
The smile on Merlin's face became more and more gentle:

"Besides, we run pretty fast—"

"Also...the thing I hate the most is a sad parting."

"So... Even if I have to fight my last breath, I can't say goodbye with death... So, this time, I will violate my creed!"

"In short, I'm here again, please give me more advice~"


After listening to Merlin, this is not serious at all, but it is reassuring.

A warm current flowed through Fujimaru Tatsuka's heart, and a long-lost smile appeared on his handsome face.

For this alone, the audience who were waiting in front of the video felt a little relieved for a while.

Although Merlin, as the Raiders from Heaven, will come for the second time when he exits, it is indeed beyond the imagination of many people——

But... Merlin's appearance operation to turn the tide, although unexpected, is also reasonable...

After all, to be honest, in the battle between Uruk and Tiamat, which surpassed the specifications and seemed to be an immortal myth, quite a few rescuers have come——

So to be honest... there is another unexpected rescuer, according to the plot...it's normal.

For a moment, all the viewers of the dimensional inventory also seemed to acquiesce in Merlin's outrageous behavior of suddenly rushing all the way to the underworld.

It's just... the audience's worries have always been extremely sharp:

Even the Goddess and the King of Heroes have nothing to do with the Creator Goddess... Can Merlin, a magician who suddenly broke into the battle, really lead everyone to turn the tide...

See here.

King Gilgamesh in the Fuyuki Church expressed considerable doubts about this.


The flower magician in the video is still smiling and saying:

"I can't dishonor my reputation as a flower magician... Praise me to my heart's content!

"Yes, Mr. Merlin, it's a pleasure to see you again!

Faced with Merlin's performance of begging for praise, Matthew responded honestly.

After all...Although Merlin does seem unusually unreliable at ordinary times, but...since he was able to rush over at this time, I have to say that this really gave Fujimaru Tatsuka and his party a great deal of respect. psychological comfort.

"It's great of you to come, Merlin..."


At this moment, Fufu was still sharpening her claws vigorously on the ground!

Facing the compliments from young girls and the "friendly interaction" with a little beast, Merlin, an old flirt, felt really embarrassed for a while.

Ereshkigal also discovered something, and said in a surprised tone: "The decline in the output of the underworld has stopped, so..."

However....the beautiful return is short-lived after all.


Before Ereshkigal could speak, he fell into silence

The feeling of shaking the ground and shaking the ground, the feeling of the sky falling and the earth cracking, hit again at this moment!

Sensing the current crisis of the enemy, Merlin immediately restrained the bright smile on his face——

He turned his head slightly like this, and said to Fujimaru Tachika in a rare and serious manner:

"It seems that now is not the time to celebrate the reunion~"

That's it.

Tiamat in the video immediately unfolded a pair of huge horned wings——

As if about to spread its wings and fly high, Tiamat, who has transformed into a dragon, just set up his posture!

"Is she going to fly again?

"They have been forced to this point, but they still have the strength to fly... This is unbelievable!"

86. The old man in the mountain has sneaked into the underworld!

Seeing that at this moment, Tiamat, who has transformed into a dragon, is about to take off into the sky and escape from the shackles of the underworld——

Both Fujimaru Tachika and Ereshkigal felt extremely nervous about the landslide-destroying underworld and Tiamat who was about to leave!

It must be here... to stop Tiamat from leaving!

If the beast of Tiamat really slipped away...then the sacrifice of King Gilgamesh and Jin Gu... would be meaningless!

But... Although I think so.

However, at this moment, Ereshkigal and Matthew only felt a strong sense of frustration when facing Tiamat who was about to leave!

They... have no means at all to stop Tiamat from leaving!

of course.

Perhaps it is really well-thought-out.

The succubus who ran over from a long distance: Mr. Merlin, has an unusually flat expression:

"The 'hatred' and 'sorrow' that were not needed by human history... this is Tiamat, right? "


Tiamat was still roaring, moving his forward body, as if restraining something, at this moment, the Creator Goddess was crying in pain——

In this underworld where there is no sunlight, such terrifying wailing only made Fujimaru Tachika and Ereshkigal feel strong heart palpitations from the bottom of their hearts!

However... Even Tiamat has already let out such a low growl.

Merlin's words did not stop!

"...replacing the earth's ecology after being abandoned, and becoming the 'joy' of the mother of all things again...It is precisely because of this that her 'class' will be confirmed come down."

Before Merlin's voice fell silent.

Tiamat shook its terrifying huge wings, and the tide of chaos rushed out again!

The collision between the terrifying behemoth and Uruk's final combat power... made everyone watching the video feel a shock that cannot be expressed in words.

Is this... the last big battle?

"Although I'm very excited inside...but, how can Uruk win?"

