They couldn't help but think of a sentence.

You two punks are plotting against us!

If you eat all this food, don't you become an accomplice! ?

What about borrowing money?

How did it become robbery?

Still being approached by the Lord?

Chapter 150 My Turn! Flash! Light! Doro!

For a moment, under everyone's gaze, Senior Madoka felt unprecedented attention, and he was stunned, even his eyes lost their brightness.

She never thought that Yuanxiang Lumu would come to her, or she never thought about it.

In her eyes, the situation was that the Flame Demon realized the truth, then awakened, broke the enchantment of the witch, and finally waited for others to join the battle to end the battle.

As for money?Where is the money if the witch barrier is destroyed?

This has nothing to do with Madoka-senpai.

But what the hell is going on here?

She looked sideways at Yuanxiang Lumu who was full of anger and felt inexplicably flustered. She was looking for trouble for herself!

"It's up to now! It's up to now! I can only... I can only! Fight!"

Senior Madoka made a desperate voice, if she could, she really wanted to explode herself in an instant, this feeling is really too bad.

On the other hand, Lumu Yuanxiang stared at Senior Madoka's face full of anger, and questioned her loudly.

"How long are you going to be like me now! Change me back to your original look!"

"Huh? I just look like this, okay? I always look like this."

Senior Madoka was a little dazed when he heard Kamu Yuanxiang's words, and looked at Kamu Yuanxiang and the others subtly.

"How is it possible! How can there be two people who look exactly the same in the world!"

On the opposite side, Lumu Madoka maintained an angry attitude, staring fixedly at Senior Madoka.

As a result, Senior Madoka looked helpless, looked at Lumu Yuanxiang helplessly, shook his head, and spread his hands.

"Even if you say that, I can't help it, I just look like this."

Now Lumu Yuanxiang suddenly didn't know what to say, and fell into a state of bewilderment for a while when he met someone who looked exactly like him.

But it doesn't matter!

Leng Mo, who was sitting next to him in a daze, his eyes flashed, he glanced at Senior Xiaoyuan and stood up on the spot, he rushed to Lumu Yuanxiang's side with lightning speed, and pointed at Xiaoyuan Senior Yuan screamed in horror.

"What!? You're not Kame Madoka! Damn bastard! You lied to me! I always thought you were Kame Madoka! Miscalculated, I never thought that there are two guys who look the same in the world!"

As long as I rebel quickly!I am a decent character of justice!

Speaking of this, Leng Mo showed a smile on Hua Jitong's face, full of confidence.


I don't know why at this moment, the two sides fell into a strange silence under Leng Mo's actions.

Especially Lumu Yuanxiang looked at Leng Mo suspiciously, completely unaware of what happened.

"How is this going?"

Lumu Yuanxiang cautiously asked Leng Mo who was standing next to her suddenly, her eyes were filled with bewilderment and doubt, even Xingzi and Sayaka who were beside her were stunned, let alone Ma Huayan.

Hearing this, Leng Mo took a deep breath and pointed to Senior Xiaoyuan to explain it bluntly.

"I never thought that this guy is not the real Madoka, I was deceived by her! I came to help Madoka, but I found Madoka is a counterfeit! You have to believe me!"

As he spoke, Leng Mo looked at Lu Mu Yuan Xiang eagerly, his eyes shining brightly.


After listening to Leng Mo's words, Senior Madoka, Kaneki, Tatsumi, Kazuma, Kirito, Xiaomeiyan, and Hill all understood.

They realized that Leng Mo had jumped backwards!

Jump directly to the opposite side, and then shake off the blame on yourself, it is completely jumping from the perpetrator to the victim!

I had to let those present who had reacted cry out in their hearts, those three words.

There is—gate—kind—!

Among them, Senior Xiaoyuan retorted loudly towards Leng Mo angrily.

"You bastard obviously eats the most! You were guarding me when I robbed the money!"

"You, just said you robbed money?!"

Leng Mo's expression froze suddenly, and he stared at Senior Xiaoyuan as if he had understood the truth.

"No wonder it's so strange, so you actually rob! I was still wondering why Xiaoyuan would treat everyone to dinner with so much money, so you are actually a criminal!"

Everyone!Accept is my last hint!

If it is you, you will understand what I mean by this!

As soon as the voice was over, Leng Mo's eyes flicked, and the light in his eyes flickered as if he didn't want money.

The opportunity has been given to you, and then it depends on whether you are good or not!

For a while, Kaneki, Tatsumi, Kazuma, Kirito, Xiaomeiyan, and Hill all understood Leng Mo's hint.

