Pull, go down, knee bump up, but get blocked.

The silver palm took the attack, grabbed it in turn, and pulled it back.

However, Jie Dun's clenched fists slammed down and hit directly.

Dijia was beaten to kneel on the ground again, and in front of him was an enemy whose feet were in a straight line.

Immediately rolled backwards, another mega-degree fireball hit the ground.

In a blink of an eye, there was only a scorched black ground with a radius of tens of meters, and the scorching aftermath did not cause any damage.

After looking up, Jayden had long since disappeared.

Repeat the same trick, where will it appear next?

Dagu could feel the fluctuations surrounding him, but he couldn't do anything before the opponent appeared.

This is the earth, not the universe, and the energy consumed is not directly proportional to the energy replenished.

The authorities were confused, but the bystanders were clear. Nangong, who was observing the situation from above, had already noticed Jayden's weakness in teleportation.

The most difficult teleportation user he has ever seen is Kiranbo, without any preparatory action at all, and without the slightest delay, the other party freely travels back and forth between different dimensions and this world.

But Jayton was different. After he appeared, he couldn't teleport for a second time in a short period of time, and needed preparation time.

Otherwise, you can keep appearing and disappearing, relying on strong physical ability and teleportation to fight around Tiga.

So the key is whether you can catch the moment it appears.

Nangong closed his eyes, even if he couldn't transform, there were things he could do now.

Diana, who was closest to him, also felt that surge of power, and the fluctuations from the power of thought made her feel puzzled while being surprised.

'Why doesn't he change shape? '

The last time I came to Earth, when I faced the Golden Bridge, Bemonstein, and the so-called Kyriaelods, the cooperation between the two Ultramans was very close.

This time, let the opponent fight alone. Could it be that he is guarding against the Kiriarods who don't know what they are planning?

The timer on Di Jia's chest flickered crazily. He didn't have much time left. If he wanted to, he could spend it until the end of the time.

Jayden appeared from the space, and its hands clapped forward.

At this moment, its movement stopped halfway as if it was stuck.

'This is......'

Wrapped around this cosmic dinosaur is a powerful thought force, and it still has no way to use teleportation to escape.

Dagu could feel the power of thoughts entangled in the other party, and immediately understood that the next opportunity must be seized.

The hands go from bottom to top, and finally form an X shape on the chest, and the orange-red spiral light energy gathers on the body.

Unlike Empat's hand knife, which is the main attack of slashing, Tijia uses the main attack of explosive punching.

With both hands accumulating power from their waists, they blasted forward with all their strength, hitting the chest directly.

As if being directly hit by a light technique, the intense power of this electric fist blasted out countless sparks and electric currents, even illuminating both bodies.

The defenses on the body surface were pierced, and Jayden didn't whine, it didn't seem to feel any pain, it just wanted to complete the instructions wholeheartedly.

The loyalty as a biological weapon is fully reflected.

At this moment, Nangong's body beside Diana swayed. Otto's power is a special ability that consumes mental power. Restraining the always powerful monster consumes a lot of his power.

And at this time, Jayton no longer needed to be restrained, and it didn't have any chance at all.

Every attack of Tiga will make it unable to control its body, and continuous explosions will be set off on its body.

The silver-red giant kept throwing punches in front of him, jumping up and down while using all his strength to slash the knife in his hand.

Seeing sparks flashing, the horns on Jayden's head were cut off, and he fell to the ground together with it.

The whole monster was knocked down to the ground, and before it could do anything, Di Jia stepped forward and grabbed both sides of its head tightly with both hands.

The heavy body was lifted in one breath, and now Jayden's head was facing down, and his feet were facing up. Just when his hands and feet had time to struggle, they immediately stiffened.

Exploding the strength of the whole body, Tiga smashed the enemy directly into the ground in an upside-down posture.

The aftermath of the powerful blow to the head caused the whole city to shake crazily. The surrounding wreckage shook at the same time, floating up into the air and then falling down, making different sounds.

As a biological weapon, Jayton was a living thing after all, and the continuous damage completely exploded in this blow.

Tiga took a step back, ready to defeat the enemy with a final blow.

The shaking of the earth has not disappeared at this time, is this normal?

Even the aftermath, it lasted too long.

Realized that something was wrong, and felt the vibration approaching again.

At the critical moment, he dodged back again, the ground was lifted, and the monster burst out of the huge hole, only a short distance away from stabbing the giant with its sharp horns.

An unexpected situation appeared, and the raised mud and dust spread and blown away to the surroundings amidst a violent roar.

The ancient monster Gomora woke up from a dream of 3000 million years. What it felt was that some strange existence stepped into the territory it divided.

It is undoubtedly a provocation to step into the hunting ground of meat-eating monsters.

The enemy in front at this time also has an impression.

Isn't this the disgusting 'Giant of Light'?

"This, this is a new monster! A new monster has appeared!"

The reporter faithfully filmed the current situation, and misfortunes never come singly. Although the injuries accumulated in his body, Jayton, who had been beaten dizzily before, still stood up.

