It looks like a peony blooming on the hottest day.

Unfortunately, she is a scum.

When the cool wind passing through the corridor lifted her hair at the temples, the girl's vermilion lips parted slightly, and her singing sounded like a clear spring.

"I use Xiaofeng as the long wormwood, set aside the chaotic stars and support the orchid oar..."

Xi'er sat obediently across from her, with her chin propped on her hands, and she looked at Jinling with shining eyes.

After she finished singing, Hill quickly clapped her hands.

"Sister Jinling sings really well!"

"Oh? What's the matter? Tell me." Jinling smiled and looked at Hill, making him feel uncomfortable.

She only thought it sounded good, but she couldn't do anything to make her open her mouth to quote scriptures like Sister Bianliang.

The little girl suffered from being uneducated.

Jin Ling didn't tease her either, but instead looked at Lexington who was leaning on the railing, and Sun Xianyun who lay down directly, resting his head on Lexington's lap.

"Where is the commander? You should give me some evaluation."


Sun Xianyun gave Jinling a thumbs up, then opened his mouth, and grabbed the nectarines that Yixian had peeled and cut into small pieces.


Angrily, Jin Ling put down the pipa in his arms, and glared at it with puffed cheeks, like an inflated pufferfish.

These days, Belfast strictly supervises Sun Xianyun's work and rest. Whenever the work in the morning is over, she will force Sun Xianyun and Lexington to rest in the afternoon.

Even in order to do this, under the arrangement in Belfast, everyone in the family is divided into several groups, and one group is responsible for looking after him/her each day.

Of course, this arrangement is based on the voluntary principle.

Today, it is naturally Jinling, Yixian and Xier.

"Are you still staring at people? Last time you coaxed Feiyumaru to bark like a puppy, saying that only in this way can her dog brothers understand what I want to say, and I haven't troubled you yet."

"Eh, eh!? Sister Jinling has done this kind of thing?"

Xi'er obviously didn't expect the delicate and beautiful Jinling to be like this, she covered her small mouth in surprise for a while, and looked over with her round eyes in amazement.

"Xiao Xi'er, you have to be more careful." Yixian pointed to Jinling, "This girl looks cute, but she has something dark in her heart."

【Ah!If she dares to act like a demon, I won't slap her to death. 】

In Xi'er's mind, Hei Xi's laughter sounded.

Compared with Hei, who is darker than Hei Xi?

After all, Xi'er is a well-behaved child, while dealing with her other self, while responding to Yixian's words.

"Speaking of which, Xier, what is that wrapped thing beside you?"

Seeing Sun Xianyun suddenly looking at a small cloth bag she brought, Xier immediately became nervous.

After hesitating for a moment, she unwrapped the soft cloth, revealing the lunch box inside.

"Well, brother Xianyun, sister Lexington, this is a bento I made myself..."

The shy little girl was holding the bento she made with her own hands, and the appearance of expecting and appreciating it was so cute that Lexington couldn't help pinching her face. This action directly made Xi'er flushed.

It would be fine if it was in the past, but now, Xier naturally knows that Lexington is Sun Xianyun.

If you round it up, you will be pinched in the face by brother Xianyun!

Getting up from Lexington's lap, Sun Xianyun took the bento box and tasted the fried egg roll inside.

"How about it?"

"taste good."

Xi'er's whole face lit up after being praised, she thought for a while and said, "This bento also has another contribution from me..."

She is kind-hearted, but she doesn't want to take credit for it.

Just as Sun Xianyun was about to say something, a notification suddenly came from the command link.

He froze for a moment, then got up suddenly.


Yixian looked up in surprise.

"Significant progress in log cracking."

Hearing Sun Xianyun's words, Yixian frowned subconsciously.

Originally, she naturally hoped that Sun Xianyun could continue to rest, but Yixian also knew that deciphering the log of the lost spaceship is the most important task of the Space Force today, and there is no room for sloppy.

In desperation, Yixian sighed, got up and straightened Sun Xianyun's collar, and said softly:

"Commander, don't tire yourself out too much, your spirit hasn't fully recovered yet."

"It's okay, I just went to see what's in the cracked log."

"If that's all it is, why don't you just let someone pass the content over?"

Yixian's words made Sun Xianyun and Lexington dumbfounded at the same time.

