"Then what, you continue?"

"Mmm Good……"

Swallowing the duck neck in his mouth, Abrak wiped his mouth, smashed it twice, and then said:

"By the way, where did I just say?"

"You said big void."

"Oh, yes, yes! The big hole! My team fell into the big hole because of an accident, and because of that accident, the jump engine on the spaceship failed. In fact, even if there is no failure, we can't leave the big hole. Because our transition equipment is simply not enough to support us across the distance of that void-it is a super large void with a diameter of more than one billion light-years."


Sun Xianyun raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Can't you do a direct air-to-air free jump without relying on a large-mass celestial body as a jump beacon?".

Chapter 560: The Worm of Time

With the help of the technology brought back by Sun Xianyun and the help of the brogue mushrooms, the environment has been greatly improved, and the night sky has reproduced the bright starry sky of the pastoral farming society before the industrial age. Human beings in modern society, especially in cities Human beings have long been accustomed to looking up and seeing a vast darkness, only the night sky dotted with sporadic dim stars.

But at least, humans know that this universe is not like this. Humans know that the starry sky is bright and the universe is prosperous. There are more than 1000 billion stars in the Milky Way alone.

Therefore, although confined to an inconspicuous planet for a long period of time, human beings have never stopped looking up at the starry sky and longing for the sea of ​​stars.

However, what if the living environment of human beings is so bad from the beginning that the entire galaxy except for the central star has only one planet on which it depends for survival?

What if the sky was dark to begin with?

What if the distance between the nearest star and the earth exceeds one billion light-years?

Sun Xianyun just imagined such a situation, and he shuddered.

Nuwa once made a calculation, and the result of the calculation was later verified with the assistance of the clerk.

According to calculations, there is a safety threshold for a civilization to be born 463 times from its parent star until it develops a technology capable of crossing galaxies and walks out of its cradle.

The endowment of parent star resources itself, the abundance and relative distance of other celestial body resources in the home galaxy, the distance between the nearest other galaxies and the home galaxy, and the gravitational strength of the home galaxy itself, etc., all these comprehensive factors will give each The trial and error interval of civilization from the cradle to space.

Within this range, civilization can be capricious and make mistakes.

But once the resources are exhausted, the future of this civilization has come to an end.

Unfortunately, the civilization that Abrak mentioned is located in the center of the big void, their trial and error interval is almost zero.

From the very beginning, there was no possibility of them going any further.

Even if the curators led by Abrak descended from the sky and brought them more advanced technology, and the two sides cooperated with each other to create a quantum bullet bow, they only had one chance.

There is no way to save everyone this time.

"A total of [-] immigrant ships, plus my own starship, [-]. It is the limit that the quantum slingshot can accommodate under the only chance to start it."

He said so.

At some point, the noisy girls who were eating snacks and drinks stopped and listened patiently and quietly to the curator telling a story about a civilization they had never met.

A not-so-happy story.

"They took the best talent in every key industry, and then they did a lottery among those people to decide who left."

"None of those who stayed raised any objections, because of the extreme shortage of resources, and their civilization has an almost cruel rule in the eyes of others-any individual whose age exceeds a certain limit and his body functions begin to decline, he will die. They took the initiative to walk into the resource recovery furnace and turned themselves into light and heat. Therefore, they chose to accept the situation that staying would be tantamount to suicide."

Yayi covered her mouth, leaned lightly on Sun Xianyun's body, and sobbed slightly.

Qiyana felt panicked in her heart, clenched her fists tightly, and wanted to say something, but found that she couldn't do anything, and couldn't say anything.

"This civilization is enough to trigger the containment regulations."

The eldest lady frowned beside her, a little puzzled.

"Even if this lady was brain-dead back then, other monitoring and guarding nodes should be able to discover it. There is no reason to let this civilization fend for itself in the big void. According to the operating rules, if everything you say is true, this civilization will The potential of them will definitely attract the attention of the regulators, and after judging that they meet the containment standards, they will definitely send a fleet to help them move..."

"Besides, you fell asleep for nearly 2000 years, and that thing happened 2000 years ago. This lady's brain damage only became like this in the Great War 1000 years ago. More than 2000 years ago, this lady was absolutely smart. Why? Maybe you don't know about it?"

