"Okay, don't make trouble."

The small director spoke, and then Da Vinci's voice came from the communication.

"Men~ you are always so naive, okay, let me tell you about the situation."

Dedicated to his job, Da Vinci began to inform everyone about the singularity.

"This is ancient Rome, and it is going through a great war. On one side is the Roman emperor Nero, and on the other side is an allied army composed of servants of various emperors.

Note that Rafe is hiding in this singularity with a high probability, find him and take back the Holy Grail! "

Concisely and concisely explained the forces of the enemy and ourselves, which probably means that the common man Nero is fighting against the forces composed of several heroic servants, and the situation seems to be unfavorable for Nero.

"What shall we do next, Master."

Matthew asked Fujimaru Tatsuka, Fujimaru Tatsuka shook her head, she didn't know what to do now.

The little director looked around and said.

"Naturally find the friendly army first. Since the two armies are at war now, let's go help Nero, use Nero's army to defeat the enemy, break into the enemy's alliance army's lair, kill Rafe, and retrieve the Holy Grail!"

Even if there are a lot of people on his own side, the small director feels that he should borrow the strength of others, so that it should be easier.

This proposal made others nod in agreement. Qin Liangyu is also a good leader of troops. If she can lead troops in battle, her combat effectiveness will be greatly improved.


"Jill, where is the opponent's lair?"

Mo Shuying asked suddenly.

"Oh, in a place called the capital of the coalition forces."

Youngjill said casually.

"How is the enemy's combat effectiveness?"

"Hmm... a few sleazy emperor heroic spirits, their combat power is not bad, there is a magician with a green hat, he should be the Leif you mentioned, hey, why is this person [seeing] a little blurry, Could it be that he is related to that existence?"

Young Jill has put a seal on his omniscient and omnipotent star, and some powerful existences cannot be seen by him.

For example, Getia, and because of the existence related to Getia, it will also become blurred.

"Is there no one else?"


"That's good."

Mo Shuying turned to look at Fujimaru Tachika and the others, and said.

"Me and Jill and the master went directly to their headquarters. The restoration of humanism is urgent. I will take the lead in this generation. Then, you wait for my good news."

As soon as Mo Shuying finished speaking, a huge circle of light appeared in the sky.

The repaired Vimana flew out, and Mo Shuying summoned a large shield, and the three of them stood on it and flew towards Vimana.


The remaining four opened their mouths wide.

what's the situation?Is there still an option to go straight to Huanglong?Is the script wrong?


The director of the small office didn't know what to say for a while, stop it?There is no reason!Their goal is to obtain the Holy Grail and restore humanity!


Something seems wrong?

The four of them watched as Mo Shuying and the other three got on the vimana, and then the flames gushed out from the tail of the vimana!Fly away in an instant!

Watching the flying boat disappear.

Mash: "Master... what should we do now?"

Fujimaru Lixiang: "Why don't you find a place to play mahjong? Just enough people."

Matthew: "..."


"These are all the king's things!"

Young Jill touched Vimana with a sad expression on his face.

Mo Shuying and Li Shuwen sat aside, Mo Shuying specially took out a golden throne for Li Shuwen to sit on, as for Jill...

He has it himself.

"how much longer."

Mo Shuying asked Young Jill, although Young Jill's all-knowing and omnipotent star has been sealed, it is still easy to use. In fact, it can be done in the future, directly eradicating the source of evil, provided that it can be beaten.

"According to this speed, it will take about 3 minutes. After all, Rome is only this big. For Vimana, it only takes two traffic lights."

The strange metaphor was added again. Young Jill waved his hand and summoned a gorgeous throne to sit next to Mo Shuying's main seat. Although he wanted to sit in the middle one, but he was very quiet now. In order not to be beaten, he had better be wiser.

at the same time.

In the capital of the emperor's coalition forces, Leif is preparing to summon his followers.

"Here they come! The ants of Chaldea seem to have arrived. Very good, let you see the power of the emperors, and suffocate and perish under the royal power! Hahaha!"

This time, Rafe was sent by "Solomon". The reason is that the last outsourced project was messed up by Gilles de Ray. His king sent him to destroy the Roman singularity. If he still fails, he can Direct suicide.

Leif was full of hatred for the Chaldeans who solved the first singularity.

He resented that he didn't do the extreme point at the beginning, and directly blew up Chaldea, so that no grass would grow in Chaldea, so as to save trouble now.

Just resenting, suddenly, a strange voice came from the air.


The golden Vimana hovered over the coalition capital, its engine roaring, resounding through the sky.


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