Seeing the embarrassment of his own commander, Yixian hooked his lips, took a step back, folded his hands on his lower abdomen, and said with a smile:

"I'm not stopping you, Commander, but Commander understands the principle of relaxation and restraint. Well, you won't feel at ease if you don't let Commander think about it yourself, but please remember, Commander, your body is the most important."

Sun Xianyun was a little moved.

"Thank you, Yixian."

"Go, let's go~"

Yixian waved his hand lightly, picked up the oil-paper umbrella leaning against the railing, gently opened it, and slowly left with Xi'er who was a bit reluctant and Jinling who was blinking slyly.

"Remember to go home on time for dinner!"

What came along with the wind was Yixian's naturally reassuring voice.

Chapter 582: A Desperate Diary

With the sound of leather soles stepping on the alloy floor, everyone who had gathered together looked up to the direction of the footsteps.

at the same time--

"The commander is here!"

Following the announcement, everyone immediately stood at attention and saluted.

The uniform movement is accompanied by the loud heel collision sound.

Sun Xianyun was striding forward with his back against the light, his long legs were moving, the cloak of his shawl was raised, and there was a faint smell of rosin in the ground he passed.

Entering the research room, Sun Xianyun stood still first, then returned a military salute to everyone, then took off the military cap on his head, and at the same time took off the white gloves on his hands and stuffed them into the pockets of his military jacket.

Headed by Tesla, Einstein, and Abrak, there are quite a few researchers who have already assembled here.

"How, how is the situation?"

Without any pleasantries, he directly asked about the progress of the work.

"We have officially broken through the outer encryption of the spacecraft log system and extracted the contents inside." Tesla answered, and the girl with red hair and twin ponytails pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose-.

If he is not drunk, or talking about something not related to Walter Young, then Tesla, who is sober during working hours, is definitely a pretty reliable person.

It's a pity that this girl's wine taste is really bad.

"Under the collaborative work of Nuwa and the clerk administrator, the deciphering of the log has been completed. We have successfully translated the above content, but it is a pity that the log itself has data errors and losses in many places due to the severe damage to the spaceship. See the whole picture."

"In addition, we are also studying the conceptual damage defense technology on this spacecraft during this time. We have found a breakthrough so far, and I believe we will be able to gain something in a short time."

Sun Xianyun nodded slightly, quite satisfied with the work progress.

It seems that during his rest period, others did not relax.

Then, it is time for him to return to work.

Looking at an ordinary researcher in front of the console, Sun Xianyun nodded to him and said, "Take out the contents of the log and let me have a look."


The researcher who was named by Sun Xianyun responded loudly with excitement, and then quickly operated.

Sun Xianyun walked over, and everyone gathered around him.

A flight log of the spacecraft that has been translated into Chinese appeared on the holographic projection screen, with the original alien text as a comparison.

"Time: #data error#"

『For the record: Those guys in Roseland are crazy!Completely insane!They touched the taboo!The demons have been unleashed!The whole universe will be destroyed!No, not just Roseland, the entire galaxy is crazy!Arisnat Federation is crazy!The Jakandar Empire is insane!Even we are crazy!Fortunately, #DataError# is not crazy yet, he has a bold plan, hoping to succeed before everything is irreparable, as for us, we need to find another path...』

"Time: #data error#"

"Record: War!war!Still war!It seems that every star in this universe is burning with flames of war, the plan of #DataError# has failed, besides the devil, we have also provoked the Suzheng Agreement this time, everything is over, this era is about to end...unless... ...Unless you can find #DataError#... But, is that really good? 』

"Time: #data error#"

『Record: We searched for the trace of #DataError# in the star area numbered #garbled code#. No one knows how that thing appeared, but if the speculation is true, we can use it to break the barrier of time and go back to the past!Only in this way can we stop #garbled code#, I hope God can bless us.It's ridiculous that we have abandoned our faith for more than 10 years, and now we hope that God will bless us. 』

Seeing this, Sun Xianyun suddenly stopped and looked sideways at Abrak.

"Is there anything that can break the time barrier?"

Although he seems to be able to do whatever he wants in the long river of time in the third world, but in fact it is with the help of the ability of trees and seas. In the native world, Sun Xianyun cannot do this.

