remember.

Tears welled up in their eyes, and although they didn't say anything, they all felt disgusted with the evolved appearance, because as soon as they saw it, they could recall the disaster that turned dozens of planets into barren land.

"I don't understand..."

Looking at the excited citizens, one of the scientific researchers expressed difficulty in understanding it.

Obviously, the posture after evolution is far superior to the body before evolution, except that the energy consumption in the body is a bit serious, so why bother with the appearance?

"But we have to admit it."

At this moment, another person's words attracted the attention of other colleagues.

"Compared with pliers, ten fingers are better."

This sentence caused everyone to nod unanimously.

One thing to say, indeed.

"Anyway, if you want to, you can still change back, can't you?"

At this moment, another person spoke, and his right hand took out a small black and white prop.

And its top is a cylindrical insulating cover, and the inside is a modified radiation source.

It is precisely because of this radiation source that their Baltans can complete their evolution.

After analyzing it, what Diana obtained from the earth seems to be a technology called "transformation of light particles". They successfully developed a small converter that allows the Baltans to switch between pre-evolution and post-evolution postures.

"Speaking of which, it hasn't been named yet."

What should it be called?


Someone said so.

"You're just thinking about it casually, but I have no problem, it takes too much time to think of a name."

The scientists reached a consensus, and this converter will be called the Beta Magic Wand from now on.

And in the underground space, for the citizens these days, the only thing to be thankful for is to return to their original appearance.

The activated passageway attracted people's attention, and the manipulation of the gravity device allowed them to go back and forth between the ground and the underground at will.

But generally, except for the soldiers, no one would go to the ground.

Did you find something?

The attention was focused on that side, and what came out of it was a character that no one could have expected.


"It's General Danis!"

"But why did you come back so soon?"

Everyone was talking about it, and the general who was supposed to go to find a livable planet appeared five days later.

Impossible, could it be said that new planets can be found within five days?

"Everyone, we have found a planet that allows our Baltans to recuperate!"

Danis himself found it unbelievable, but the samples he collected, and even his own feet on the land of that planet, became different together.

As soon as this remark came out, there was no sound.

On the surface of the desert planet, just as Nangong had thought at the beginning, the traces of the battle had been filled with yellow sand.

He was waiting for the people of the Baltans. It was a strange feeling that the human beings' goal of finding a habitable planet was easily achieved by him.

The feeling of stepping on another earth is really amazing.

At this moment, he noticed the difference in the wind.

Turning around, the fleet of the Baltans appeared in his eyes. He had never been underground before, so he was surprised now.

There are many scars on the ship, and the intensity of the battle can be seen. How much the refugees have experienced, you can get a little idea from here.

The inside of the ship over [-] meters is a small ecological cycle. It is because of these that the Baltans can last for such a long time, but there is an end to it.

Without a power supply, the device won't start, and they're reaching their limit.

Long-distance voyages, encounters with cosmic monsters, and other civilizations with evil intentions, their escape has never been peaceful.

Empat nodded to the staying warship, then leaped lightly, and his body rose high into the sky.

The ship followed behind him, and the two sides quickly broke through the atmosphere and came to the black universe.

The hands face each other in front of the timer and the energy is extracted.

The coordinates and the location have been recorded in his brain, so the blue-dyed arms spread out left and right, and the gushing energy gathered at the front.

First a white spot, then a hole, surrounded by a surge of blue.

The gorgeous scenery made the Baltan family think of the supernova explosion that they had observed, but the measured data told them that it was not the case.

"real or fake......"

Someone said in disbelief, what did they see?


"go ahead."

Danis gave the order, and the fleet entered the blue-white light at a distance of more than 200 meters.

When the glare faded, they floated on a water-colored planet.

There is an unnamed galaxy more than 300 million light-years away from the earth. This is where Empat arrived.

Here is the new bounty that matches the referral

Just talking about rewards seems to be too few words, so let me briefly summarize the plot so far

The plot of the first half of Tijia Juan has ended, and Nangong has also escaped from the shadows. In fact, this is the main plot of the entire early stage

As for the depression you mentioned, of course I know that it is depression. If it can make you feel uncomfortable, then I think it is quite successful. My own mentality is pineapple and pineapple, and I am being messed around by others. Nangong is really miserable (laughs)

As for the reason for doing this, I think the power that comes too fast has a sense of cheapness. As a protagonist, if you don’t really experience various things to get tempered, then no matter what it is "hard as iron" or anything else, it will only exist. in settings

I think there should be a 'he's who he is because of what he's been through'

So it’s still a word, things that come too fast have a sense of cheapness, I don’t know if you have heard a song

get the regret over, the singer is Pie Wu Li Huo, the OP of Fighting God City 3, I like the whole song very much

I was shocked when I heard this song when I was young, and then I checked the lyrics, and there is a passage in it that I like very much

Thousands of thousands of tens of thousands of motada chopping んんできた, hitting ちつける白刀の海を越え

Through countless death fights, across the incoming sea of ​​knives

At that time, I felt that the protagonist should be like this. This is probably the reason why Nangong was burdened and injured.

Of course, the first half of the depression is over, and the second half will be much brighter than before

If you want to ask why, Kirielod who is a man with a mentality was promoted, and three of the four big bosses of the empire were promoted by Empat. It is quite interesting to destroy this kind of late-stage boss in the early stage.

Accept your own darkness, find the meaning of fighting, and then a new beginning

The evil gods, the dark trio, and the negative energy collection device recovered by the military, the rampant monsters in the universe, many things have not been resolved, so please look forward to it, and by the way, please look forward to the cloak. guy

The next step is to offer a reward. After thinking about it, I opened it with the recommendation. The following is the standard copied and pasted from the last time

Time, September 10-September 16, that is, this Friday to next Friday, a week

10000 cat coins

100 month pass

100 blades

1000 recommended votes

Meeting one of the above criteria will count as one chapter, and the deadline will be at 10:23 on September 23

110 Chapter Eight New Enemies

The soft sand under the feet is a little golden due to the sun, and the waves crashing on the shore, the sound of the tide can be heard endlessly.

Flying birds sang songs, and unknown creatures crawled out of the sand and left, ignoring the new existence here.

This is the beach, who holds the yellow sand in his hands, and who plunges into the sea, convinced that this is a real planet.

Being too close to the beach, the clothes were wet by the waves, and the tactile sensation was clearly conveyed to the mind.

"Get out of the way!"

At this time, the scientists' bodies, which had not been well-trained, were walking like flying, and they rushed out of the spaceship quickly with the equipment on their hands. There were a lot of things to test.

The energy of the ship has not been replenished until now. Although it is a bit behind, it may rely on running water to obtain energy.

Apart from the ocean, there is the earth.

On the other side of the blue planet, instruments poked into the ground to measure the quality of the soil.

Surrounded by towering trees, indeed, this symbolizes vitality.

However, the situation of one planet may not be the same as that of another planet. The Baltans need to test whether the soil on this planet is suitable for their modified food seeds.

There was a rustling sound, as if something was walking in the forest, it was the breath of life.

Looking down from above, apart from the scientists, the citizens have already poured out of the spaceship. They are running around, smiling with joy, and weeping with ecstasy.

One after another warship docked steadily, steel and nature merged together.

On the planet in the primitive era, it is no longer the lights in the spaceship, but the real sun in the sky.

It is day at this time, and night on the other side of the planet.

The temperature varies and there are different climates in different locations.

Its volume is one-third larger than that of the earth, and other than that, it is very similar. Now that people are brought here, the matter is over.

Empat floats outside the atmosphere, and if there's a's probably that the planet sees two moons at night.

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