After Natsume Motoichi ate the omelet rice, he gave a seven-point evaluation and explained

"Eggs are overcooked, but the vegetables inside are salty and sweet, they should unify the taste, but it is worth showing in terms of innovation, you guys are doing a good job.

After receiving Natsume Genichi's reply, both Keqi and Shinobu could accept it.

They haven't practiced for long, especially the blonde loli vampire who has just started to participate in cooking.

"Human, I also want to eat donuts made by you!"

"Wash the dishes first."

"The little girl wants donuts too!"

"Don't use praying as an excuse."

For this sentence, Ke Qi said softly.

"Yuanyi's donuts are delicious, and I want to eat some more."

"That's right."

Hearing the answer, Shinobu immediately said that Natsume Genichi was biased.

Facing the question from the blonde loli, he said with certainty

"Of course, praying for people to like you."

"Hmph, it seems that you still don't understand my charm!"

"Next time definitely."

Speaking of this, Natsume Genichi's cell phone rang.

He opened it and found an application for a video call.

After pressing the answer button, two girls sitting together appeared on the other end.

On the left is the princess pulling the ball, and on the right is Sento Isuzu in the uniform of the amusement park.

[Well, well, Mr. Natsume, good afternoon, did I bother you? 】

"It's okay, don't worry about it."

Natsume Motoichi responded with a smile, and Keqi also held back Shinobu who was about to break into the camera.

[I am talking to you this time because I want to talk about the venue. As a manager, I want to know your thoughts

"As long as the field is wide enough, I will be responsible for the safety."

[Will it be dangerous? 】

After La Weifa asked, Qiandou Isuzu added

[We will also provide all possible help. 】

"It's dangerous to say it's dangerous, but as I mentioned, I'm going to keep everyone safe.

After getting the answer, La Weifa showed a relieved expression.

She probably wanted to hear Natsume Motoichi say that himself...


[Does it need publicity?You said it would be nice to have more guests. 】The latest forum address:

"It's good to have an audience, that way there is an atmosphere. As for the publicity... use 'Super Power Fighter'

['Superpower Wars'?Just like the movie. 】

"Movies are just special effects."

But many of Natsume Genichi's customers can create 'miracles' without relying on so-called special effects

"I'll send a few videos over then."

[Okay, sorry for your inconvenience. ]


【You say. 】

La Weiqiu was a little curious, not knowing what Natsume Motoichi wanted to say.

How about a gimmick? "

"The restaurant is also looking forward to the presence of Ms. Rafael."

[I will definitely go there! 】

La Weiqiu gave an affirmative answer.

The girl looked very serious.

"You want to attack girls again."

"Where is it?"

After hearing Shinobu's complaints, Natsume Motoichi said goodbye to the princess and Isuzu on the other end of the video

Raiders girls?

No no no.Natsume Motoichi just welcomes lovely guests.

Because his restaurant welcomes the strong as well as beautiful girls!

Chapter 430 Misaka Mikoto's Invitation (for Subscription)

Genichi Natsume makes donuts in the kitchen of his dorm.

He immediately prepared eggs, granulated sugar, low-gluten flour, cocoa powder, white chocolate, and ingredients such as cheese, honey, almonds, strawberries, matcha, corn, and marshmallows.

Seeing so many things, those who usually only know how to eat and don't pay much attention to the process can't help being very surprised.

"Hey, humans, do you want to make donuts with many flavors?!"

"That's right, anyway, I don't need to open the door tonight, I have a lot of time to spend on cooking research."

Just like before for Gan Yu, Natsume Motoichi investigated ways to improve the taste of pudding.

After all, he knows that he has many shortcomings.

Unlike genius girls like Nakiri Erina, Natsume Genichi has to work harder.

As the saying goes, hard work can make up for one's weakness. Anyway, Natsume can experience the correctness of this sentence.

"Speaking of...he is a vampire who has lived for hundreds of years, but he knows very little about cooking; haven't you ever done cooking by yourself before?"

"Kakaka~ I don't need to do it myself, someone is willing to offer me their delicacies, I am so great, you can worship me, Kakaka-~!" Shinobu smiled confidently. The appearance of being superior.

Hearing this, Natsume Motoichi said softly

"If you don't help, you won't have to eat."

"Hey? What do you want me to do? Anyway, I'm free now, so I'll follow your instructions reluctantly!"

Is this an arrogant statement?

As soon as Natsume Yuan thought of this, he asked Shinobu to clean the bathroom and washroom, and help Keqi get the daily work done.

Ke Qi, who has the status of a maid at home, wanted to stop it, after all, it would be his own responsibility, but under the gaze of Natsume Genichi, he decided to stay in the kitchen and help him.

"Okay, I see."

For the donuts, Shinobu obediently obeyed the arrangement and went to the bathroom with a broom and towel.

After seeing the vampire loli leaving, Gao Qi immediately spoke

"Actually, I have cleaned it, Yuan Yi."

"I know, she has to have something to do anyway, otherwise she won't understand the meaning of the phrase 'get something for nothing'."

"That's right..."

Occasionally, Keqi would see Shinobu doing nothing, just lying on the sofa watching TV, playing games and so on.

Back to the present, Natsume Genichi officially started making donuts.

He heated the milk, melted the butter in it, then added the yeast and flour, stirred it well and set it aside for 15 minutes.

The next step is to make a dough with granulated sugar, egg yolk, and the previously prepared materials.

Proofing dough is accelerated by the machine, no need to wait for six to 10 minutes.

The next step is also very simple, just roll the dough that has increased in volume after fermentation into a one-centimeter-thick flatbread.

The last thing is to draw a donut-shaped circle, which is done by Keqi.

"If you are not sure, you can directly cover the glass, so that there is a standard 'circle'."

"I see."

Gao Qi was reminded and took out the glass he usually used for drinking.

You don't have to use kitchen utensils to make food, some things you use every day can also come in handy.

In this way, flat donuts were taken out one by one.

Natsume Motoichi, who had heated up the oil in advance, asked Ti Qi to hand over the prepared doughnuts to him, and fried them one by one.

When they are golden on both sides, they will be taken out of the pan directly, control the oil and let them cool.

As for taste...

"Cheese milk can be mixed together, and it will have a good taste with chocolate."

"Yuan Yi, where is this strawberry?"

"Drizzle some honey on top of the white chocolate donuts."


"Crush all the almonds and sprinkle some corn on top."

"En o"

The two were busy in the kitchen.

It didn't take long for Shinobu to finish cleaning the bathroom and bathroom.

This household is probably being lazy. After all, Natsume Motoichi knew that Keqi had cleaned it before, so it stands to reason that there is no special work.

"Listen, human

Still with a confident face, he said loudly

"Not only the bathroom and bathroom, but also the corridor on the second floor and the backyard outside.

"real or fake?"

"I have no reason to lie!"

"Thinking about it..."

After all, it is easy to verify, and there is no need to lie.

.... ask for flowers.....

"It smells so good! Can I have a taste?!"

"Of course, let's eat together."

Natsume Moto doesn't have much interest in donuts, but he doesn't dislike enjoying good food together.

So Natsume's donut party officially started.

Members other than the system participate.

Green tea and orange juice are served along with the snacks.

Natsume Motoichi took a sip of tea and bit down on the chocolate-flavored donut he just made

The fragrant oil is mixed with the crispy skin, the taste is not bad, but the heat will be high.

Compared to this, pudding is more delicious.

When Natsume Genichi made an evaluation in his heart, the 'Sage's Stone' vibrated.

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