Energy output, cancel each other out.

After losing the power supply, the rope also shattered, and the remaining light particles hit him without causing any damage.

However, it wasn't over yet, Danis moved forward with his free left hand again, and a powerful orange destructive light blasted out rapidly.

He is like a stable fort now, and he can carry out various attacks without getting close.

The scorching stream of light pierced through the Gobi in the distance, and Empat, who leaped forward somersault, controlled the direction of his body, accelerated his anti-gravity ability, and the falling swallow's flying kick hit an instant hit, at least it seemed to be a hit before it hit.

A lot of sand was kicked up because of his fall, and a lot of afterimages appeared with Danis' movement.

Among the dozens of shadows, who is the real opponent.

Nianli tried to catch it, and soon, all the shadows felt the same.

Just as the Baltan aliens he met for the first time possessed the ability to clone physically, Danis was naturally able to do the same.

Empat turned around quickly, and the surging power of his right arm was released with a stroke.

The half-moon-shaped blade of light shot out, and a large number of white light bullets came oncoming.



The slash and the shooting hit almost at the same time, Empat retreated after being injured, and then forced his body to stand still. Danis' clones disappeared after being attacked once, and his body also felt taboo.

'This ability to cut...'

The extra incision on his chest healed during the surge, and he quickly raised his right clamp, his arms trembling from the pounding fist.

With one fist and one palm, Empat quickly pulled out the arc, and the slash from the lower right corner made a harsh friction sound. The opponent's giant pincers had exaggerated hardness, and at the same time, there was a huge "obstructing vision" shortcoming.

Danis' defensive hands almost blocked his entire head behind, and in front of the claws, there was a blasting fist.

Hit at the same time, the momentum is like breaking a bamboo, the defensive side is knocked back, and the attacking side bursts out at a faster speed than the opponent's retreat, spinning sideways and kicking directly on the enemy's open belly.

The dropped foot hits the ground and, seizing the opportunity, Empat sprints forward.

The physical ability of the Baltan star is not as good as his. No matter how hard he exercises, the physical body has its limit.

However, his common sense did not consider ways other than 'exercise'.

It hurts, it's just pain, Danis's yellow eyes don't show any emotion.

His hands seem to be moving forward due to the force at this time, shaking slightly, and further ahead is Ultraman who is chasing him.

If you want to seize the earth no matter what, then you must defeat Ultraman no matter what.

Baltan has studied different biotechnologies including 'cloning'

It was this technique that allowed them to obtain a blood sample.

The Imperial Stars once thought about cloning another self, but even Star Baltan dared not allow another Imperial Star to appear in this universe.

The current Danis is a heterogeneous body that has undergone body modification based on that blood.

The twin pincers that just swung perfectly took aim, and the sudden attack carried strong damage.

The orange-red energy condensed into a scorching blade, and two sparks burst out to pierce the face. Empat fell back due to the severe pain. He was equivalent to actively sending himself to the opponent's attack.

After the 0.5-second confrontation ended, he realized that the Baltan star in front of him was different from the others.

Danis' body stayed in mid-air, and quickly flew backwards, with the lightsabers in both hands crossed out.

Empat dodges the X-shape that is still blurred in the air in time, and then, the two red streaks expand in an instant, and the doubled output makes it change from a 'sword' to a 'stick'

And this 'stick' turns into a 'whip' because of its ability to manipulate

Without moving both hands, the long whip bit like a python.

The attack with déjà vu made Nangong feel puzzled.

'Imperial Starman's...'

Whether it is releasing the blade or the long whip in the pincers, it is almost exactly the same, but that will be discussed later.

Empat moved his hands forward, and the purple barrier was constructed, and it was about to block the attack.

It's a pity that it's not that simple, Danis stepped up again.

'Anaconda' splits into massive 'venomous snakes' like never seen before

They precisely circumvented the barrier and attacked from different directions, all benefiting from Danis' strong mind power, which allowed him to precisely control each light whip.

