"Ye Rui team members, hand over the previous route of the Snow White to the monitoring department."

He quickly issued an order, and Chief Yoshioka of the police station who was sitting on the other side of him immediately took out his mobile phone for contact.

"it's me."

He ordered his subordinates to mobilize the surveillance satellites floating in orbit, trying to find the island that Lina mentioned.

But there is nothing on that whole route. Is it simply a mistake?

Or did the enemy leave or hide after being spotted?

Regardless, Snow White's Magus powertrain test ended with a few minor blemishes.

Human beings have not yet fully grasped this power, and have only touched the tip of its iceberg.

But just touching the tip of the iceberg has already touched the warning line of danger. The universe is no longer what it used to be. The plundering invaders don’t want any backward civilization to step into the universe and touch their cake. .

As a result, the defense system developed by it began to operate, and once it noticed that any civilization had begun to step into the standard, it would immediately intervene.

The lamb just needs to remain a lamb.

On Earth, on the streets of Osaka, the Kyriairods are in front, and Ultraman is behind.

A large area has been cordoned off, the wreckage of the battle.

Due to the occurrence of monster disasters, the global economy has declined, but among them, the construction industry has grown.

"Speaking of which, you are called Dagu now, right?"

Suddenly, Shiori asked, but unfortunately all he got was silence.

"It's really indifferent. From another perspective, we may not be the enemies of mankind, but the gods of mankind."

Dagu didn't intend to respond to these words, he just simply wondered in his heart what the two of them were going to do.

Are those words just a bluff?

His thinking was seen by the two people he was watching, so the corners of his mouth curled up.

The scariest thing is the unknown. The reason why conspiracy is scary is because no one knows what is planned.

Immediately afterwards, at this moment, Nangong raised his head to look at the sky.

It was at this moment that he noticed something.

'There's something! '

Above the atmosphere, inside the mechanical island, the AI ​​automatically determined what to do next.

Its posture was observed in an instant, and what was observed was also the burst of energy.

Thunder flashed across the blue sky, not a natural phenomenon, but a deliberate disaster.

Passing through the atmosphere, spanning the distance to the surface, the lightning strikes the city directly.


The range of its attack is only related to the current rotation angle of the earth.

The huge thunder split in the air, and then almost covered the entire hemisphere. In the existing city, people had just seen the lightning that pierced the sky, and found someone was submerged in it.

The falling thunder hit the street directly, and the next moment, it began to cut like a sword of judgment.

"what is that?!"

It doesn't matter what it is, when a huge disaster is coming, when death is imminent, the instinct of survival will drive people to run away.

This is an attack. The mechanical island's attack on the earth is aimed at half of the earth. In an instant, dozens of cities produce disasters of varying degrees within five seconds.

Or a street, or a building, without even giving time to react, death came instantly.

'If civilization creates threatening technology, destroy it and set its level back'—this is the order that Mechanic Island faithfully fulfills.

That lightning bolt also aimed at Osaka, which was hit by the disaster just yesterday.

Not knowing exactly what happened, Dagu, who hadn't contacted the TPC headquarters, instinctively took out the spark prism from his arms.

Suddenly, his wrist felt like it was about to be shattered.


The transforming device came out, Shiori's right leg kicked out was not put down, aiming at her like this, and quickly approached Nangong who was throwing a fist, but was blocked by another person.

There was a dull sound and harsh friction, and Richard, who slid out a few meters, shook his sore wrist.

"What do you want to do!"

Dagu held his aching right wrist and asked the question again.

Shiori, who jumped back lightly, avoided Nangong's straight kick, and had to dodge before she was about to touch the spark prism on the ground. Her lips parted slightly, but her voice was extremely exaggerated.

"Everyone! This way! We Kirielod will protect you!"

The fluctuations came out, and the mental intervention suddenly caused the fleeing crowd to gather instinctively.


Nangong quickly picked up the golden spark prism, and at this moment, the oncoming thunder was blocked.

"That is!"

The citizens raised their heads, their robust bodies were like an indestructible city wall, and the Balrog warrior directly withstood the attack from the mechanical island... just like what Ultraman had done in the past.

"Come to protect us!"

The moment he heard these words, Daiko looked at Shiori, and there was a leisurely smile on the other side's face.


Nangong clenched his fist, then let it go.

