But idiots like Sudou are still sleeping soundly in class, it seems that they are completely messed up.

Until a week later, the class hero "Hayama II" Hirata finally started to organize a study session.

"Excuse me guys, just to be brief, I think everyone understands that if you fail the midterm exam, you will be expelled immediately, so I want to hold a reading club in the classroom after school, just two hours a day That's it."

Hirata's words immediately received a positive response from everyone. Not only did they fail, but there were also quite a few students who were on the verge of passing.

However, the biggest problem in the class is not this.

"In any case, I don't want anyone to drop out of school because of failing, and the midterm exam may also involve the increase of points." Hirata looked at a fool tenderly, "Several students with good grades are already preparing for the exam, so I I hope people who are uneasy can come to our book club, no matter who they are, we welcome them."

Hirata was obviously speaking to Sudou, and he was still extending an invitation sincerely.

But from Hikigu's point of view, this guy is simply pretending to be smart and has gone too far.

A person like Sudou is a typical person who wants to save face and suffer. In addition, he is never popular. He is completely opposite to a popular person like Hirata. The more enthusiastic the latter invites him, the more he will feel ashamed and thus produce rebellious psychology.

As for the other two idiots, Ike and Yamauchi, although their tempers are not as stubborn as Sudou's, they probably won't go because of envy and hatred for Hirata.

In fact, if you really want to invite, you can just send Kushida to appear on the stage. As long as she has a cute voice, these idiots will come over immediately.

However, these have nothing to do with Biqigu, anyway, failing to pass is their own problem.

But at this moment, Hirata didn't know why, but actually walked towards him.

"Hikigu-kun, your grades in class are also very good, so I want to use your strength in this exam, please." Hirata said with a bow.

Indeed, Hikigu's grades were not bad, but he felt that this was not the real reason why Hirata invited him.

This guy probably wants to ease his relationship with Karuizawa... It's really speechless.

Hikigu thinks that the nickname he gave Hirata is really correct, this guy is exactly like Hayama, he naively wants everyone to get along well.

But with forty students in a class, isn't it normal for some of them to dislike each other?

It is really impossible to understand the brain circuit of this kind of person.

"Sorry, I have other things to do." Bi Qigu declined.

"I see, there's nothing you can do about it." Hirata smiled understandingly, "The work of the student union seems to be very busy. After all, you are the only one selected in the first grade."

"Yeah, the president doesn't take me... huh?"

Suddenly, Bi Qigu felt something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "Wait a minute, how did you know about this?"

"No, I think everyone knows?"

"is that so?!"

Hikigu was immediately dumbfounded, and subconsciously looked at Matsushita who had been listening to the excitement.

Matsushita nodded: "Yes, there are rumors everywhere in the grade that Hikigaya-kun defeated Katsuragi-kun from Class A and Ichinose from Class B, and became the only first-year student who was elected to the student council. Very resourceful."

"No, this is not a campaign, and besides, I'm just a general servant, which is not as exaggerated as you say." Bi Qigu quickly defended.

Having said that, there is no point in explaining to these two people...

Bastard, who the hell is spreading rumors!

This is already an invasion of privacy!

Bi Qigu gritted his teeth with anger, he hated being noticed the most, and this time it sounded like the whole grade knew about it.

No wonder he always felt strange eyes when walking on the road, the real reason was actually this.

...Damn it, it's all the president's fault!

Speaking of Hikigaya gave him a headache, he originally thought that Katsuragi or Ichinose would be colleagues, and he could be as lazy as he wanted from now on.

But he didn't expect Horikita to tell him a few days ago that both of them were defeated, and he was asked to work hard alone.

What kind of trouble is this!

In terms of ability, the two of them are absolutely fine. Hikigaya once suspected that Horikita Gaku was trying to get revenge on Yango, but he didn't have the ability, so he deliberately took out his anger on him and wanted to exhaust him to death.

In fact, the truth is not complicated.

Katsuragi and Ichinose are the leaders of Class A and Class B respectively. There are always many people around them, and their every move is always watched.

So when they signed up for the student union, they were known immediately, and with their abilities, everyone naturally thought that they would definitely be selected.

What is surprising is that both of them lost the election at the same time.

This caused an uproar, people from classes A and B went around asking about the situation, and Hikigu didn't deliberately conceal that he was a member of the student union, so there were strange rumors after coming and going.

However, in a sense, this is not entirely a rumor.

At least that turned out to be the case.

With a depressed mood, he finally made it to school, and Hikigaya headed to the library as usual.

I haven't seen Shiina in the past few days, but Hikigu went to the library to form a habit, so it's okay.

Studying is something that requires perseverance. As long as you spend two or three hours a day, plus taking classes seriously, it is not difficult to get a grade above the grade average.

But on the other hand, "persistence" itself is very difficult.

At this time, the advantage of not having any friends is manifested. Thanks to the tempering in junior high school, the time during the lunch break is enough for Bi Qigu to complete the work of the student union.

The rest of the time can be used for his study to his heart's content!

...I hate it, and I became sad while talking.

Hikigu came to his exclusive seat as usual, but he didn't expect someone to occupy it.

No way, the library is a public place after all, and it is immoral to occupy a seat in advance.

Now it seems that I can only go back to the dormitory.

"Hey, why are you pretending not to see it?"

Unfortunately, he was still caught.

"Yo, Kamuro." Hikigu turned around and greeted bravely, "Coincidentally, so you are here, I didn't even see you."

"I didn't see anything, didn't you meet my eyes just now!" Kamuro pierced him mercilessly.

"No, that, we are not Pokémon trainers, even if we meet eyes, it doesn't mean we have to fight."

"Say something inexplicable, sit down quickly."