Seeing this situation, Suzumiya Haruhi's quick-witted little brain kept running:

"Could it be possible... that this world is going to come to a super powerful alien soldier to come and deal a fatal blow to Tiamat?"

"...Master God, please stop pointing fingers at other people's worlds."

Sitting across from Suzumiya Haruhi, Ah Xu, who was drinking coffee with his little girlfriend, felt a lot of cold sweat on his forehead when he heard Suzumiya suddenly say such a statement that might change another world.

Don't make a mess of other people's world...it will be difficult to finish~

Of course, except for this pair of people on the road to God and the true god of the world.

When he saw Merlin's confident expression, Jiraiya, who hadn't spoken for a long time, also found some clues:

"Wait a minute...I always feel that there is an inexplicable murderous aura coming from the side like Uruk."

Jiraiya, who has been on the battlefield all year round and has experienced many battles, can almost be said to be sensitive to the level of psychics in identifying the breath of assassins.

Aside from the fact that when he practiced martial arts with his apprentice Nagato many years ago, because he didn't notice Nagato's strong murderous aura for a moment, he was almost knocked down by the child with the eyes of reincarnation, how could it be possible for a guy with a fairy body like Jiraiya Will you let go of even the slightest bit of murderous intent under the condition of full vigilance?

"If I'm not mistaken...the foreign aid who really came to help Uruk may have arrived—"

Ji Lai Ye, who was watching the video, just finished speaking.

At this moment, Merlin didn't stop for a moment, continuing to ramble on:

"This is the catastrophe that was abandoned by mankind and the least needed by human history... One of the seven evils of mankind, the beast with the principle of "return"! "


Wait until Merlin finally finished saying this sentence.

Tiamat, who has been crouching all this time, finally broke free from the defense device of Hades!

Feeling that the restraints on his body collapsed and boundless at this moment, Tiamat roared like this, and immediately flapped the huge wings made of huge skeleton and flesh to take off, as if to head towards Uru on the ground. Gram up!

See here.

Fujimaru Tachika, really panicked!

He looked at Tiamat at this moment, and wanted to do something... However, how could an ordinary person like him, who has no power to restrain a chicken, cause even the slightest harm to such a terrifying Creator Goddess? What about the damage?


All the dimensional inventory audience present, as well as the people on the side of Chaldea and Uruk, understood one fact:

If at this moment, facing Tiamat that is about to take off, they have no way to stop it——

So... If the Creator Goddess: Tiamat really returned to the ground...then, she is very likely to step into the land of Mesopotamia for a moment In the meantime, restore to the invincible state where you can't die!

In this case... the history of mankind will really perish...

"Mash, Fujimaru."

When everyone was in a panic.

Magician of Flowers: Mr. Merlin, just calmly call the names of the two young girls in front of you:

"...According to theory, your journey in this singularity must be the most difficult of all singularities, and the beastll crouching in the underworld... must also be the strongest so far enemy. Right?"

"After all, we relied on the two goddesses to hold her real body, and used Uruk as a bait to push her into the underworld—and now... even this underworld will soon be unable to trap her... ...she is powerful beyond almost any common sense."

"The shackles of the sky lock.

"The punishment of the underworld."

"And my ostentatious flowers...."

Merlin's soft voice was like a long song floating slowly from afar.

As the flower magician slowly talked about the events not long ago... the scene of the tenacious battle between humans and Tiamat so far, is also at this moment, before the eyes of all the dimensional inventory audiences, quickly passing by ——

Such a shocking, yet capricious and shocking death scene, along with the bgm, lifted the atmosphere of the scene to its peak!

"So... along the way, thank you for your hard work."

Waiting for the words of Merlin to dissipate in the breeze of the underworld.

As if realizing something.

In Menqiu Middle School, the mysterious octopus wearing a doctor's hat, after seeing this scene, murmured unconsciously:

"Sure enough... is someone coming?"

As the strongest assassin in the world who used to assassinate classrooms: Shinigami, Mr. Kill seemed to have finally noticed something, a trace of cold sweat emerged on Huang Buliuqiu's head:

"What a terrifying existence... This guy hiding in the dark is stronger than any previous Uruk warrior!"

"...the guy hiding in the dark?"

Hearing Mr. Sha, who was sitting next to him, say such a sentence.

Wu Jian's eyebrows frowned unconsciously.

Wait a minute... Is there really someone in this dark place of the underworld?

How is it possible...how could it be possible to hide one's aura in such a way that the Chaldeans wouldn't even notice it...how could this be possible!

Back to video.

Looking at Tiamat at this moment, it seems to be flying into the sky!

Merlin's voice also became agitated at this moment:

"To this point, everyone has exhausted all means, but it is not enough!"

Tiamat moved upwards, and his tall body seemed to be able to cut off the river, completely spanning the entire video screen!

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