The psychological pressure is so great, if you don't vent it well, it may cause problems, or even worse, maybe Doma Bui may die earlier than Doma Aimi, by suicide.

However, at this time, something to relieve psychological pressure appeared.

It was under such circumstances that Tu Jianbu discovered the beauty of Two-dimensional by accident, and gradually evolved into a senior Two-dimensional, a Two-dimensional that made Sanqian Liu feel ashamed. Kashiwagi Eri, a top-notch book master, can fight with him.

However, with the passage of time, the contact with Two-dimensional became more and more blocked, and Doma Bui gradually evolved into Hamster Bui. At this time, she is probably more than Ying Lili, the Two-dimensional who was raised by her mother Sayuri Sawamura since she was a child. The native place is even deeper.

Because her mother, Aimi Doma, may die at any time, which creates pressure and leads to two-dimensional things, Bui Doma cannot say anything about it anyway. This is not causing a psychological barrier to the mother, which in turn affects her body, so in order to Mother Doma Aimi's health, Doma buried can not tell the truth.

But at this moment, fabricating a white lie is beyond Doma's ability. Her clever brain gradually fails. Facing the oppression of her mother Aimi Doma, she can only look for help to her most trusted Oni-chan. Director Sanqianliu, I hope he can stand up at this time, speak for himself, and divert attention.

Although it is a family matter between Aimi and Buried in Doma, and it is an education issue, it is inconvenient for Sanqianliu to intervene, but thinking that I may become a part of this family in the future, although I don't know if it is a stepfather or a son-in-law, But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that the head of Sanqianliu can participate in the family affairs in advance, and it will not cause any bad effects. Even if he does not intervene now, it may cause irreversible damage to the family, so he made a decisive move.

"Don't think that the chief executive will help you with this kind of thing. No matter what he says, you have to explain it to me!"

However, Aimi Doma saw what Doma Buried meant, so she vaccinated Doma Buried in advance, and put eye drops on Sanqianliu General Director, so that she could understand that it was impossible to rely on Sanqianliu Chief Secretary to fool around. Let him understand that it is impossible to help Doma Bumi get confused.

But such a resolute Doma Aimi broke through the defenses that had been erected in advance under the circumstance of the self-detonation of Sanqianliu's incarnation as a "bomberman".

"Well, I actually like Two-dimensional, it's not a big deal..."

Director Sanqianliu first interrupted for a while to divert Aimi Doma's tremendous pressure on Bui Doma, and then organized the words to persuade her, but was interrupted instantly by Aimi Doma.

"Boss, you don't have children yet, so you don't understand what I expect from Xiaobu, so don't interfere with my education of her now."

Aimi Doma threw away her gentle cloak, this woman who had been shy in front of Sanqianliu Souji countless times, finally showed her tough side.

But what Aimi Doma said is very interesting, don't meddle in the family affairs of the Doma family now, criticize her education method, that means you can intervene in the future, but as an outsider, the Sanqianliu chief executive is definitely too embarrassed to intervene, So it is necessary to join the Tujian family, so in a sense, this seems to be the invisible urging of the wife.

Don't forget, after a year or two, Sanqianliu will reach the legal marriage age of Nihong. At that time, he will marry his wife and become the father buried in Doma, so he can justifiably intervene in Doma's family affairs and use other methods to educate Buried in the soil.

Of course, there is more than one way to join the Doma Family, and it is the same to marry Domabu after two years. Even according to the neon law, Domabuki who has reached the age of 16 can get married now.

However, as the son-in-law of Sanqianliu, as a junior, it is definitely impossible to intervene in the matter of the elder Doma's love and education, so the condition for joining the Tuma family does not hold.

Then there is only one answer, the wife is unexpectedly cute, she hates marriage, she is urging marriage invisibly.

Unexpectedly, the gentle and considerate wife in the past would take the opportunity to send an unavoidable straight ball.

However, Sanqianliu Director knows that if he registers his marriage with Mrs. Aimi Doma two years later, not to mention his childhood sweetheart Eriri, but even Sayuri Sawamura is a hurdle that cannot be overcome quickly. After all, she is also a wife. , and also has indescribable taboo feelings for the Sanqianliu general manager.

Not to mention, there are still mountains that weigh on all women, even Sanqianliu, my wife Yuno.