"Ah, okay."

Under pressure, Hikigu had to obediently sit on the seat opposite Kamuro.

By the way, why are all the girls he knows so strong...

"Strange, are you alone?"

Hikigu looked around, even looked under the table, but couldn't find a shadow of a certain white hair.

Did you go to the bathroom?

"What's so strange about this." Kamuro said a little unhappy, "Who stipulated that I have to follow Sakayanagi 24 hours a day? That guy is just a lame man, not wind paralyzed."


Bi Qigu was almost amused by her words, it seems that this guy still hates Sakayanagi.

But it's no wonder that if one of these two people is male, it will probably develop into a coercion-related plot.

"Then why did you come to the library?"

"Nonsense, of course I'm here to learn."

Although there were indeed a lot of textbooks on Kamuro's table, Hikigu felt that her mind was not on them at all, and the textbooks looked like new ones.

In other words, when I was looking for Sakayanagi just now, I accidentally found a figure that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

The strangeness of combining Kamuro is mostly related to that person.

"Are you actually on a mission?" Hikigaya whispered, "I just saw Katsuragi and his friends, did Sakayanagi ask you to follow them? You are really dedicated."

Chapter 038: The Actions of Class C

"You guys are still annoyingly sharp."

Kamuro let out a breath of irritability, and poked at the textbook with a pencil in his hand, not sure if it was mistaking it for Sakayanagi or Katsuragi... probably the former.

"So how about it, did you hear any interesting topics?" Hikigu asked.

"It's nothing, the main thing is to discuss how to deal with Class C... Eh, you're asking about the situation of our class?" Kamuro suddenly realized.

"No, just casually chatting."

Bi Qigu was a little depressed, he really didn't have this idea, it was just that he was not in a good mood to see Kamuro, so he wanted to say something casually to distract her.

It seems that I am really not suitable for doing such a thing that requires social talent.

"Just kidding, just tell me what you want to know, and I will try my best to tell you."

Kamuro still seems to be very concerned about the thing that helped her at the beginning of school, even if there is suspicion of betraying the class in these words, it doesn't matter.

However, considering her distaste for Sakayanagi and indifference to Katsuragi, it's not too surprising.

"I'm really just chatting casually, and when it comes to Class C, maybe I know more than you guys."

During this week, Hikigu was almost dying of a headache because of the messy things in Class C.

Logically speaking, since the S system was officially announced, each class should pay more attention to the usual discipline in order not to be deducted points.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Even if it is a messy Class D, most people have begun to realize it. It can be said that the elements that will be deducted points have been eliminated. It is not an exaggeration.

Only the guys in Class C were not very peaceful in April, but after entering May, they actually got worse and found trouble with both Classes A and B. Only Class D was not harassed. That's why the class didn't respond to the situation.

Moreover, Class C's method of finding faults is quite skillful, and it is controlled to the extent that points will be deducted but the teacher will not be called to tutor.

For example, fighting for a seat in the library, or pretending to accidentally pour the free wild vegetable set meal on others in the cafeteria, there are countless similar disgusting incidents.

It is impossible to determine whether the parties involved did this intentionally or not.

The most annoying thing is that the people in Class C are not worried that the other party will fight back at all, and they even hope that Classes A and B will not be able to resist.

Everyone is a freshman in high school, and they are in their adolescence when they are full of blood and full of restlessness. How many of them can bear this breath?

Especially the boys, it's no wonder they can hold back when they see Class C, whose status is lower than theirs, dare to be so arrogant.

But as long as you dare to fight back, it's a fight, and points will be deducted for both sides.

However, the other students have no choice but to take Class C, and it is useless to sue the teacher. According to the school's rules, other teachers are not qualified to manage Class C affairs at all, and at most they can give a few verbal warnings.

And Mr. Sakagami, the head teacher of Class C, is an extremely defensive person, and Mr. Chabashira is simply two extremes.

To be honest, from a tactical point of view, Class C's approach is not particularly outrageous.

At least Bi Qigu had already thought that if their class D used this tactic, it would be beneficial and harmless, and it could greatly shorten the point gap with other classes.

Teacher Chabashira once said that class D already has zero points, and it doesn't matter how much they deduct, and even specially reminded them to remember this point.

Other students may mistakenly think that this is a sarcasm for them, but Bi Qigu knows that although Teacher Chabashiru likes to play badly, he will deliberately omit some unnecessary explanations, and will deliberately incite students within the scope of permission, but he will never lie.

That would be against the school rules.

But Hikigu was not willing to do such immoral things, so he didn't say anything.

"Hey, yes, the student union is really hard." Kamuro's tone was rather gloating, "As expected of the man who defeated Katsuragi and Ichinose, it would be great if you can defeat Sakayanagi as well, I'm sure will applaud you."

Hikigu said with a gloomy face: "Don't make fun of me, there's no way I could be Sakayanagi's opponent."

By the way, even Kamuro, who seems to have few friends, knows about this?

...Eh, then why only I didn't know until today?

Just when Hikiya was doubting his life, Horikita and Ayanokoji walked into the library, followed by the three idiots in the class.

I didn't expect that these two people alone could convince those three fools, which is really surprising.

Hikiya knew that Ayanokōji had some friendship with these three people, and occasionally saw them going to lunch together, and usually chatting after class.

But if you want to say whether they are friends, then you have to put a question mark.

If I have to describe it, Sansha looks down on Ayanokoji more or less, and only treats him as a low-status stinky brother, that is, an errand runner.

I really don't know why Ayanokōji could bear it... No, if it was him, he probably didn't care about these people's opinions from the beginning.

This does not mean not to care, but to treat others as insignificant beings.

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