"Is this considered coffee?"

Hot chocolate, where's the coffee, where's the coffee?

"A good thing in the collection, it's a special offer."

Kyoko blinked her right eye, as if she was completely unaffected by the situation outside.

"I just opened this store. Because of the pressure, in order to ensure sleep, I tried to make hot chocolate, which I heard is very effective in helping sleep. By the way, the addiction to smoking was also caught at that time."

She told the story of the past, in fact, every time she skillfully used a lighter to burn a lollipop, she could notice the other party's strange gaze.

Just never told him what happened.

"Then get me a cup of hot chocolate."


Bending down, straightening up again, Kyoko held a sharp knife in her hand. She turned around and opened the refrigerator, which was full of things.

Milk, chocolate, and the electric kettle were filled up and started to heat up. She walked back to the bar and chopped the piece of chocolate skillfully.

Seeing this movement, Nangong wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

'Do you need help? '

It's really hard to say something when the other person has already rejected it once.

"The knife work is really good."

He watched the action, and to be honest, even though it was chopping chocolate, if he were to do it, he would probably only get a lot of scattered pieces.

"Ha! Who do you think is responsible for the three meals a day at home?"

Don't underestimate me, boy.

"Is Ryoko responsible?"

I don't usually see anyone going upstairs to make lunch at noon.

"At least it was me."

Some things, once learned, are hard to forget.

At this moment, the wind chime rang, and the person who walked in immediately spoke.

"Boss, what's going on outside?"

It's too much, it's not going to let people do business at all.

It's not just to prevent people from doing business, but to deliberately splash so much, and the smell is so strong, to affect the relationship between neighbors.

At this time, the regular customers with glasses also noticed the person in front of the bar.

"Isn't this Nangong? Why haven't I seen you for a while?"

"Actually, long time no see, a lot of things have happened."

One sentence is equivalent to not intending to say more, so the two nodded to each other and sat in front of the bar.

"what is the problem?"

Yes, what is going on, Nangong turned his gaze to Kyoko, waiting for her explanation.

However, the other party just shook his head.

"It's my problem, don't worry, it will be resolved."

Did she not tell those things because she didn't want to involve others?Or is it simply because you don't want others to know that your father is such a person?


Shili obviously did not accept such rhetoric, he just nodded symbolically.

Closed on January 1st and opened on January 1nd, this coffee shop has been like this since the beginning, and the regular customers of course know this, so after that, the regular customers walked in with doubts, wondering what it is What's the matter.

Watching the interaction between them, Nangong always felt that something was wrong.

What is wrong?

Ask, refuse, ask, refuse, it's just the cycle.

After drinking hot chocolate, I don't feel refreshed or sleep-promoting, it just tastes good.

January 1 has already begun, and it is still in the process of the new year. Most people in the world will take a rest during these few days of vacation, but there are always a small number of people who cannot do this because they have more important tasks on their shoulders. responsibility.

"This is...Captain! Satellite photos captured images of monsters!"

In the combat command room of the TPC Far East headquarters, Ye Rui looked at the photos taken by the satellite in surprise.

The appearance of that monster reminds people of the aliens who attacked the earth not long ago, but it is completely different because he came out of the ground.

"The location is Tatara, an uninhabited island, and it's starting to move!"

The moment the monster was discovered, the satellites controlled by TPC began to lock and monitor. Now, the monster that came out of the ground is still moving slowly on the island.

"All members of the Victory Team dispatched to Dodara Island to investigate the situation and try not to fight."


With the unanimous answer, the team members quickly left towards the commander's room after receiving the order.

Two minutes later, the attack port of the base opened, Feiyan 2 and Feiyan [-] quickly ejected from the interior, and followed the guidance of AI to the uninhabited island.

Soaring in the air, continuous missions are not exciting. Under the blue sky is the dark ocean, and the two fighter jets are quickly moving towards their destination.

"Commander, why try not to fight?"

Lina asked a little puzzled.

"Because the place where the monster appeared this time is an uninhabited island, there are no humans who will be injured by it, so the captain probably wants to try to investigate the possibility of coexistence with the monster."

Zongfang can understand the other party's thinking. He knows that Junjian's concept is very similar to Director Sawai's. If it can be resolved through dialogue, there is no need to fight.

The command's words were also transmitted to Feiyan-[-] through the return line.

"The possibility of coexistence..."

Xincheng’s tone was a little melancholy. Invaders, monsters, and even intelligent cosmic beings don’t plan to coexist with humans. What about monsters?

It's impossible to do such a thing.

At the same time when everyone had thoughts in their hearts, they could already see the outline of Duodara Island from a distance.

In this undeveloped natural island, the huge monster has just woken up from a long sleep.

It glanced left and right, unable to understand why all the surrounding continents had disappeared, nor could it understand why all the familiar smells in the past had disappeared.

