The second time, the high temperature invaded and the lava spread.

"Blast Flame Magic!!!"

For the third time, the red light flickered and the sky trembled.

"Blast Flame Magic!!!!"

For the fourth time, the impact swelled and the ring collapsed.

In front of everyone, Ryuguin Seiya released the same trick four times in succession, without any pause or hesitation during the period, only the terrifying power that was continuously released!

As the saying goes, one trick is popular everywhere, and Seiya Longgongyuan is now turning this sentence into reality.

He didn't dodge or move, he just used his skills in the area where Goblin Slayer was located, so that the already fragmented battlefield was engulfed in flames, and the scorching heat made the air scalding hot.

With a gust of wind blowing by, the chaotic scene gradually became clear, and the people in the auditorium didn't know what to say for a while...

When Natsume Moto faced the situation, he remained calm and looked towards the area that was violently hit by Ryuguin Seiya.

"Judging from your expression, the weaker adventurer 933 seems to be fine, right? But even if he escapes, he won't be able to win. This king can be so sure,,. Gilgamesh saw Natsume Genichi was so calm, so he analyzed the current situation.

If the Goblin Slayer 'talisman' had been triggered five times, the game would have been over long ago.

"That's right, Lord Gilgamesh, Goblin Slayer is indeed still alive, and according to my observations on the 'talisman', he still has three chances to receive the shock."

"Oh? It means that under the violent attack just now, that guy was only hit twice?"

"Yes, Mr. Goblin Slayer must have avoided the central area of ​​the 'Explosive Flame Magic' and moved through those penetrated passages."

From this point of view, the previous battle between Saitama and Thor is one of the reasons why Goblin Slayer persisted.

If there was a head-on collision, Brother Sha would definitely not be Shen Yong's opponent.

Now the Goblin Slayer has the space to turn around and move around the intricate ruins to fight for his own chance of winning.

"It is indeed commendable to have escaped the first wave of attacks. It proves that Mr. Goblin Slayer (bedc) has already discovered the area where he can hide. This observation is very powerful, but... the gap in hard power is difficult to make up for through tactics. .”

Ainz also commented, and Rimuru, who was standing beside him, nodded repeatedly.

"For the weak to defeat the strong, in addition to clever tactics, unexpected 'attack methods' are also very important."

"Yeah, even if you have the ability to evade attacks, if you don't have the skills to end the game, then everything will be in vain."

Arturia and Lei Movie followed suit.

A king of knights and a great general all held similar opinions.

Goblin Slayer's continued hiding would only delay time at best, and he would not be able to win at all, unless he had a surprising means of winning.


"The human brave man was very cautious. He immediately shifted to the same person after releasing his skills, and ran to the raised rocks, occupying the commanding heights to observe the battlefield, so that he would not worry about being attacked; if I were the king, I would definitely Eliminate the entire ring, but these underdogs are also commendable."

In the eyes of Gilgamesh, everyone is weak, but his evaluation is very pertinent.

Regardless of whether he succeeded or not, Ryuguin Seiya moved to a safe area after the skill ended, and continued to observe the battlefield and collect information.

At this moment, the Goblin Slayer hiding in the underground broken space made a move.

"Like whack-a-mole~"

Gao Duoquan described it like this, and Butterfly Shinobi continued to stare at the battlefield.

As Gao Zhenquan said just now, Goblin Slayer moves like a gopher in the fragmented underground space, and throws attention-grabbing cylinder smoke bombs, explosive flame bombs, and so on.

The reason why he can move freely is because of the "Saitama VS Dragon" war just mentioned.

Those two people turned the entire arena into a 'trampoline'. Because of the power and impact released by each other, the whole ground undulated and exploded continuously. After falling down, an underground space full of ruins was formed everywhere.

Thanks to this, Goblin Slayer avoided direct contact with Ryuguin Seiya and was able to conduct devious tactics.

"The reaction is so fast... It's countless times faster than Goblin."

Under the ground, Goblin Slayer, who was hiding beside the stone, panted heavily and spoke softly.

A brave man deserves to be a brave man...

In the world of Goblin Slayer, there are also heroes, a team chosen by gods to defeat powerful monsters and crusade against the evil king.

But Goblin Slayer wasn't envious, he just... wished to have the same power.

Of course, even if he didn't, he still had to continue to fight against those goblins who appeared in the human world and burned, killed and looted.

"Test it in an extreme situation."

Goblin Slayer said so, preparing for the final battle.

at the same time.

On the protruding rock, Seiya Ryuguin watched all directions and listened to all directions, not letting go of the wind and grass in any place.

He doesn't intend to lose the game here.

You must know that Ryuguin Seiya will have to fight against stronger demon kings in the future. If he can't win against the hidden adventurers who don't know magic, then he is not worthy to continue fighting at all.

Ryuguin Seiya, who thought so, was very cautious.

Regardless of whether Goblin Slayer is strong or weak, he will fight seriously.

"come yet?"

A new projectile appeared in Ryuguin Seiya's field of vision.

It is enough to prove that Goblin Slayer has been preparing for today for a long time.