But the delay of this action gave the opponent a chance. Empat's figure was a little blurry behind the dark purple barrier. His hands were stretched left and right to make fists, the dark lines sucked in light particles, and the timer was surrounded by concentrated energy. .

The Enhanced Spyium Beam is a new move that can be used to determine the winner in a melee battle, and the Zapelio Beam is the most powerful special move.

The shadow gushes out from the body, the action of accumulating power is to absorb energy from the outside world, and the abnormal shape of the body symbolizes one thing, that is, the maximum increase of energy in the body.

This is why Zapelio's ray can be used as the strongest ray skill, it can strengthen the energy in the body beyond the limit before releasing it.

Empat put his arms together, ignoring the light whips coming from around him. The dark light symbolized the exuberance of dark energy, and the first hit was the defensive barrier that had previously exerted power.

The internal energy changed its nature at some point and became something like a filter.

The next moment, the pitch-black particles that crashed into it gushed out from the front, changing from 'linear' to 'scattering'

The concentrated power was dispersed, and before Danis could evade, the lethal particles attacked him.

Up, down, left, and right, every direction was blocked, severe pain came, and the power of thought collapsed. A few light whips scattered after touching Enpater, and most of them collapsed halfway.

A few seconds later, the rays of light reaching the horizon stopped, and the barrier completely disappeared, leaving an exaggerated scenery in front of him.

There is not a single grain of sand left, with a diameter of nearly [-] meters and a depth from near to far. This pothole extends all the way to the end of the distance, digging a groove on the surface of the planet.

In front is Danis who still has fragments. As Diana said, their family seems to have acquired unimaginable vitality after evolution.

"Won't you kill me?"

The Baltan general asked this question, and he saw from the very beginning that the Ultraman's purpose was not here.

"I didn't come here for revenge."

Empat's exact answer wasn't expected either, so...


The orange destructive beam hit directly, and the sudden sneak attack made him stagger forward.

Before he had time to see who was attacking him, the front took advantage of this opportunity to pursue him again.

An explosion and sparks were set off, followed by a heavy blow from the upper corner, hitting the head directly.

Leaning forward made him see a strange sight.

'This is......'

The head that was still on the ground before disappeared, replaced by a gray liquid that seemed to be flowing.

When hit by Zapelio's light, the body fragments that Danis deliberately scattered stood up one after another. They completed their regeneration, and there was only one target.

"Naive, so naive! Diana asked you to come, right? This is a battle that concerns the survival of the race, and there is no room for it!"

He roared, the voices overlapped, it was no longer a clone that could be broken at the touch of a touch, but a real clone.

The destructive light crazily bombarded a position, hitting the enemies inside.

They backed up at the same time and blasted out with full power. In an instant, the energy of dozens of rays of light accumulated to the limit, a hundred meters.

After confirming the departure of his compatriots, Danis no longer deliberately controlled the destructive power.

They retreated while attacking, the orange-red light group expanded wildly, and when the diameter reached 778 meters, it finally reached the limit.

To give an example, it's like a human nuclear bomb being detonated, enough to burn the eyes, enough to blow everything up, enough to annihilate everything within the range, and even dig up the surface of the earth.

The unstoppable wind and sand disappeared in this area, showing a moment of tranquility for a short time.

Using all the strength in his body, Danis felt exhausted.

At this moment, starting from his head all the way down, his whole body was split into two sections.


If one person is divided, everyone can feel it. The recombined light particles form a giant with green eyes. The skill called teleportation allows Empat to escape from the inside before the explosion.

At this time, the strong light of the explosion was still shining on them.

Empat's acceleration caused the rear Mach ring to slowly expand before the light faded completely.

The right arm was dyed purple, and he hit it with a slash, and chopped one of Danis in half.

Flying at full speed in the atmosphere, the exaggerated speed and the principle of anti-gravity made him unimaginably agile.

