As the first elf to reach the 'accumulation period' and undergo Mega evolution, Lucario is also the first existence in the team to break through to the professional level.

Mimi Q is the second.

Water arrow turtle third.

The fourth Metagro.

Nine-Tails and Electric Shock Beast were temporarily stuck in the bottleneck period.

The Big Three capable of Mega evolution have all gone through the 'accumulation period' at an astonishing speed - a Mega evolution has had an extremely powerful role in promoting the breakthrough of the race's limit.

PS: My friends died in the last chapter, 999.9kg was written as two tons, woo woo woo, it has been revised.

Let me clarify, it's not that I don't know, it's just a simple typo, and my brain twitched.No matter how you say it, it's a serious graduate. Well, don't embarrass me.

By the way, let’s change the subject, friends, PM’s new work, Zoroya in Xicui area (ancient Sinnoh), so cute, the picture above!bar.

Chapter 209 The Way Back, The Trial of the Island King

If you want to enter the spiritual domain that has not yet been integrated, you only need to enter from the 'space node'.

Of course, the premise is that you can resist the space turbulence and storm in the node, otherwise it is suicide.

However, if you want to go out of the unintegrated spiritual domain, it is a bit more troublesome. You must go to the boundary of the spiritual domain and use powerful moves to break the barrier of space.

Roy knocked on the boundary of the spiritual domain space, and heard the sound of "dengdengdengdeng", which felt a bit like a layer of hardened glass.

But this layer of 'glass' is so hard that even military shells can't penetrate it.

"Probably, you need a nirvana above the professional level..." Roy evaluated.

The so-called ultimate move is the strongest move of a professional-level elf, similar to the ultimate move like 'Blizzard'.

Using the military move tester seen in previous tournaments to evaluate, at least 1100 points are required.

No wonder only professional trainers are allowed to explore the spiritual realm...

Not only because the spiritual domain is too dangerous, but also because, if you don't even have professional-level combat power, you can't even get out, and you can only be forced to die inside.

The world tree spiritual domain is not bad, the elves in it are not like the elves in other dangerous areas, because of unknown reasons, they have fallen into a state of rage.

This point has aroused widespread heated discussions in the outside world.

Why don't the elves in the world tree's spiritual domain go berserk?

The alliance's researchers came here to ask Roy some questions, and after some verification, the alliance quickly discovered a special place.

One by one eating problems.

The biggest difference between the World Tree Spiritual Domain and other incompletely integrated spiritual domains is that in the World Tree Spiritual Domain, all resources are transformed by the World Tree, not 590 that grow naturally.

With the world tree as the mother, the elves here have no shortage of resources.

Therefore, two possibilities were raised internally by the researchers.

- The first possibility.

Because there is no shortage of resources, elves can survive without fighting, so there is no mechanism to trigger violence.

This type of people believes that ferocity is a self-protection mechanism created by the elves in order to survive.

- The second possibility.

The food that is not fully integrated in the spiritual domain contains some unhealthy substances... or in other words, it contains some kind of 'toxin'.

This kind of people think that the violent change is caused by the action of this unknown toxin.

Only a few elves are immune to this 'toxin'.

There are many supporters of these two statements, discussing, arguing and researching each other.

Duan Mengmeng didn't even come to give it away... Roy said, "Mysterious Q, break it."

Following the instruction, Mimi Q emerged from the shadow, condensing the Shadow Claw burning with 'Dark Flame'.

The ghost claw lightly slapped away towards the space barrier on the boundary!

Clang one by one!

The space is as fragile as a mirror, breaking apart.

The shattered rift, what greets the eyes is a dark world.

as well as. "call!"

The turbulent flow of space blows out from the gap.

Roy lowered the brim of his hat so that it wouldn't fall out, and said with a smile, "I'm getting more and more proficient in the fairy art." "Crack."

Mimi Q straightened up, that is, he had no hands to akimbo.

!;Internal::Department "'Group'!8;"6!9'0.6,?2??9'.5,,2...Hmph!This is a matter of course.

Due to the mastery of the high-level energy of "Xianfa", Mimi Q's ghost system is far more powerful than its peers.

The space barrier that needs a 'nirvana skill' to break through is so vulnerable in front of her.

of course.

Since Mimi Q is only in the S1 stage and has not raised the ability value to the limit, it is still not a 'master'.

"Let's go!"

After Roy finished speaking, ghostly energy immediately flowed out from the bottom of Mimi Q's painted leather skirt, covering his whole body. He took a deep breath, jumped into the crack.

Russian hectares.

The self-recovery function of the spiritual domain repairs the broken space barriers here and restores it to its original state. "Miao~~"

In the deserted forest, the farewell of the phantom spirit echoed.

Four months ago, when he entered the spirit realm for the first time, Roy was knocked out by the turbulence in space even though he was protected by layers of Lucario, Blastoise and Mimi Q.

