At this time, in the room of the two sisters, two people crowded together and whispered.

"By the way, don't you think my brother seems to know something?"

Wu saw the abnormality of his brother.

"There's definitely something we don't know about."

Ye also agreed, so it doesn't seem like a coincidence.

Even if it is an old acquaintance, there is no problem, no, it is more than that.

"Could it be the beautiful rose——"

"To shut up."

"Whoa whoa whoa."

The elder sister's cheek was pulled by the younger sister, and she couldn't speak clearly.

"You should read less BL manga."

It's definitely weird to like this kind of thing even though you're usually careless.

At this moment, Ye felt the pain, and Wu stretched out her hands not to be outdone, and on the double bed, the two hurt each other and fought.

Suddenly, probably because the action was too violent, the quilt was kicked away.



Immediately get up and pull it back, what season do you think it is now, it's so cold.

"Go to sleep."


Then, realizing that her cheeks had actually been pulled for more time, Mai stretched out her sinful hands again.

"what are you doing!"

"Let me see if your development is normal~~~"

"do not want!"

The quilt started to move again, and it seemed that there was still a long time before he could really sleep.

The night wind has passed, and the morning sun has risen. Today, Nangong got up very early.

Then when I walked into the living room, I found that on the last day of this year, the old man was also very early.

He sat on the small corridor connected to the outside courtyard, blinked, and walked forward.

"Good morning."

"Huh? Oh, good morning."

Only at this time did the old man come to his senses.

In his hands are a dedicated carving knife and wood that already has a shape.

"This is?"

Nangong asked curiously.

"Wood carving, my craft."

The old man smiled. This is a craft that has been passed down a long time ago. Thanks to this skill, he was able to pay off his debts and raise three children at the same time.

Of course, he wouldn't have the cheek to ask his disciples to help, but the disciples would indeed bring some condolences from time to time.

It was precisely because of his interpersonal relationship that those people did not dare to come and forcibly take away the ancestral house handed down by the family.

'If it wasn't for the car accident...'

This room probably already belonged to his son.

Close your eyes, open your eyes.

"Nangong, is there any nice song?"

Sure enough, when you get older, it's easy to think about things.

After trying to think for a while, Nangong thought of it.


He could see the sadness that the old man showed just now, and he swallowed back the original words of farewell.

Go upstairs, pick up the silver harmonica next to the pillow, and then go to the courtyard.

Sitting on one side, Nangong touched it to his lips.

I still remember that after playing this piece, I was called old-fashioned, because everyone else is a guitar, it’s not that I hate guitars, it’s just...why is the harmonica called old-fashioned?

After that, he never played the harmonica again, so young.

It cannot be said to be majestic, because this is the limitation of the instrument itself.

Melodious, which is also the characteristics of the instrument itself.

"It's this song."

For a moment, the old man's expression was a little nostalgic. This is a very classic piece of music in the animation of that era, although I don't know the name.

'Great Wall. '

Nangong recalled the title of the song in his heart, and then the sound of the harmonica echoed in the morning.

Maybe it's because it's quiet enough, the music drifts along, and whoever's ear finally enters it.

Ye blinked and rubbed vigorously.

First, he looked at his sister who was sleeping very poorly, and then gently pulled away the hands that were hugging her.

I don't know since when, she has become a so-called 'pillow'

He walked out of the room softly and searched along the music.

'Harmonica words...'

Finally, seen before the living room are two people sitting in a small hallway.

That person is sitting upright, holding something in both hands, and the other person is also concentrating on something.

'Speaking of...'

Why do the aliens know the musical instruments of the earthlings?

While listening to the music quietly, such doubts inevitably arose in the girl's heart.

At this moment, someone's call was heard.

"Ye, where are you?"

Turning her head immediately, she really couldn't fall asleep without holding something, Wu grabbed her messy short hair, and reached into her pajamas very indecently.

Hearing this sound, the sound of the harmonica also stopped.

When Nangong turned his head, he found the girl standing behind him.

"Sorry, did I disturb you?"

The silver exterior shines brightly, and the sunlight hits the courtyard.

"No no, no."

The sound of justification caused Wu, who had taken a step into the toilet, to change direction again.

She walked staggeringly, and was stopped by her younger sister before entering the living room.


Why is this person so scratched that even his clothes are about to fall off.

"Then let's be rude first."

He quickly took his sister back to the room, and the living room became quiet again.

So, Nangong played the harmonica again.

Even if there is a language barrier, music is also connected. This is a truth that everyone in the world agrees on.

At this time, he remembered that he actually liked music when he was young, otherwise he would not have studied it so seriously.

Chapter 79 The End of the Year

The melodious music echoed in my ears, and there were people doing different things in the living room.

Because it was cleaned seriously yesterday, there is actually nothing to do today.

As for Kadatsu... Nishinomiya replaced it with pictures pasted on both sides of the door.

Everyone didn't seem to be interested in this. The carving knife in the old man's hand was working carefully, carving it into the desired shape.

And recalling the past, coupled with the request for some BGM, Nangong was staring at the score found on his mobile phone.

'I didn't expect that I still remembered these. '

I still have a very good understanding of the meaning of the notes.

The first searched is "Where the Stars Are"

It seems that this is a very popular harmonica piece, the soundtrack in the game.

Played it at some intervals, and then concentrated on it, playing it more smoothly.

Completely different from this quiet and peaceful day, the street seemed quite lively.

When the New Year is approaching, there is a holiday, and when it is a holiday, there are many things to do.

Someone in the commercial street was picking out clothes. In addition, some monks could also be seen walking on the street, as if they were preparing for something.

Walking through the crowd without bumping into others.

This dark-haired woman has blue eyes, she is wearing a very fashionable winter clothes, and the young man next to her has a 'normal' protruding all over her body

Of course, commonplace is not a bad thing, the problem is that without contrast, there is no harm.

On the young man's face, there was still a strange sense of discomfort.

"Why, why are you so far away from me?"

With graceful steps and a nice voice, the young man's expression became even weirder.

"No, can you change back to the original voice?"

It's totally unacceptable, that thick voice has become like this now, who are you?

"Young, Zamsha."

The female smiles.

"How do you know it's not my original voice, but a fake one?"

That's true, and Zamxia didn't confirm it. Rather, there are very few people in this universe who have had direct contact with the Mephilasians.


Dazed, he could only ask stupidly.

"I lied to you."

Let go.

"Scare me."

"I still lied to you."


The person who lied to you was actually a liar to you, so could this person who lied to you also be a liar to you?

That's liar liar liar liar... what am I thinking?

Almost making himself dizzy, Zamsha shook his head, still keeping his distance.

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