There are pure white light bullets in the eyes, climbing, falling, forcibly drawing a broken line, sweeping with his left hand, and the corpse that was cut in half fell down again, the wound was scorched black burn marks, and some gray liquid leaked from time to time.

With both hands in front, Danis shot in order to stop the opponent's actions.

Left, right, up, down, what is reflected in the eyes is the forward trajectory without any rules. Compared with the moving speed here, it is too slow.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer, and the closer it is, the harder it is for the line of sight to keep up. The narrow field of vision made him irritated. When Empat suddenly changed direction, he disappeared from his eyes.

A blue light flashed past, it was the giant's pupils, the body was uncontrollable, and another person was cut in two.

Empat continued to move forward, and behind him was a continuous flash of light bullets that could never hit. Danis, who was in situ and did not move, relied on spinning to chase the enemy.

A large number of white light bullets flashed in the sky, and he pursued them hard. Then, the enemy looked at him.

The crystal in front of the forehead that can increase the power of thought blasted out a blue flash, and the slender but penetrating Aimelim light hit, and Empat circled around and spun to cut the opponent open.

At this moment, the aftermath of the explosion finally disappeared, and the intact giant seemed to be mocking Danis' powerlessness.

Climbing up, falling, he seemed to be in no one's land in the combo of light bullets, and his swinging body dodged countless attacks.

There are no clouds on this planet, only wind and sand, which makes Empat's already blurry figure even more difficult to capture.

At this moment, more light bullets attacked.

If one doesn't work, there will be more attacks, and Danis' cut body will split again, adding one after another.

Ten, fifty, one hundred, 150, the number is unimaginably exaggerated, and even continues to increase.

They raised their hands, some flew into the sky to chase them down, and some shot like anti-aircraft guns on the ground.

What appeared to be a war between armies on the surface of the planet was actually just a battle between two people.

First, a hole was dug out by the diffuse Zapelio light, and then a deep hole was dug out by the orange destructive light. It's not over yet.

Empat flies freely in the sky, unlike on the earth, there is no time and energy limitation, and there is no need to care about other people's eyes.

There are no rules, and he doesn't obey the inertia, he flexes his body freely in the high altitude.

Dozens of Danis chasing from behind fired white light bullets of firepower, red freezing light rays and yellow restraining light circles.

The colors are mixed together, but they still can't hit.

'almost. '

Nangong thought in his heart that he deliberately lured the other party to do this.

No matter how strong it is, it must always abide by the conservation of energy.

The speed of the Danis was slower than before. Although the firepower was as fierce as ever, it should not be as powerful as before.

Empatla climbed after pulling out an arc, and then swooped down again.

It was no longer evasion, but an assault. Looking at it this way, I realized that the scene was so exaggerated. I don't know how many people were chasing him, and there were countless people chasing him.

The hands meet in front of the timer, and the energy drawn is poured into the right hand, and the exuberant purple is still wrapped in white.

Bright light covering, lasing out as it swings forward.

The basic is the eight-point light wheel, and the advanced level increases the number. What reaches the limit is the control of the mind.

The Otto power, which had never been used before, played a role. When the brilliance of Empat's right hand was fully released, dozens of purple light wheels flew in the sky.

With exaggerated sharpness, they are constantly passing by under the control of thought power.

Cutting, chopping off, before Danis could react, the 'cross' he formed was cut into four pieces, and he on the other side was cut into three pieces by the parallel light wheel. The same scene continued repeat.

The sudden counterattack played a role, Empat stepped back, threw out his purple-dyed arms one after another, and added dozens of new light wheels.

Mind power controls them. Anyone who sees this scene will feel horrified. A large number of corpses fall, and the purple light fills the entire sky.

At this moment, the hands were combined together, and Zapelio's light beam, which canceled the charging action, blasted towards the ground.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 Danis evaporated during the shooting.

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