If you want to marry Sanqianliu Souji, my wife Yuno from countless worlds is definitely the biggest resistance, unless the marriage partner is my wife Yuno, otherwise it may cause devastating consequences if you switch to someone else.

Therefore, it is impossible for Director Sanqianliu to answer Aimi Tuma's forced marriage right now.

But in this situation, we can't fool the past with spring and autumn brushwork, so we have to be a "bomberman" and use self-destruct to change the topic.

"Actually, I have been a senior Two-dimensional since a long time ago, and liking Two-dimensional has not brought any bad impact on my life. Ma'am, you see, I am still a cashier now, so liking Two-dimensional has not had a bad impact on my life. No big deal."

Aimi Doma didn't believe Sanqianliu's red lips and white teeth. After all, there was no evidence, but she still responded.

"Your nature is different from Xiaobu's. She looks much more serious than you."

To be honest, in this case, even Doma Bui thinks that Sanqianliu chief executive said that he likes Two-dimensional, he is playing tricks and trying to excuse her, so Sanqianliu chief minister needs to produce some evidence.

"Ma'am, you don't know. In my opinion, Xiao Bu's situation is not serious."

Next, Sanqianliu Souji began his self-destructive performance.

"Actually, I have been obsessed with Two-dimensional since I was a child. At that time, I started drawing books and then published them. Eri Kashiwagi is my stage name."

In fact, the Sanqianliu general manager is not lying. It seems that he is using the name of Yinglili. In fact, Kashiwagi Eri is two people. The "Kashiwagi" in front is the representative of the Sanqianliu general manager. The stories are all drawn by Director Sanqianliu, and the sales volume can be increased a lot through his book.

After all, only men know better what men need.

The general manager of Sanqianliu came up with a blow to the head, shaking Aimi Doma and Aimi Doma so crispy on the outside and inside, that his wife almost forgot what she was criticizing, and made Domabuy's chaotic brain crash in an instant. Doma Aimi, who knows nothing, knows about Eri Kashiwagi's name, and has even seen some classic pictures.

Unexpectedly, the general manager of Sanqianliu appeared to be a dignified person on the surface, but he was actually a book artist behind his back.

This self-explosion can be said to have suppressed Aimi Tsuchima's pain point. After all, no matter which country the book artist is in, it is not an aboveboard profession. How can a person like Sanqianliu Shoji do such a thing!

"Don't say such self-deprecating words just to excuse Xiaobu."

Buried Doma also kept nodding, echoing Aimi Doma.

"Yes, yes! Oni-chan, don't go to the doctor in a hurry just because of me."

The Oni-chan I was longing for turned out to be a book artist. Although it was a bit emotional, Domabu still refused this special development.

"How can I use this kind of thing to deceive you, and if it is fake, it will be easy for you to find out, so I am really 'Kashiwagi Eri'."

Although the goal has been achieved, it is not enough firepower. The Sanqianliu head office directly activated the unlimited firepower mode, and blew himself up happily.

"Actually, besides the drawing book, I also made Rifan with the supervisor from the next door. In addition to painting and plotting, I dubbed and performed in it."

If the picture book is just an ordinary bomb, then making Lifan and participating in the dubbing is a nuclear explosion. Aimi Tujian and Tujian Buried are instantly fried, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. , what are you doing!

"Oni-chan! Don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing!"

"Director! Don't talk nonsense about such things!"

Doma Buried and Doma Aimi are definitely mother and daughter, the two said in unison.

The reaction of the mother and daughter showed that Sanqianliu, the "bomber", blew himself up quite well.

"How can I talk nonsense about this kind of thing!"

The general manager of Sanqianliu spread his hands and said righteously that he was not talking nonsense.

When Sanqianliu was still a child, Miyamori Aoi, the old Siji of Qiu Mingshan, went crazy for some reason, and dragged him, insisting on Sanqianliu to help her with a big event, and was annoyed by Miyamori Aoi After being helpless, she agreed to her request, but she didn't expect to be Li Fan.

If it hadn't been for defeating Miyamori Aoi who had already begun to develop, Sanqianliu Chief Director would definitely let her know why the flowers are so popular.

A girl, not honestly making love animations, actually wants to drive on Qiu Mingshan, which is simply deviant.

However, Sanqianliu's general manager had a small skill in painting at that time, and he also hoped that there would be a place where he could display his painting skills freely, so he reluctantly agreed to Miyamori Aoi's proposal.

