"What the hell!? How is it possible! How can there be such a thing in my house!"

Miss Suzheng's face was wrinkled into a ball.

"Dad! I'm going to talk to this guy directly!".

Chapter 416 Fucking Monster Girl! ?

Obviously, Miss Suzheng is full of opinions on the existence that claims to house weak civilizations.

In the eyes of the eldest lady, she just found out that she was not at home after waking up. After going home with great difficulty, there was a stranger at home that she didn't know at all. Not to mention, this stranger likes to be around everywhere Collecting all kinds of non-burnable garbage outside, making my boudoir look like a waste recycling bin...

Sun Xianyun also had the idea of ​​letting the eldest miss see the specific situation, and agreed to the application without hesitation after the girl made the request.

So, the eldest lady used some means to directly connect the opposite signal with herself.

"Well, Miss Ben wants to see where the ordinary people who ran out dared to do such an unforgivable thing!"

Her rosy pupils shone brightly, and Korano and the adjutant sister who were watching were stunned for a while.

"Hey! Where did you come from a lower-level unit! Report all the identification code, ID card, household registration, real estate certificate, tax payment certificate, and no criminal record certificate to this lady!"


"Did you have a logic failure or did the CPU cooling fail! Don't blame this lady for blowing you up into interstellar dust if you don't carry out identity verification and the two-way handshake fails!"

Faintly, Sun Xianyun and Lexington heard voices from the large bridge platform below the command platform, such as "It's comfortable", "It would be even better if there are a few more words about the perverted grouse". strange exclamation.

Kerano looked at Sun Xianyun in horror: "Do the soldiers under your command have some kind of mental illness!?"

It's just that this guy didn't notice at all that the adjutant girl next to him cast a sympathetic look at the soldiers who sighed just now.

After being crazily scolded by the eldest lady, the poor shelter AI on the opposite side finally responded.

『Identification verification is successful. 』

『Privilege has been opened to the upper individual. 』

"Welcome back, sir. 』

Just these three inexplicable words made Kerano instantly vigilant.

He stared suspiciously at Miss Suzheng, then his eyes shifted to Sun Xianyun.

"Your Excellency, I think I need an explanation."

Korano, who has been fighting with the regulators for so many years, may seem like a bad elf who is not qualified for being full of foul language, stingy and stingy on weekdays, but he is definitely not an idiot.

The Forbidden Abyss must have something to do with the regulators. This is something a fool can guess, but now the unknown being in the Forbidden Abyss actually calls Miss Suzheng "Sir", which is why Kerano doesn't think too much.

"Oh, it's too late to realize now."

Jin Ling came out of nowhere and said to Kerano with a smile.

"If you kneel down now, weeping bitterly - woo~~!"

Jin Ling, who hadn't finished speaking, suddenly covered his head. Behind her, Belfast withdrew his right hand and looked at the girl with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

Corano raised an eyebrow, then shrugged.

"Huh? Are you not nervous?"

Sun Xianyun asked with a half-smile.

"I suddenly thought, with your strength, you don't need to rely on the loss of a fleet to gain our trust—if you are really an enemy. This child should not belong to you, right?"

"Smart." Sun Xianyun really looked at Corano with admiration at this time. No wonder he can still lead a group of people to do things around when the Freedom Army's family is so poor.

"You can regard this child as a poor little girl who was wandering outside and was picked up by me. Hey, hey, hey, oh, oh, oh, let it go, let it go, let it go, stupid girl, watch out for your teeth!"

Looking at Miss Suzheng who suddenly jumped on Sun Xianyun and bit her, and the old father who was frantically trying to pull his daughter off, Kerano felt really relieved.

After the little farce was over, Sun Xianyun began to care about the authority that Miss Suzheng got just now.

"This is a ring world called the Shelter."

After roughly scanning the permissions she received, the eldest lady explained to everyone.

"As that idiot AI said, its purpose of existence is to contain and protect weak civilizations. To be precise, it extracts a part of the population from those civilizations and puts them into the ring world. It's like... just like... um..."

"Ecological reserve?"

It was Nimf who spoke.

