As King Arthur who fought and killed many giants, the blessing of a giant hunter is very suitable for this red dragon.

"Red dragon! It is said that King Arthur has the blood of a red dragon! Today I want to see who is more powerful!"

Mo Shuying held the holy sword with both hands, and a strong wind swelled on the sword, aiming at the huge wound just opened.

"Wind King Hammer!"


The strong wind turned into an air blade and slashed away!But a giant claw stretched out suddenly, crushing the impact, and then slapped Mo Shuying!

The red dragon is really too big, a giant claw is bigger than a truck, and it looks like Wuzhishan when photographed against Mo Shuying.

Naturally, Mo Shuying wouldn't resist, she accelerated the dragon's claws, and raised her sword at the red dragon's neck!

"ex! caliber!!"

Quickly filled with magic power, the holy sword shows a dazzling golden light!

Mo Shuying released a powerful blow to the red dragon, and the golden sword energy instantly enveloped the red dragon's neck, and the red dragon raised its head and screamed!But then the Dragon Claw swiped Mo Shuying aside.

"Cough! This guy is quite strong!"

Mo Shuying held the sword in both hands and said, he interrupted the release of his treasure just now, and felt a little bit backlash.

This was the first time Mo Shuying encountered such a problem when using the Arthur class card.


The red dragon roared angrily, its neck was a bit fragmented, it was slashed by the magic sword of the elementalist before, it was not good at all, but now it is baptized by the light of the holy sword, even the bones are already exposed.

The physical pain aroused the tyrannical nature of the red dragon, and a series of crimson magic circles unfolded around the red dragon, a large amount of magic power poured in, and when the magic circle lit up, a meteor fire shower started!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Countless fireballs fell from the sky, and each one was bigger than an adult. At the critical moment, they joined together and bombarded Mo Shuying.


Mo Shuyingfei moved continuously in the air to avoid the attack, and the fireball kept rubbing against his body and fell on the shields, splashing a large amount of sparks.

Being chased and beaten, Mo Shuying frowned. He is not a person who will not fight back after being beaten. He is looking for opportunities and is ready to kill with one blow!

at this time!

"Look at the move! The sight of the goddess!"

"Hmm~ It seems very interesting, we are here to help~ Moon Goddess' love arrow and love arrow!"

Two beams of light from the Noble Phantasm lit up from below, and then two arrows of light left the string in an instant!The red dragon was too huge, there was no possibility of dodging at all, and it was too late to set up a defensive enchantment, so it was directly shot by two light arrows!



Two loud explosions sounded, and the red dragon rolled his eyes and fell from the air, losing consciousness for a moment!

Seeing this scene, Mo Shuying's eyes lit up, and she turned and rushed towards the red dragon!The holy sword in his hand burst into intense light, aiming at the exposed neck!


Chapter 166 Build!Golden Deer!

"Wow~ I didn't expect that this red dragon looks old and strong, but the meat is so tender? Emma smells so delicious..."

Mo Shuying didn't expect that the real dragon meat that she would eat one day would melt in her mouth when it was grilled just right.

Just half an hour ago, the red dragon had its neck cut off by Mo Shuying, turning from a red dragon into a dead dragon.

Looking at the red dragon lying there like a hill, Mo Shuying rushed up drooling, don't get me wrong, he is greedy for materials.

It should be said that it is a real phantom dragon species. The hardness of the skin is really nothing to say. Fortunately, the Holy Sword of the Stars in Mo Shuying's hand is not a vegetarian.

At last.

All kinds of high-level good materials were collected by Mo Shuying in the portable space, leaving only a lot of dragon bones and dragon meat outside.

Mo Shuying took a small half of the red dragon bone, and left too much to let go. Instead of throwing it away, it's better to strengthen it for the Golden Deer.

As for the dragon meat...


Vimana's sun fire emits extremely high temperature, even the red dragon's flesh, which is difficult to be roasted by the flames, is completely cooked, and a dragon meat feast is staged by the sea.

Drake wished a lot of fruit and fine wine through the Holy Grail, and after telling him not to get drunk, he began to feast on it. In fact, almost all pirates are alcoholics, and each of them has an amazing capacity for alcohol. As long as you pay attention, it is difficult to get drunk.

Mo Shuying ate several pieces of dragon meat in a row, which weighed more than three catties. She touched her belly, but she didn't feel full.

The dragon meat melts in the mouth, and when it enters the body, it turns into pure energy and flows into the limbs and bones.

Mo Shuying is fine. Like Young Jill, she is originally a black mud body with a pure body and the highest level of magic power. Dragon meat has little effect on them.

Then there are Servants, Euryale, Artemis, and Minotaur. Dragon meat has almost no effect on the first two, and the latter is also average.

But others are different!

"Oh! It's so hot! How can it be so hot!"

A group of people all blushed after eating a few pieces of dragon meat, even Matthew, a sub-servant, did the same.

The energy of dragon meat is helping them sort out the magic circuit, strengthen their bodies and magic power, a piece of dragon meat can make an ordinary person no longer ordinary.

Think about Siegfried's immortality because he bathed in Fafnir's dragon blood. Although the main reason is the curse, it also shows the power of the purebred dragon's flesh and blood.

Three minutes later, Mo Shuying and Young Jill just watched a group of people rushing towards the sea, jumping into the water one by one to cool off, and it took several minutes before one by one emerged with a refreshed look on their faces.

Among other things, after this dragon meat enhancement, as far as these crew members of Drake are concerned, their combat effectiveness has been enhanced a lot. Although they cannot reach the level of servants, they are at least stronger than Dragon Tooth Soldiers.

Mo Shuying ignored them, ate the dragon meat in her hand, licked her fingers, and got up to prepare her own strengthening plan.

"Golden Deer, here I come!"

Mo Shuying, who switched the Hohenheim card, walked towards the Golden Deer with a hint of excitement of a handmade house.


Just when Mo Shuying started to strengthen the Golden Deer, on the other side, on the Gorgon, Jason turned his head to look in the direction of Mo Shuying.

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