"Regulatory guards...!?"

Abrak suddenly looked at the eldest lady in surprise, and after hesitating for a while, he asked tentatively: "Excuse me, what you said just now... you mean, you are a supervisory guard?"

"That's right! Miss Ben is a supervisory guard!"

The eldest lady put her hands on her hips very proudly, and raised her head high.

Abrak trembled, and wanted to say something several times, and finally bowed deeply to the eldest lady.

"I didn't expect... I didn't expect to see the supervisory guards. I thought you had completely disappeared after the big melee [-] million years ago..."

"Wait! What nonsense are you talking about? Miss Ben has lived well to this day, why is there a war [-] million years ago?"

Abrak got up, blinked, and also noticed the contradictions in the two people's words.

In Abrak's view, since [-] million years ago, the regulatory guards have disappeared.

But according to Missy's cognition, she participated in a super war that spread to the whole universe 1000 years ago.

The two quickly continued to verify, and then a clue that made everyone present feel a little creepy was gradually clarified.

That is, the war a thousand years ago in Missy's mind, in Abrak's memory, happened [-] million years ago!

"This is impossible! This is unrealistic! Is it possible that Miss Ben's log will be so chaotic!?"

The eldest lady jumped anxiously, and Lexington on the side simply hugged the girl in his arms to comfort her.

Sun Xianyun looked at Abrak with probing eyes and asked, "Do you have any thoughts about this contradiction in time?"

Abrak pondered for a moment and gave an answer.

"Perhaps, it's... the Worm of Time?"

"The Worm of Time?"

"Well, not to mention our curators, even the managers, there are only mysterious creatures that exist in the records. I have only seen them in the files. It is rumored that the war [-] million years ago was too tragic. The civilization involved has used all the skills to suppress the bottom of the box. In that great era, they did not dare to go out without any time weapons or mathematical weapons, so the rules of the entire universe were beaten into chaos. Even though the galaxies are separated by only a few light-years, the time axis is messed up, and finally leads to a phenomenon known as the time worm.

"In fact, because the war was so fierce that year, the so-called time of [-] million years ago recorded in the archives is also inaccurate. This time was only after the war subsided and the rules of the entire universe were sorted out by the few remaining high-level civilizations. Temporarily determined, there is a huge error."

Chaoge blinked, and suddenly slapped the eldest lady on the shoulder.

"I thought you were a thousand-year-old demon, but I didn't expect you to be a ten-thousand-year old ghost? You are so chaotic at this time, I am afraid that Zi Ma will be inferior to you..."

"I'll bite you to death!"

The eldest lady jumped out of Lexington's arms without saying a word, hugged Chao Ge, and the two rolled to the side together and began to fight.

Chapter 561 Surprise brought by the curator

According to Abrak's speculation, after the end of the Great War [-] million years ago, the entire universe was in chaos.

Perhaps only a thousand years have passed in the Phoenix Constellation Star Area, but from the perspective of the outside world, hundreds of millions of years have passed.

Sun Xianyun thought about this kind of contradictory time and simply stopped going into it. This thing is much more complicated than the theory of relativity.

Strictly speaking, when the scale is enlarged to the whole universe, it is impossible to have a unified time standard.

If the Rabbit family's power spreads all over the universe and has enough technological strength to realize real-time communication regardless of distance within its own territory, there is hope to set a standard time for the entire universe.

So he didn't delve too deeply into this point, but asked another question instead.

"You said that the only quantum sling shot failed, so how did you get here?"

"It can't be said to be a complete failure, it can only be said to be a success, but not a complete success."

Abrak spread his hands.

"Although the destination of the quantum bullet ejection cannot be determined, all fleets ejected at one time will be sent to the same location. In other words, if the ejection is successful, then in theory, I should leave the big void with other fleets and appear at the same location." A ~ star sector."

"But here lies the problem. When my spaceship finally escaped from the subspace, I found that I had come to this planet, and all the curators and crew members on the spaceship had died. As for the other Fleet, I don't even know where they - where ... "

"Later, I reviewed the original situation. According to various data calculations, if there is no accident, all the spaceships should be scattered due to technical failures-this is the reason why I concluded that they could not survive, because the technology Due to resource constraints, it is impossible for them to make each spaceship independently develop into a brand new colony. Many spaceships do not have any functions other than carrying people. If these spaceships are left alone...the people on it will not be able to Survive-come."