"That's right! That's it! Miss Ben has already thought of it! But you preempted it!"

Nimfu rolled her eyes, and chose to ignore the young lady's childlike behavior.

"You said, this is a ring world?"

"Yes, the ring world, this galaxy originally had normal planets and celestial bodies revolving around the central star, but those planets were all dismantled and used to build the ring world. The interstellar dust that you see filling the entire galaxy is this project. Leftovers after it's over."

No wonder this galaxy, which is older than the solar system, has no planets formed. It turns out that the planets here have been dismantled long ago, so there is nothing left?

"Ring the world..."

This kind of thing is naturally found in Stellaris. As a giant building, this completely artificially built, huge ring-shaped structure surrounding a star can be called an engineering miracle.

Together with super-projects such as the Dyson sphere that wraps the entire star to achieve nearly 100% use of star energy, and the material decompressor that extracts energy and matter from the black hole and continuously converts it into almost infinite resources, it is called a galactic miracle.

"It's strange, why I don't know that there is such a thing here..."

Miss Suzheng is a little confused in logic now.

She couldn't figure out why she was recognized by the management AI of the ring world for her prudent agreement.

"All in all, let's go and see it first, I am also very curious about this kind of galaxy miracle."

Under Sun Xianyun's order, the starship began to fly towards the center of the galaxy.

With the eldest lady's authority, this time everyone was not attacked and passed through the interstellar dust cloud very smoothly.

The dust clouds suddenly disappeared near the center of the galaxy, and an energetic star appeared in front of it.

Like most stars visible to the unaided eye, Phenix a, or Firebird, is a medium-sized orange giant.It is now in the middle of a brief but steady phase of helium fusion that will eventually become a white dwarf surrounded by a planetary nebula.

And on the outskirts of this star, everyone saw a jaw-dropping scene.

A huge man-made ring-shaped building structure with a radius of 5000 million kilometers is enclosing the star.

The radius of this ring-shaped structure is comparable to the radius of the earth's orbit around the sun. From a distance, it looks like a slender iron coil framing the star.

But in fact, the width of this ".‖iron coil" is [-] kilometers, which is nearly six times the diameter of the earth!

It looks slender only because its diameter is too large.

The holographic projection of the bridge shows the specific situation of this ring world.

The outer layer of the entire ring world is a variety of amazing huge structures and equipment, while the inner layer of the ring world, on the side facing the central star, is a huge artificial world!

There are mountains, rivers, lakes and oceans.

There are huge landmass and scattered islands.

There are forest deserts, alpine plains.

"This... this... this is incredible!"

Not to mention Sun Xianyun and others, even Kerano fell into a sluggish moment when he saw the ring world again.

He never thought that in the galaxy where their elves lived for countless years, there is such a magnificent creation that can be called a miracle.

"Master, I detected a large number of life signals on that ring world."

Nimfu suddenly walked up to Sun Xianyun and Lexington, stretched out her hands and tugged at their sleeves respectively.

"There are lives on it, many, many lives, but I haven't found any electromagnetic signals from them. In other words, none of the civilizations formed by those lives has entered the electronic age...No, data correction, the most advanced civilization inside is nothing more than They are at the peak of the agricultural era, and they don't even have the most primitive steam engine!"

Sun Xianyun nodded and looked at Miss Suzheng.

"What permissions have you received?"

"A lot!" The eldest lady looked at Sun Xianyun with a smile, "As long as this lady is willing, one thought can make those dirty organisms on it ascend to heaven in place. Daddy, do you want to watch the fireworks?"

Sure enough, this girl is still full of extreme contempt for organic life in her bones.

It was because of Sun Xianyun that she remained silent all this time.

Seeing Sun Xianyun and Lexington staring at her blankly, the eldest lady shrank her neck in fear, and muttered aggrievedly: "Well... I see, this lady won't mess around, so let me Let those bugs live drunk and dreamy, hum!"

"What else? Now that you have accepted the management rights of this ring world, do you know anything?"

