Pay attention to the outside world in the elf ball, and if something is wrong, the elves who are ready to come out to protect the trainer at any time, suddenly fell silent.

We may not be human, but when it comes to dogs, it’s still you trainer dogs.

After all, it was wrong.

Five hours later.

The plane landed at the airport of Crown Snowfield on time.

It was only late in the evening, but through the window of the plane, Roy saw the dark sky and the vast snowfield with continuous fine snowfall.

Picking up the winter jacket from his backpack, Roy put it on, and felt his body warm up immediately.

The cold-proof clothing is made of thermal materials such as chemical fiber cotton and nylon, and it is said that it also adds warm fur of long-haired pigs and tundra bears. Even in severe cold areas, you can experience the ultimate protection.

After getting off the plane, the howling cold wind hit his face, reminding Roy of his experience in the Changbai Mountain area.

However, there is a phenomenon here that does not exist in the Changbai Mountain area.

"Extremely large energy point..."

Roy murmured, his eyes reflected a crimson beam of light rising into the sky.

Giganticization is uncontrollable, and every gigantic transformation is inseparable from energy points.

As a result, the Earth's trainers have not been able to control this energy until now, and can only use it as an 'opportunity'.

This method of use is undoubtedly very superficial and crude.

But Roy is different...

He slightly rolled up his left sleeve, and at some point on his wrist, there was a white wristband inlaid with special crystals.

This is a key prop for using Controllable Dynamax.

One by one extremely giant wristband.

PS: Whether the alpaca created the entire universe or only the planet is controversial.

In fact, every generation of pm’s world view has conflicts. The sun and the moon say that Necrozma is the strongest, Sword and Shield say that Wuji is the strongest, and Sinnoh’s Arceus is really full of bugs. Child supply, not rigorous.

I can only make the most reasonable explanation, which only represents my personal opinion.

In terms of expressiveness, I think it is a planet.Breaking away from the expressiveness blowing setting is all hooliganism.

Above: Extremely Giant Wristbands.

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.

Chapter 235 Divine Pillar, Divine Bird, Divine King

The shock of the launch of the Mega evolution far exceeded Roy's expectations.

Lucario, Metagross and Blastoise, as the world's first Mega-evolved three elves, have received countless discussions and attention, especially Super Lucario's handsome posture, which has gained many fans.

The three elves earned Roy a full [-] million points in one breath, and he has completely entered the stage of financial freedom, and he doesn't have to worry about points for a long time.

In this regard, Roy can only say 'Mega evolution, forever drop God'.

Since he was going to the Snowfield of the Crown, Roy exchanged the [Extremely Giant Wristband] and spent [-] million points.

After getting off the plane, a group of more than twenty people gathered together.

"Everyone here is an elite student, and there is no lack of experience in wild survival."

Hu Jun, the leader, said to the twenty students.

The mid-term exams of various elf universities are basically of the 'survival in the wild' type, in order to allow the trainers to adapt as soon as possible and accumulate the experience and ability to survive in the wild.

Of the 20 people present, each has more than six times of wilderness survival experience...Of course, Roy is not included.

Everyone didn't see him as a human being.

and so.

"From now on, it's time for free activities. You can explore freely in the Snowfield of the Crown. Of course, the areas where 'no entry' is written on the map are the residences of gods. Don't take chances and think that you will be killed. 'Legendary spirits' are given special treatment."

Hu Jun said slowly: "Also, I suggest you get familiar with the environment first, and then try to get close to the wild extremely giant elves."

"Did everyone understand?!"

As soon as Hu Jun finished speaking, the students responded one after another.

Immediately, some students chose to start with their teammates, and some chose to start alone to exercise themselves.

For example, Fang Hang, Mo Xuexin, and the Yang brothers, the four of them are going to form a small team to explore this huge snowfield of the crown, and together they will go to subdue the quasi-god elves. ...The franchise only allows them to subdue quasi-god elves. Whether they can succeed or not depends on their strength.

Of course, they extended an invitation to Roy immediately, but he rejected it.

As the only master trainer among the students, Lin Xingchen was naturally full of confidence and prepared to go on an adventure alone.

When the students were almost gone, Hu Jun approached Roy and carefully told him: "Remember, if there is any abnormal situation, press the emergency device immediately, and I will come to you immediately. Also, please Don't get close to the residence of the gods. The supreme ruler here is very particular about rules and ruthlessness. There is also Hu Jun, a gigantic elf, chattering like an old mother who worries about her children.

Although he was responsible for Roy's safety, he couldn't follow him all the time. The obvious task was to be responsible for the personal safety of all the students.

It's just that Roy's safety is the highest priority here. "I know, don't worry!" Roy solemnly promised.


After Hu Jun walked away, Roy used the waveguide to confirm that there was no one around, and then walked straight towards the nearest crimson beam of light.

As for the promise to Hu Jun?

'... bro, I'm just kidding. 'The first rule of survival in the wild, don't leave the elves in the poke ball.

After leaving the safe area, Roy immediately released all the elves.

The icy air made Jiuwei and Blastoise feel very friendly. Jiuwei was just playing with the snow, while Turtle lay down on the ground, rolling in the snow like a husky.

Knowing that there is an opportunity for him to rise up here, the electric shock beast was very excited. As soon as it came out, it lifted the little nebula and started doing dumbbell curling exercises.

Since Xiao Xingyun couldn't eat, she became more and more Buddhist. She didn't care about being used as a dumbbell. She closed her eyes and began to absorb the energy of light.