Pulling the head that lost its horns from the ground, it stood up under the command of its master.

There was no cry, only yellow Jayden flowing on his chest and face.

Roaring, staring at the giant, staring at Gomora in this city.

When did it build this mess in its territory?

to destroy them.

An entire area has been reduced to wreckage, and this is just the beginning.

Some citizens can see the people who have entered the refuge, and those who are still running away, but some citizens cannot see. There are monsters in the gaps between the buildings.

Lost the horns, so what?

Jayden started to move forward, and Gomora hated the giant in front of him more than Jayden at the side.

One side slowly moved forward, while the other started to run.


Can't deal with another monster, can't deal with you!

Xincheng pressed the trigger, and the light from Feiyan-[-] shot towards Gomora, sparking a burst of sparks.

Ignoring it, the super ancient surviving earth dinosaur-type monster directly crashes into the enemy ahead.

Dijia quickly jumped to the right, and the enemy passed by.

He was ready, and as expected, he swung his tail with unparalleled strength.

With his hands clasped, his waist took the rest of the impact, even though he stepped on the ground, he still slid a certain distance.

Grabbed Gomora's tail, and when Tiga pulled hard, Jayden moved.

Does it hurt?


How does it move?

It will make the injury worse.

Even so, it acts on command without any self-awareness.

Ignoring the expanding injuries in his body, Jayden swung his right hand fiercely towards the enemy's back.

The heavy force came, Tiga staggered forward in pain, and Gomora was also liberated.

What an eyesore is that pile of things in front of me.

With a roar, the energy in the body gathered at the horns.

'don't want! '

Time seems to stand still at this moment, the super vibration wave that is about to be shot, the Feiyan No. [-] that fired at Gomora, the Tiga that rushed forward, and the residents of the city.

Just instinctively, Nangong held the pitch-black spark prism with his right hand.

A large number of images flashed before his eyes, the shattered world and the raging dark giant, above the crying girl was a red balloon floating away, and Empat punched it down.

In the next instant, time began to flow again.


The spark prism seemed to be no longer a prop for transformation. Black mist poured out from inside, and the dark lines climbed up Nangong's arm as if they had life.

Crazy entanglement, the darkness spread all the way until it covered the right cheek.

It is instilling darkness, the guilt caused by mistakes, the depression caused by not being able to transform, the negative emotions that have always been there have not disappeared, they are just hidden in the darkness, and now they are pouring into Nangong's consciousness.

The fear of the future was aroused, and the dark mist no longer gushed out from the spark prism, but emerged from his body.

"Hey, hello!"

The whole process didn't even take half a second, and Diana could feel a frighteningly strong force, and the darkness was rampaging.

Clenching his teeth, Nangong held the wrist of his right hand with his left hand.

At this time, a purple ray of light shot out, instantly penetrating from one end to the other, spanning the entire city, destroying everything on the ray.

Di Jia, who threw himself on Gomora, tried hard to stop it. At this moment, Jayton's [-]-megadegree fireball shot out and directly hit Di Jia's back.

The strength in the body was lost amidst the excruciating pain.

No longer bound by any restraints, Gomorrah's super-vibration waves began to sweep, and with the shaking of the head, the light was like a distorted blade, cutting the city open.

Countless torn buildings began to fall, and perhaps there were still people inside who hadn't escaped in time.

Unfortunately, they had no chance of escape.

Fortunately, being killed by the light is painless, and they don't even have time to feel it.

From the dividing line directly in front of Gomora, to the right, one-third of the city, as long as it is taller than Gomora, the buildings with the same height as him are completely smashed.

At the same moment, a large number of debris fell, and under the shadows were countless masses, tens of thousands.

Jayden stepped on his right foot and put his weight on Tiga's body.

In the spaceship above, Nangong slammed his right hand into the cabin, and the spark prism came out.

The giant of light who is about to be defeated, the giant of darkness who is almost out of control, and the people who cannot escape, and no matter what they do, they will lead to death.

This is the moment that the Kiriarods have been waiting for, the moment when people's fear will reach its peak.

Neither Tiga nor Empat could reverse the current situation, and a pure white light emerged.

People have given up because there is no escape no matter what you do.

But those falling wreckages, whose weight is unknown, were supported by invisible forces.

The gathered light appeared there at some unknown time, and the spread wings were pure white sky feathers.

The falling white feathers in the city actually exist, and the angel in the white robe appears in the city for everyone to see.

The wreckage gathered and fell towards the unoccupied position.

It's an eyesore, Gomora thinks so.

It blasted out a super vibration wave again, hitting the white-robed angel directly.

She couldn't see her face clearly, and she didn't move at all. The next moment, the purple light was blocked, and the fierce attack scattered like water splashes.

Is it a demon standing there?

The curvature of the face seems to be a smile, the left chest is light red, which seems to be something like a timer, and there is a yellow vertical line between the foreheads.

No matter who it is, they can think of an existence.

That is the Kirielod who once appeared on the earth and claimed to rule mankind.

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