Abrak's geoducks are twisted into a ball - the curators have no eyebrows, and their "frown"-like movements are achieved by twisting their weirdly shaped noses.

"The curator's research on time is very superficial, but we do know some knowledge about time, just like the 'worm of time' that I once told you about the mentor. But we have not really seen the worm of time, according to Presumably, it should be some kind of 'phenomenon' rather than something specific. But even the Worm of Time can only mess up the time in the area and reverse time... Great Teacher, please forgive my shallow knowledge, I don't know of anything in the world that can do that."

After a pause, Abrak suddenly added: "But in theory, time can be controlled."

"Generally speaking, a civilization's understanding of time should be divided into the following steps. In the ignorance stage, it will be taken for granted that time is like a river, it exists, and it will never return, and it will move forward forever."

"When science and technology accumulate to a certain level, the study of the underlying logic of physics will make them start to question the nature of time. Countless pre-space age civilizations have more or less for a period of time, and they will think that time is a meaningless, fundamental The non-existing things are completely fictional products of the self-definition of intelligent life, and are the illusion brought to intelligent life by the thermal movement of molecules."

"However, if the research on quantum mechanics, dimensional science, and the nature of the universe is further in-depth, it will be discovered that time, like all other physical constants, is essentially an ordinary constant of the universe, but this constant is somewhat... um , complicated. But its essence is still the same, as long as the technology is sufficient, it can be controlled to a certain extent, but unfortunately, most civilizations, even super civilizations, have reached this point in their understanding of time, at least we curate People have never heard of a civilization that has reached the ultimate step and mastered the ability to control time at will."

Sun Xianyun was thoughtful.

There is no doubt that the understanding of time in many countries on the earth has entered the second step mentioned by Abrak just now. At least Sun Xianyun has seen some of the top contemporary physicists in many foreword scientific research forums. In the paper, more than one person said that time is a misunderstanding brought about by the thermal movement of molecules, it does not exist at all, and it is something completely imagined by human beings.

Simply put, "time" is meaningless, or in other words, it is an illusion brought about by the memory generated by human brain activity.

(PS·Related papers actually exist in reality, and there are many, "Science" journal has three related papers in 19) Dry.

Chapter 583: The Remnant Soul of the Old Captain

After discussing for a while, Sun Xianyun looked at the deciphered log again.

"Time: #data error#"

『Content: We were attacked by those lunatics. They seemed to know what we were going to do. The fleet suffered heavy losses, and we were the only spaceship left that could sail normally.No one knows what kind of mood I was in when I saw with my own eyes the attack from #荣码##相码##荣码# destroying my home galaxy in an instant across a distance of a thousand light-years.Enemies are unreasonable, they can come from anywhere, and they can be anyone - yes, there are no safe sectors in this space now. 』

Destroy a galaxy in an instant across a thousand light years?

Obviously, the galaxy here is a planetary system like the solar system, not a star system like the Milky Way.

Otherwise it would be terrible.

If this is the case, Sun Xianyun will definitely seal up this file immediately without hesitation, and will never have the slightest interest in the big hole until he has enough strength.

"Time: #data error#"

『Content: I can’t understand what caused things to become like this. Maybe it’s the Suzheng agreement that activated those damn machines, or maybe it’s the incomprehensible power from a more distant and mysterious place that made things even more so. I'm in awe that those damned machines are trying to imitate their former owners!I don't know where the logic is faulty, those guys firmly believe that they are their past masters, this is a joke!But I'll find the answer if I find #DataError#...』

"Time: #data error#"

『Content: Failed, we failed, we were attacked the moment we were about to enter the jump, I don't know where the attack came from, but it doesn't matter anymore, because it could come from any crazy side in this damn hell .The important thing is, we are lost in the warp space, the spaceship is very damaged, Aetolia is trying his best to repair the damaged power equipment, I hope it can be successful... Well, as the captain, at least I should fight Come to think of it, if even I despair, we are really doomed. 』

At this point, Sun Xianyun understood what happened to the spaceship.

Apparently, some disaster broke out in the L star sector in the past, which is now the big void, causing all civilizations in the entire star sector to fall into crazy destruction, attacking each other crazily anyone they can see.

And the owner of this spaceship is one of the very few who can maintain reason. They are trying to find something, a creation that can reverse time, so as to go back to the past to prevent the source of the disaster from happening.

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