"It's useless to me."

Ryuguin Seiya, who has excellent dynamic vision, released his power, and the projectile was completely shattered, preventing it from functioning.

At the same time, someone came out of the hole on the lower right side.

Halfway through, the other party took out two scrolls.

"Goblin Slayer, do you want to break through me head-on?!"

Ryuguin Seiya did not close the distance, but instead used skills while backing away.

This is where he is cautious.

Even if you have the upper hand, keep a distance and defeat it with safe means!

"You're fast..."

Ryuguin Seiya heard Goblin Slayer's evaluation.

He ignored it, but locked the scroll in the opponent's hand.

The next instant, the opponent throws the first scroll.


The scroll summoned water like a waterfall falling from the sky!

The conflict between the two is coming to an end! .

Chapter 530 Eight Brother Kills X Shen Yong, The Shen Shen Alliance Was Established (Subscription Required)

The oF group competition of the Ten Thousand Worlds Martial Arts Association is in full swing.

As the center of the ring scene, the Goblin Slayer, who was originally hidden in the passage under the broken ground, took action.

He frequently throws out the collected scrolls to create better opportunities for himself.

These used scrolls are of great significance to the Goblin Slayer. They can play a life-saving effect at critical moments and facilitate the crusade of more Goblins.

It's just that after thinking about it, Goblin Slayer thinks that the current matter is also very important.

If you can rely on showing your strength and attitude and get the support of the powerful people in the world, there is no problem in consuming precious scrolls.

To put it bluntly, Goblin Slayer wants to prove his determination and ability to others, and promote cooperation and communication, so he doesn't intend to be stingy in this regard.

Goblin Slayer, who has been hit twice by powerful magic skills and has three 'talisman' effects left, decided to give it a go.

In a normal confrontation, he can be sure that he is not the opponent of Ryuguin Seiya, and he must find another way and adapt to the situation.

"At least... consume the opponent's talisman."

Goblin Slayer understands the gap in strength between himself and the enemy, so he thinks about how to hit the target hard in a desperate situation.

Once you get used to this kind of battle, it will definitely help you a lot in the future.

After all, there are very few opportunities to conduct training battles with the strong.

In addition, you may encounter very difficult goblins in the future, so goblins are very serious and try to find ways to win.

But right now he's at a disadvantage.

The 'talisman' that would be triggered five times had already taken effect twice, and the superimposed 'slow' effect made Goblin Slayer less flexible than before.

Goblin Slayer, who was originally good at shuttling through narrow passages, obviously felt sluggish, so he had to make a quick decision.

In this way, he left the Broken Cave and ran above the ground.

Ryuguin Seiya on the top of the protruding rock locked it instantly.

As a result, the stronger Longgongyuan not only did not move forward, but retreated while releasing its skills.

It's really cautious...

Goblin Slayer evaluated this in his heart, and then accelerated as much as possible, rushing towards the opponent.

"Goblin Slayer, do you want to break through me head-on?!"

"You're fast..."

After saying this, Goblin Slayer took out a new scroll.

Ryuguin Seiya's reflexes were still excellent, and he quickly swung the knife to cut off the scroll, but the effect had already been activated.

The magic took effect, the spell was activated, and a large amount of cold water poured down from the void!

Like a waterfall, like a torrent, forming a barrier! !

It's now! !

Gritting his teeth, Goblin Slayer dragged his slightly heavy body and galloped towards the front left! !

In an instant, a ray of light shone, and the scorching flame turned into a sword blade that split the waterfall of water in two, cut open the barrier, and evaporated the cold water!

But at this moment, the Goblin Slayer has drawn closer.

He took out two scrolls from his arms, one with his left hand and hid it behind his back, the other with his right hand and threw it again! !

Seeing this scene, Ryuguin Seiya on the other side was somewhat puzzled, not knowing why Goblin Slayer insisted on getting closer.

So cautiously, he increased his speed and tried to maintain the original distance.

"Conflict head-on, you must have Killer Copper."

Seiya Ryuguin didn't intend to go head-on, he had many advantages, such as speed, magic and physical fitness.

"It's good to test it out."

Ryuguin Seiya released his power again!

Retreating, he used a sword that broke the sky!The violent impact was so powerful that it fell down with the power to crush the space!

The light shone, and the 'talisman' on Goblin Slayer was triggered again.

How many more times?

Seiya Ryuguin didn't know, and he didn't need to think deeply. Anyway, once all the effects of the amulets were used up, the game would be over.

"Whether you want to fight back or not, there really is some killer copper."

When Seiya Ryuguin thought this, he heard an explosion sound after confirming his guess.

The scroll thrown by Goblin Slayer's right hand released a burst of energy after a delay, attacking Seiya Ryuguin!

This does not pose any threat to Ryuguin Seiya.

Even so, he strengthened his body, constructed a shield, raised his sword to block, and fully ensured his own safety.

boom! !

Boom! ! !

The arena vibrated, dust was flying, and Goblin Slayer, who was mixed into it, lowered his body and rushed forward to Ryuguin Seiya.

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