"No." The eldest lady shook her head, "Only the management authority of various functions, such as gravity stabilization, atmospheric adjustment, etc., but other information is blank, it feels as if it has been artificially erased."

"Commander." Belfast asked softly, "Shall we go up and have a look?"

"Let's go."

Sun Xianyun nodded.

"Since I'm here, I'm going to visit this world."

Chapter 417 You were once a guardian, now you are a destroyer

In the process of approaching the ring world, Nimf is also constantly analyzing various data of this huge engineering miracle.

With the reluctant assistance of Miss Suzheng, Sun Xianyun and others soon understood its working principle.

"A huge ring around a star. Its energy source has two sources, one is the light and heat emitted by the star itself, but this is secondary, and the real main source of energy is the huge energy generated by the annihilation of positive and negative matter There are [-] antimatter reactors in total.”

"It can continuously extract various substances from the surrounding interstellar dust clouds, and use them to synthesize basic minerals to form ore veins, which are used by the inhabitants of the ring world."

"The powerful gravity stabilization system can ensure that the life and living environment on it is the same as on a normal spherical celestial body, without the slightest discomfort, and because it is too huge, it is completely impossible for people to perceive it when they are really in the ring world. The ground under their feet is a ring, just like ancient humans, who once believed that the land was flat—of course, they still didn’t think so from the beginning, because they could see the land extending to the end of the sky when they looked up After that...it turned up."

"The atmospheric system can ensure the stability of the weather around the world, but in fact it doesn't matter even without this system, because this man-made project is too big, and it is enough to form a world by itself."

"However, in order for the life on it to survive and reproduce normally, it also has a very powerful light-shielding technology, which can block out the light emitted by the stars in each operation cycle, simulating the so-called 'night' in the normal world .”

Nimfu kept telling her findings after analysis. The more she explained, the more amazed Sun Xianyun and others were.

It is unbelievable how powerful and advanced civilization is that can create such a miracle.

"Master, this light shielding technology is very valuable for reference, we can master the optical shadow technology by studying it."

"It's not very necessary." Sun Xianyun waved his hand, "In fact, the Academy of Sciences is already starting to study more advanced [Phase Invisibility] technology, once successful, we will not be as simple as stealth and electromagnetic shielding, but can directly hide the fleet or other units in the subspace to achieve absolute invisibility."

These technologies, which were unimaginable in the past, are no longer fantasy after gene optimization is popularized in a small area.

The mad scientists in those scientific research institutes are constantly abandoning the lower limit with their unprecedented brains comparable to supercomputing. A few days ago, Sun Xianyun even heard that someone proposed [Further excavating the related technology of the magic modified version of the vacuum implosion bomb, developing a A large-scale collapse of space, a doomsday weapon that uses subspace storms to tear apart all targets] Suggestion...

Then the guy was severely criticized.

The reason for criticizing him is that his thinking is too conservative, dare you believe it! ?

Chatting like this, the starship finally entered the ring world.

In order to avoid an irreversible impact on the indigenous inhabitants of this world, the starship landing site was strictly selected, and finally an uninhabited land was chosen.

After getting off the spaceship, Sun Xianyun stood on the solid land, looked down at the earth, and then looked up at the sky.

Except for the upturned earth that can be seen at the end of the line of sight, there is no difference at all from the earth.

This reminded Sun Xianyun of a famous science fiction game.


After all, the expressiveness in the game is still a little bit worse. The real ring world is far more magnificent than that shown in the "Halo" series.

"The troops are stationed on standby, and the reconnaissance team is dispatched to start reconnaissance and detection of the surrounding area. Be sure not to attract the attention of the indigenous residents of this world."

After Sun Xianyun gave the order, the fully armed reconnaissance team in power armor disappeared with a whimper.

The unmanned reconnaissance plane took off and quickly disappeared at the end of the sky.

However, not long after, a soldier came to report:

"Report Commander, we found a huge and highly threatening creature!"


The next moment, the soldier released a holographic projection in front of Sun Xianyun, and the screen showed exactly what was captured by the drone.

In a majestic valley, there is a giant dragon slowly raising its head, staring at the camera of the drone.

That's right, dragons.

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