After Abrak finished speaking, everyone fell into silence.

After a long time, Sun Xianyun sighed.

"An admirable civilization, I don't know what they are doing now."

That's what he said, but Sun Xianyun didn't hold out hope.

2000 years have passed, and according to what Abrak said before, that civilization cannot last until now.

Most likely already extinct, right?

After that, Abrak talked about his own affairs again.

His luck was really good. Although he was the only one who escaped from birth in the end, the planet he landed on was a planet that the curator could perfectly adapt to.

He spent the initial difficult time here, barely repairing some of the equipment on the spaceship with the only materials he had.

Because the curators have been wandering the universe for a long time, their spaceships are to some extent similar to the base ship brought by Sun Xianyun this time. After landing and unfolding, they can start basic industrial production.

"Because I was worried about their situation, I let the spaceship unfold and repaired the signal transmitter, but the calibration equipment failed and could not be repaired. I could only try to contact other curators by luck in the vast universe, so I simply unfolded it on the spaceship. Choose to sleep in the base and let the base operate autonomously."

"When I wake up again, I will see you."

Having said that, Abrak looked very confused.

"Although I can only rely on luck to contact other curators, it doesn't make sense that there will be no news for 2000 years. According to my calculations, there will be no news for at most 100 years, but why is this..."

Seeing him like this, Sun Xianyun clapped his hands and said:

"Don't worry, we'll try to fix your malfunctioning calibration equipment. I'm interested in your curators and what you call the managers."

With Sun Xianyun's promise, Abrak seemed quite happy.

When he left the underground base with everyone and came to the outside world, he saw the construction site in full swing in the distance at a glance.

"Your technology...is weird."

After watching for a long time, Abrak suddenly said such a sentence.

During this process, Sun Xianyun also informed the entire army of the previous situation through the command link, lifted the martial law, and at the same time reported the matter of the curator to the central star port of the solar system.

Hearing what Abulak said at this time, Sun Xianyun couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, is there any problem?"

"Wow, you have very advanced energy systems and power systems, and are also very advanced in terms of communication, space and other technologies, but why do you use such primitive methods in engineering construction? What did I see? Excavators! ? You haven’t eliminated this thing yet!?”

Big guts!Do you know what you are talking about!

Diggers are a man's romance!

Apparently, Abrak couldn't understand the romance.

He pointed to a construction site where foundations were being laid.

"That thing, you call it cement, right? Why do you use this backward primary material to build your colony?"

As expected of a curator, he can see the problems encountered in the development of the Tujia at a glance.

Although Sun Xianyun brought a lot of advanced technologies, but because these technologies are too advanced, they seem to be incompatible with the original things developed by the rabbit family.

A civilization that has been able to leap at superluminal speed and travel hundreds of light years away to build a colony is still using cement and steel to build houses...

Then, is the energy supply network using the traditional grid?

Although it is true that the power transmission material is a room-temperature superconducting material, even this kind of thing seems too backward in Abrak's eyes.

"How do you build it?"

Sun Xianyun immediately became interested, full of curiosity about the curator's construction ability.

Soon, Sun Xianyun realized how much surprise this Abrak beside him would bring them.

These sub-curators actually use some kind of nano-machines with basic intelligence for engineering construction!

Once this kind of nanomachine is released, it can collect materials in the surrounding environment by itself, and bring them back to the corresponding factory for production to increase value. It will develop an astonishing number of individuals in a short period of time, and then proceed by itself according to the pre-set plan drawings. Arranging and combining, a huge city can be built from nothing in a very short time!

Although some special-purpose materials, such as starship armor, cannot be produced in this way, if it is only for conventional city construction, this kind of nanomachine is fully capable of all the basic building materials needed!

What is even more surprising is that these completed nanomechanical materials can be recycled and reused!

In other words, once a city built in this way is going to be abandoned, the whole city can theoretically be dismantled in an instant and packed away!

Is there anything more suitable for infrastructure madness than this technology?

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