"Sir, I can go out."

"No, not yet."

The commander stopped his subordinates, if the enemy can fly...

"Contact Europe and China immediately, and shoot it down with a firepower net!"

Fortunately, the place where Dorakao appeared is not in the city, even if it will affect the natural ecology, it can't care so much now.

Communication constitutes, followed by voting.

They didn't have much time. Doraka's flying ability was beyond everyone's expectations. Even if it didn't hit the fighter, just passing by would be enough to make the fighter unbalanced.

The battle in Australia is still going on, and on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, the battle here has just begun.

There is still a long distance from Seagras' position, but here, Dolphin 202 has already begun to be pulled by the suction.

The surrounding images were displayed on the screen. The members of the Victory Team could see a large number of fish struggling to swim, but they were easily pulled back.

Unlike Lina, others do not have this knowledge.

Even so, they can understand what the situation is like.

"Too bad. The natural ecology is a complete circle. Sigaras's eating is equivalent to biting the circle from one side of the circle. The ecological chain is intertwined. Even if only one aspect causes problems, it will cause unstoppable problems." foreseeable consequences."

Horii has long been thinking about what ancient monsters like Gorzan mean to the present Earth.

Now he understood that the ancient monsters were simply ecological destroyers.

The scene in the bottom of the sea is so exaggerated, hundreds of different kinds of fish are pulled in the same direction, some of them are directly out of balance and are pulled in by flipping, and some of them uselessly wag their tails, but they cannot escape.

It was as if there was a black hole ahead of that darkness.

"It's time."

Zong Fang said so, and just as he said, the army began to move.

Submarines from before the unification of the world were pulled out and used again. Whether it is hypocrisy or violation of the agreement, it has to be admitted that the equipment retained by various countries and not dismantled has played a great role.

The torpedo shot out, mixed into the school of fish, and was pulled in together.

Dozens of powerful explosives disappeared into the darkness in the distance. This was TPC's simple and crude plan.

He had measured the speed at which Seageras pulled the fish in advance, adjusted the settings of the torpedo, and waited for the moment of detonation.

Since you like to eat, let you taste the power of modern weapons.

No matter how hard the skin is, the inside may not be so.

28 seconds, 29 seconds.

Coming from ahead was a disturbed current.

"it is good!"

Xincheng waved his hand.

"No, the time is wrong."

Dagu discovered an abnormality. According to previous estimates, the explosion should have occurred in 30 seconds. What's more, if he was really surprised, how could there be such aftermath?

The fact is, as he expected, that Sigaras, who has survived from the super ancient times, is not a newly born existence.

It has experienced super ancient civilizations, and things that don't match the food at all are really familiar, aren't they?

The next moment, the ocean current changed.

"This is?!"

Huge pressure hit directly from the front, and in a blink of an eye, the submarines were easily pushed away as if they had no mass.

This is the bottom of the sea, the home field of Seagrass, and its stage.

The already turbulent sea ran away completely and turned into a sea of ​​death that swallowed everything.

The tide is only higher on the sea, but the bottom of the sea...

"what is this?!"

Dolphin 202 became unmaneuverable, left and right, ocean currents that did not conform to any natural law oppressed TPC's underwater team.

It was completely different from being on the ground. The submarines who were thrown in different directions did not know where they had drifted.

The surroundings are all sea water, which is also water pressure. On this seabed, there are other things, such as reefs.

There was a harsh friction sound, and a red warning sound sounded inside the submarine.

Its outer wall hit the hard rock, one side was shattered, and the other side was bent and broken.

There are also submarines that have run afoul of the rocks and the bottom of the sea, and the broken shell cannot stop the influx of sea water.

In just a few seconds, several submarines were smashed to pieces.

Because of the urgency, they had to attack directly, and because of the urgency, they didn't test it out in advance. Now, TPC is paying the price for it.

Dolphin 202 was thrown back and forth like a ball, bumped back and forth, and finally, in a burst of violent shaking, it hit a huge reef, the ocean current coming from the front, and the support from the back.

At this time, the five people who were shaken to the point of being in a state of disorder had the strength to pay attention to the warning.

"It's leaking!"

Horei's words made everyone wake up in an instant. This is the bottom of the sea below a thousand meters.

"It's not good, if this continues, Dolphin 202 will be crushed!"

Lina quickly checked the system, and the rocks behind and the ocean currents in front alternately exerted pressure on the submarine. Not only that, but the opening that was already cracked was pulled even wider.

At this moment, Xincheng quickly unbuckled his seat belt.

"Dagu, you and I go to the back to check the situation!"

He yelled like this, and Dako, who instantly understood the meaning, also unbuttoned his seat belt together.

"I see, let's go to the rear leak to find a way to fix it."

The two walked towards the rear, and water had already seeped in through the opened door.

"It's like death with a suspended sentence..."

As Hori said, he couldn't even see Seageras here, and there was an ocean current coming ahead. The underwater missile was probably pushed back and hit the Dolphin 202 after it was launched for a short distance.

I can only hope that the headquarters can learn from this failure and find a way.