It's not because the arms can't twist the thighs, nor is it because of the maid service of a summer vacation, Sanqianliu is an upright gentleman, how could he bend his waist because of such benefits.

Although this gentleman soon worked with Aoi Miyamori to produce a small animated movie about a child driving a big car.

Li Fan chose this theme for a reason, because of limited personnel and financial resources, the work of male dubbing fell to Sanqianliu, so he could only produce a boy-themed Li Fan.

Once Rifan was launched, with the excellent painting skills and dubbing performance of Sanqianliu, it made paper towels, cucumbers and other items very popular in supermarkets for a while.

Even her childhood sweetheart Eriri didn't know about such an out-and-out black history, only Miyamori Aoi, a few female teachers, and Sayuri Sawamura, who helped publish it, knew about it.

If it wasn't for the critical situation today, in order to resolve the conflicts of the Tuma family, Sanqianliu Chief Director would not have said it cruelly.

Seeing Aimi Doma and Mitsuma Doma's still distrustful expressions, Director Sanqianliu decided decisively.

"I know there is a website where you can view this work of mine, do you need to verify it?"

Ever since, an educational criticism conference ended anticlimactically. Sanqianliu took Aimi and Mitsuma to the bedroom, opened the website with a computer, and verified the authenticity of the matter!

Chapter 309 Tasting Rifan

There are two computers in the Tujian family, one is in the study room, it is inconvenient for three people to watch Lifan together, so they can only go to the Tujian to bury it in the bedroom, and the three of them sit on the bed to identify whether the Sanqianliu chief executive is there or not. Tell lies.

Director Sanqianliu skillfully turned on the computer, opened the webpage, entered the URL, and entered a mysterious page.

The unsightly pictures on the webpage made the innocent Doma and Aimi Doma who had never seen the "worldly face" blush. The temperature in the originally cool bedroom gradually rose.

Moreover, Sanqianliu's proficient appearance made Bumi Doma and Aimi Doma know his true face. Under the glamorous appearance, he is actually like ordinary people, with his own hobbies and adolescent impulses to deal with. .

Chief Sanqianliu of course knew what his actions meant, but on the issue of saving the relationship with the Tujian family, Chief Sanqianliu should not hesitate too much, and he believed that revealing the truth was not a big deal.

In the words of Kubo Tairen, a former industry veteran:

"May you see my perfect appearance

I hope you like what I really look like

I hope that what you turn a blind eye to is my hesitation between the two."

Director Sanqianliu believes that if you like someone, you may only appreciate one side of him, but if you fall in love with someone, you can absolutely tolerate everything about him.

Director Sanqianliu has absolute confidence in Aimi Doma and Bui Doma. Needless to say, my wife, her actions can show her attitude.

As for Buried in the Earth, she must also hope that the relationship between her trusted Oni-chan and herself can go a step further, changing from an older brother to a stepfather, and getting closer.

Regarding the issue of seniority, let’s talk about it differently. Domabu is called Sanqianliu Shoji, Oni-chan, and Sanqianliu Shoji just treat Domabu as his daughter.

How to treat each other in life is still a problem. However, the most urgent thing is to watch Rifan produced by Sanqianliu Chief Director with a critical attitude, and other issues will be dealt with later.

This Lifan is the game work of Sanqianliu and Aoi Miyamori, so I didn't put too much effort into the plot, and for Lifan, the plot is not as good as the excellent character design and eye-catching Liang's painting skills are important, this is the driving force for a movie to make people impulsive in various senses, the plot is just a bonus, not the foundation.

Sanqianliu Soji and Miyamori Aoi, the two main creators, don't care about these. One is to show off their painting skills, and by the way, bring a little comfort to the vast number of male compatriots in this world when they are lonely. Helping others is a traditional virtue.

Miyamori Aoi doesn't care about the plot any more. Her ambition is to become a famous supervisor of animation, not Lifan's famous supervisor. Making Rifan is just an experiment for her, which can lay a solid foundation for making real animation.

A brief summary of the plot is a short story after the rain. A Keke Zhengtai hides from the rain because of ignorance in adolescence, and has an indescribable behavior with the big sister next door.

Only a simple plot can reflect the skill of the artist. After all, there is no expected animation plot, and the audience can only be attracted by the pictures and characters.