At the foot of the monster, who is there, the corner of her mouth is raised.

"Come on, King Red, do what you like to your heart's content."

One of the berserk monsters that existed on the earth as early as in ancient times, it was awakened after countless tens of thousands of years.

Today's earth is different from the super ancient earth. The giant of light left the earth, Zigera, the ruler of darkness, the new civilization, and the new ecological chain do not have monsters like "King Red". existing in nature today.


The body turned into a phantom, and the woman disappeared from the island.

Without noticing, and not being wise enough to notice that it was actually forcibly awakened, King Red began to search for it on the island.

Its sense of smell can't smell the smell of the food in the past, it can only smell some faint, unfamiliar smells that it doesn't know what it is.

So Red King bent down.

At this time, the Victory Team, who had already approached the uninhabited island, could all see the strange scene. The monster lay down and didn't know what it was doing.

After a few seconds, it got up again.

At this time, in the mouth of Red King, it is dirt and trees.

It was just the beginning of weird movements, it began to chew vigorously, swallowing everything in its mouth.

"Good guy, it shouldn't be a herbivore monster, right?"

Xincheng felt that his common sense had been impacted, so did there still be herbivorous monsters on this earth?

Maybe there's nothing wrong with saying that this guy who looks like a corn cob is herbivorous?

Feiyan No. [-] and Feiyan No. [-] were approaching. The next moment, King Red lay down again. When he stood up, there were still trees and soil in his mouth, chewed and swallowed by it.

Repeating such strange actions makes people feel a little ridiculous.

"Is it really a herbivorous monster?"

Suddenly, Dagu asked with doubts.

He paid attention to the locations where King Red had bitten. The original forests and vegetation had been completely destroyed, and there was no trace of herbivorous habits.

If you follow this way of eating, it won't be long before it will completely destroy the natural ecology of the entire island.

Is it herbivorous?

of course not.

King Red ate the soil and trees in his mouth, and then a deafening roar came out of his mouth.


"This guy, what's going on?!"

One second they were doing funny things, and the next second they started fighting. Human beings can't understand the meaning conveyed by the monster's roar, but the meaning of King Red is actually very simple.

It was just that he was hungry, very hungry, those trees, those mud, those things that were fed into his stomach had no effect at all, and the slight smell of blood only made his hunger worse.

If you want to eat, you will die if you don't eat. Therefore, the Red King first had to leave this deserted island. It bent down, and then quickly exerted force with both hands.

Now the soil on this earth is softer than before, it is not because King Red who lives underground is digging hard, trying to sneak into the ground.

What exactly is it trying to do?

Everyone is wondering, but first, who needs to pass judgment.

A tangle flashed in Zong Fang's heart, and he was soon abandoned by him.

He is the vice-captain of the victory team, and it is his responsibility to protect human beings.

The first thing to do is to leave this monster on the uninhabited island. It should be said that it must be left on the uninhabited island.

"Team Victory, attack, do your best to keep this monster on Dodara Island!"

It is lucky enough to wake up on the uninhabited island, but it cannot be allowed to leave.

"Roger that!"

With the pressing of the trigger, the leaning Red King was hit by the light, and a burst of intense sparks burst out.

However, it was meaningless, the hard skin was immune to weapons that were too weak, which made Xincheng, the ace pilot, smack his lips.

In the current era of frequent monster disasters, those monsters with strong defensive power are the enemies of Feiyan No. [-], and their attacks cannot cause any damage at all.

Even the Feiyan [-] was the same, except for the Texas cannon, weapons could not pose any threat.

"Dagu, switch armor-piercing bullets."

To make up for this before new machines are made, different weapons are being developed, one of which is this.

"it is good."

Dagu quickly operated, and Red King, whose body had already entered the ground with a lot, was the best target.

From the bottom of the fuselage, two armor-piercing projectiles were fired at the same time, and flew towards the enemy. The projectile rest fell, reducing air resistance and accelerating further. The sharp front end pierced the surface and ruthlessly pierced into the side of Red King's tail.

It felt the pain, and in an instant, a violent explosion was set off, billowing thick smoke rose, and the hard skin took the damage, but there was no doubt that the power of the armor-piercing bullet successfully dug out a wound in its tail.

Hunger, as well as being attacked, King Red's fierceness was aroused in an instant.

Standing up suddenly from the deep pit, it locked on to the two small 'flies' flying randomly in the sky by hearing

With a roar, he waved his palm, but failed to hit Feiyan No. [-]'s sharp descent. The emerald green light swept all the way, pulling from the wound of the tail to the end.

The victorious team's fighters were attacking around Red King. For this monster, TPC's fighters almost completely restrained it.

Monsters with strong physical abilities but no energy to attack can only get angry on the island, but cannot attack any enemies.

Chapter 84 The Great Darkness

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