If it were the rest of the non-professional trainers, they would probably have died there.

But now.

Just relying on the energy barrier set up by a Mimi Q, it perfectly resisted the space turbulence.

This time through the spiritual domain, there was not even a little bump in the whole process.

In the pitch-black darkness, Roy felt his body sinking rapidly, driven by the turbulent current, drifting towards the 'exit'.

About half a minute later, Roy's eyes were bright, and his body felt the existence of gravity again.

came back……

Roy looked around curiously.

The place where the space node descended before was in the mid-air not far from the 'Development Battle Tower', sweeping everything around it.

Logically speaking, after coming out, Roy should appear in mid-air.

However, how could the alliance allow the 'space node' to be exposed to the outside like this? It established a heavily guarded tower very early on to control the space node.

Moreover, there are several space nodes, and the exit where Roy is located is not necessarily the one in Paris.

Just like now...


Eight soldiers in special combat uniforms aimed their guns at Roy.

Not only that, but there were more than 20 flame lions beside them, all showing guarded expressions at the same time.

"Ka——!" Mimi Q roared in a low voice, issuing a warning, and a powerful killing intent spread from her body.

"calm down."

Roy reached out to reassure the enigma (bhfc) quasi-Q, knowing that this is a normal review process.

Those who come out of space nodes may be powerful wild elves, or poachers.

With the continuous "merging" of the spiritual domain, new space nodes will appear in the outside world. If the official does not detect it immediately, it will give poachers a chance to sneak into the spiritual domain.

The soldier maintained his alert action and said, "——please report your trainer ID, or show other identification."

Unfortunately, he didn't speak English and Roy couldn't understand it.

But he could guess what the other party meant. With a thought, Roy used the waveguide to convey his ID. Soon, the verification passed.

[-]. Legal immigrants.

The soldiers immediately put away their guns and saluted.

This is both an apology and a compliment.

The Flaming Lions also sat upright immediately, bowing their heads politely.

In Europe, the Flame Lion tribe was selected as the police elves.

The so-called police elves are elves that are raised and cultivated by the state and distributed to law enforcement officers in various places.

...has a strong sense of justice, excellent protection awareness, and is good at teamwork and search operations.

Police sprites vary from place to place.

Including Longguo, Asia's police elves prefer the 'Katti Dog' family.

And Longguo is known as the origin of "Katti Dog". The katti dogs in other Asian countries are all migrated and sold from Longguo.

Roy walked out of the control area, and only then did he realize that he had come to the space node of Berlin.

He hadn't connected to the Internet for a few months. Although Roy's cell phone had electricity, it could no longer be used due to arrears. He borrowed a cell phone from the soldiers at the gate of the control area, and Roy dialed Hu Jun's number by relying on his memory.

"Uncle Hu, it's me." Roy said.

"Ha, you finally came out." Hu Jun smiled and said, "I thought you forgot the time and was about to go in and call you." The two chatted for a while, and Roy reported his address.

Soon, a military helicopter appeared in the sky and threw the retractable rope at Roy.Uh……

Roy, who was able to fly up directly, was taken aback, thinking that everyone should not be embarrassed.

He held the rope with one hand and put his foot on the handle at the end of the rope.

The rope shortened, pulling Roy up.

After getting on the plane, Hu Jun patted him on the shoulder, jokingly said: "You are finally going back to China. This is the first time for me to accept such an escort mission where I haven't seen the protected object for several months." Isn't it good for a month?" Roy asked rhetorically.

"Don't talk nonsense, you are defaming civil servants." Hu Jun straightened his face.

Looking at each other for a few seconds, the two burst out laughing at the same time.

Pretty childish.

A man's happiness is that simple.

Along the way, Roy, who hadn't had any contact with the outside world for several months, asked Hu Jun to pay the phone bill for him first, and finally got "Village Netcom". "Finally able to surf the web."

Before becoming a trainer, Roy couldn't imagine how he would live without the Internet.

Roy browsed various websites, logged on to social platforms, and some internal forums that only trainers could enter, and finally got a general idea of ​​what happened in the past few months.

In the past few months, the biggest global event in the outside world is the news from the 'Alola Spiritual Realm'.

——Islands Tour Trial.

Only professional trainers under the age of 25 can participate.

With the European Junior Championships being a standard, the same is only open to 'geniuses'.

Those who pass the test will become the "King of the Island" in the mouth of the patron saints.

This is just a different name, in fact, the so-called king of the island is the 'angel'.

An opportunity to become a noble "God Envoy" was placed before everyone's eyes, and one stone caused a thousand waves.

However, the too harsh conditions for participation caused many people to complain and caused a wave of protests.

... The air is shaking and cold, when will the civilians stand up.

In desperation, the official could only reveal that this was a condition proposed by the patron saint himself.

The people fell silent for a moment.

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