Compared to these guys, Lucario, the golden monster is much more mature.

The giant gold monster floated over, caught Roy on top of his head and put him down, acting as a 'mount'.

Lucario took the initiative to assume the duty of 'scout'.

[I'm going to explore the way ahead. 】

After speaking, it disappeared in place in an instant.Captain Lucario is exploring the way...

MimiQ has naturally been hiding in Roy's shadow, she is a personal assassin.

Roy and his party felt too oppressive, and some wild elves they encountered by chance showed scared expressions and hurriedly avoided them.

Only those who are more courageous and dare to come up to beg for food.

For example, the long-tailed monster hand in front of you. "quack--!"

The long-tailed monster made a contented monkey cry, and gnawed on the meatloaf Roy gave him.

The long-tailed monster looks like a little monkey with purple hair. The most notable feature is the tail with three fingers, which is its iconic part.

Roy pinched its tail curiously, and the long-tailed monster did not resist, but smiled cheerfully at him.

...This kind of silly child is often the first to be trafficked by poachers.

Roy laughed and said, "Little monkey, I gave you something to eat. According to the agreement, should you tell me about the nearby information?"

Hearing this, the long-tailed monster quickly swallowed the meatloaf and almost choked.


The long-tailed monster patted his chest with his tail, saying that he would do what he said and would not break his promise like some humans.

Roy: "?"

I feel like you're implicating me, but I have no proof.

The long-tailed monster has lived here for more than ten years, and because of its active nature and flexible skills, it knows this area well.

And seeing that it dared to come up to beg for food with Roy, you would know that this long-tailed monster hand is a social bully in elves, and has many friends.

On the official map, there are several areas marked 'no entry', all of which are the residences of gods.

But the specific "God" did not specify.

In other words, there is no need to tell, and if it is too detailed, it will arouse the curiosity of the students and run to explore.

Roy spread out the map and made speculations one by one under the description of the long-tailed monster.

There is a ruins in the east, and occasionally you can see the traces of two golem giants... Well, the Electric God Pillar and the Dragon God Pillar, the good brothers of my colleagues are equal to my good brothers.

In the valley next to the ruins, there is a big bad-tempered bird who often fights with two giants... This temper should be the Lightning Bird (Galer form), the only divine bird that can't fly, known as the Scotch chicken.

On the northern plain, there is a very beautiful divine bird with elegant manners... The Frozen Bird (Galer form) is right.

There is a giant tree in the south, and there is another divine bird perched on the tree... Exclusion method, it should be the flame bird (Galer form).

Finally, there is the crown temple standing at the center of the crown snowfield, and the highest ruler here lives in it.

Speaking of this god, even the socially obsessive long-tailed monster hand showed admiration.

A benevolent yet majestic king.

The king of abundance, the king of buds.

The climate is cold and the soil is not fertile. The reason why the crown snowfield can maintain its ecology and have enough food for the wild elves is because of the existence of King Leiguan. . .Ask for flowers.

Legend has it that when King Leiguan waved his right hand, hundreds of flowers would bloom and the grass would be green.When it waves its left hand, it can make the fields fertile and the crops rich.

In addition to the 'King', there are also two of his mounts in the Crown Temple.

"Eight people..." Although Roy had guessed before, but after actually confirming it, he still couldn't help but be speechless.

The eight legendary elves gathered here. I am afraid that even if there is no 'giant transformation' phenomenon, the Snowfield of the Crown will become a control area.

These eight legendary elves, if nothing else, should belong to the alliance state.

If a human force accidentally offends one of them and affects the whole body, it will undoubtedly cause great disasters, and the alliance must control it.

The reason why the major quasi-god and elf groups were migrated here is also obvious.

The precious resources of the quasi-god elves also need to be controlled, because they are easy to be targeted by poaching gangs.

Since they need to be controlled, they should be put together.

Scattered control will waste excess manpower.

This has resulted in the unique status of 'Crown of Snow'.

"Who is the extremely giant elf near the beam of light, do you know?"

Roy pointed to the crimson beam of light not far away.

The long-tailed monster shook his head, indicating that the gigantic elf would change every so often, and it didn't know what elf was occupying that energy point now.

Everyone knows that absorbing that red energy is dangerous, but there will always be elves who can't resist touching it.

The results of it?

In a state of rage for a long time, the only way to regain sanity is to exhaust all energy and die from exhaustion.

The wild elves fell into a 'near-death' state, and basically had no good end, either being preyed upon by natural enemies, or dying silently.

"Quack." The long-tailed monster pointed its tail at Roy, and Roy was taken aback by what he said.

It said that humans like Roy would come out regularly to sweep up the giant elves, and after defeating them, heal them.

This greatly improves the damage done by Dynamax.

Maintain ecological balance, save the elves... Roy nodded, this should also be one of the agreements reached between the alliance and King Leiguan.

"Okay, I will give you a farewell gift at the end."

After receiving satisfactory information, Roy, who is now rich and powerful, gave the long-tailed monster a bag of snacks, which were full of energy cubes.

After the long-tailed monster ate an energy cube, star eyes popped up, and he immediately pouted his buttocks and called the boss loudly.

If Roy hadn't sternly refused, this dead monkey would have wanted to join the team.

This made Roy can't help but reflect on his faults of being extravagant.

The distance from the beam of light was getting closer and closer, and Roy gradually became serious. His waveguide vision had already sensed an extremely strong and huge waveguide.

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