This is to abandon Senior Madoka and jump back to the opposite side, so that I and others can join Madoka Kamu and others without any sense of disobedience!

Although this is an excellent method, but I don't know why it seems to beat this gate to death!

At this moment, the arrow is on the string and has to be launched!

But it was our own people who sent the beating!

Damn Leng Mo, is this also in your plan!

And Leng Mo noticed the look in the eyes of the person opposite who wanted to beat him to death, and showed a smug smile.

Surprised or not surprised!

The only way for you now is to keep walking with me, only in this way can you avoid fighting!

The opportunity has been given to you, and the key of choice has also been given to you. Everything that follows is your own actions, and it has nothing to do with me at all, and there are only you!


In terms of resourcefulness, my strange cold skills are superior!

Thinking of this, Leng Mo laughed wildly in his heart, there was only one choice on the other side, and that was to jump with him and attack Senior Xiaoyuan.

But it doesn't matter!

Under his control, Senior Madoka's sacrifice was not in vain!

Unexpectedly, a hand was suddenly placed on Leng Mo's shoulder, and when he looked back, it was Ma Huayan.

At this moment, Ma Huayan stared at Leng Mo expressionlessly, and asked in an emotionless voice.

"How do you know that Madoka is not Madoka's? Aren't you from me? Why did you just believe us that Madoka is not from you? You're lying, right?"


In an instant, everyone's eyes were on Leng Mo, not only Senior Xiaoyuan and others, but also everyone on Lumu Yuanxiang's side.

And Leng Mo suddenly looked at Twist Flame with his head full of cold sweat, and felt that her analysis was reasonable and well-founded.

I didn't doubt their side at the first time, but jumped directly to the other side, which is obviously a problem.

The seeds of distrust have emerged, and you are in danger!

But it doesn't matter!

Leng Mo felt that he could still struggle, even if he was covered in cold sweat, even if he was desperate, as long as his brain didn't stop thinking, there was still a chance to turn the world around!

Sa!one gram!

His brain was running fast, and he glanced around and noticed an amazing fact.

Mami is not here!

very good!

The only guy who has witnessed himself and realized his identity is not there!

Destiny!Lucky is on your side!

You still have a chance!

My turn!flash!Light!Doro!

I will not stop!

Grass Nima!It's on fire!

Chapter 150 Seven What Did You Do, You Idiot!

"I suspected that something was wrong with this guy from the very beginning, but the moment I saw another Madoka appearing, I immediately realized that this guy is a fake Madoka! I've been undercover all this time! Trust me!"


Although what you said makes sense, I don't know why I just don't want to believe you.

When Ma Huayan heard Leng Mo's reasonable explanation, she didn't know why she didn't want to believe it, and even had a feeling that if she believed it, she would be a clown.

There must be something wrong with this obvious sense of crisis!

There must be some details that I haven't noticed, this guy is absolutely impossible to be so simple, the eyes on the other side have completely betrayed this guy!

For a moment, Ma Huayan's face was full of distrust, after all, this is not such a simple problem.

Now there are two Madokas and two selves, the witch must be among them!

Wait... The witch thing is completely different from the current situation, what are we here for?

Are you here to investigate the witch?Or to expose another Madoka's deception?

The two things coincided inexplicably and suddenly couldn't be fixed, and this guy in front of him was still messing around!

When Leng Mo saw that the people around him stopped talking, he was suddenly pleasantly surprised. In an instant, he was absolutely invulnerable, and even the whole situation was on his side.

Luck is on my side, destiny is on my side, and the general trend is even greater!



Suddenly a clown-like doll jumped out, pointed at Leng Mo and said a lot of words loudly.

It's bebe!

She has been following Ba Mamei all the time, that is to say, she is one of the only people who knows Leng Mo's true identity.

Although her voice could not be heard, a black mass protruded from her mouth, forming a line of words.

'He is the outsider that Mami wanted to eliminate before! '


"Sure enough, you have problems too!"

In an instant, Lumu Yuanxiang and Ma Huayan were startled when they heard the words, and quickly distanced themselves and became vigilant.


Seeing this situation, Leng Mo was immediately speechless, he had missed a beibei after all the calculations, and now he can only raise the final card!

His face darkened, and he immediately looked at Lumu Yuanxiang and the others with a pity look, and spoke coldly from above.

"I thought I could pretend for a while longer, but I didn't expect... to be exposed. Forget it, since I have been exposed, there is nothing to say!"

"Sure enough, you guys have a problem!"

Xiao Meiyan immediately entered the fighting state, she felt right, the aura emanating from Leng Mo's body was definitely not something ordinary people could possess!

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