There is absolutely no way to get rid of the status quo here, unless Tiga or Empat happens to appear in——


Eyes widened, Horei slammed backwards in fright, hitting his helmet against the seat.

The pressure is reduced as the giant blocks ahead.

Movement became extremely difficult, and the pressure underwater made Tiga feel constrained.

Before that, he flicked his right hand forward, and shot an arrow with the palm of his hand towards the position where he felt the enemy.

After half a second, the pressure of the ocean current decreases.

Being pushed to pieces, the surviving submarines barely stopped, but they were seriously damaged.

The giant under the sea crossed his arms between his foreheads and swung them left and right. The red light made him change his posture.

Dijia's powerful type, he overcame the pressure of the seabed, and quickly rushed towards the darkness ahead, with his left hand moving forward from time to time, and the light arrows shot out from the palm of his hand stopped the enemy's actions.

The figure of the enemy appeared in front of his eyes, he clenched his fist, and in an instant, the two collided together.

At the same moment, the fighter jets over Australia rose or descended almost simultaneously, crossing the distance and piercing the sky. The only targets were monsters flying in the sky.

Unlike the space battleships of the invaders, Dorakao does not have any anti-aircraft firepower or protective shields.

One hit, ten hits, and the incoming intercontinental missile exploded violently on its body.

Compared with the skin, its wings are not hard.

With a cry of mourning, Dorako and the burning thin wings fell together, bringing a brief strong earthquake to the continent.

The last time Red King's procrastination led to bad results, this time, consensus was reached quickly.

The firepower of human beings is presented in front of everyone's eyes. Even if it is not as good as those civilizations across the galaxy, it is still very simple to deal with monsters that are actually quite primitive, regardless of environmental damage.

The falling missiles set off a violent explosion, and Dorakao was crushed before he could stand up. The continuous firepower inevitably ignited the forest around the monster.

The deafening explosion drowned out the screams of the monsters, and the intercontinental missiles attacked from different countries exerted their full power and bloomed on the land of Australia.

In just half a minute, the pilots saw that hundreds of missiles completely destroyed the forest before the forest fire broke out, and there was not even a single bit of that low mountain left.

The covering fire seemed to wipe this part of Australia off the map.

After a minute seemed like an hour, the firepower finally stopped, and only the charred remains of the monster remained in the deep pit that existed there.

Comet monster Dorako, died.

Chapter 96 Triple Action

In the battle in the sea, the aftermath of the battle between the two behemoths has not been transmitted. Compared with the deep sea, the noise they have made is not big enough.

Tiga, who switched to a powerful form, swept across with a powerful arm, and knocked on the raised right arm of the enemy.

The difference in strength was instantly manifested, and Siegeras, who was staggered after being hit, took two steps and barely stood still.

Before it could make any effective counterattack, the enemy's instep appeared in its sight.

Di Jia clenched his right fist and slammed it down with an elbow.

The sound of collision in the water is not so much the sound of the sea water churning, and Seageras, who was half kneeling on the ground due to the injury, clenched his fists.

Even if the enemy is strong enough, this is still its home field.

The next moment, when Tija kicked out his right leg, everything changed.

From bottom to top, the surging ocean current directly pushed him out.


Seeing that the monster in front of him was getting farther and farther away from him, Di Jia quickly moved forward in the water, trying to get closer by anti-gravity.

At this moment, Seaglass waved his left hand.

The ocean currents near here are all under its control, so Tiga, who was trying to approach, felt a new impact.

The entire deep sea was restless, and I don't know how many tons of force pushed him out.

Before he had time to adapt to this thrust, he suddenly found that the situation had changed again.

Up, down, left, and right, and not just up, down, left, and right, disordered forces squeezed from all directions, as if they were going to crush him.

However, just this level of water pressure is not enough to cause any damage to Tiga.

Binding him and targeting him, Seageras swam freely in the water, going around to the dead corner behind the enemy.

Assault, stabbing directly with the horn as a weapon.

The distance between the two is shortening rapidly, speed and sharpness, the combination of the two is attacking Ti Jia.

At this moment, he suddenly moved. Although he had no way to borrow strength, he had the power to use it.

Otto's mental power was fully used, and the pressure brought by the water pressure was relieved in an instant.

Seize the moment to move, right hand up.

Sigeras, who was passing by in front of him, was the target, and the slashed hand knife hit the sharp white horn.

The hard feeling came, and it wasn't just that, the water pressure that had been pressed again suddenly disappeared.

With a wail, Sigeras fled downwards along the force of the cut.

Just when Dijia was about to catch up, he found that there seemed to be a violent tsunami on the bottom of the sea, and he was sent flying hard.

With his arms crossed in front of him, he tried his best to move forward, but waves after waves prevented him from advancing an inch.

At the same time, the waves that had collided with each other on the sea surface all surged in one direction, but there was no wind but automatically, and the waves gradually increased, turning into a tsunami.

Sigeras, who was doing his best, fully released his power, and the energy accumulated in his body after eating was also rapidly consumed.

The instinct of a creature makes it realize that now is not the time to save.

Just as Dijia tried his best to resist the wave that pushed him out, the pressure ahead suddenly disappeared.

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