Simply, as a painter, Sanqianliu's chief director has accomplished this well. Relying on his previous observation of the works of his teachers, he, as a virgin, drew the sister next door who is full of affection, and the lovely and pitiful younger brother Zhengtai. , and the postures of copulation have both artistic beauty and realistic reality.

The success of the painting made up for the gap in the plot and the obvious shortcomings of Aoi Miyamori as a supervisor.

The association established by Sayuri Sawamura launched it at the comic exhibition, and it was immediately well received by the masses, and even couldn't wait for crowdfunding. I hope that Sanqianliu and the others will rush to make a sequel without stopping.

A work that is sought after by the crowd must be good enough to touch the hearts of the viewers.

As a producer, and it was his own work a few years ago, Sanqianliu's first impression of this was that it was unsightly.

Is this really the Rifan I made before?It's a shame to take it out.

Over the years, Sanqianliu Souji's painting skills have been improving. Looking back at his previous works, apart from a trace of nostalgia, there is also shame.

The demolition genius Teiji Moritani in the world of Detective Conan probably also has the same mood as the creator. Seeing his immature, asymmetrical, and imperfect works, he wants to destroy them with his own hands.

If you look at the previous works from the current perspective, you will find many shortcomings, and the creator's ideology will also change, and you may not agree with the previous self, so there are many high-definition reset works.

In addition to using high-definition remakes to buy feelings and make money, it is estimated that the creators also have the intention of changing, hoping to produce more perfect works.

Sanqianliu has the title of high-definition remake of the short story after the rain, but this is not important.

Now, the key is to get Aimi Doma's approval, so that she will give up high-pressure education on Doma, and no longer oppose her hobbies.

Director Sanqianliu looked at Li Fan from the perspective of a creator, but Tu Jianbu couldn't do that.

Although Doma Bui likes Two-dimensional, and has occasionally read the book, this is the first time he has read Lifan, and he is watching Lifan with Sanqianliu Chief Secretary and his mother. This experience may be unprecedented. No one came.

Who would watch Li Fan with his elders!

Feeling the body temperature of his mother, Aimi Doma, Doma's thoughts were not on the computer screen at all, and she kept thinking about how to run decently for a while.

With a muddled brain buried in the soil, when the prelude to the Lifan plot ended and the theme entered, he began to focus on the white and tender picture on the computer screen.

Among them, the dubbing attracts the attention of Budou Tuma the most. After careful identification, the voice of Lifan's Zhengtai male protagonist is indeed somewhat similar to Sanqianliu Zongji.

Having never eaten pork, and rarely seeing pigs run away, Tu Jianbu was almost dumbfounded in the face of Li Fan's direct impact.

With the somewhat familiar panting sound of Zhengtai, Domabu felt that his hormones were secreting too quickly, his mouth was dry, he kept swallowing saliva, and his breathing was obviously much heavier.

How could Oni-chan make such a shameful thing!

Unlike the innocent girl Doma Buried, as a wife, Aimi Doma understands this knowledge. Although she didn't have much experience in this area because of her husband's early loss and physical reasons, Aimi Doma does understand Some.

It is precisely because of this knowledge that Aimi Doma was very surprised. Can such a detailed description be understood by a teenager?

Therefore, Aimi Tuma has reservations about Sanqianliu's claiming that he is the painter of Rifan.

However, listening to the dubbing of the male protagonist, it is indeed Sanqianliu Director-General, and he did participate in the production of this Lifan a few years ago. This is an indisputable fact.

Aimi Doma could not have imagined that a teenager would do such a thing.

As a mother, she would never let her children do this kind of thing and think differently, so Aimi Doma believed that this was definitely done voluntarily by Sanqianliu Shoji without his parents' knowledge.

It wasn't forced by other people, so Director Sanqianliu really likes this kind of thing and regards it as a hobby.

Otherwise, who would be a normal person to dub Lifan!

Although Sanqianliu's hobbies are somewhat unscrupulous, Doma Aimi will not discriminate against him, because after getting along for a period of time, his wife knows Sanqianliu's personality.

Even if Aimi Tuma was mistaken, there was nothing she could do to change it. The rest of her life was destined to be tied up with this sinful man in front of her.

Aimi Doma has only one way to go to the dark, showing the momentum to break through the south wall. If the Sanqianliu chief executive has any behavior that she doesn't like, she will teach him well and make him correct it in the days of getting along in the future. .

If it cannot be modified, the wife can only adapt to it.

After all, if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, and if you marry a dog, follow the dog.

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