The Balrog warrior crossed his arms in front of him, and then swung it downwards. The original shadow became larger, and behind him were spread wings.

Directly bearing the thunder's attack, he jumped up and flew high into the sky.

At the same time, in different cities, Kiriarods emerged, and they merged together to become a Balrog warrior with a crying face.

Even if they can't be compared with the second generation of Smiley, they still have the power to withstand attacks.

People, are protected.

Not two Ultraman, but dozens of Balrog warriors.

"Yes, I am saved."

What a terrible thunder and lightning that was, his legs went limp, and the ordinary people sitting on the ground looked forward, and there was nothing left on the scorched road.

Faced with the situation at this time, TPC must also take action, but the action does not include the Far East Headquarters.

"Are those guys planning to blow up the entire base!"

The members inside picked up their guns and kept shooting at the robots walking around the base.

This is the extraterrestrial metal they collected before. It was originally kept in a safe place, and the metals locked in a special warehouse have been reassembled.

Just as they were acting irrationally before, so they are now.

What opened the warehouse was a huge explosion.

The base was shaking, and the robot on which floor exploded.

In the combat command room, neither Director Sawai nor Director Yoshioka left, and this situation happened less than half an hour after the test of the Magus power system was completed.

"All the robots are heading down, and their goal should be the lowest research layer!"

The members of the winning team have already attacked, leaving only the command and logistics.

"Are they planning to blow up the bottom layer and let the seawater destroy the base?"

The intermediary captain was speculating, while Director Sawai's brows were almost knit together.

"Unfortunately, the battleship Yagdis equipped with the Magus power system is still at the lowest level."

"Intermediate captain, let the victory team go down and drive the Jagdis away immediately."

Director Yoshioka issued an order that the Baixue was tested to make the Yagdis, a heavy warship, able to be used smoothly, and it could not be lost just like that.

"Even if it is necessary to use bombs, it will reach the bottom layer before these robots."

A few seconds later, Zong Fang, who was blocking the robot with his team members in the corridor of the base, received a new order.

"Yagdis? I see, let's go now!"

If it can be driven out, maybe that damn mechanical island can also be destroyed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The pure white semi-circular shield blocked the terrifying lightning strikes. The angel floated in the air, and its wings fluttered slightly from time to time. People felt relieved and no longer worried about being hit.

"What the Kirielods said is true."

"I didn't expect to be really protected."

"Did you say yesterday that there is a greater darkness hidden in a series of times on the earth?"

"It sucks, why do we have to encounter such a thing?"

Compared with words, actions can move people's hearts more. The protected citizens are discussing the current situation fiercely. It seems that the Kirielod people are no longer enemies to them.

In this area, some people think otherwise.


The protective shield separates the inside and the outside, people outside can't come in, and people inside can't go out. Just right, Dagu who lost the spark prism was locked inside, and Nangong who picked up the spark prism was outside.

"No, there's no way out."

Daegu touches the translucent 'wall'

At this moment, a voice came out, and it was at his position that it suddenly attracted the attention of the people around him.

"Please don't touch the protective shield casually, it is very hard work to maintain this."

The angel suddenly spoke, and in one sentence, revealed two pieces of information.

Dagu touched the protective cover, and it is very hard to maintain the protective cover. What will happen if the protective cover is broken?

are no longer protected.

"what are you doing!"

Someone immediately questioned him.

"No, I—"

Dagu wanted to explain, but he didn't have the chance at all.

"stop it now!"

"Pull him here!"

"Idiot, if you want to die, go alone!"

The aggressive insults fell directly on him. The citizens who experienced life and death once were not emotionally stable. At the same time, no one wanted to die.

These emotions and thoughts are deliberately directed in a negative direction. Compared with anxiety, perhaps they are venting their inner anxiety and fear now.

Dagu was almost swallowed by words, not only him, maybe not many people in the world would be criticized by so many people like him now, but there was no way to explain it.


Nangong outside the protective shield gritted his teeth, and he looked up at Shiori who had turned into an angel.

'Isn't that a nice expression? '

Communicating telepathically, there is no difference between the other party's words and provocations.

'Is this what you're after? '

Stop Ultraman from fighting, replace Ultraman's position, and become the patron saint of mankind.

After that, the Kyriairods will start to implement their plan, and the future will be as dark as Kirino and Masaki said.

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